Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 13 You heard me, she told me to call

Chapter 13 You heard me, she told me to call

The first time she heard the battle above, she had already vigilantly started multiple rituals for herself in the basement.

——[Protect bullets], [Natural resistance to weak penetration], [Protect from slashing], [Stable casting], [Weak point reinforcement].

Of course, she was fully charged and prepared her strongest blow in advance, so she came out to stand here and confront them.

Although she was talking to Aiwass now, her attention was actually on Haina.

As long as Haina is distracted, she will immediately throw the "cursed baby" in her hand.It will automatically track the heart, and once it touches it, it will sink into the body and bite the internal organs directly from the body to cause frost damage.

While causing unbearable pain, it can also freeze the blood vessels near the heart.Even if you don't die after eating it, once you exercise vigorously, your internal organs will be torn apart, causing extensive bleeding.Not even the bishop could recover from an injury like that.

...But if this blow misses and they fall into a fight.

Even if she gave herself a lot of buffs in advance, she might not be able to defeat this young supervisor.

She could sense that the other party must have mastered the power of the third energy level.At least half a step higher than yourself.

Although she doesn't know the characteristics of the opponent's path, she has a high probability that she can't beat it.

- There is only one chance!
The moment she saw Aiwass raising his gun at her, she decided on the next tactic.

She specially strengthened her defense.

If it was a powerful firearm, she might still be afraid of it.But the power of Lady's Grip is weak.

Even thicker, fuller oak casks may not be able to hit each other.The female knight on the opposite side might be able to block the bullet directly with her muscles.

Such a bullet, even if it hit her eyes and throat accurately, could not cause serious damage to her.

And Aiwass Moriarty was just a young man who had never touched a gun and knew nothing.As the mutual induction between Transcendents on the Path of Resonance, she can clearly perceive...Even if Aiwass has a Transcendent profession, he is definitely at least one level lower than herself.

Because she didn't sense any threat from the other party.

He dared to shoot Admar because Admar had already lost his combat effectiveness.Equivalent to shooting at a stationary target.

Looking at Admar's body, the bullet was of normal power.Not specially modified by the craftsman.

But he is a living person, and he can escape.Without knowing whether he could dodge the blow, he would definitely choose to shoot his torso in exchange for a hit rate.

And her well-prepared protection can definitely block the shot easily.

But she could pretend she had been mortally wounded, and put the young horsewoman off guard.Then take the opportunity to attack the opponent——

"How? Let's take a gamble!"

She laughed boldly, as if she was really not afraid: "You only have one chance!"

Veronica knew that if this bullet could hit her weak point like eyes or throat, it might indeed interrupt her spell.But first of all, Aiwass may not dare to fight like this - he only has one chance.

If she continued to pressurize the other party, that young man would choose to be safe!

And as long as the shot didn't hit the weak point that was originally lethal, she could block it safely;

Taking a step back, the worst result is that the spell is interrupted.The poor little pistol in his hand was still unable to cause effective damage to himself—and he still had a chance to sneak attack the female knight.

——In any case, at least I won't lose.

Hurry up, hurry up.

"Give me a quick shot—"

After quickly determining the tactics through her own experience, Veronica stood still and continued to taunt:

"What a ridiculous and poor boy. You didn't kill you last time, and you can't escape this time. You don't think that if this thing can kill that idiot, it can..."


The next moment, the gun went off.

I saw a dark line passing through Veronica's head.

Her bald head immediately split into pieces, bursting like a watermelon.

The spell maintained in Veronica's hand drifted out of control, and the extremely cold wind blew through the entire bar.Haina, who was blowing, couldn't help taking a half step back, and Aiwass' wheelchair, which was blowing, rolled backwards and hit the wall before stopping.

You don't even need to make up for the follow-up.

Because she died so quickly and thoroughly that the continuous damage caused by "Shadow" and "Erosion" could not be dealt out.

White tiny spots of light gradually emerged from her corpse and poured into Aiwass' body.

[Kill the second-level transcendent, gain 16 free experience]

——This is the simplest way to skip class.

Among the protective rituals she can use, there are no physical resistances of the "cutting", "piercing", and "bludgeoning" types.In other words, she can only resist "slashing" and "shooting" at most.And her ritual level is too low to be effective against extraordinary weapons.

Then you only need to find an extraordinary weapon with the characteristics of "cutting", "piercing", and "bludgeoning", and use sneak attacks to hit her weak points before entering the combat state.It can penetrate all resistances like attacking ordinary units, and a single damage will knock out at least one-third of her life, and she will directly fall into a defense-breaking coma state.

Then a round of output can be taken away.

But in reality, without the triple HP bonus of the four-player BOSS module, she can be killed with a headshot with just one shot.

After all, the system for making "enchanting cards" comes from the ability of the Sin Scholar.The extremely rare purple extraordinary equipment in the 1.0 environment is basically a set of people after the two versions, so the entry of "extraordinary" is quite generous given by the phantom card of the great crime scholar.

