She Who Became Immortal

006 – She, Who Become Guinea Pig


The Gillette siblings, Laura Gillette, the elder sister, and Toreno Gillette, the younger brother, were renowned figures at Louisse Academy. Together, they were dubbed the "Gillette Twins" or the "Gillette Prodigies," basking in their celebrity status among the student body. However, their affiliation with the Marquis of Illyrius came as news to me. It seemed inconceivable that anyone from the academy would willingly associate with "Euphemia the Talentless," hence their lack of awareness.

Their notoriety stemmed from their unwavering dedication to the study and mastery of magic. They were singularly focused on honing their own magical abilities, displaying an almost obsessive devotion to their craft. Moreover, they were notorious for their aggressive demeanor towards anyone who dared to obstruct their pursuits.

Rumors circulated about three unfortunate individuals who had allegedly lost their limbs after foolishly crossing paths with the Gillette siblings. It was whispered that their injuries were a direct consequence of interfering with Laura and Tureno's magical endeavors. Undoubtedly, the backing of the powerful Illyrius family only served to bolster their impunity. No one dared to provoke the ire of such influential nobility.

Leopold Illyrius, in his typical manner, instructed me to "deal with them," implying some form of experimentation or intervention. Yet, such directives hardly came as a surprise; I had anticipated them well in advance.

It took about an hour by carriage from Illyrius Castle, just before a somewhat remote forest on the outskirts, where stood a mansion, seemingly the residence of the Gillette siblings.

In terms of size, it could be compared to one of the villas owned by the Grimwood family, perhaps used for a few days of summer vacation. To put it simply, it was about the size of a medium-sized condominium.

Inside the mansion's grand hall, the Gillette siblings lounged. The hall was spacious with bare stone walls, reminiscent of a dungeon. Two chairs and a table were placed there, and a glamorous woman with doll-like features was sipping wine from a glass, while a tall man with a similar face nibbled on roasted beans from a plate.

"Oh? Isn't this a rare sight?" the woman remarked.

"Isn't it Miss Euphemia?" the man added.

"What is she doing here?" the woman wondered aloud.

"How did she get here?" the man questioned.

"I wonder if she came?" they mused in unison, typical of their twin characters.

Turning their heads towards me with just their necks, they showed no genuine interest in their expressions, just as they did back at the academy.

"I know about her. Euphemia Grimwood... Although she can no longer use the name Grimwood due to certain circumstances, she will serve as the experimental subject you two wanted. Treat her with care," the man who guided me to this mansion had said before leaving, leaving me completely bewildered.

Despite my confusion, the Gillette twins turned their bodies towards me, directing sharp gazes at me.

"Experimental subject?" one of them questioned.

"He said experimental subject," the other confirmed.

"We definitely heard it," they agreed.

I remained silent, too stunned to respond as I was grabbed by the arms by the twins and taken to the mansion's backyard.

An experimental subject is a guinea pig.

With this simple truth in mind, events transpired in the backyard. Specifically, I found myself bombarded with the twins' magic—direct hits of experimental magic that could easily maim others.

It struck me as odd that only the terrain in the mansion's backyard seemed to be altered. Clearly, it was the result of the magic wielded by the Gillette siblings.

"So, could you stand over there for a moment?" Toreno, the twin brother, instructed.

Following his direction, I positioned myself where indicated.

Toreno and Laura stood about ten meters apart, speaking with clarity:

"Do you understand what magic is, Miss Euphemia?"

"Magic is truly mysterious, but two things are certain: magical power and a magician."

"So, what does it mean to use magic? Do you understand, Miss Euphemia?"

Their conversation left me perplexed.

However, their intentions were crystal clear to me.

First, Toreno conjured a fireball in his palm. Like a miniature sun, he held it aloft before me.

"Take this, for example. Ordinary magic manifests as an attack—projection, jet, discharge of fireballs, and the like. But with careful study, one can maintain control like this. It's simple, you see."

After his cryptic explanation, he casually released the fireball—no, not hurled, but rather, let it go.

Before I could react, flames engulfed my shoulder area.

My body swayed momentarily.

My right shoulder vanished, leaving only the nauseating sight of my severed arm on the ground.

Yet, in an instant, my body reverted to its intact state, albeit with a stylishly innovative hole in my shoulder where the flames had scorched through.

"Wow! Isn't magic incredible, Miss Euphemia?" Toreno exclaimed with laughter, then gestured, sending something invisible slicing through my waist.

My upper body thudded to the ground while my lower body vanished, only to reappear moments later, seamlessly instantly rejoined and unharmed.

"It's unbelievable. Completely beyond comprehension. Terrible, isn't it? To have such hidden talent. Why didn't you tell us?" Laura remarked, her smile carrying an almost lascivious quality.

And so, I unwittingly became their guinea pig.

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