Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 6 Dungeon: Sin Hub Pelican Bar

Chapter 6 Dungeon: Sin Hub Pelican Bar

Early the next morning, Inspector Haina went to the Moriarty Manor with the authorization order from the Inspectorate.

This time she obviously learned the lesson from yesterday.

After simply eating some breakfast, Haina hurried over immediately.It wasn't even seven o'clock when we arrived.

At this point Aiwass hadn't woken up yet.So the housekeeper Oswald could only place her in the living room first, and let the maids serve some tea and snacks.

It wasn't until Aiwass got up, washed, and finished breakfast that Oswald told him that Inspector Haina was already waiting in the living room.

"...You came so early this time, senior sister. Isn't the appointment time 09:30?"

Aiwass was sitting in a wheelchair and was slowly pushed into the living room by Oswald.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Haina in "formal attire".

Completely different from what she wore when she came yesterday, at this moment Haina was wearing a split two-piece leather armor.

But this leather armor is closer to a uniform than armor.It doesn't completely cover all the skin, and even though it does have some protective effect, I'm afraid it's more of a ritual.

"Armor" is sacred in the Kingdom of Avalon.

In the Kingdom of Avalon, the main power class is divided into "knights" and "civil servants" in the civil service system.In addition to the hereditary knight families who can enter the Senate, the former also includes supervisors, arbitrators, and the entire cavalry system.Only "knights" can wear armor, and members of parliament must also wear full armor when entering the Senate. Wearing ordinary clothes to enter the Senate is regarded as a challenge to the authority of the round table hall.

Except for knights, anyone who wears or even holds armor can be directly sentenced to the harsh punishment of the maximum death penalty.Even if it is a knight family, the children of the head of the family cannot wear the armor of their parents without the authorization of the queen.

Because of this, as long as you see a person in armor on the street, you can directly recognize the identity of the other party.The level of the opponent can even be recognized from the specifications of the armor - the more inconvenient to move, the stronger the material, the more majestic the appearance, and the closer the color is to silver-white, the higher its status.

This is not from the experience in the game... After all, the Kingdom of Avalon was destroyed too early.The knowledge about this aspect comes entirely from little Aiwass' memory and common sense.

Aiwass could tell that Haina's leather armor was brand new.It even smells a little oily.

Because of this, Haina didn't dare to sit on the sofa in Moriarty's house.She carefully sat on the corner of the sofa, sitting upright.I'm afraid that if I accidentally dirty it, it will be disgusting.

"Better early than late."

Seeing Aiwass coming, Hayina breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly stood up from the soft sofa: "It's okay, Mr. Aiwass. I can act according to your convenient time - that's all The requirements given here."

Aiwass raised an eyebrow.

Last time I was two and a half hours late, this time I was three hours early...

"I feel that you are a bit too extreme."

"What?" Haina was a little confused.

"It's nothing." Aiwass smiled slightly, "The leather armor is very nice."

"This is specially approved for me by the institute!"

Hearing this, Haina suddenly cheered up: "Although my equipment and griffins have been approved, they are still on the way to deployment. The director said that it may take another two months to get them.

"However, because I reported your incident, the director felt that if something happened to you, the Supervision Bureau would cause trouble, but if he disagreed, he would also cause trouble. And if you send many people to follow you, you may not be happy; But if I let you have an accident, the problem will be even bigger. So the director made an exception and gave me the armor and the sword first!"

Saying that, Haina happily patted the sword she put on the table lightly.

Aiwass looked at her along with her line of sight.

It was a leaf-shaped short sword with a silver scabbard shining brightly.About 24 inches long, or sixty centimeters.There are beautiful patterns of thorns etched on the scabbard, and red, green, and blue sand-sized broken glass is inlaid in the middle of the thorns, which looks dazzling and bright under the reflection of the sunlight outside the window.It is a very typical elf style at a glance-whether it is easy to use or not is another matter, at least it looks good.

Because the shape of this sword is too beautiful, it is really different from the somewhat simple leather armor on Haina's body.On the contrary, it blends naturally with the elf-style ornaments in Aiwass' home.

At first, Aiwass thought it was his own art decoration.

It was you who brought it.That's fine.

"I will definitely protect you!"

Haina said very firmly.

Her calloused fingers gently brushed the thorn pattern on the scabbard.After taking the sword in her hand, the confident aura in her body was suddenly aroused.

