Shinigami in the Ninja World (Naruto x Bleach)

Chapter 93: How Repulsive, Tōsen Kaname!

The Savior Has Arrived!

Kuchiki Sojun followed the direction of the golden chains.

The remaining Shinigami saw it too.

In the darkness and thick fog, a head of golden hair gleamed brightly.

The radiant color infused strength into their hearts, instantly bringing a sense of calm and relief.

It was the Captain of the 7th Division, Uzumaki Naruto! 

Behind him were two other captains.

Their features were strikingly distinct.

One with a dog's head was the Captain of the 9th Division.

Another wore glasses, the Captain of the 5th Division.

The three of them all looked solemnly at the Shinigami bound by the golden chains.

"Is this Hollowfication?" Komamura Sajin stared at the twisted, bone-colored liquid, his tone serious. "It’s truly an evil thing."

Naruto frowned.

The changes in this person were somewhat different from the state he had seen in Hirako Shinji.

It seemed even more violent.

The bone-colored liquid had not solidified, viciously tearing at this Shinigami's body and will. Naruto had just stepped to his side, but before he could take any action, the "Hollowfication" completely consumed the Shinigami's life, and simultaneously, the bone liquid vanished.

"Has he been Hollowfied for a long time?" Naruto stared at the corpse.

Kuchiki Sojun shook his head. "No, this transformation just started."

He paused, then quickly added, "Be careful!"

"There's an enemy here who is hiding and cannot be detected!"

"The members of the 6th Division were all injured by this enemy before experiencing this 'Hollowfication' transformation."

"And he’s still here!"

Naruto's eyes immediately sharpened. "Are you sure?"

"Kanze Nobuseki has not been Hollowfied." Kuchiki Sojun's voice was firm. "But the previous members would undergo this transformation within two or three minutes after being attacked. He was just attacked!"

Before he could finish his sentence,

Naruto had already pressed his palms together.

"Adamantine Chains."

Golden chains surged from behind him, more than a dozen in number, sweeping out in all directions.

The enemy was "invisible," not "formless."

The eyes and senses could not catch him.

But attacks could physically capture him.

The seemingly delicate golden chains, when whipped out, could easily cut through trees as thick as two people standing side by side.

The rumbling was constant, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Naruto and Nine-Tails, one man and one fox, at full strength, covered almost the entire mountain with their senses, while still distinguishing the subtle differences in every attack that struck an object.

Where is the enemy?

He suddenly turned his head.

In front of him to the left, the golden chains curved at a strange angle. They should have passed straight through the air, but now they were being obstructed by something invisible.

That was the "invisible" enemy.

Naruto drew his sword, using Shunpo to rush forward while speaking, "Sajin, take the 6th Division members back. I've found the guy."

Spiritual pressure surged, disrupting the airflow.

He slashed down fiercely.

The invisible person raised a sword to block.

Sparks flew.

"Still not showing yourself, you sneaky coward? I already know who you are." Naruto gritted his teeth without the slightest hesitation. His other hand, in a reverse grip, drew another sword and thrust it upward at a sharp angle toward the chest.

With a clang, the invisible person's swordsmanship seemed quite adept, easily deflecting the strike.

The question seemed effective.

The hidden person’s figure flickered, revealing himself in front of the group.

"It’s you, after all." Naruto narrowed his eyes.

A tall, dark-skinned man wearing goggles that covered his eyes.

Komamura Sajin, who had not yet fully departed with the 6th Division members, turned his head, seeing the figure, disbelief flooding his eyes.

How could it be this person? 

The current Vice-Captain of the 9th Division, Tosen Kaname.

Tosen Kaname didn’t speak, only raised his hand and waved lightly.

Immediately, several Garganta opened in the sky.

Countless Hollows flew out from them.

Just like during the "Soul Burial Practice" back in the day.

Naruto gritted his teeth, the anger that had been building up in his heart for over ten years erupted in that instant, and he continued to slash.

But this attack had no effect; the sword passed through a phantom.

The figure in front of him was fake.

Naruto turned his head, shouting loudly to the others, "Be careful, he’s over by you now."

Komamura Sajin immediately drew his sword.

Aizen also stepped forward, shielding the members behind him.

But at that moment—

A sword effortlessly pierced through Kuchiki Sojun's body.

Bone-colored liquid gushed from the wound, densely crawling up towards his face.

Komamura Sajin slashed at the person who had suddenly appeared among the crowd.

Slashed at... his friend.

"Tōsen, how could it be you?" His voice was sorrowful, suppressing his anger and disbelief. "How could you do such a thing?"

Naruto's pupils widened.

Is he that fast?

