So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Perception

"What do you think is perception? Does it depends on how you view the world? Does it differ from other people? Does what you see is the reality?"


"Lies...the world is full of lies and betrayal. One might saw the truth to what the others believe is false. One might saw the upmost lie to what the others believe is true"


"Lies and betrayal shapes the perception of oneself, young Lura. Thus why us, Lurachnids, must not trust one another to the fullest, one cannot rely on the other, one cannot depend on each other...such co-dependency leads to disaster"

At that time, I didn't truly comprehend the meaning behind my teacher's words. I thought at that time, he was saying those words from a textbook that he had, or came from a friend...

...but apparently, it came from a bitter experience. A bitter experience that overall changed the way he sees the world

The young me couldn't stop myself from asking a simple, yet foolish question

"Why can't we trust anyone?"


He didn't reacted unprofessionally from that question, but he slowly came up to me, whispering his next words

"Because that trust itself will break you to the core, young Lura"

 The young me again, didn't know what he meant by that, but as time passes, I slowly understood as to why...he was the best teacher I had...



"She's out! She's out! It's a girl Honorable Guard!"

The honorable guard just smiled, as they gave her the baby. She carefully caressed her baby...slowly...slowly...

...until seemingly...she stopped

"...! Honorable Guard...?"

They checked her pulse right after...but they couldn't see any more signs

"! Honorable Guard!!!!"

Her followers sorrow in grief. One after another, they couldn't keep up their demeanor, seemingly want to do something for the Honorable Guard

"Doc! We're losing her!"

"Shut up I know!"

With every ounce of abilities, skills, and expertise he had, he applied onto it to the dying woman...

...until it was all for nought...



"...She's no longer with us"


Dropping their equipment one by one, the Honorable Guard's followers silently dropped down to their knees at the shocking news

"'re kidding...right?"


The follower laughed maniacally 

"This must be a joke right? RIGHT?"

"Would I joke at a time like thi-"

He punched the doctor without any hesitation


"I never said that"

He punched the doctor once again



The doctor, as well as the other followers fell in silent after that statement


"That's not-"


He was about to land another blow to the doctor, when suddenly, one of the followers intervened

"Calm down, none of us knew this would happen"

"The doctor knows! Otherwise, why would he be the one himself to do this?!"

"Its because-"


"Why can't you listen for once?! I told you many times that I don't have any bad intentions to the Honorable Guard! Why can't you believe me?!"



The atmosphere between them became worse. No one dares to break the tension, till suddenly, the newborn baby's chuckle can be heard from her mother's cold hands

"Look, its not a good image for the baby to be seeing you guys fighting. Think you can do anything to stop that baby once it starts crying?"

"I...Tsk! Curses!"

The follower then left abruptly from the scene


"...Doc...I know that you did everything to save our Honorable Guard. I just want you to know that its not your fault"

The Doctor averted his eyes from the follower and nods

...It was then that another bad news came to them

"D-Doc! There's something you need to know!"


His helper then whispered the details

"...! What?!"


As the doc looks over the records and reports, his hands started to feel numb



The calm follower of Honorable Guard walk closer to the doctor, wanting to know the information at hand



"...She has the Indomitable Curse of Poison"




After my mother passed away right after I was born, I was diagnosed with an Indomitable Curse of Poison. It was a curse that removes the recovery of my Mana, as well as slowly depleting it over time. The more I use my Mana, the closer I am to death. Once I depleted all of my Mana, it starts to corrupt my whole body. It wasn't that apparent when I was born, but a mark on my chest started to show up as I grew older, making it harder for me to conceal it to other Lurachnids...

...Right after that revelation, one of my mother's followers took me in. It was him who named me "Lura", came from our species "Lurachnid". None of the other followers of my mother knew my condition, as well as the other Lurachnids. Only the doctor, his helper and the follower that took me in knew about it. They once said told me that if word comes out that I have such condition, the chief would have no choice but to exile me from the tribe

Lurachnids are known for their deceptions and illusions, fooling their opponents with their tricky abilities and skills. We usually have a large capacity of mana to be able to perform those things, but in my case, it was a different situation. As a daughter of the Honorable Guard, the Chief of the tribe expects a lot from me, hence why the one who took me in had to take a lot of necessary measures to not only uphold the expectations of the Chief, but as well as to keep me safe and secure

He never lacked in terms of taking care of me, it almost as if he took on the role of being my parent. I was grateful for him to raise me with nothing in return, hence why I never disobeyed his orders for me

I was apparently, a 'mischievous' kid, stated by the locals in our tribe. I was once labeled as "The Lurachnid who's crafty without abilities" due to myself seldom using abilities and skills. At first, they were skeptical of me as to why I'm not using any skills or abilities, but right after my caretaker hired a teacher for me, I was able to reply back with a "I'm in a training for mana conservation" comment

A mana conservation training method isn't anything new in the tribe, its commonly practiced to kids until they turn into adults, but in my case, it was different. I had a different training method than what they had been learning

"Extreme Mana Conservation training?"

"Yes young Lura. Now that I know your condition, this would be the most appropriate training method for you eternally alongside with the other necessary skills"

"E-Eternally?! Wait, He told you?!"

"Indomitable Curse of Poison right? A rare condition that only happens at birth. Its incurable, but we can mitigate it...even though..."

I that time, I already knew I don't have much time left...

"*Ahem* anyways, you can rest assured that the chief doesn't know this"

"My caretaker won't be telling you otherwise"

"Haha! That's true. That guy's very cunning after all..."

His expression changed after

"That's also why I cannot let my guard down on him..."


"Anyways! You don't happen to have anything to do right now do you? No friends to play with? No chores to do?"

"No, the caretaker told me to focus more on training, and my friends are always busy...sometimes, I don't even know if my friends wants to play with me..."

My teacher nods in approval

"That's the first step young Lura! The very first step!"


"Not everyone you meet and socialize with is your friend. They might be on the outside, but they aren't on the inside. You might consider them as your friends, but do they consider you as a friend?"


"The very basic principle...having a great perception..."

It was then that his teaching already started the moment he asked his first question...


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