Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 13 – Ten Days

She is the most beautiful women I ever saw, she was like a puppy…they are the best animals…Her reddish-brown eyes seemed to draw me in, so did her soft valley filled with men’s hopes and dreams.

Can I buy Roxanne?

I can’t help but flash to the image of her breasts bouncing as she placed the cup in front of me.

I want those breasts, to stroke and caress them, to nuzzle up against them--licking the smooth skin, and sucking the little make her moan.

But if I don’t buy her, someone else will.

I want her--yes her body makes me want to own it, but I…shouldn’t only want her for her body…it would make me a bad person.

To tell the truth, I’m nervous about buying a slave.

But…if I don’t buy her, then someone else will.

While I do not want that to happen--I have no power, or wish, to change to social system.

Considering the first village I was in, slavery seems to be tied to dealing justice in this world.

Well, everyone should know that you can’t get rid of slavery without harming all economies based on it--it took centuries on Earth to slowly fade it out.

This is a different world, I don’t intend to become someone who starts  a revolution when it comes to society, I won’t even deny the slavery system.


When I think about her, and her beauty, I really want to buy her. Though,  I feel a little hesitant--slavery was illegal on Earth, though I liked the fantasy stories with attractive slave girls; and I was also a healthy guy in my mid teens.

“Does being a sex slave increase the price much?” I ask Alan.

“No, it hardly changes it.”


I would have thought a sex slave would cost more.

“Well, it comes down to the market price. If it’s a young woman, there isn’t much difference in work, even if one is a sex slave. So--if you request the same work, the price is the same.”

“So, a woman who isn’t a sex slave usually does the same work?”

Alan nods, “either males and females can learn to fight, but females normally act as intermediaries and sell loot to the Guild, or help carry said loot. Though, their price changes based on how attractive they are.”

“So, how much is she?”

“Let me see…The market price is 46 gold coins, if I include clothing and because I recommended her, I’ll sell her for 42 Gold coins.”

Hearing the price, I let out a large sigh.

42 gold coins, I can’t afford that.

“Sadly, it’s too expensive.” I say to him.

“That’s too bad.” Alan answered with a slight air of regret, “How about having a look at some of our other slaves?”


He gets up and leads me to a different location, further into the building and up to the third floor.

“Welcome.” A woman greets us.

There is only a small landing at the top of the stairs, with two doors, one leading to the left, the other to the right.

“Make them line up.” Alan says to the woman.

“Yes, sir.” She nods respectfully and enters the door to the left.

“The third floor is for female slaves, and only female employees manage the floor--they are also checked to be virgins as well.”

We can hear the woman’s voice in the room, and after a short time, the noise calms down and the woman comes back, “They are prepared, please follow me.”

I follow them into the room, seeing women lined up single file, from left to right. There are no rags, and they are well fed, maintained well.

Walking past the female slaves, I look at them one by one, but I feel tense because they are watching me as well; though it feels like they don’t have motivation and are just looking at me--not paying attention.

“They are fed well here, cleaned and with a place to live, because they are products--their living conditions are actually much better than where they were before.” Alan seems to notice my hesitation.

The comfort of this place isn’t too bad, and they probably don’t have to work either--if they didn’t get sold; it wouldn’t be a bad life.

The first woman has no life in her eyes and stares blankly at me, the next woman looks sulky; the next woman doesn’t have lifeless eyes but she doesn’t look very good, the next is 27 and too old--the next is a cute one, but she is a child, younger even than Roxanne by a few years.

However, I want Roxanne, and after seeing her--these women seem slightly inferior.

Alan and I leave the room, Roxanne is waiting outside the room with the woman--she really is beautiful.

She bows to the two of us.

Having finished her job as attendant of maid, she has changed her clothes and removed her hat, and I can see her ears--she has dog ears! They are wolf-like, poking up and twitching slightly.

“How was it.” Alan asked me.

“Sorry, but after seeing this one, the rest can’t compare.”

“I see, the customer seems to have taken a liking to you.” He says to Roxanne.

Roxanne watches me silently, and when our eyes meet, I look down; I feel slightly and a bit shy--she’s so cute.

However, I can’t do anything about it, no matter how much I want to--I’ll have to give up.

“Well, if you are interested, I can hold her for up to ten days.”


“The city is open every five days, but five days is a bit short--I will wait until the city opens in 10 days. If you are able, you have until then to prepare.”

While I was still processing his words, he began talking again.

“The customer is interested in you, but cannot afford you yet--so, we will keep you on hold for 10 days.” He declared to Roxanne.

“You are most kind.” She bows.

If it’s come to this, it is impossible for me to decline, “I can’t make a definite promise that I can prepare in that time.”

“If I were to look for a new customer, with her beauty I could find one straight away; but I’ll wait for you, for 10 days.”

Roxanne looks at me and smiles happily, white teeth glinting in the gap between her full lips.

Beautiful…so beautiful.

“Then, move her to the room for sold products.” Alan orders the woman, the one in charge of the third floor.

“Yes, it will be done.” She bows to him, before taking Roxanne to the opposite us.

“Thank you, in advance.” Roxanne bows deeply to me, her wolf-like ears twitching, pointing at me.

“Shall we go?” Alan says to me, while starting to head down the stairs.

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