Slime Girl

Chapter 43 – Did Someone Say Goblins?


- Shari -


"Did you say goblins?" (Shari)

"Yes, there is no doubt. This totem is declaring this place as their territory. They must have occupied the mine some time after it got abandoned." (Jacob)

"So that means we will have to fight goblins in there." (Shari)

"Are you crazy? I'm about to turn around and call everything off!" (Jacob)

"Why? Aren't goblins weak? What is there to fear about it?" (Shari)

"Goblins as opponents are weak but extremely insidious! And never, absolutely never you should attack them in their lair!" (Jacob)

"Why?" (Shari)

"Considering the long time this mine was used it must be extremely widespread. This makes it impossible to estimate the numbers we are up against. This whole place is a death trap. Goblins use poisoned or intentionally festered weapons and hide behind every little corner to ambush you. Also, they must have set up countless traps within the mine. Not to speak of the darkness. Every single step might be our last if we head in there! You simply don't invade a goblin's lair. If you have to deal with them you either put some guards in front of the entrance and hunger them out or destroy the gateways. But you would never fight them on their ground!" (Jacob)


This sounds fairly profound, but it seems he has forgotten something.


"I can fully understand your concerns, but there shouldn't be much of an issue if we engage here. Right, Liqu?" (Shari)

"I know perfectly what I have to do!" (Liqu)


Well, if that isn't reassuring to hear.


"So; the invulnerable killing expert will do the front while the rest of us just has to secure the backside. You think you can do this?" (Shari)

"We will still have to watch out for traps. And even if she is going first, there is a high chance those behind get targeted. They often hide in side tunnels." (Jacob)

"Can't I trust your judgment here? I thought you were competent in these matters?" (Shari)

"There is still a risk." (Jacob)

"Isn't there always? It's not like the occupation of an adventurer knows no risks." (Shari)

"Sigh, I think I never will get used to calling you one of my colleagues." (Jacob)

"Maybe time will help. Now let's get going!" (Shari)


Like this, we dwell in the mine.
Fortunately, Jacob's group had the good sense to include torchlights as they were ought to bring the mining tools along.


"Liqu, we should first concentrate on dealing with the creatures we encounter while heading inside. After that, we can take our time to start the search. And try not to destroy any left ears. We might want to bring them along." (Shari)

"Alright!" (Liqu)


But then she lets go of her cloak and clothes.


"Why did you do this?" (Shari)

"You always say that I shall make sure that it stays safe. I can like this make sure it stays intact. Also, my perception is better that way. And I thought that no one would see me here until we get out again." (Liqu)


I can understand this and it isn't like there is a high chance that anyone might steal it.
Also, she is constantly restraining herself in that disguise, so I should grant her that bit of freedom.
She has to go a little out at times or her built-up frustration will get me later.
So with Liqu like this, we delve deeper inside.

In our current formation, Liqu goes first, then me and Jacob, while Jacob is scanning the closest area for traps and such.
Elin smuggled herself behind me, which might be the relatively safest place of all.
Myra and Chris do the rear, watching behind us to make sure no attack comes from there.


"I am aware you might have problems carrying it, but are you sure you don't want a torch?" (Jacob)

"Oh, the darkness is no real problem, since slimes have night vision." (Shari)

"Tsk, sure." (Chris)

"Interesting, but I shouldn't be surprised." (Jacob)


Should be clear that something is up with the kind of "eyes" I possess.
But on the other side, I have no proficiency in using them.
With this, I mean scanning for living things in the vicinity like a certain slime does for hunting.
So it is Liqu who walks in front of us to scan the tunnel.
She stops abruptly.


"What is?" (Shari)

"Goblins. On the front. They're retreating. I think they're scouting us." (Liqu)

"We need to stay alert! They're surely preparing an ambush." (Jacob)


While I don't believe that I have to worry, since most things they could do to me would prove ineffective, the others aren't as safe.
For them, even a scratch with a poisoned knife can be a huge threat.
I on my side, slip out of my gloves and the cloak since we might get into a fight any moment and I don't want them to get damaged.


"They are in the tunnel we need to take." (Liqu)

"Really? How do you know?" (Shari)

"This unpleasant feeling. The walls feel the worst in this direction." (Liqu)

"No other choice than as direct confrontation." (Shari)


Having to take that passage we head forward.
Suddenly Jacob shouts out.


"Stop! There is..." (Jacob)


Strangely he stops in the middle of the sentence.


"What is where?" (Shari)

"I wanted to warn Liqu that there is a tripwire. Yet she stepped right through it. Literally." (Jacob)


I see a recently slimed rope, follow it to the side and find a mechanism that apparently would have made a stake with numerous pointed spikes fling out.
Having a not-so-stable body seems to have its merits.
Yet even this trap wouldn't have done much to her.

But you never know.
If the spikes luckily hit her core this would be bad.
Has she countermeasures for such a case?


"Why are these creatures even here? I thought voidstone is a monster repellent. And they are monsters." (Shari)

"I don't know for sure, but exactly that might be the reason. They are weak, but in here no other monsters would follow them. It's a safe place." (Jacob)


Makes sense and if they are weaker they might be less affected by the voidstone.
We follow the tunnel further and come to a small opening, a little wider than the normal mine shafts.
As soon we enter, promptly around seven goblins jump out of various hideouts and start an assault.


