Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 46

Chapter 46


Xu Lian put the paper plane in her handbag and walked out of the airport with Xiang ChangKong.

There were a lot of neatly arranged taxis parked outside the building. Xiang ChangKong dragged Xu Lian’s suitcase along and asked: “Is your car in the airport?”

“No, I came by taxi.” Xu Lian looked up at him, then coughed. “I thought about your question just now. I’m really tired after running around buying things abroad, so I just want to go home and rest. Let’s talk next time.”

Xiang ChangKong bit his lip, feeling a little lost. However, Xu Lian was right. She had been working hard abroad these past couple of days. He’s seen all the moments she had posted online. Eventually, Xiang ChangKong nodded and said: “Alright. Have a good rest today.”

So Xiang ChangKong flagged down an empty taxi and opened the backseat door for her. “Get in, I’ll stow your suitcase away.”

Xu Lian’s suitcase was 28 inches long and was filled with the treasures she acquired from abroad, so it was cumbersome. Xiang ChangKong helped Xu Lian put her luggage in the trunk of the taxi, then went back to the door to talk to her.

Xu Lian was sitting in the back seat. Xiang ChangKong looked like he wanted to tell Xu Lian something, but in the end, he kept his mouth closed and didn’t attempt to get in the taxi. Xu Lian suppressed the smile threatening to break out, and said: “Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

Xiang ChangKong stammered: “Ah, I-I have to go to work.”

“Well, then come in. Don’t delay the people behind us.”

Xiang ChangKong hesitated for a second, then stooped down to get in the car. After telling the driver the address, the car descended into silence. Xiang ChangKong seemed a little nervous, with his hands squeezed into fists on his knees.

But Xu Lian didn’t speak, seemingly unaware of the awkward atmosphere. In the end, Xiang ChangKong glanced at Xu Lian and said: “Xu Lian.”


“My mother is willing to talk again.”

Xu Lian froze for a moment, then nodded. “Oh, that’s great.”

“Un…Thank you.”

Xu Lian smiled. “What are you thanking me for? You were the one that took care of her all these years. It’s just that you were a little too tolerant and accommodating.”

“Yes.” Xiang ChangKong then said: “And I decided to take the postgraduate exam.”

Xu Lian wasn’t surprised. The words Xiang ChangKong had written on the paper plane indicated that he had made a decision. She asked him with a smile: “And your mother agreed?”

“I haven’t told her yet. She just started to talk; I didn’t want to push her too hard.” Xiang ChangKong explained. “I’ll tell her in a couple of days.”

“What if she still doesn’t agree?” Xu Lian asked.

Xiang ChangKong replied: “I believe that I can persuade her. My mother isn’t an unreasonable person.” If Weng ShuLi still insisted on opposing him, Xiang ChangKong can only find some other way to get her to slowly accept his decision. Xu Lian was right. He didn’t want to run away anymore. He doesn’t want to stay a coward for the rest of his life.

“And…” As Xiang ChangKong continued, his mood became tense once more. He closed his fist and solemnly turned towards Xu Lian. “I want to apologize again for what I said to you before. I was wrong.”

Xu Lian looked at him and casually asked: “Where were you wrong? Are you talking about our break up?”


“Do you think I was partly at fault?”

“No, no, you did nothing wrong.” He was the bad one. Xiang ChangKong lowered his eyes and whispered: “Xu Lian, I’m a man. Back then, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to give the person I like a good life. I thought the least I could do was to save you from a lifetime of hardship.”

He was barely able to take care of himself. How could he even think about falling in love? And don’t even mention marriage. Any ordinary girl would be afraid to consider him, let alone someone like Xu Lian. The last thing Xiang ChangKong wanted to do was drag Xu Lian down.

The car was silent once more. After a long time, Xu Lian asked: “And now? Are you still afraid?”

Xiang ChangKong’s eyes became gentle and warm as he gazed into her eyes. “Now, I believe that loving someone means striving to become a better person for them. But…are you willing to wait for me?”

Just give me a little time.

Xu Lian could no longer keep up her indifferent facade. She turned away to look out the window, as she didn’t want Xiang ChangKong to see her expression. “…I’ll think about it.”

Xiang ChangKong saw her expression reflected on the glass window and couldn’t help but smile.

The taxi driver first dropped Xiang ChangKong off at the station, then took Xu Lian home.

Xu Lian ate on the plane, but it wasn’t very filling. However, when she finally arrived home, Xu Lian wanted nothing more than to take a bath and sleep. She didn’t even bother to tidy up. Maybe she just walked too much these past few days, but Xu Lian ended up sleeping for hours. She only woke up because her cellphone started ringing.

The caller was an unknown number. Xu Lian stared at the screen. After a while, she picked up: “Hello?”

“Hello? is this Miss Xu Lian? Your order has arrived, please open the door.”

Xu Lian was confused. Did she manage to order some takeout while sleepwalking?

“Just a moment.”

Xu Lian put on her coat, shuffled into some slippers, and went to open her front door. Sure enough, when she opened her door, there was a takeout brother outside.

“Here’s your order, have a wonderful meal.” The little brother handed the bag to Xu Lian, then hurried away. Xu Lian put the food on her dining table and looked inside the containers.

Two dishes, one soup, and a bowl of warm white rice. It was all of her favorite dishes.

