She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 159 - The Perfect Lover and the Bad First Spouse (Part 14)

Office buildings that go to work in the early morning often allow people to see what is crowded.

The queue at the elevator entrance has already lined up outside the corridor, and the crowds brought about the sultry heat. When the air is not circulating, the taste of the packaged breakfast is unpleasant, but even if you can’t stand the smell, you can All I can do is hold my breath. As soon as the elevator door opens, I will bury my head and follow the flow of people in. As long as I can squeeze in, I will avoid the trouble of waiting for the next ride.

In the office building, the “privilege” of the leaders is that they can come later than ordinary social animals, and they can come to the door calmly and always maintain their demeanor when they stagger the peak period.

Kochi Zhuo has always been a person with such a “boss” privilege. Not only does he not have to commute to get off work on time, but even having this rule appear every day is of no use to him.

It’s just that today’s situation is slightly different. Being squeezed at the elevator entrance, he has a feeling of collapse that is almost maddening. What annoys him the most is that every time the elevator door opens, he can see the people around him relying on his extraordinary crowding skills. Overtaking on the corner, and he, always one step behind, failed to get on the elevator, so he had to continue to hold his breath in this crowd.

Kochi Taku wanted to shout a rational queue several times, but as long as his brain calmed down a little, he would find the cruel reality. There is no such thing as a queue around here. No one will care about you waiting for this kind of rush to work. As long as it is their turn to go, this is the most problem-free approach.

Today’s occasion was slightly formal, and he wore a full suit as usual.

He asked Yu Mi-shuang to iron this suit before going to bed last night. Speaking of which, Kochi Zhuo was very emotional. Yu Mi-shuang can really say “little knowledge” about running housework, even folding clothes. Does not know how to pay attention to skills.

If this were the case before, every piece of clothing and underwear in his wardrobe would be measured with a ruler, copy-paste-like folding, and there would never be too much difference due to the thickness of the material.

It is said that what clothes are hung on the hangers and what clothes are folded and stored, there is corresponding attention, and clothes that are easy to leave marks must be hung on specially purchased non-marking hangers…

It shouldn’t be him to teach these things, but Yu Mishuang has given birth to a wooden fish head that has no inspiration, and everything seems to have to be carved by him.

Let’s just say that the suit he wears today, Yu Mi Shuang, who doesn’t know how to look at clothes, also chose the autumn and winter styles. It looks like they are almost all straight styles, but the fabric has already made him heat stroke. Fortunately, this fabric It’s hot enough, otherwise it must have been out of shape due to sweat.

However, Yu Mishuang is not good at all, but only one thing is good, that is, he can give up everything better than Ning Chuxia.

For Yu Mi Shuang, he is everything in her life.

Thinking of this, Kochi Taku picked up his phone.

Unsurprisingly, when he opened WeChat, it was full of Yu Mishuang’s apology messages. She had a humble attitude, and every sentence she said was full of guilt. Fortunately, he opened Do Not Disturb, otherwise she would definitely be disturbed.

There are too many messages sent, and Kochi Takuya has no idea of ​​reading them one by one. He swiped all the way down to the end. Anyway, these messages are not nutritious, and they are all apologies.

His eyes fell to the end, and it was obvious that these messages were sent out after a period of time.

Although Yu Mi Shuang typed a lot of words, it is not complicated to summarize. She said that her cousin and cousin sent a message to her and she heard from them that after she left, her parents’ health was not very good. According to the cousin and cousin, this is because she was hit by her running away from home, and the second is that the previous lawsuit had a great impact on the two, and they have not been able to rest well during this period of time.

Yu Mishuang hesitated and was at a loss: “Zhizhuo, I… I think I should go home, can you accompany me? I don’t dare to go back alone, I’m afraid my parents are still alive. I’m angry, but I’m worried.”

She rambled on and said some more, her words were a little out of order, enough to see how dazed she was at the moment.

