Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 – Roast Rabbit And Sour Fruit

Chapter 191 Roast rabbit meat and sour fruit

When I opened my eyes, the sky was bright.

Jiang Changning moved his body, his whole body was sore, especially his legs were a bit difficult to lift.

She raised her head and looked around, and there was actually a small pool with crystal clear water, and half of her body fell into the water and half of her body lay on the sand.

This place should be the end of Wangyingya, which was washed here by the current after falling into the water.

Jiang Changning slowly got up from the pool, walked a few steps, and found that his ankle was severely swollen, and his ankle still had some cramps. It was probably sprained by the stones on the edge of the pool after falling into the pool just now. .

She looked up into the distance, but could see nothing but the lush woods. Jiang Changning sat down holding a stone, and then checked the only remaining items on his body.

The result was not very good, the dagger given by Qin Huaisu had been lost somewhere. The hairpin and ring jewelry on the head was also washed clean by the water.

The clothes on his body were also torn a lot, sticking to his body wetly.

She raised her arm and looked at it. There was a long wound on it. It should be because the current was too fast and she struggled in the water and hit the rock.

The whole Yadi is very quiet, only the sound of gurgling water and crisp birdsong can be heard.

Jiang Changning raised his head, looking at the steep and rugged cliff and the sky above his head, he couldn’t help feeling a little scared. Except for the physical pain, the result is not too bad, at least my life is saved. The next step is to find the way out of this bottom.

Jiang Changning looked around, and finally his sight fell on the bamboo forest in the distance.

The bamboo forest covers a very large area and winds up along the slope. At least hundreds of meters away from the shore.

She thought for a while, then ran towards the bamboo forest.

Jiang Changning ran very hard because her right foot was sprained. While running, he staggered and fell to the ground, his whole body ached from the fall.

Jiang Changning gritted his teeth and got up, continuing to run forward.

This bamboo forest is very lush, and the leaves are very dense, blocking a large area of sunlight. She can only make out the path with the help of faint light.

Unexpectedly, after taking two steps, a faint gasp made her stop.

This gasp was short, with deep depression and pain. And it sounded like a man’s voice.

Jiang Changning had a bad premonition in his heart, and he didn’t have a sharp weapon in his hand. She could only pick up a stone from the ground and hold it tightly in her hand.

As we got closer, we saw a man in white lying in the bamboo forest.

Jiang Changning’s face turned pale instantly. Her hands kept shaking.

The man’s face was covered with blood, as was his body, his hair was messed up, and he couldn’t see his face.

The man lay there motionless, as if dead, with a dagger beside him. The scabbard with gemstones and sharp blade was the one that Jiang Changning lost.

Jiang Changning knelt down tremblingly and took the dagger in her hand. The cold blade gave her a bit of confidence. She observed carefully and did not dare to approach, for fear of disturbing the man by making any noise.

Seeing the clothes and boots on the man, Jiang Changning suddenly thought of something, and she stood up abruptly.

The man’s body is still warm, which shows that the man is not dead.

Jiang Changning’s face was blank for a moment, she couldn’t figure out why Gu Han also fell into the water, but this did not prevent her from doing it.

Taking advantage of Gu Han’s coma, Jiang Changning no longer hesitated, raised his hand and stabbed fiercely at Gu Han’s chest with the dagger in his hand.

The centipede is dead but not stiff. In order to save his life, Jiang Changning only has to strike first.

At this moment, the unconscious man suddenly opened his eyes. Not only that, he even grabbed Jiang Changning’s wrist tightly with his hands.

His eyes were extremely cold, and the strength of that hand seemed to break Jiang Changning’s wrist.

Gu Han seemed to have been injured, his whole lip was not even a trace of blood. He looked at Jiang Changning as if he was looking at a child who made a mistake: “Jiang Changning, you are doing well.”

Jiang Changning broke free from his arm in fright and took two steps back.

Gu Han sat up and said in a hoarse voice, “Is this how you treat your savior?”

Jiang Changning tightly clenched the dagger, her fingertips turned white, and her eyes showed desperate determination and cruelty. She looked down at the man sitting on the ground, her mouth moved but she didn’t make any sound.

A dim light flashed quickly in Gu Han’s eyes, and he looked behind Jiang Changning’s emptiness.

His dark voice sounded: “You want to kill me? Have you thought about the consequences? If you kill me, the life of the hidden guard who has been following you may not be saved.”

Jiang Changning raised her head abruptly, and her fingertips slightly moved the hand holding the dagger tightly. Although he had prepared for the worst, Jiang Changning never thought that Qin Liu would be captured by Gu Han’s life.