Rather, if you don't give the entry "Supernatural", the weapon cards that appear in the phantom card can't beat the monsters after the two versions at all-the enemies in that period have basically covered the non-supernatural resistance per capita, no Weapons and consumables involving extraordinary power are no longer impressive.

How can it be like now, this blue and white outfit can kill people.

what is this?
This is the suppression of version updates.

"You see, she told me to shoot. I was just trying to frighten her."

Seeing Haina's astonished and confused eyes, Aiwass shrugged innocently: "It's none of my business."

"...I know. Don't be afraid, Mr. Aiwass. You are completely innocent. You were forced to shoot because she threatened your life—I can prove it to you."

Haina was half a step late before slowly nodding.

She looked back at the body of the sorceress again, and was silent for a while.

"...But why did she dare to be so arrogant?"

She tried to explain what was happening in front of her eyes, trying to rationalize it: "Probably she thinks that your shot will miss...

"—By the way, she said 'I failed to kill you last time'. Could it be that she is the demon scholar who kidnapped you? That's why she despised you. I didn't expect that as a priest, in addition to possessing reasoning ability, Still have the courage to dare to fight her!"

Haina spoke more and more smoothly, feeling that she had completed the logic.

Aiwass shook his head again and again.

This person is charmed, he can say anything... If you are greedy for me, just say it.This logic has already left him at a loss as to how to pick it up.

"We can still transport the body of one person back. But it will definitely not work for two people."

Aiwass didn't answer the question, but calmly put forward a suggestion: "So my suggestion is, let's find a way to contact the nearby Supervision Bureau. Let them send someone to supervise - and seal this place by the way. The Pelican Bar must be with the These demonologists are related.

"You can check the basement of this bar. There should be a lot of ritual materials in it."


Haina was extremely excited: "The incident is resolved!"

But then, she suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of which, how do you know the bartender's name?"

"Because I've been here before."

Aiwass did not shy away: "It was the day I was attacked and kidnapped.

"Actually, what I told you before was not quite right. Or... I didn't know they were demon scholars at the time."


"Yes. In addition to this woman, there is also a middle-aged man. Before I was attacked, the two of them came to me for a drink... I thought they were good people at the time, so I treated them to a meal.

"Unexpectedly, I passed out shortly after I left the bar. In a daze, I saw a huge stone arch. So I knew that I should have been taken to Stone Arch Park. I didn't even think about it. They are the ones who are the only ones—or, it should be that there is something wrong with the food I ate that day.

"That's why I tested the bartender. I suspected he had poisoned me and recognized me.

"So I guess we can't take it lightly. There should be a more powerful demonologist alive. He's a man, about 40 years old, brown eyes, also bald, with a bit of a Stark Kingdom accent - he says he's Stone Merchant, on weekdays travels between Starbow and Avalon."

Aiwass spoke half-truths and half-truths.

His itinerary that day was well investigated.He left a deep impression not only on the wild elf bartender, but also on all the guests who came here that day.

So you can't lie here.

And Aiwass had to pay special attention to the perspective problem.

If he's really an innocent, then he shouldn't know what's special about these two.So it was reasonable that he didn't report it on the first day - from Aiwass' perspective at the time, he was indeed attacked on the way home after going out to play.

But now, he had to tell the story.Because once he started to investigate the Pelican Bar, his itinerary for the day could not be hidden from others.

Similarly, from his perspective, he will definitely not know that the man has been killed by him.He didn't know that there was a dead person at the ceremony and that he was a wanted criminal.

Sure enough, Haina immediately explained to him: "Don't be afraid, that person is probably dead——I now fully understand the whole incident.

"They should have been hiding in this bar. Then when they saw you coming to the bar alone that day, they planned to use you as a sacrifice to summon the devil.

"The bartender is one of them, so he poisoned you so that you could not resist their sacrifice.

"The woman just said something like 'I didn't kill you last time', and the man died at the scene of the ceremony... It should be because he was summoned by the demon backlash, and his students fled the scene decisively. As a result I didn't expect the demon to kill its summoner first, and you survived."

"So it is."

Aiwass nodded thoughtfully: "If that man is already dead... then it roughly matches my speculation.

"In this case, senior sister - we don't have to report to the Supervision Bureau immediately."

Now Haina was going to be used, so Aiwass no longer called her by her first name, but returned to her senior sister.


Haina was a little surprised: "If there are more people, it will be faster to find them, right?"

"Some of the guests who fled before must have reported to the Supervision Bureau. And I just fired two shots, and the people outside should have heard it. The supervision should come after a while, we just need to wait here."

Speaking of this, Aiwass showed obvious hesitation on his face, which even Hayna could easily see.

She immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"Actually," Aiwass lowered his voice, "I might have a book left here.

"I was groggy when I left that day, and things stayed here."

"what book?"