Kochi Zhuo narrowed his eyes and looked unhappy. He didn’t like Yu Mi Shuang’s contact with her family. Isn’t it good to rely only on him like before?

He, who had been squeezed impatiently before, suddenly responded to the message with concentration.

[Excellent knowledge and action: Why didn’t you care about your physical discomfort before? Although I know that your parents have thoughts about me, and I probably won’t look ashamed when I go, but they are your parents after all, how could I not care? Shuangshuang, you are so disappointing to me, even if you have a conflict with your parents, how can you not pay attention to them? You see, Mom and I occasionally have disputes, but I follow her every day. 】

Oh, of course he doesn’t care, he doesn’t have to care about other people’s parents, but how to say it is another matter.

[Excellent knowledge and action: I have been busy with my work recently, as you know, for your sake, I have now given up my teaching career and devoted myself to entrepreneurship, and I am busy every day. Little, if I don’t feel sad, I’m afraid what others say will be ugly, but I will arrange time here as soon as possible, go to your parents and scold you if you want to scold them, they will be happy when they scold. 】

He doesn’t want to go and won’t go.

[Excellent knowledge and action: Speaking of which, I really don’t know how to get along with your parents. I think I must be the culprit in your parents’ opinion. The good daughter in their hearts has been with me for a while. Hey, I don’t even know how your parents would respond when they smelled this. They probably thought I was instructing you to do things and let you block the gun, right? 】

He wanted Yu Mi Shuang to understand that these were all things she did wishful thinking, and he had paid enough.

If it wasn’t for Yu Mi Shuang, would he be able to get to where he is today? He has done his best, and he can’t do it just by changing anyone.

[Excellence in knowledge and action: But you have to adjust your mentality and think about how you communicate with your parents. To be honest, your emotional intelligence is really worse. You have been communicating with people and judging whether something is right or wrong. There is a problem, I haven’t matured since I got married, and it’s my fault that I’ve been busy recently, so I don’t have time to pay attention to you and tell you how to adjust yourself. In short, think about it, and arrange the time. I’ll arrange it later. 】

After sending the message, Kochi Zhuo closed WeChat with satisfaction, and without waiting for a reply, he knew what Yu Mioshuang would reply.

Kochi Takuma feels that people are inherently different.

He seems to be born with the gift of keenly sensing the emotional changes of others, and he can grasp the friends, partners, and lovers around him by getting along with them in the palm of his hand.

He can also see through other people’s weaknesses at a glance, and he can achieve the results he wants without much effort.

Gao Zhizhuo selectively ignored Ning Chuxia’s existence. He was unwilling to admit that it was true that Ning Chuxia had completely escaped his control, and even bit him fiercely. This influence has not dissipated until now.

The elevator door just opened, and he followed the crowd into the elevator. There were too many people. Even if the air conditioner in the elevator was turned on, it couldn’t dispel the heat inside.

Soon Kochi Taku arrived at his destination.

This is an office that has been established for a while. It is obvious from the appearance that it is decorated in a high-tech style, which matches the name of the technology company with the linear logo at the door.

When he entered the door, he didn’t see the figure of that person, and Kochi Taku’s emotions immediately became heavy.

“Mr. Gao, you are here, you should drink tea first.” The employees in the company immediately got up from their seats when they saw Kochi Zhuo’s appearance, and started to make tea after their busy schedules, but it was obvious that their faces flashed just now. It’s obvious that it’s because Kochi Zhuo appeared and asked them to make tea and was not very happy.

“What about you, President Wu?”

This Wu has always been Kochi Zhuo’s partner.

Wu is always a native of City A. Relying on the policy of taking care of the province by the universities in the province, he went to a local university in the province to get a degree certificate. After graduation, he inherited the family business.

Their family business is in the textile industry, but there is a tendency to be eliminated in the past few years. President Wu has been planning for a transformation. Later, he met Ko Chi Zhuo.

Kochi Zhuo was drinking tea, maybe the temperature of the water was still quite high, he really felt that he was sweating all over, and his mood was terrible.