"Griiek!" (goblins)


Their only problem is that Liqu is our front-fighter.
The first one approaches with a knife.
It gets embedded inside her waist but this is all there is to it.
On Liqu's side, numerous tentacles rush out of her and pull the poor stabber inside.
An arrow hits her, which she simply ignores as she continues to dissolve her prey.
Looking to the side, away from that gruesome sight, I find a goblin attacking from the left.


"Graak!" (goblin)


He swings a crude axe, but I can deflect it with my arm which I don't hesitate to lose, and like this can use more boldly to deflect the weapon.
He on the other side doesn't know about my weapon, which slips out from my arm in my "hand" and subsequently is embedded in his skull.
Meanwhile, Jacob took one out with his crossbow from the right while Chris is guarding him, so that none of the goblins is even considering coming close.
I can see that he favors now a stabbing style to adjust to the narrow space.
Myra and Elin just have the job to watch out that nothing comes from behind but are fine as it seems.
As cowardly goblins are, they directly turn to flee.


"Maintain your position! It's one of the most common goblin tactics! Ambush, retreat, and lead the pursuers into traps and the real ambush!" (Jacob)


This is crucial knowledge he shares here.
I can see how this kind of strategy works out against most groups of adventurers.
So we really should keep our calm.

If not...





A goblin while fleeing turns around and fires an arrow that gets stuck in my chest.
Not too deep as those short arms can't create too much force and the coat is giving in without a stable body to support it from behind and thus impedes the projectile.
Also, it isn't close to my core.
However, there is a hole that I'll have to patch up later.


"This fucker did just shoot me!" (Shari)


Immediately Liqu throws her head back and sees the arrow.
And her face warps maliciously.


"Oh, did he?" (Liqu)


She walks towards the tunnel where the goblins fled.


"Liqu, what you're doing there?" (Shari)

"Ending this! I won't let even one escape!" (Liqu)


If this doesn't sound ominous.
Liqu walks until the passage is getting smaller again.
And explodes.

Not literally, but in a second her mass rushes out in all directions completely abandoning her shape.
It extends so far that all the sides are encompassed and not a single gap remains in the tunnel.
Everything is filled with her mass while a vibrant violet core shines in the middle.
And like this, she starts to move.
With considerable speed, I need to say.
The rest of us looks a little lost at each other before we decide to follow behind.

We find corpses.
Goblin corpses.
All of them are half-dissolved and then simply left like this.
Not necessary to say that it's no pleasant sight.

We walk a little faster, still watching out for traps.
But the few we find are disabled.
It seems Liqu is right now continuously dissolving which is not beneficial for any built structures.

So we can increase our speed a bit and manage to find her again.
She still pushes forward.

As she is translucent I can see a goblin on the other side getting caught by slime tentacles and pulled inside the mass where the dissolving starts.
He stays stuck at the relative spot he initially entered and as soon the slime passes him there is nothing that reminds this much of a living creature.

The corpses are piling up.
At least I think there are now around fourteen and the numbers increase the further we go as they surely ran towards a dead end.
I see my attendants having to deal as much as me with the sight.
All of them except Elin are a little pale because of the corpses' state and Myra already threw up twice.

...And now a third time.


"Blurgh. S-sorry." (Myra)

"Urgh, fucking monster!" (Chris)


At least I have to admit that Liqu could do a better job at advertising herself.


"Just to say it. I can fully understand if no one of you wants at any point having Liqu blocking off the only exit." (Shari)


Brr, what a horror vision.
I mean having this wall of doom slowly encroaching on you without any chance to escape?
Not good!

Ultimately, we reach an opening that apparently came through mining efforts digging away all the sides into existence.
But now, as for the little that Liqu left to stay here it seems this was a goblin settlement.
And the worst part is that she is at a dead end.

An abundance of huddled-together goblins presses against the wall.
Quick-witted Elin covers Myra's eyes.
Maybe she had just enough of her puking.
What I witness next will surely for an indefinite amount of time be the source of my nightmares.

And I surely won't describe it!

Just to say, aside from Elin, who has the highest mental fortitude I've ever seen, all of the others fight to keep their last meal inside.
And this with only limited success.
After she's done Liqu turns back to her human shape.
Everyone should now know that it's better to not make her angry.


"We are there!" (Liqu)

"What do you mean? Where are we?" (Shari)

"Our destination, what else?" (Liqu)

"You mean, the voidstone?" (Shari)

"Sure! You should feel this draining feeling as well. Absolutely unpleasant." (Liqu)


I try to feel and truly perceive a slightly draining feel which is strongest from one of the walls.
It seems the miners extracted here a rich vein, but eventually lost it.
But we can practically feel it.
How useful slimes could be all good if we would be given a chance.

After everyone has calmed their stomach, Jacob's group is laying out the tools.
I point at the wall and Liqu, with her higher perception, gives closer instructions on where to dig specifically.
Like this, we start mining.

Well, the others since Liqu and I don't have the necessary kind of body for this.
Too bad, huh?


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