Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 360 - Brave boy, go to the "dark halberd"!

In Linger’s description, Liu Pengxing also knew that the Atlantis civilization and the Lemurian civilization were not in a proprietary area, as in the legend, but spread all over the world!

It can be said that in the two major civilizations, Atlantis represents “spiritual cuisine civilization”, and Lemuria represents “material cuisine civilization”. The global war has lasted for thousands of years …

“But the war finally stopped?” Liu Pengxing tentatively asked.

“Yes, fortunately, there is still a small amount of ingredients that are not affected by the” Neanderthal Curse “… and I guess what you don’t want to hear, humans themselves will never be affected by the curse.”

“Huh? Isn’t human being an affected subject?”

Liu Pengxing had just finished asking, seeing Ling’er’s look, she couldn’t help but feel cold … She understood what she meant!

Most of the other “food ingredients” have been affected successively, while “human beings” have not been affected. I am afraid that the latter does not mean that “eating” is not affected, but “being eaten” …

“In the bad years, some unfortunate things did happen … In fact, until a hundred years ago, your modern civilization will also have similar tragedies, right?”

“Okay … let’s move on to the next topic!” Liu Pengxing, who already understood the meaning, immediately stopped her.

“It is because of this, and other places where the initial” catastrophe “occurred, are the areas where the Neanderthals originally lived, and gradually discovered that the nature of the” catastrophe “is a curse. And we did not give up our efforts, Unwilling to be so cursed to control each other’s killing …

While maintaining the number of people by killing each other, we also made our own efforts and discovered the true face of ‘curse’! The Neanderthals did go extinct, but they went extinct only as ‘people’ … “

Seeing Liu Pengxing didn’t seem to understand it, Linger further metaphorized: “It’s as if” cow “will die of beef as an individual of” cow “, and will continue to exist as beef. Become another kind of existence, a very different existence from us! It can be said that … their existence itself is a ‘curse’!

Although in our opinion, the “catastrophe” is just their revenge, but in fact this is their “eating” process, we can not understand the “eating” process, they not only become invisible and intangible, but also Their eating will not reduce or change the substance, but it will change the ‘source’ of the ingredients and become extremely different from our Homo sapiens … “

“That is to say, a small part of the ingredients that have not been affected, and … we ourselves are unable to” eat “? What ingredients do they not include?” Liu Pengxing asked immediately.

If you can increase the cultivation and cultivation of these ingredients, maybe you can …

“Passive defense is useless, and their recipes will continue to expand like ours! When we discover a new ingredient, as long as it is popular among the clan, the curse will follow in a few months. “In Linger’s tone, there was a strong disgust for the first time.

“After that? Since you are a survivor of the Atlantis and Limorian civilizations, that is to say, in the end, you have not been completely destroyed by the” catastrophe “?” Liu Pengxing asked.

“Yes, a small number of survivors united to compete with the” curse “to expand the breadth of recipes, and constantly try new ingredients, old ingredients continue to start inconsistent with us … use this ‘race’ ‘The way, under the curse lingers for a long time, until seven thousand years ago …

The material cooking civilization of Lemuria and the spiritual cooking civilization of Atlantis have been continually merging in the “race”. In the seven thousand years, I became the first ‘* &% ……’ in the history of mankind, also It’s what you call “Dragon Chef”! “

“Wait, didn’t you say that the Atlantis civilization and the Lemurian civilization are still in time, is it the peak of the development of cooking civilization? At that time there was no dragon chef?” Liu Pengxing immediately asked.

“Yes, more than 10,000 years ago, when the two civilizations were at their heyday, when all tribes reached adulthood, they basically had the equivalent of your current” Tiger-level “cooking skills, second only to the” Dragon-level “. Just because the material and the spirit are not unified, you will never reach the “Dragon Level”! Hey … If I knew this before me, three thousand years ago, before the cataclysm began, the “curse” would not be too scary … … “

Linger did not take pride in being “the first in history” at this time, but deeply regretted why the “first in history” did not appear earlier!

If the two great civilizations start to merge, and then countless dragon chefs join forces, there must be a way to crack the “curse”.

Liu Pengxing did not speak, but waited for Linger to relieve himself, and continued: “Under my guidance, seven dragon chefs appeared one after another in my clan, but even if there are eight of us, they are already working In the “curse” race, I feel more and more struggling, and fewer new ingredients can be found …

But finally … finally we found a once and for all way! It can restore the affected ingredients and seal the “curse”! That is ‘spiritual kitchenware’! We have created Ling kitchenware, as long as the ingredients cooked with it will be lifted from human recipes as a whole!