Different from the timid, clumsy, and careful last night, the temperament of the whole person has become different.Even the eyes became brighter.

To use an analogy, it's like the difference between a horror game player without a gun and a horror game player with a gun.

Aiwass looked deeply into Haina's eyes and fell into silence and thinking.

He could notice that she obviously didn't sleep well last night - agitated, so to speak.

Of course, there is also a reason for getting in touch with his own sword in advance.But the more exciting point is that she thinks that she can finally "show her talents".

After yesterday's test, today's contact, and the investigation of her background, now Aiwass has been able to roughly explore and sort out Haina's thinking circuit.

She's clearly not very bright, and she can't be bothered to think logically once things get complicated.At the same time, she should come from a poor background, but in her own field—for example, in swordsmanship, she should have an extraordinary talent that she can be proud of.Therefore, her personality will gradually tend to become stubborn. Compared with hesitation, reflection and complicated analysis, she will be willing to believe in the results of her intuitive judgment.

To put it simply, it is a kind of "martial idiot".

Because her background is really ordinary, as a village girl who never dresses up, her appearance is naturally not as good as those exquisite young ladies in the capital.Therefore, she will have a shallow inferiority complex that she is not aware of.

This kind of inferiority complex will turn into a kind of aggression and hostility towards people who are "higher than themselves".But at the same time she's afraid of getting into trouble with her background-less self, so it doesn't become a definite word or deed.But it can still be revealed from the attitude of choosing under pressure and the instinctive reaction when making a decision.

Because of her straightforward personality, more accessible background, excellent grades, and survival wisdom that does not easily offend people.Therefore, she will be very popular in the school environment, especially among students with relatively simple thoughts-but when she first comes into contact with society, she will easily become confused, even manipulated, and even go to the wrong place. The wrong path of life.

Now is the moment when she feels lost.

This kind of person is perfectly usable.

The weakness and helplessness that Aiwass saw her yesterday was exactly the gesture that he carefully selected after consulting Hayina's information beforehand, which was the most likely to attract her in the first place.

The act of "reading a collection of poems" will give people a subconscious hint, making people feel that this person is not active.The wheelchair under him further strengthened this "stationary" intention, thus avoiding the head-on confrontation of Hayina, who is confident in the fields of "sports", "physical fitness", and "swordsmanship", preventing herself from being the first Time to arouse the other party's competitiveness or attention.

Aiwass has looked in the mirror and is aesthetically normal.Of course he knew that the appearance of his current body was quite capable.

So on this basis, Aiwass hired a personal maid to make up for himself in advance, creating a face that seemed weak and pale due to blood loss.A well-tuned fireplace, whose temperature provides a sense of relaxation, and firelight that provides Aiwass with a warm-toned filter.

In this way, the image of Aiwass will arouse Haina's desire for protection, at least it will not arouse her hostility because of her origin.A "weak", "injured", and "beautiful" superior is completely under her control at this moment, which makes her "hope" that Aiwass is good.In this way, he will not become his own enemy.

At this point, Haina's instinct would tell her not to continue the investigation.Her work experience is not rich enough, and her behavior is easily guided by emotions.After she had already given herself an answer, she was actually just looking for evidence for the answer afterwards.

However, when a person's impression is too strong, his image is easy to be abstracted and one-sided in memory.

If Hayina's affection for Aiwass is too high, then when Aiwass does something that does not meet her expectations, she will be "disappointed on her own."

Because of this, Aiwass needs to do some things in advance to make his first impression not so good and perfect.So he took advantage of the fact that Haina was late, and told some truths that she didn't want to believe, so that she felt that he was attacking her.

But in fact, she, who was at fault first, actually expected Aiwass to attack her.This way she can relax a bit.

After she interpreted Aiwass' strange words as attacks, she subconsciously ruled out the possibility of them.And when Aiwass proposed a possibility she could accept, she immediately attached to it, so as to reduce her guilt and relieve her psychological pressure.

So today and in the future, she can become her very reliable bodyguard.

After yesterday's contact and exchange, Haina would think that the two have become friends.And she urgently needs to show her proud strength—her swordsmanship—in front of this noble and innocent, gentle and artistic, weak and handsome new friend.

If she could really bring that to life, she would think "she's demonstrated a strength that she's proud of."So I hope to get the affirmation of Aiwass.

If Aiwass affirms this and expresses that she really needs her help, this kind of request will greatly satisfy her social needs.

