Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 201: Boat/Box/UFO?

We ended up staying up way too late talking about the different prep items, that I had to give Violet a raincheck on the fun times. We still fell asleep together and had a bit of extended morning. Violet told me all about the different things she had been working on, and what she would be bringing along for the trip. It was really nice to just relax with her, no strings attached, just us talking and laughing.

The next few days went by in a blur, I didn't even want to think about all the little shops I had stopped at. The places I had to go to were too many to want to count. It was finally time to set sail and do whatever our ship was going to do. Captain Black took care of getting the ship ready, the wives got the supplies we would need. 

I took the kids, Xelios, Violet, and Tamika to go shit shopping. This is where we would go around and buy a bunch of shit we liked but didn't really need. Still, we ended up with a bunch of cool shit, and Black promised us a workshop and a laboratory to work in. 

I had been talking to Xelios about my size problem and wondered if there was anything she could do to help. To my surprise, she told me she could, but it would take some work, but she had already been working on the problem for me. Since she evolved, she could now synthesize magic and store it, but it would just escape once opened. 

"I still have more tests to run, but I'm going to try and do it the same way you taught me to carbonate drinks. I have the ingredient to try and make one of the energy drink things you like. We will have lots of time to work on it, don't worry, it's just a matter of time," Xelios said with a bright smile.

Kyla was sleeping in my arms, and where we walked to the Airdock, another thing I had never seen, like airships. I was starting to grow very suspicious of this whole airship thing, considering how I had yet to see a single flying ship the entire time I had been on this world. I was pretty surprised to see a massive black rectangular fifty-meter-long box.

"What the hell is that thing?" I asked Jenna as we all walked up.

I had a full deck area that had a two-meter tall railing going all the way around the outside edge, but it was flying. It was floating in the air with about seven-meter clearance, but it was sitting dead still. It had to be four stories tall and looked like a box-shaped submarine that floated, and didn't go in the water.

"My ship, Casandestrucion!" Jenna said with pride, and I straight face, I had to give her credit.

"Fancy name, a bit foreboding don't you think?"

"What? No! You will see why she has this name when it's her time to shine!" Jenna said, giving me a wink with a smile, and a confident thumbs-up, somehow it turned into her striking pose.

"How does it fly?"

"I don't know."

"...But you're the Captain, right? Isn't that part of the job description or something? To Captain ship, one must know how it flys, or something like that?" I asked in confusion.

"If you ride a horse, do you need to know how its legs work to ride it? No, you just ride it, Bwahaha! Jenna said with a burst of roaring laughter that cut off abruptly as I heard growling coming from my arms. 

Yes, only my almost one-month-old daughter would wake up growling instead of crying. Crying was worse, but I wouldn't call the growling better, and I made the mistake of trying to brush the hair out of her face. Kyla lurched forward and bit my hand between the thumb and forefinger, but not hard, she just wanted to nibble, I was lucky this time.

"Sorry! I got carried away with myself. The rest of the women are inside getting things set up for you. I will show you to them," Captain Black said a bit more formally, and a lot quieter.

There was a gangplank set up to an open door on the side of the boat/box/UFO, and we followed the Captain inside. 

It was like stepping into a spaceship, and I was instantly taken back to the times that I had played Transport and Universal Watch. They were two space-based games, and we had spent a lot of time inside ships like these, so the place almost felt homey as we walked in. 

Grey steel plates lined the halls, and we only walked about four meters before turning to the right and the front of the ship. Ahead was a short hall with a mechanical steel door that slid open as we approached it. On the other side was a large open three-story area...with a smiling pool in the center. 

"The swimming pool is a nice touch, hehe," I joked as we walked around the three-meter wide catwalk that ran all the way around the area that was about thirty meters long and around fifteen wide.

"You can't go swimming in the ocean, you will get eaten, one-hundred percent for certain," Jenna informed me.

"You are going to have quite a comfortable place to live, but I don't like being boxed in like this, reminds me of space," Xelios said while holding Lydia as we walked.

As we turned to the side walkway,, I saw a set of stairs, that lead down in a zig-zag pattern that we walked down. Once we reached the bottom, I finally found where the women were. 

They had all found places to relax. At the end on the bottom level was a lounge set up and all the women that had come to help and say goodbye were here. When they saw us, all of them got up and rushed over.

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