‘Yonglin Knife’ makes seafood return to human’s recipe, ‘Galuo Luodao’ makes poultry a food again, ‘Zhulong Kettle’ makes fermented ingredients no longer a taboo for humans, and ‘Magic Bronzeware’ is kind of like No need to chew dry jerky to avoid allergic reactions …

We used ‘spiritual kitchenware’ to recapture recipe after recipe and human dignity! “

Although it was already happening in the distant past, Liu Pengxing was relieved when he heard this.

“The curse is constantly sealed, the recipes are constantly restored … It always seems to be proceeding in a good direction. I also thought that as long as we continue, we can reshape the glory of ancient civilizations, unfortunately …” Ling When talking about here, he couldn’t help but pause.

Liu Pengxing also endured the same, without questioning, still waiting for Linger to speak for himself.

Since today’s form will appear, it is clear that the “catastrophe” has not been completely disintegrated …

“However, the curse of the Neanderthals is not willing to fail in this way. They are sealed in the” spiritual kitchenware “, and they are also contaminating the” spiritual kitchenware “. At that time, I did not find this. “” Linger’s tone was heavily blamed.

“More deadly, maybe because of my innocence, or maybe because I have both Atlantis and Lemuria bloodlines, so I think the” war “is over, and Atlantis’s survivors are also Okay, no matter what Lemuria ’s survivors are, everyone can live together and rebuild civilization together as robes and siblings, but …

I have forgotten the **** battle of the millennium, and the contradiction between the two has been deeply entrenched. Even though many of us at that time also had two civilizations of each other, as long as the war is opened, no matter what the reason is, hatred will be rooted and fermented! Without recognizing this, I let two camps appear in the survivors, but did not realize the harm this would bring, and missed the last chance.

Through the civil strife of the tribes, the cursed by the seal, it has defiled all the ‘spiritual kitchenware’. Although they have no entity, they can confuse the cooks who use the kitchenware!

Two jade dragon pots are the foundation for the ‘purification ritual’, but the person I trust the most and the cook I entrusted to another jade dragon pot actually fell into hatred and civil war that I could not understand.

And their mutual purpose is to use the ‘spirit kitchen utensils’ to turn the clan with the blood of the other party into ‘curse’ food … ”

Liu Pengxing couldn’t help but sighed. Although it was known for a long time, they must have failed in the end, but they didn’t expect the cause of failure, but they themselves.

“They … did anyone succeed?” Liu Pengxing asked.

“No! After realizing that things have reached an almost irreparable point, I had to use the last resort … that is, to use myself as a” sacrifice “and seal all” spiritual kitchenware “, so that they lose most of their effects. They also insured them, that is … if Ling Kitchenware is contaminated with the blood of Homo sapiens, it will temporarily lose its effect! “Linger said firmly.

It turns out that this is the “legendary kitchen utensils”, the reason why it loses its effect every time it sees human blood! It is also Ling’er’s last “insurance” for them.

“Don’t you wonder why I didn’t seal them completely? Because I can’t do it anymore …” Ling Kitchenware “has become a” Curse Kitchenware “. When the” Curse “attacks, they will show that when they shape them with me, Opposite forces.

‘Yonglin Knife’ will cause all seafood to cause general allergies in humans. ‘Garlo Knife’ will cause people to be unable to absorb poultry protein. ‘Turn Dragon Pot’ will make all the bacteria in the fermented foods uncontrollable …

And before a ‘spiritual kitchen utensil’ becomes a ‘curse kitchen utensil’, their holders will also be controlled and become the ‘curse’ executor! Therefore, when the curse breaks out, the lower the level of the cooking world, the better, because if the executor of the “curse” is not enough, they will not be able to properly cook all kinds of ingredients, and they will not be able to impose the “curse”! Said Linger.

“It turns out that … wait, if the curse will explode on” Jade Dragon Pot “this time, what is the curse effect of” Jade Dragon Pot “?” Liu Pengxing asked immediately.

“‘Yulong pot’ is different from other ‘spirite kitchen utensils’. When used as spirit kitchen utensils, they are the hub of other ‘spiritual kitchen utensils’. Only ‘Yulong pan’ can cooperate with ‘spiritual kitchen utensils’ to complete a complete cooking, but it does not have Other abilities, and when the Jade Dragon Pot appears as a “cursing kitchenware”, they will not have any problems themselves, but other kitchenware will all become “cursing kitchenware”! Just like what happened seven thousand years ago! “Linger said .

No wonder Ling’er said that this will be the most serious “catastrophe”. The other six kinds of kitchen utensils cover almost all the ingredients that humans can use and even depend on …

“Can’t use the method from seven thousand years ago?” Liu Pengxing asked.

“No, the” Dragon Vessel Jade Dragon Pot “of this curse attack is a little different from the” Phoenix Jade Dragon Pot “back then.” Linger said.

