So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 10: The Calamity

Somewhere, far, far away from where Shin and Rui was, there's one of the empires, the Sol Empire.

Sol Empire was one of the top three empires that has sworn itself on eradicating any evil that lurks within their vicinity. Anything catastrophic that happens outside their borders however, are not of their concerns. 

Sol empire is also one of the top three empires that can summon heroes once every century. These heroes are transferred from another world to aid in the fight against evil. Many kings and queens inherited the throne and passed away, but only three rulers were able to summon three heroes. 

Druel Tremsworth, the current king of Sol Empire, was the third ruler, the 300th King, who was able to summon another hero to this day. As clueless as the hero was, he shown nothing but loyalty and respect for the empire, and promised that he will take on the role as the empire's third hero.

Although summoning hero as of now and even in the past wasn't needed, it was part of the Empire's tradition. There military strength isn't weak, nor their defenses are dull, but the sole reason was to fend off and eradicate the existence or birth of a Demon Lord.

Inside the walls of Sol Empire, exists a thriving and lively economy. Its people are full of joy, the cost of living is not of concern, and their civilization is quite advanced. 

The security is nothing to fret about as well, for the Sol Empire's Five Pillars are enough to fight off against any calamity or world class evil beings.

The Sol Empire's Five Pillars are Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Earth, Pillar of Water, Pillar of Wind, and Pillar of Light. These Five Pillars are the sole foundation as well as the Sol Empire's strongest army. The Pillar of Light is the leader of the Five Pillars, The Pillar of Light is also the one who's training the heroes under the Saint and the King's orders.

And once through inside of the castle, there can be seen The Light of Pillar, training the newly summoned hero...




"...You improved a lot today, but there are still many things that we can work on"

"Y-you always say that everyday! Ever since our first training!"

"But what I stated is merely a fact"

"You and your fancy words..."


A knock on the door can be heard

"Hikari? Are you done training that guy?"

"We just got done, you can come in now, Ignis"

 The door opened, showing the Pillar of Fire, Ignis, who was slowly walking towards the Pillar of Light, Hikari

"You can go now"

He said as he looked at the hero, who was still catching his breath

"I-If you'll excuse me..."


"...So, any progress on that wimp?"


"...I'll take that as a no then"

"That third hero...he can adapt quite easily"

"Hm? Isn't that what we should expect from the heroes? They are always regarded by the Saint as extraordinary ones right?"

"That's right...but that hero...I feel like there's something unique about him"


Hikari walked past by Ignis, and said the following words

"I lost half of my strength the moment I was about to deal a fatal blow"



Ignis was about to counterargue Hikari, when he suddenly realized that Hikari isn't the type of guy who jokes on these types of things

"If what you said is true...then doesn't that mean that hero..."


A hero that was summoned, will always have an extraordinary skills and unbelievable stats...

...and a unique ability exclusive to themselves based on their desires...

"His unique probably something related to-"

"Hikari sama!"


Their conversation was interrupted by a messenger, who was agitated to pass on the news

He then whispers to Hikari the details...


"! it already been confirmed?"

"Yes, it was the Saint herself who stated it"



"...Thank you, let the Five Pillars handle this"


The messenger bowed towards the two pillars, and then hurriedly left the scene...


"Ignis, call the other Pillars, tell them we have an urgent meeting"

Hikari said, as he walked away from the scene

"U-Urgent? What do you mean by that?!"  


"I swear, he always leaves me hanging in these kinds of stuff!"

Ignis then, head off to find the other Pillars...




At the Sol Empire's Cathedral, Saint Elysia can be seen, staring at the figure of the almighty being

"May the Goddess of Judgement aid us in this predicament..."

She said, as she prayed once more


"Saint Elysia, are you not going to take a rest? You've been working hard lately"

Said by one of her followers, who was worried about the Saint's health

"No, no, I'm fine, compared to what the Five Pillars have done, this tiredness is nothing..."

She replied, as she forced out a smile

"If you say so...but is it really true...?"

Saint Elysia looked back on the almighty being once more

"...Yes. The Goddess of Judgement never lies"


She closed her eyes, clasping her hands

"We trust that if anyone can overcome this, it will be the Five Pillars and the heroes to do so..."


"...So we believe in you..."




In the meeting of the Five Pillars, there can be seen The Pillar of Earth, The Pillar of Wind, and The Pillar of Light, sitting down quietly, minding their own business as they wait for the last two pillars to arrive


Moments later, the door then suddenly opened

"Sorry we're late! I struggled to make Casa attend here"

"You struggled to get me in here?! I'm the one who was trying to stop you from taking glances from other women!"

Ignis struggled to make a reasoning out of Casa's outburst

"You two, save your love quarrel later, we have a bigger issue at hand"

"L-love quarrel?! As if I would taken a liking to this guy!"

Casa said while her face forms a bright red blush, quite similar to a tomato. The other pillars in the room looked at Casa funny, as if to say that they weren't dumb, while Ignis took a blow from what Casa had just said

"Hmph! Romance is nothing but a nuisance"

Aeris, the Pillar of Wind said, as she stole glances from the Pillar of Earth, Magna

"As if I don't notice you stalking Magna here the other day, Aeris! You can't fool me!"

"Hm? Aeris' stalking me?"


"You're the one who started first!"


As if to stop the bickering, Hikari leaked out his Pillar Aura



"I-I just wanted to say, I didn't do anything this time..."

"So do I..."

Ignis and Magna stated, while Casa and Aeris shut their mouths


"...The matter at hand is of importance today, hence why I arranged this urgent meeting. I need you Pillars to listen to me"

Hikari said, while maintaining a composed, calm tone

"S-Sorry, we won't gonna do it again!"

Casa and Aeris said, in unison, as they also unison

"*Sigh* so much for the Pillar of Water and the Pillar of Wind"

"So, what is this important issue that you want to address?"

Hikari looked at Magna, and nodded to his question, indicating that he's about to answer it

"For the whole 3 centuries, the empire experienced nothing but tranquility, no real threats, nor dangerous situations...until Saint Elysia's followers came for a devastating news..."

"...devastating news?"


"...The very first Demon Lord...has been born..."


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