Side Note

Epilogue of the Allies: You’ve Got A Friend In Me

The Chaos Storm, officially accepting the name Makos, grew attached to Mayfield and Marigold and would continue having adventures in other worlds with them, bringing back unfortunate children they found on their journeys to a world Marigold created. This world would be recognised by the Neo-Multiversal Council and dubbed a safe haven for children, with Marigold, Mayfield, and Makos, as well as those they like, being given special roles. Makos became the Caretaker of Godly Children, thanks to her status as a God of Chaos (No one knows how she got this).

Merry Deimos got sent to an Earth with a system created by a God of that world where if a world summoned someone from that Earth, someone from the summoning world would get summoned to that Earth. Merry would be mistaken for being of high school age and forced to attend high school. She is currently caught up in a romance comedy development for some reason.

Speedy was devastated by the death of Merida, especially with the festive parade that happened, where they desecrated the headless body of the Seer. Speedy immediately destroyed 90% of countries, from their leaders and capitals to their border towns and information hubs, regressing Mendass by nearly 500 years overnight. She developed immortality after that, waiting for the day Merida returned, despite no evidence of such a thing going to happen.

Mimi, Rita, and Sofia Proch, the third princess of Trogen and the wife of the Hero Millie Migans, eventually figured out their whole love triangle and lived happily in the new capital of Trogen. Mimi would be praised as one of Mendass' favourite Heros due to her efficiency with her ability and lack of violent tendencies, Rita united the Elven tribes in Trogen, and Sofia Proch, the third princess of Trogen and the wife of the Hero Millie Migans, ascended to the throne of Trogen.

Mayfield would become a Caretaker alongside Marigold and the Chaos Storm. Mayfield became the Caretaker of Monster Children, thanks to her nature as an Ancient Dragon and her Sacred Power, Lord of Monsters, which works outside Mendass like other Sacred Powers. She is particularly fond of dragons' offspring, whom she treats as little siblings.

Marigold would become a Caretaker alongside Mayfield and Makos. Marigold became the Caretaker of Mortal Children due to her initially being a mortal, as well as her being the most powerful of the trio, allowing her to easily safeguard them. Marigold remains a fan of Madeleine, and although she knows she shouldn't, she misses Croen.

Maxine ended up as king of Sacre Pla after marrying (re-marrying?) Carte Grande. Her first act as king was proclaiming Eliza, Melina, and Jeremy as her children. She would be called the strongest king in all of Mendass's history with no contest.

Mad Rox's shard of the original's soul eventually eroded, and he enjoyed his final day in the Shadowrealm. Madeleine would build a statue in his honour as thanks for passing on Shadow Cloning.

Mammon, Ava, and Medya lived a normal family life on Earth, having moved there from Hell after what happened in Myka's pyramid. Mammon became an accountant, Ava became a live streamer, and Medya was forced to attend school.

Mila Phobos, alongside her partner Kine and her mother Cherry, took control of the vampire population completely, adding them to Bellum's might, which already had elite soldiers trained by Madeleine. After the former Vampire Queen grew infatuated with Mila, Mila would be the first non-vampire to be crowned the Vampire Queen. 

Christie Runnen would lock herself in the Forge, endlessly working on Satdrul's last sword, despite it having already been used to stab Wulfric (Christie was surprisingly alright with Madeleine only fulfilling half the request). Madeleine and Mel were the only people who ever saw her face during this period. She eventually finished the sword and stabbed it into the ground above Satdrul's grave as a final thanks. It is said the sword is protected by Satdrul's spirit, who is thankful for his little sister's gift.

Tremom would enjoy Mel and Madeleine's wedding, somehow getting drunk off the atmosphere before returning to his duty as the God of Death until the end of Mendass' existence.

Jack The Ripper continued being a Shadow Clone for Madeleine even after being set free by Myka and is said to have passed at the same time as Madeleine.

Melina enjoyed her life as a princess of Sacre Pla, finally free from Side Character, which had vanished upon Madeleine's completion of the Pyramid. She acted as Melanie's bridesmaid. In a drunken stupor during the wedding, she seduced a God.

Rebel, Darky, and Riri had a casual road trip across the multiverse. I won't let any of you fuckers read anymore about it. It's a family memory. - Darky

Mara Rose created three more worlds which were fortunately not as insane as Mendass. She also had a bunch more children (For those curious, Madeleine is her third child). 

The Captain and his harem had many children, both blood-related and adoptive, who were all specially cared for by Oceana. Even after the Captain's passing, as well as the passing of many of the members of the Harem, Oceana still served the family, being treated as a guardian angel by them. She is respected for being the only person to have known the Captain as a friend rather than as a lover.

Jasi, Shay, and Nali, after having experienced death once, went on an adventure to become immortal. After a few wacky adventures, they returned home with a forbidden cake recipe. They baked it and then disappeared off the face of Mendass. They ended up in a sci-fi world. Shay has shown to be exceptionally skilled with laser guns.

Shadow Clone #22 never got a replacement for her babysitting duty and became a Caretaker, forced to work under the very children she was meant to look after. She finds the orphans the overpowered lolis collect much more manageable than them.

Sherry and Kyrie somehow ended up in a world of superheroes and supervillains. Sherry would go on to become an S-Tier Hero, while Kyrie opted to stay home, a bit tired of fighting. Supervillains have mistakenly targeted Kyrie, making the supervillain community explicitly ban approaching Sherry's maid/housekeeper/wife/sister/mother (They don't know their relationship) due to how easily Kyrie deals with supervillains who go after her.

Shadow Clone #13 continued staying at the Rose family house against her will. She shut herself in the room they gave her.

Ardio continued running her Radio Thingy in the SCMNTTWSRGAPNF™. She also took the #1 spot within the Shadow Clone rankings and gloated about it often, much to the chagrin of her sisters.

Shadow Clone #53 and Lilah fixed the flying train and travelled around Mendass to collect unique vehicles. When they finished their journey, they opened a museum. Shadow Clone #53 was named Nitra, which is just an anagram of train. Lilah acts as the archivist for the museum, although the truth is that she's just shut herself inside one of the backrooms. She does do archiving work from time to time, though.

Madine helped capture Merida, thanks to her knowledge of her. Her involvement would cause her to be a significant target of Speedy, who especially despised Madine's actions, considering Speedy's friendly relationship with Madeleine after the pyramid incident.

Rika Kaneyama finished her vacation in Mendass after arresting Myka and returned to Ryla, only to find that somehow Eldra had found Ryla (The world) and had taken Ryla (The person) hostage while also bringing her other siblings over to Ryla.

Light, Xul, and the rest of her harem vanished on Mendass' darkest day. Where they went to is speculated by historians, theologists, and harem fans across Mendass.

Chapter namesake: You've Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman for Toy Story

The next two Epilogues will be coming out in two days. The first one to be released will be Myka's then after that is Madeleine and Mel's. Once those two are done, that's it for Side Note.

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