She Who Became Immortal

032 – She, Who Contemplates

"Wow! Quite a sight. Are those the beastmen's forces?" Peering down from the hill, a crowd of beastmen stretched beyond the wheat fields, forming an army. It wasn't clear if they were unified.

"The werewolf tribe has fifty, the lizard tribe has sixty... and there are the baboon tribe, around twenty, plus twenty kobolds, and fifty dog beastmen... The rest is uncertain. Roughly three hundred, I'd say. Definitely over two hundred and fifty," Serena, the fox spirit, reported, scanning the beastmen below.

"This is unexpected. Gathering such numbers suggests they have intel on us," Junos frowned, surveying the wheat fields.

"That cat beastman... Leaf Liza, right?"

"She betrayed us...?"

Kirina and Katarina murmured, eyeing me.

"Maybe. While likely, it's hard to believe Leaf Liza initially sided with the beastmen. The Torus tribe came here based on Leaf's tip. If Leaf hadn't revealed their destination, it would've been less troublesome for the beastmen... But dwelling on that is pointless," I noted.

The discussion had moved beyond such matters with enemies advancing.

"There they are! Those lizard bastards who attacked our village! Boss, this is bad! They're trouble!" Sparky Linter, the Torus tribe's representative, exclaimed, addressing Junos as "Boss."

"The werewolves over there, they're our village attackers. And those kobolds, they're probably coerced from the Shamal tribe," added Iota Polo, representing the Polo tribe.

Glancing over the hilltop, all demon races, including Katarina, were armed and mobilized. The orc tribe had mostly moved to the demon realm, with some stationed on the hill. The Polo tribe had a similar setup but more on the hilltop. The Bernard tribe had a few on the hill and the rest busy with transport. The Torus tribe had Sparky and a few others on the hill, the rest on the other side. The dwarves were unaffected, out in the mountains with Dubil.

Preparations were reasonably set.

Now, it was down to luck.

If there were monsters among the enemies, it might end there, depending on their strength.

If they were like human nobles with tactical weaponry, we could manage. If they were as versatile as demons and stronger than Junos, it would be challenging.

But it was too late to dwell on such matters.

We had moved past that stage long ago.

"Lady Euphemia... could you address everyone? We're trying to brace ourselves, but frankly, we're anxious," Montego said, his troubled expression contrasting with his demeanor during the wolf tribe attack.

"Do you understand why you're anxious?" I asked, hands on hips, puffing out my chest, and smiling.

Montego pondered for a moment before realizing he had no answer, glancing around at the others.

No one spoke; they awaited my words.

"Because you possess something," I said.

Of course, that wasn't enough. After a brief pause, I continued.

"Those who don't possess it don't fear losing it. It's simple logic. Fear of loss stems from ownership. Right now, we hold onto something we 'don't want to lose.' It's something I didn't have before. Something you all gave up. And—"

You could run away.

I had told Janus Yunofeliza in the demon realm.

But Janus didn't flee.

Because he had something he couldn't afford to lose.

I didn't deny that.

I believed it was sufficient.

Recalling memories from my past life while feeling the burn of my flesh under my feet, reflecting on my life, the 'me' that merged with myself, pondered this.

At this rate, it would happen.

If you thought rationally, this would be the outcome.

Logic dictated it.

There was cause and effect in all things, and the flow of life couldn't be altered.

――As if I knew.

I didn't understand why I ended up like this. I had no idea why my physical injuries were healing, or if there were limits to it, or if there was a time frame. But it didn't matter. Such matters weren't mine to know.

"Now, I refuse to give up. We may suffer losses. We may face moments of defeat. But that doesn't mean we surrender. I can't stand idly by and watch things being taken from me without a fight. I won't accept mere defeat."

Are you anxious? Are you scared? Undoubtedly.

The thought of everyone before me being slaughtered, leaving me as the lone survivor, rising from the ashes like a phoenix—it pained me, a pain even my immortality couldn't heal.

"If you want to prevent loss, there's only one path. You've already embarked on it. Preparation. We've done what we can. Now, all that's left is to strike with clenched fists. I'm not asking you to rely solely on me. After all, I'm just a cute little girl."

With a smirk, I felt my lips curling up.

Montego's anxiety had dissipated. Sparky from the Torus tribe brimmed with determination. Serena wore a wry smile, while Katarina and Kirina's eyes gleamed.

Junos nodded in satisfaction.

It seemed he had been awaiting those words.

"Now, let's fight. I trust all of you with it."

Amidst the excitement, we refrained from launching a surprise attack. Only Junos, Serena, and I descended from the hill. We were uncertain about the beastmen alliance's intentions. Lacking communication methods, we couldn't decide whether engaging in armed conflict with such a large military force was appropriate. Negotiations were preferable, but even without that possibility, we aimed to gather information.

"Hey, Euphemia. Let me handle negotiations with them," Junos said casually as we walked side by side.

His nonchalant tone momentarily confused me.

"I don't mind, but... if anything worries me, I'll intervene," I replied.

"Sure, that works."

"Why are you taking charge again?"

"There are several reasons, but mainly because it's better for Euphemia Grimwood to lead, especially with our own people or potential allies," Junos explained.

"And this time?"

"A cat beastman was there. A peddler."

Serena provided the answer.

"Leaf Liza, right. What about him?"

"I spotted him among the enemy. He seemed battered. Perhaps he encountered the beastmen while spreading information about Sutin Village. Maybe someone from the attacked village divulged Leaf's information and got captured."

"I see."

It sounded plausible.

Perhaps the beastmen held Leaf as a 'hostage.'

"It doesn't bode well, does it?"

"No, it doesn't."

But how did it affect our current situation?

Struggling to comprehend Junos' rationale for leading, I walked, perplexed.

"This is our predicament."

Junos spoke with a hint of amusement.

Yet, I remained puzzled.

"...What exactly is 'this'?"

Going with the flow.

The answer was succinct, yet puzzling.

"Could it be, 'to me'?"

"Don't tell me you weren't aware? You really are an exasperating woman. But yeah, that's right. We've been swept along by you, ending up in a place like this. And that's not really good for us. It's not good for us to fight while being swept along by you, killing enemies, gaining allies, settling down, creating our own place. Montego and the others were wise. They entrusted their fate to Euphemia Grimwood. Rather than being swept along, they chose to ride the unpredictable flow you create."


"In that sense, what are you going to do now, Euphemia?"

"...As if I know."

Junos' amused question elicited an indignant response from me.

And oddly, Junos seemed pleased.

"These guys are truly hopeless," murmured Serena, her voice cheerful.

"Well, if it's not against my will, then it's fine."

"Understood. Then, I'll leave it to you," I said, and Junos nodded.

The total number of the beastmen alliance's army was around three hundred.

As for us—well, what could it be?

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