“How can you be so clear? It hasn’t started yet …”

“Actually, more than a hundred years ago, the eighth” catastrophe “almost started! But at that time, there was also a dragon chef in your civilization. The special ability of dragon chef made him realize that the disaster is coming. Awake me sleeping in the ‘Phoenix Jade Dragon Pot’, and then join forces with me to seal all the ‘spiritual kitchenware’ except the Yonglin Knife and Jialou Luo Knife, especially the two Jade Dragon Pots. Special’s way of sealing! “Linger said.

“That Dragon Chef is …”

“Yes, just a person with the same name as you!”

“What kind of” special “sealing method? Now that the special sealing has been done … can’t it be sealed forever?”

“I completely integrated the” Phoenix Jade Dragon Pot “with myself, and transformed myself into an existence similar to the” heart of the kitchen “, living in his clan, and this kind of” hosting “will follow the propagation of the bloodline And transfer … Unless there are more than six dragon chefs, or my host becomes a dragon chef, otherwise the “Phoenix Jade Dragon Pot” will never appear!

However, the function of ‘Ling Kitchenware’ prevents them from being completely sealed. As long as Chef Dragon appears, there must be a ‘Ling Kitchenware’ to release the seal. If there is a seventh chef who appears unexpectedly, we will lose control of the jade dragon pot. Said Linger.

“Then what did you mean by postponing the outbreak of the” curse “? The level of the cooking world is now many times higher than a hundred years ago. I don’t know how many times!” Liu Pengxing said helplessly.

“Yes, it really blends with each other. It’s the fastest way to progress. I can’t think you can develop to this level in a hundred years … But I said, this is the last” catastrophe “, although the scale will be unprecedented , But also an opportunity … an opportunity to end this “curse”.

A hundred years ago, the situation was too sudden. The dragon chef with the same name as you has also been affected by the curse. You can only seal the kitchen utensils again, but now … as long as two jade dragon pots are selected, People can avoid being cursed, and can use it to contend with other cursed kitchen utensils! “

“How to contend?” Liu Pengxing asked immediately.

“It’s almost the same as the‘ halberd ’that you are familiar with! The owners of other‘ cursed kitchen utensils ’will challenge you unconsciously …

It ’s just that the bet of ‘Eating Halberd’ is human recipes! If you lose any game, it will only lead to war due to the shrinking of the recipe! If they all lose … Mankind will be extinct! “

“Are you comforting me? Feeling more and more nervous!”

How can it be similar to the “dark duel” of some non-mainstream protagonists? Can we just call it “dark halberd”? Unfortunately, I am not a non-mainstream hairstyle! It’s a pity that I don’t smoke!

Liu Pengxing was vomiting in his heart.

“Wait … who do you choose? It seems that you selected Erina, what about another Dragon Chef?” Liu Pengxing asked nervously.

“I don’t know, he only told me at the end,‘ Dragon pattern jade dragon pot will be handed over to me! I will guide my successor to free humans from this curse ’.” Linger said.

“He always likes such unclear words?” Liu Pengxing said helplessly.

“Do you mean prophecy? I think he is hesitating! On the one hand, I hope you can be prepared, on the other hand, I don’t want you to deliberately suppress the development of the cooking industry because of the” curse “, because the backlog of” curse ” The longer it gets, the more serious the backlash will be, so only a few plausible sentences are left. “

“The masters of the other six pieces of kitchen utensils are all chefs of the dragon …” Liu Pengxing did not feel confident this time.

“From various circumstances, you are very likely to be his heir. What you and my host have to do now is to reach Chef Long as soon as possible. If someone is faster than you, we cannot guarantee that others Not affected by the “curse”! Even the “dark halberd” will be saved by then, and they will work together to seal the human recipe completely, and the Homo sapiens civilization is over. “Linger seems to have accepted the” dark halberd ” set up.

Liu Pengxing felt very heavy in his heart, and was suddenly told to become a dragon chef before everyone, and after becoming a dragon chef, he still had to face the challenge of six other dragon chefs … And if he loses, there will be an end to the world. Liu Pengxing is not right now. Collapse is already a manifestation of “endurance”!

“Oh, do you know who the sixth dragon chef is?”

Hearing Liu Pengxing’s question, Ling’er’s face could not help but gloom down.

“Just that bastard!”

This is the first time Liu Pengxing has heard Linger swear …

“That bastard?” Liu Pengxing was puzzled. Ordinarily, the people Lingling knew were friends or enemies. Except for himself and Erina, and “Liu Pengxing” a hundred years ago, it should have been all seven thousand years ago. Old antiques are right.

Suddenly Liu Pengxing looked stagnant and understood who Linger was talking about!