"It's a forbidden book."

"Forbidden books?!"


Aiwass nodded, and said seriously: "It's called "Code of Alchemy", and it should have been received by the bartender in the basement.

"I didn't dare to take it back at first. But since we don't have to notify the Supervision Bureau immediately, I still want to take it back. That book is still very precious... And I am also worried that if it stays here, maybe Someone will find out that this book is related to our Moriarty family."


Haina only felt a little headache.

Even if it's not good looks - in this short day of contact, she also admires her junior very much.

Smart, serious and cultured.He is even a seeker of the way of devotion and fights with himself.From the perspective of dealing with the female demon scholar, he can even be regarded as saving his own life.

She is not ungrateful.

But how to deal with this matter...

Haina thought for a while, then sheathed her sword first, and the halos in her eyes gradually went out.

"Just this time."

She also lowered her voice, and said seriously: "I know that among the big shots, someone must have secretly studied those taboo knowledge. But I didn't expect you to do the same...

"I hate to report you, but at least you don't bring it in public? It's dangerous!

"Even if the package is not searched by the passing patrolling inspection bureau, it may be targeted by bad people-you may not know that the price of this kind of mysterious book is very high on the black market!"

Of course I know.

It is because it is very expensive, and senior sister, you are poor and afraid, and you can share the pain, so you bring this up here...

"Yes, senior sister said..."

Aiwass nodded again and again, with a pitiful look: "Sister, can you find it for me? Since it is illegal, it should be hidden in the basement; if it is precious enough, it should be placed in some important box inside."

"...I suspect that you were targeted because of that book!"

Haina didn't teach enough, so she couldn't help but say a few more words.

But looking at Aiwass's appearance, she really softened her heart.

She sighed, and handed her inspection badge and saber to Aiwass: "You stay here, don't go out. If the local inspection comes before I come back, you can show them this. Tell them someone is already looking into it and tell them to wait here.

"—Also, I just remembered when it came to alchemy. According to the standard case-handling procedure, your gun has to be handed over to the Supervision Bureau for testing to see if there are any traces of illegal modification by alchemy."

"I understand. I should."

Aiwass nodded without hesitation.

Haina was a little worried: "Tell me the truth, is there any? I think it is a bit powerful. If there is, I will help you dispose of the corpse and hide the traces of the corpse a little bit——alchemy modification Weapons are also illegal."

"Really do not have."

Aiwass assured with certainty: "You can inspect it casually. It's better not to dispose of the corpse... If someone finds out that the corpse has been disposed of by you, you will have a hard time."

Regardless of whether it is enchantment, it is indeed not a transformation... and if the phantom card can be detected by novice technicians with a maximum level of less than forty levels like the Supervision Bureau, there will be ghosts.

Do you know what is the technical barrier of the industry?

Hearing this, Haina's heart warmed up.

It was clear that she was the one who asked to help the other party, but for some reason she had the feeling of being helped.

"Be careful, I'll be right back."

Saying that, Haina opened the door to the basement.And closed the door.

After she left, Aiwass sighed softly.

The puppy-like expression that made a mistake on his face immediately restrained and disappeared without a trace.He became expressionless.

——The next moment, Aiwass stood up from the wheelchair.

His movements are very fluid without any lag.

And the moment he got out of the wheelchair, the shadow under him moved slowly like a living thing that was suddenly awakened.Like an shapeless monster, it crawled slowly from his skin, spread and twisted from the ground.

The entire messy bar hall became dark.

It's as if it's not noon here, but evening when the lights are turned on.All light from outside is blocked.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

When Aiwass stepped on his own shadow, he actually made a sound like boots trampling on puddles of rainy weather.His shadow seemed to have turned into some kind of viscous liquid, like flowing black blood.

Aiwass, who completely ignored the mutation, went straight to Veronica's body, and searched her body carefully in the dark.

When they met that night, Veronica showed it to herself—she hid a thick stack of letters under her clothes.

He could see clearly then.The last letter I sent to them was hidden inside.

These letters were kept in her own bodice.

——If Veronica forgets to destroy or plans to keep this letter temporarily after she is suspected of being killed by Shadow Demon...

Now that she died suddenly, it would be evidence that could implicate Aiwass in this matter.

Aiwass tricked Haina away in order to quietly recover this fatal evidence.

The result was just as Aiwass expected.

Aiwass took out a stack of letters of different sizes from Veronica's clothes.And see the one that belongs to you at a glance.


Aiwass sneered and squeezed the letter tightly.

as expected.

——This is the last proof.

 Woohoo, the editor ran over to me very worried yesterday and told me that the number of words has increased too fast, and if you are not satisfied with the updated book recommendation, you will have to put it on the shelves...

  Today is still more than 7000 words, and it will be reduced to less than [-] from tomorrow, but I will also try to write a little more!It is very important to catch up with the new book period, remember to come and see it every day!


(End of this chapter)

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