Slime Girl

Chapter 5b


- Liqu's POV-


I was watching the whole time this poor thing was out.
The treatment I gave my little guest is taking its toll on me, as I did lose quite an amount of energy.
But for now, I’m okay.

Because it was necessary that I can examine her body and they were completely soaked, I took her clothes.
I promise this was the decisive factor!

While making sure that she is fine I try to work on my "speech".
Especially I train some quotes that might become important.
I’m not very confident in my communication skills.
However, a small amount might become necessary based on our past interactions.

I don’t want to speak much and risk that the discussion gets out of hand.
It wouldn’t help to tell her everything that goes on.
Rather I fear it might scare her.
So I shouldn't say too much and stick to small talk.
Like this, I wait patiently till the little one wakes up.


"Urgh" (Shari)


Ah; she is awake!

I should go; come close to her; to show that I’m caring.
So I start to stroke her head to comfort her.
However, it doesn't help very much, as she starts to sob and stammers at me:


"Please let me go!"

"Someone, anyone. Save me!"

"I-I don’t want to die! Please have mercy!"

"Please, I have done nothing wrong!"

"Just let me live!"

"I don’t want die!"

"I don’t want die!"

"Don’t eat me!"


Well, it seems it can’t be helped.
The poor girl is trembling all over.
It seems I don’t have a choice, but to soothe her by talking.


"Why would I?" (Liqu)


I guess that did do the trick!

At least she has stopped crying now and instead looks at me with quite an exasperated expression.


"D-did you just talk? C-can you speak?" (Shari)


I’m contemplating if I should answer, as an extensive talk is not really in my interest.
But since I already spoke, I should at least reply to her.


"It seems so." (Liqu)


Also, there was a question I had in mind which is rather important as we will spend our time together.


"By the way I’m Liqu and you are?" (Liqu)

"Sh-Shari!" (Shari)


I like that one.
It has a nice flow to it and a pleasant sound.


"What a wonderful name and you look so nice!" (Liqu)


Oh, maybe I was a bit too elated.
However, this is my first reciprocated interaction with another sentient being I ever had.


"P-please dear slime, just let me go! I won’t talk about anything! Just let me leave!" (Shari)


As I feared, a topic I don't really want to talk about.
The best would be if I stick to my prepared quotes.


"Sorry. That wouldn’t be good." (Liqu)


That is no lie.
At this moment she really shouldn’t move, since her body could get heavily damaged in her current state.


"Please, I don’t want to die! Just let me live!" (Shari)


As she starts again to cry, I need to comfort her.
So I start to caress her and use the quotes I trained.


"Don’t worry! Everything is fine!" (Liqu)


I mean, she is with me.
I will make sure that no harm will befall her.
She is too important to allow any negligence in my care.


"Nothing bad will happen to you." (Liqu)


Like this, I repeat some times to put her at ease.
The results aren't overwhelming, as she is trembling like crazy, but at least her tears stopped at some point.
Well, it's better than nothing.

It was very important to calm her down because this is essential for the further procedure.
The little one needs much more sustenance, which I have to provide her, and I can’t take no for an answer.
However, I would prefer to have her consent.


"I need you to open your mouth. Could you please do so?" (Liqu)


Coming from her reaction I shouldn’t set my hopes high.
Nevertheless, I should still try.


"Look! It would be better if you would work with me. Otherwise, it is more unpleasant." (Liqu)


Sigh, it was worth a shot, yet it seems I need to do this alone.

I start again with my nose-pinching approach, but this time she holds her teeth shut.
This is no real problem, as this time she only needs basic nutrition and not the special liquid.
So I simply need to pour my normal slime inside her stomach.

Using this advantage, I can control the slime until it reaches its destination, moving it past her teeth through her throat.
This time I am especially careful not to hinder her air supply.

She's squirming quite much against my treatment, obviously not liking what’s happening, yet as I have this time some leeway, I don’t need to completely keep her in check.
Even if some of the mass scatters, I can simply retrieve it and use it again.
However, a little bit of force I have to utilize or she might harm herself otherwise.
Also, it gets quite tedious to keep up with the adjustments for her air supply if she moves too violently.

It needs a huge amount to make it last.
So I spread it as good I can without damaging her insides.

Finally, I’m done.
This consumed much of mine and I need to recuperate, but this can wait.
Yet it seems she wants to spit it out again.
That would be such a waste.


No, no, no, no, no!
This isn't allowed!

After all the effort to fill it in.
And it's so precious with all the energy it contains.

You need to keep it inside!

So I have no choice but to plug her mouth to prevent her from throwing up.
Luckily she only retches for a minute or so and then it eventually settles down.
After that, my little one manages to fight her urge to vomit.

Such a good girl!

I am glad I didn't have to absorb and guide the current back inside, as this wouldn't have been pleasant for both sides.
I would have felt a little guilty and she... you know.
However, I didn't have to and so it's fine.


"See, that wasn’t so bad, right?" (Liqu)


Well, I believe she thinks differently about this, but exaggerating won’t bring favor.
Her stomach even bulged a little, yet this is exactly like it should be.
My little one needs the sustenance inside.

Still, she seems to be tired and promptly sinks down in an attempt to sleep.
I’m as well quite exhausted on a mental level, so I too would like to take a rest.
After all, this was the longest not violent interaction with anyone I ever had.
Looking at her face with those closed eyes I feel something I can’t really grasp.
It's just an idea, still, I would like to…

Without further thinking I'm lying down next to her.
First, she is squirming quite much.
But I can secure myself by using my mass and soon she settles down.
After that, it is just joyous to be like this together.

Thus I come to peace while hugging her.
She feels warm and we are so close.
A little bit like they were.

This is nice!


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