“Is it the one who used the” devil “to suppress you before?” Liu Pengxing said suspiciously.

“Yes, it’s him! Because I became a chef, my ability to use it is also limited by the host … It was actually calculated by that kind of guy twelve years ago! If I were these twelve years, I If you keep praying all the time, even if all “spiritual kitchenware” appear, you can explode the curse and delay it for another year or two, there is a buffer time! “

Cut thistle!

It turned out that he became the sixth dragon chef …

It’s not too strange to think about it, Dojima Silver also said that Nakamura’s strength has always been closely followed by Ichiro.

It seems that while the establishment of the “central gastronomy agency” and the implementation of their new cooking concept, the culinary skills have not stalled!

On the contrary, Dojima ’s “Yuyue Yuanyue, defeat also Yuanyue”, relying on the Yuanyue Group, while making rapid progress in the early stages of cooking, at the last step, it was shackled by it …

And because of his previous control of Erina, Linger was indirectly affected, so now he can only deal with everything without buffering.

As long as Liu Pengxing and Erina become “Dragon Chef”, the other six “spiritual kitchenware” will be immediately infected as “cursing kitchenware”.

And if Liu Pengxing and Erina do not become dragon chefs as soon as possible, once other people take the lead, once the “Jade Dragon Pot” appears in the hands of others, the arrangement of Ling’er and “Liu Pengxing” will also be meaningless. The kitchen utensils together become “cursing kitchen utensils”, which directly promotes the occurrence of the “catastrophe”, and there is no chance of resistance!

“It’s a knife to stretch your head, and a knife to shrink your head …” Liu Pengxing said helplessly.

“So I suggest you stick your head in anger.”

“Can I say something else!”

“Become Chef Dragon …”

“I don’t need you to say that, I will do the same.” Liu Pengxing said.

“The other six pieces of spirit kitchen utensils have all been unsealed, and praying afterwards will have no effect. Let me guide you and Erina! Although your current cooking skills, you do n’t need any specific skills from outsiders But … there is a system before the “Cataclysm” as a reference, I believe it will be useful to you! “

“Of course, you taught the founders of seven dragon chefs.” Liu Pengxing expressed confidence in Linger’s ability.

But sometimes, trust may not be exchanged for trust …

“No, the seven clan people I guided were all elites among the elites. At the age of sixteen, you have cooking skills like yours. Among my people, they can only be regarded as upper middle.”

“You don’t need to be so straightforward!”

As Linger said, her previous reaction was caused by the lifting of the seals of the other six “spiritual kitchenware”. Erina was only affected by her, so her spirit was shocked …

At night, Erina woke up.

Hui Linai, who had just regained her consciousness, saw Liu Pengxing and Fei Sha in her room, seeming to be arguing about something.

“You guys! Didn’t you promise me? Will you tell me the reason later? What is” wake up at night “? Why do you know what happened but refuse to tell us!”

“I’m just afraid that your three views cannot bear …”

“If Miss has anything …”

Fei Sha was obviously unable to accept Liu Pengxing ’s statement. Fortunately, at this time, Erina ’s voice came over: “Fei Sha …”

“Ah! Miss, are you awake? Is Axing arguing with you?”

“…” Liu Pengxing said nothing about Fei Sha’s “temptation”.

“Okay, Feisha, I want to drink Yakult, can you help me win the ice?” Erina said.

Fei Sha finally glared at Liu Pengxing before turning around and leaving.

Seeing that only herself and Erina were left, Liu Pengxing reminded: “I think Ling’er should have something to tell you.”

“When I was ‘sleeping’, it was finished.” Erina said.

“what’s your plan?”

“Plan? Of course, I will become” Dragon Chef “as soon as possible, and then hang all the other seven Dragon Chefs!” Erina said with great fighting spirit.

“… six is ​​enough, don’t need to count me in!” Liu Pengxing said weakly.

Erina drew a glance and said, “Isn’t this also very confident? Have you already regarded yourself as one of the eight dragon chefs?”

“It doesn’t work by default ~ ~ To be honest … I dare not think about it, if we are one step late, or … lose to any other chef Dragon, what will the world be like …”

“Will you think about this when you eat halberd?”


“It’s just that this time the” Grilled Halberd “is a bit big! But … as long as you win, is it all right?” Erina said what Liu Pengxing often said.

Liu Pengxing looked at Erina surprisedly, and finally said with a smile: “Hahaha, yes … I didn’t expect you to be educated in the end! Then let’s work together! Whether it’s Chef Long, curse, or dark food The halberd … as long as you win … “

“Just don’t drag my hind legs!”

“Huh? Do you still have front legs and hind legs?”

“… Don’t think I’m lying down now, I can’t sit up!”

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