Excluding her parents, there was probably only one person who understood her tastes so clearly.

Xu Lian picked up her phone and messaged Xiang ChangKong.

Xu Lian: Did you order takeout for me?

Xiang ChangKong: Ah, I figured you would want to take a nap as soon as you got home. So I thought I would buy you dinner and wake you up at the same time.

Xu Lian: “….”

What an accurate guess. Are all smart people this good at guessing things?

Xiang ChangKong: What’s wrong? Is the food not to your taste?

Xu Lian: No, I just didn’t want to eat anything from unknown sources, so I figured I’d ask.

Xiang ChangKong: The restaurant has good reviews, and I often deliver food from this place. Their food tastes delicious.

Xu Lian: But isn’t it more convenient if you delivered it yourself?

Xiang ChangKong: I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me.

After Xiang ChangKong sent this message, he immediately followed up with another: I’ll bring you some lunch at noon tomorrow.

Xu Lian: You think I want to see you tomorrow?

Xiang ChangKong: Should I wear a mask?

Xu Lian smiled.

After finishing the food Xiang ChangKong had ordered for her, Xu Lian dragged the big suitcase she had abandoned in the living room and began to put things away.

Xu Lian lamented the fact that she wasn’t able to have fun and play during her visit to South Korea. She just ran around, carrying numerous bags of shopping. Xu Lian resolved that the next time she went shopping, she would find someone to carry her bags for her.

The next morning, Xiang ChangKong got up early to prepare breakfast. However, when he went out of his room, he heard something moving in the kitchen. Xiang ChangKong stood by his bedroom door and listened for a while. Someone was cooking.

Xiang ChangKong walked into the kitchen, and sure enough, someone got up even earlier than him and started cooking.

“Mom?” Xiang ChangKong called out in surprise when he saw Weng ShuLi. “Why did you get up so early?”

Weng ShuLi had a spoon in her hand and was stirring some porridge in a pot. She said: “I thought I’d make breakfast for you.”

These past couple of days, Xiang ChangKong would take the time and have a good chat with Weng ShuLi every day. After a while, Weng ShuLi managed to talk more and more smoothly. She looked at Xiang ChangKong and said: “Go and wash up. I’m almost finished here.”

Xiang ChangKong was worried about her body, but after some thought, he smiled at her and replied: “Alright. Take your time.”

Weng ShuLi used to be quite a good cook, but she hadn’t cooked anything in recent years. She was a little rusty, but it didn’t affect the overall taste. After three years, Xiang ChangKong was finally going to taste his mother’s cooking again. His heart didn’t know what to feel.

“Well? I haven’t lost my touch?” She didn’t know if it was because she ate Xiang ChangKong’s cooking for the past three years, but Weng ShuLi felt that her cooking wasn’t as delicious as her son’s.

“No, mom’s food is the best.” Xiang ChangKong answered.

Weng ShuLi couldn’t help but laugh. “When did you get so eloquent? Is it because you’re finally dating someone?”

Xiang ChangKong became somewhat bashful, but then Weng ShuLi’s expression turned serious. “ChangKong, I didn’t have a very good attitude towards Xu Lian before. See if you can invite her to come home sometime, I’ll cook dinner as an apology.”

Xiang ChangKong replied: “Don’t worry, mom. Concentrate on recuperating first and just take things slowly.”

Weng ShuLi smiled. “I stayed home all these years, ah. And it’s not like I’m doing any heavy lifting. Although my physical strength isn’t what it used to be, I can still cook a meal.”

She looked at Xiang ChangKong and saw that he had bowed his head to drink his porridge instead of replying to her. It was quiet for a moment, then Weng ShuLi asked: “Did something happen with you and Xu Lian?”

Xiang ChangKong lightly replied: “Un, I mentioned breaking up with her, and Xu Lian hasn’t forgiven me for it.”

Weng ShuLi was stunned. But she didn’t ask why Xiang ChangKong tried to break up with Xu Lian.

She knew it was because of her.

Xiang ChangKong put down his bowl and looked at his mother. “Mom, I’ve decided to take the postgraduate exam. I’ve also decided to pursue Xu Lian again. I don’t know if I can give her a good life, but I’m going to do my best.”

After he said this, Weng ShuLi put down the spoon she was holding and looked at her son. After a long while, she said: “Do what you want to do. Mom can’t and won’t stop you.”

Although Xiang ChangKong had strengthened his resolve, he hadn’t expected Weng ShuLi to accede so easily. He had heard her heart-breaking cries outside the operating room. His father’s tragic end had hit Weng ShuLi hard, and Xiang ChangKong hadn’t expected her to willingly chance it a second time.


Weng ShuLi looked at him in the eye and smile. “To be honest, I really don’t want you to walk the same road your father did. This line of work is really tough. But then, I think about Xu Lian’s words. She’s right; I shouldn’t imprison you. I don’t want you to regret your life when you grow old, especially if its a regret your mother caused.”

Years ago, she taught some children in her dance group. The children loved to dance, but some of their parents were strongly opposed to it. There was a little girl who secretly took her class, but in the end, she was discovered, and her parents literally dragged her away from class.

She had once tried her best to urge the parents to understand their children, but somehow, she had become the very thing she had tried to oppose.

“Mom doesn’t want the memories of your mother to end up being filled with hate.”

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