Slithering through dreams (Snake Isekai ?)

[Arc I] Chapter 11 – Snakesss dreamss 1


It’s scales glistened in the sun, seemingly no color of their own, as if made of mirrors. It blended into the surroundings, making most unable to notice it until it was too late.

While Snakes had no need for names among themselves (being selfish and solitary clan), this one had. “The-one-that-takes!” “Hide!” “We are doomed!”, shouted other inhabitants of this forest, unlucky enough to cross its path. It heard it in all languages of the jungle, from the lowly Fire-oxen of the fire mountain (permanently squabbling with their ash-wisent cousins), to the ancient treants (each of them a type of tree that was lost in the great deluge, them sole survivors) growing in its heart.

Yes, it was an apt name. Where it slithered, death followed, for its big frame was too great to be satisfied by a single meal like most of its kind, so it was in constant search for more. And so this time, it snuck upon a great herd of salamanders. Moving like a shadow between them, as if under the spell none of them noticed, until it got in front of the prey it selected.

It could just snatch it, without anyone ever making any sound, but no. The creature enjoyed the feeling of dominating its enemies. Of the fear. Of taking what it wanted, and them, remembering that its strength is what matters.

At the center was a big salamander. It was the leader of its pack. It wasn’t the biggest, and it wasn’t the strongest. But when the eagles attacked, it was the first to help others. When there wasn’t enough lava, it gave away what it owned. It was respected by all, and with its help the pack grew enough, for them to have a whole magma vent just for themselves, time when all of them finally could grow fat and still prosper. The salamander jumped when it saw the giant snake head in front of it. It barked, and shot fire. Snakes laugh was enough to extinguish it. It opened its comb,and  stretched its muscles, the snake raised its head, towering it many times.

But still, it was alone! Yest, it was mighty but the salamander knew- if they all fought they would win! He would die, but that was fine, if it let the rest of the clan survive! All in the clan knew, as they heard it from the crows and magpies, the criers of the jungle, that The-one-that-takes never, is never satisfied, yes, he takes only one victim, but he doesn’t stop, he takes every day until there is no more.

But when it looked around, to gather his allies, to fight for the clan, he only saw fear, and turned tails. Only him, and the snake stood. And then, the snake was alone. It left satisfied with its meal, and knowledge, that salamanders will never be together again the same way. Yes, even when they gathered in herds, for safety and warmth, even then they will now be alone.

“Okay, We really have to stop eating snacks before going to sleep, those dreams are going weirder and weirder”

“... but we don’t have any snacks? We eat once a week you doofus”

“Sniff… I hope we dream of chips next time :( “


Continuation of the dream soon! What could be the purpose of putting this dream in the story… you will never know bahahaha. Assuming never is like, a month or so :D

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