She’s All that (There Is)

Something funny about choking

tw: violence choking

I stayed up nearly all night worrying about the prom. Starry night was what Hayley said she always wanted. I kinda hoped Dominic wouldn't ask her to go. We had said that if he didn't she and I would go together. A friends night under the stars. Now that she's going with him, though, I'm not entirely sure I'd even want to go. She deserves to be happy, though, and even if the theme is fish, I want her to have that. It means I'll have to find a date, though. Ugh, men.

"Um, hi a- Alyssa?" asks a scrawny boy, absolutely scaring me shitless, making me hit my head on the roof of my locker.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I close the locker and stand up getting a good look at him. At 5'7", he's even shorter than me. A dorky little boy with glasses and long hair in a ponytail. He had an oddly feminine figure, and seemed oddly familiar.

"Do I know you?"

"We share history class, and math, and um… social studies too… sorry."

"Oh, yeah! You are the geek who sits behind me in trig. What do you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say I found your tiktok recently–"

Oh, great.

"–and I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your videos. I'm a big fan… e- especially the makeup videos. They're, uh, really useful."

"Yeah, sure, er- Elijah right?"


"Eli, look, always glad to meet a fan. I got to go. I'll see you in class, okay?"

I say, walking away as fast as I can, spotting Steph. The only thing worse than meeting a fan who thinks they know me is meeting a male fan. They always think they're in love with me or something when they don't even know a thing about me. Plus it's hard turning down a fan without looking like a bitch

"Like, who was that gremlin you were talking to? Are you doing charity now or something?" Steph asked.

"Just some creep named Eli or something."

"Oh, isn't he, like, that one fag, who princess Vanessa said she caught crossdressing once."

"What? I don't know. I wouldn't listen to what that stuck up fucking bitch says, but he did say he liked makeup or something."

"He and that faggot Joe would make a great couple."

"Ha! I know, right? ...damn gay people…"

I never got why people like  that choose to be gay. They always get bullied for it. Couldn't creeps like Eli just… not listen to those kinds of feelings? I feel bad for him, but I guess it's his fault. I know my parents would likely crucify me if I chose to be gay.

"So, like, how is the queen bitch?"

"Oh, Let me tell you. This fucking basic ass bitch suggested an under the sea theme."

"ew fish"

"I fucking know right!? How white trash is it to be reminding people of tuna on prom night?"

"Lol. Hey, did you like, do your homework last night?"

"You're such a fucking bimbo Steph."

"Yeah and you look like someone just dug up your grave. "

"Ugh, I know. I stayed up all night thinking about the prom. I haven't even had time to check social media, I'm like a walking zombie."

"So you haven't seen the post on tiktok Vanessa made?"

"No, why would I even?"

"She made a vague vid talking about how dumb your starry night prom theme idea is."

"That fucking BITCH!"

Three long boring classes and an equally vague posty response video later, and I've nearly forgotten about the whole ordeal. Hayley comes out of class and we head to the cafeteria.

"So I just started watching this new anime-" Hayley starts.

"Like, of course you have Lee you total weeb."

"At least she doesn't play fortnite on twitch Steph." I say.

"Ouch, got me." Steph responds, dryly headed to the back table just like always.

"Hang on one sec, I fucking forgot to grab a fork." I say, headed back to the lunch bar in a hurry.

"Oh, and I'm the airhead."

"Shut up bitch." I say looking back at her as I continue my bee line to the plastic ware.

"Hey, watch out!" cries a familiar voice.

"Sorry, my ba-"

Shit it's Vanessa.

"Oh, bestie! I saw that video you made about my prom theme. What a coincidence."

"Yeah, I just think it's a little fucking tacky to be honest."

"I think It would be better than feeling like you're outside surrounded by bugs though."

"Ugh. Like fish are better bitch?"

"Excuse me!?"

"Here I thought we were friends. I can't believe you'd attack me like this."

"God, you're so fucking dramatic."

"At least I know how to dress. Do you plan on showing up to prom in this?"

She says, tugging at my blouse.

"You're just jealous I have a mom who can teach me how to do makeup."

"What the fuck did you say?"

"You heard me bitch. I'm done with your shit. and your content is sloppy."

"So are those extensions, let me help you with that."

She says, grabbing a handful of my hair.

"Ah, fuck."

As she pulls my hair I'm dragged low to the ground trying to get free. Lower on the ground I see the opportunity and knee her in the gut.

"Fucking bitch!"

She screams, releasing my hair, and slapping me in the face. I charge her and tackle her to the floor. Our eyes lock for a moment and I'm suddenly very aware that I'm sitting right on top of her. Caught off guard she flips me over so she's on top. I hate her so much. Why is her being over me making me feel funny? Before I can analyse those feelings, she starts slamming my head into the ground. I grab a chunk of her hair, causing her to ease her grip on my neck. I pull her hair to the floor and we change positions again. My breath, heavy and ragged. Our faces are so close… Her lips– Suddenly, she gets her knees under me, and pushes me off. I see her fist coming at my face, and then black.

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