Even for Yoruichi, her shunpo shouldn't be this silent.

Passing directly through the guard of two captains?

But now is not the time to think about that.

Naruto rushed to Kuchiki Sojun’s side, spreading his fingers as spiritual energy flickered like flames, branding his lower abdomen.

"Four Symbols Seal!"

The incantation spread from his fingertips, wrapping around and sealing away the power of the "Hollow."

The previous hypothesis was correct.

The Four Symbols Seal can indeed suppress the power of the "Hollow."

The seal gradually stabilized, and the bone-colored mucus slowly receded from Sojun's face, his breathing becoming steady.

Aizen stared at that hand and the densely packed, complex incantations, his glasses reflecting the moonlight, hiding his eyes.

Naruto looked up.

Tōsen Kaname raised his blade, preparing to intercept Komamura Sajin’s strike. His expression was indifferent, consistent with what had been seen before, but he spoke in a firm tone: "Of course, it’s for justice, Captain Komamura."

Mind's Eye of the Kagura confirmed that this was a sincere statement.

"Justice?" Naruto's voice rose.

Tōsen Kaname followed the sound, lowering his head: "Captain Uzumaki, the one hailed as the 'Little Sun.'"

"Everything I do is for justice."

The great dog raised his blade again.

"Leave him to me," Naruto said softly, halting Komamura Sajin's movements. "His blade seems to carry some kind of virus. Anyone struck by it will become infected and undergo Hollowfication."

"You go handle the other Hollows."

"I will…"

"Take him back to the Seireitei alive, and then uncover all those conspiracies."

Komamura Sajin remained silent, giving his friend a sorrowful look before using shunpo to leave. The other Shinigami, including Aizen, also retreated, leaving enough space for the two of them to fight.

"Are you choosing to stand on the side of injustice, Captain Uzumaki?" Tōsen Kaname asked.

Naruto threw Kuchiki Sojun to a seated officer of the 7th Division.

"The Soul Society is a filthy place," Tōsen Kaname continued softly, "and the Seireitei is the most foul-smelling part of it."

"You've been investigating me recently."

"Do you know about my past?"

Naruto's gaze shifted slightly to his sword. "Are you referring to the story of this sword’s previous owner?"

"You know, then," Tōsen Kaname’s voice wavered, "The previous owner of this sword, my friend."

"She died not long after marrying into the Tsunayashiro family, killed by her husband."

"He killed his colleague over a minor argument, and even his wife, who condemned him, was murdered."

"My friend was a good person."

"She desired world peace more than anyone and possessed a stronger sense of justice than anyone."

"But she still died at the hands of injustice."

"And the culprit who killed her faced almost no punishment."

"He was acquitted."

Tōsen Kaname’s emotions fluctuated greatly, and his spiritual pressure rose and fell like waves.

"So I chose this path."

"If justice is not enough, then let me become justice."

"Captain Uzumaki, you should have the ability to discern truth from lies in speech, right?"

Naruto squinted his eyes, scrutinizing him.

"Then you should know, every word I say is the truth." Tōsen Kaname extended his hand. "My heart has always walked alongside justice."

"A filthy place like this doesn't deserve someone like you."

"Become my ally, and let’s become justice together, eradicating all evil from the world like clouds."

Naruto's tone remained calm. "Is that the reason you did all this?"

"How absurd."

Tōsen Kaname retracted his hand, his voice somber: "Even someone like you, in the end, chooses to stand with the Seireitei?"

"And protect such evil?"

Naruto placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "I'm not here to shelter darkness, but… you are not justice either."

"What difference is there between your evil and theirs?"

Tōsen Kaname shouted in anger: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Forgive the one who killed my dear friend?"

"Yes, that would indeed be a virtuous act, a moral virtue."

"But is virtue the same as justice?"

"Is it?"

"Failing to avenge the deceased while living peacefully—"

"That is a sin!"

Naruto's tone remained calm: "I don’t think you should let go of your hatred, nor do I wish to stop your revenge. I can fully understand your thoughts."

"Because love gives birth to hatred."

"But still…"

"If you must act against the one who killed your dearest friend, then do so! If your power is insufficient, then hone it!"

"Even if you believe your strength is lacking, and thus simply research the power of the 'Hollow,' that’s still understandable!"

"But why did you target Captain Hirako and Captain Love?"

"Are they also evil in your eyes?"

"Sacrificing the innocent to satisfy your own desires—"

"Can such actions still be called justice?"

Tōsen Kaname whispered: "They were merely unavoidable sacrifices on the path to gaining power."

Naruto drew his sword, his tone filled with disgust: "Such disregard for the innocent—"

"How repulsive, Tōsen Kaname!"

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