She thought that with Qin Liu’s martial arts skills, she had already managed to get away.

Since this is the case, that person cannot be killed. After all, Gu Han’s life is not as important as Qin Liu’s. Jiang Changning would not do uneconomical deals.

Even so, she was unwilling to show weakness in front of Gu Han: “Qin Liu is just a slave, and Young Master Gu takes him too seriously. I won’t kill you, but I just don’t want to dirty my hands.”

When Gu Han heard this, he bent his lips, and licked the blood on his lips evilly: “Take me out, Miss Jiang can do whatever she wants.”

Jiang Changning felt a lump in his throat, withdrew his dagger and turned to leave with an ugly expression. Gu Han’s eyes followed her closely all the time, the corners of his curved mouth were drawn into a straight line with the back that was getting further and further away, and the corners of his eyes were red with anger.

Until the man reappeared in front of him.

He couldn’t be killed, Jiang Changning wanted to leave him to fend for himself, but he couldn’t stand the threat and wanted to save Qin Liu’s life. Qin Huaisu handed him over to her, so she couldn’t ignore it.

Jiang Changning came over with a bamboo pole as tall as a person, and when he left just now, he went to cut the knotted bamboo. The expensive and exquisite dagger was so poor that it was effective on this bamboo branch. Jiang Changning could only comfort himself by treating this bamboo as Gu Han to vent his anger. like chopping.

Gu Han was moving his right leg on the spot by himself. He broke a leg in order to save Jiang Changning. Unexpectedly, this person not only refused to thank him, but also stabbed him to death with revenge.

The gloomy and hostile Gu Han had an evil look on his face, pressing on the wound as if unconscious.

Jiang Changning saw this scene when he came back, and threw the bamboo pole to Gu Han’s hand with frowning eyebrows, as if it were a crutch for him.

“Let’s go, what are you waiting for?”

Seeing that the person did not move for a long time, Jiang Changning turned his head and frowned and asked impatiently.

Gu Han touched the bamboo crutches, his expression slightly stretched, and strenuously propped himself up on one leg, leaning on the crutches, and followed Jiang Changning. He knew that Jiang Changning would never turn back this time when he turned around and left.

The scenery under Wangying Cliff is completely different from that of Qingfeng Mountain. Because it is an inaccessible place, most of them are jungles that grow savagely, and the weeds grow to half the height of a person, and the road can’t be seen clearly. There are also unidentified bugs flying around. I don’t know if they are poisonous. After they land on the body and bite, they will grow small red bags.

While Jiang Changning was walking, he waved his hand to open the disturbing insects patiently, but Gu Han used all his strength to walk forward with one leg on crutches, so he could only let the insects bite on his exposed skin, leaving his white skin white. A few red dots stand out on the sickly skin.

It was still bright, and Jiang Changning staggered forward at the bottom of the cliff under the orange sunlight, until the sky was white and the sun was rising and the sun was setting. It took almost a day to walk.

The little food I ate yesterday has already been consumed. After falling off the cliff and basking in the sun, both of them looked very embarrassed at the moment. Jiang Changning’s lips were dry, and his paleness was a bit excessive.

Taking advantage of resting in the shade, she searched around and picked a few wild fruits. The round green fruit looked unripe. Jiang Changning squinted his eyes to be sure whether it was poisonous, and carefully looked at it. circle, returned to the original ground and threw a few to Gu Han expressionlessly.

It hurts to hit the small fruit on the body.

Gu Han stretched out his left hand to catch the little fruit.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. It was barren. The location they were in happened to be the most remote part of the cliff top. The surrounding weeds were lush, and one mistake would be buried in it.

Jiang Changning frowned when he saw Gu Han’s thoughtful look. But he didn’t say anything, but sat by the river a few steps away.

The river water is very clear, and you can even see fish swimming leisurely in it. Jiang Changning has exhausted too much physical strength after not eating for a long time and fighting wolf and falling into the water. Her hands and feet were sore and weak, and she was so hungry that she was on the verge of collapse.

If Qin Huaisu was here, Jiang Changning would definitely cry coquettishly, but now she doesn’t even turn red around her eyes.

Gu Han watched Jiang Changning shrink into a ball, stared at the fish in the water in a daze, and suddenly understood. He paused slightly, looked at the green fruit in his hand, and squeezed the fruit into pieces with all his strength.

Jiang Changning looked at it and sneered. Although the fruit is unpalatable, there is nothing to satisfy people right now. She just ate the fruit and saw nothing wrong with it.