In that case, Aiwass, who was clearly a suspect and whom she had guarded against before contacting him, could in turn become her good friend in just one day of contact.From this, Aiwass could be naturally drawn into her social circle at school.

Although bullying a young girl who just graduated like this made Aiwass feel a little bad.

This is his debt.

And Aiwass never liked to owe favors.Once you owe a favor, you must immediately find a way to pay it off.

Otherwise, it is easy to get close to others once you come and go.And having "friends" is a very dangerous thing. They often drag themselves into dangerous situations in order to help friends, and they are easily betrayed because they relax their vigilance towards friends.

Aiwass has never liked to get too close to others.

— that would only make him nervous and uncomfortable.

It is better for the two sides to maintain a state of mutual help and mutual utilization.If you stay in a healthy, efficient, and reproducible business relationship, you will not feel sad because of the other party's betrayal, and you will not feel resentful because the other party abandoned you...and you will not feel hesitant and guilty when you are ready to betray others.

Aiwass's current predecessor is an example.

Because she was too enthusiastic and innocent, she trusted her pen pals and regarded them as her friends, and she really paid a heavy price.

But it is very simple for him to return favors.

But in Aiwass' memory, the name "Haina" does not exist in the game.If nothing else, she should have died in the first version of the game because Avalon was invaded.

Aiwass didn't save Avalon for her sake, he did it for the stability of his own life.Therefore, saving her by the way is not a return of favor.

But with Haina's character, knowledge and ability, there must be many villains with the same ulterior motives as herself in the school who will try to become her fake friends.Aiwass can easily find those people, and then help her identify those true friends who are trustworthy and not so easy to betray.

He is good at analyzing people.

If I really want to say, the HR profession is more or less in the nature of Dongchang.

Not only is it required to have vicious eyes and an objective attitude, but it must also be ruthless enough to be ruthless.Just one tick away, and it meant getting someone "eliminated," losing their job, lowering their pay...and that was Aiwass's job itself.

The difference with the East Factory is that ordinary employees cannot easily offend HR.

In fact, the HRs of different companies in the same industry are usually in the same group and the same circle.What stupid things did someone in that company do, who did they offend, and what dark history did they have? Just ask in the group and everyone will know.It's not a secret at all.

As long as you are still a social animal and are still changing jobs in the same industry, you cannot offend HR.

At least you can't offend the first two - because the background investigation will only investigate the first two.

Aiwass just recently experienced three full years of unemployment.I just found a job, and I came to this world where the future is at stake.

Even though his attitude was calm and his expression was calm, he had already done a psychoanalysis of himself—he felt intensely uneasy now.

He is very satisfied with his current life, but he clearly knows the disaster in the future.

He desperately hopes to have a stable life, and he doesn't want to become a subjugated citizen, homeless and wandering around.

In order to fight against the fear from the future of this world, he must climb up as fast as possible.In order to control a part of the power of the Avalon Kingdom.At least, at least, and he must not allow himself to be alone against the world's enemy, but his teammates behind him are holding him back.

That's not a victimization delusion.

Aiwass was sure of it.

His vision is farther than most people in this world, and their decisions based on known information must be imperfect and incomplete.And Aiwass can't easily announce the future prophecy he got - he is not a saint.This prophetic intelligence could become his valuable asset.

Because of this, Aiwass needs to get enough influence.

Not the "knight" name of the adoptive father.That kind of thing can only be regarded as a status in name, and even entering the Senate is just a battle of wits with a group of old people who are mature and sophisticated.If you want to do anything, it will become sticky like slurry, and you can't use it.

The feeling that life is going with the flow and fate is not under one's control... It's hard to bear.

What Aiwass wanted was for those in power to ask his opinion before making a decision.He can't be one of them, and it's better not to be close to either faction.Not to be a victim of an internal power struggle...but to be something higher than them.

Not to control others, but to keep yourself out of control.

It is to keep oneself from being sacrificed and from sacrificing others.

Aiwass vaguely remembered that this incident would directly involve a certain minister in the end.

In the original history, it was the player who gained high prestige by solving this incident.

And there is no player character in this world, so he must join the investigation of this incident.

Fortunately, thanks to Yulia - although Aiwass still skipped the plot animation, he still remembered some details.For example, where is the most critical information, for example, what enemies are in the last dungeon, and how high is the level.

Because after a messy investigation, the first copy of this game will be opened:
Level 10 copy, "Sin Hub Pelican Bar".

(End of this chapter)

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