Gu Han threw away the fruit, and limped into the jungle with a bamboo stick. Jiang Changning didn’t look sideways. She was really hungry. She lay down on the stone by the river, stretched out her hand to scoop up water and drank a couple of sips.

The stream water is very cold, and even has a hint of sweetness. Jiang Changning washed his face and washed off the mud on his arms.

The hair is just draped over the shoulders like this, and there are no hairpins to tie it up. Jiang Changning picked up the twig at his feet, trying to use it to tie up his long hair. But I don’t know if the branches are too thin or the black hair is too long. I tried several times without success, but I was sweating all over myself.

Boundless frustration welled up in her heart, and Jiang Changning gradually let go of her hand holding her hair. She looked at herself in the reflection in the water, her eyes were red and swollen and her hair was messy, and finally her eyes were red.

She didn’t dare to cry loudly, only dared to cry silently. I don’t know how long I cried, but when Jiang Changning washed his face and raised his head with red and swollen eyes, Gu Han came back at some point, holding a dead hare in his hand, pursing his lips and looking at him for an unknown how long .

Jiang Changning turned sullenly, turning his back to Gu Han.

”Sapphire fruit is sour, and if you eat too much, you will have abdominal pain. A small problem in this wilderness can kill a person.”

Gu Han explained subconsciously, but felt that it was unnecessary. Jiang Changning wished he could be poisoned to death on the spot after eating the fruit, so why would he cry because he crushed those fruits.

Gu Han looked at it for a while, turned his head away, walked to the side of the stream and put the hare on the bank, Jiang Changning looked at Gu Han’s actions, feeling a little surprised.

She didn’t know what Gu Han meant by doing this, but she didn’t think too much about it.

Jiang Changning stood up and decided to look for something edible, even if it was sour fruit.

Gu Han stopped her: “The sun is going to set soon, you should know how dangerous the forest is after dark. If you want to die, just go.”

Jiang Changning stopped when he heard this.

“Let me borrow your dagger.” Xu expected that Jiang Changning would refuse, so Gu Han added: “As a thank you gift, I will give you some rabbit meat. Miss Jiang, this deal is very good.”

Jiang Changning looked at the rabbit, the gray rabbit was very fat. It didn’t have any wounds on its body, but there was a **** hole on its head. It looked like he was hit by a stone and killed in one move.

Jiang Changning thought for a while, but he didn’t think his head was harder than a rabbit’s head at all. She even felt that even if Gu Han didn’t borrow it from her, it would be fine to kill herself by killing a rabbit and then grab the dagger.

In the future, I have to find an opportunity to break Gu Han’s hand.

While thinking, Jiang Changning threw the dagger at Gu Han.

Gu Han’s movements were very neat. He first disemboweled the rabbit and took out the internal organs, then cleaned and chopped the rabbit.

Then he tried to make a bonfire, and finally threw the rabbit meat on the bonfire and roasted it.

After finishing these, the sun has already sunk into the mountainside, and the fragrance of rabbit meat spreads in an instant, making people salivate.

Gu Han rested against the stone for a while before he recovered his strength. He looked at the roasted rabbit meat, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Changning couldn’t help swallowing while watching this scene.

Both of them were very hungry, and Gu Han didn’t have the heart to fight with Jiang Changning anymore. He cut off a roasted golden rabbit leg with a dagger and handed it to Jiang Changning.

Jiang Changning was not pretentious, he blew with his mouth first, and then bit his mouth lightly.

The meat is very tender and not at all dry. Although there is no seasoning added, the taste is very bland but it is also a rare delicacy. The two concentrated on eating without talking.

Jiang Changning has a small appetite, even if he is very hungry, a rabbit leg is already the limit. Gu Han used most of the rest. After everything was cleaned up, the last glimmer of light in the sky disappeared completely.

“Let’s go a little further while it’s still dark.”

Gu Han shook his head after hearing this, glanced around and said: “Let’s find a way to find a shelter from the wind and hide in a cave, and wait until the daytime to make a long-term plan.”

Jiang Changning didn’t refute. Although she was impatient, she was not stupid. In this situation, she had no better way to do it. She couldn’t just take risks like this and move on.

The two of them walked deep, one behind the other. There are many trees here, covering the sky and the sun. Gu Han’s footsteps became heavier and heavier, his leg was already swollen, and it was throbbing and painful. He gritted his teeth and endured it, not daring to shout out.

Suddenly a huge boulder fell from the top of his head, Gu Han’s heart trembled, he raised his head subconsciously, and saw a huge boulder hitting his head.

(end of this chapter)

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