Today is Mr. Wu who he took the initiative to make an appointment with. To be precise, he has already made an appointment with Mr. Wu for a week.

It’s just that the family business that Mr. Wu inherited from the past is very large, there are related industrial parks in other places, and he has been on business trips before, and this invitation has been delayed until now.

In the chat log, the two said that they would meet at the time of “work”, so Kochi Zhuo had to come here at the most crowded time, but now he told him that President Wu himself was not there?

Kochi Taku knows too well what it means to have a cold tea. He didn’t feel uncomfortable when his hand touched the wall of the hot cup. Instead, he took the initiative to use this touch to divert the panic in his heart.

When he was notified by the school that he was required to go through the formalities for leaving school, he did not panic, because he knew that his career outside was enough for him to show off his strengths – and he couldn’t do anything to beg the leaders to change their minds, that was. Is there anything that Kochi Takuya can do?

After the formalities were completed and he formally cut himself off with City A University, Kochi Taku realized the terrible situation he was going to face within a few days.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to stay in the school back then, but his qualifications and abilities made it impossible to stay.

Don’t look at him as a doctor. In the eyes of many people, he is already tall enough, but in their school, the teacher doesn’t know what year to start, and the doctor takes off when he joins the job. stay in school.

As for other schools in the same city as their alma mater, they also took advantage of the geographical location and increased their value early. The good ones are waiting to be picked. The poor schools are not in a hurry. They want to welcome them. The attitude of coming or not is obviously not going to offer any good conditions.

That is, when he was at his worst, he heard the news that City A University wanted to introduce talents in the social resource sharing group of his alma mater.

City A University is a well-known and well-known school in China, but its only disadvantage is its geographical location. This city is considered a second-tier city in China, but the development of the province it belongs to is not too strong. There are many intensive industries in the area. Although the population is large and the labor force is sufficient, it has to lose to many cities in terms of livability and future development.

Kochi Zhuo didn’t want to be low, and City A University was already the best choice in his choice, so he asked his senior brother to help release information, so that the school could come to the door, and finally chose City A as if he was persuaded.

Now that several years have passed, the threshold for recruiting teachers in universities in various regions has been raised again. Let’s say City A University has now mentioned the standard for doctoral degrees. The few graduate student places are used to recruit counselors. It also generally takes care of the students of the school.

The most hateful thing is the public opinion gift package that Ning Chuxia gave him. It is impossible for Kochi Zhuo to find another teaching job in a school in this province, unless he is willing to recruit people urgently, but he has no resources of his own. city ​​of.

It is said that when a person goes high, he can’t go low, right?

After the university was closed, the only option he could choose was business.

It is impossible and impossible for Kochi Zhuo to post his resume on the Internet. He can only rely on his previous contacts to see if he has a foothold.

There are only three employment directions for their counterparts in this major, for public research departments, for private enterprises, and people like him who continue to follow the academic route. The signboard of their school is still inlaid with bricks in this major, but it is Kochi. Zhuo spent several years in college.

In recent years, he has perfectly avoided the recruitment opportunities of the research department, and now he is definitely not the best choice compared to the fresh graduates.

As for private companies, his college experience is also deducted. They want people with sufficient experience in practice, and the work rhythms of private companies and institutions are completely different. They must be cautious and cautious about recruiting such high-tech talents. , Except for those start-up companies that just want to recruit everyone to use it, Kochi Zhuo can’t get in any of them.

Going around in circles, the only ones he could rely on were his former partners.

The teacup in Kochi Zhuo’s hand was cold, and he finally got the person to wait.

“Professor Gao, I’m sorry, I’m stuck in traffic here, I’m late, didn’t you wait too long?” It was Mr. Wu who entered the door. When he saw Kochi Zhuo, he showed a rather enthusiastic expression, so he almost gave a direct message. Embrace.

“It didn’t take long, I came a little earlier.”

Also wearing a suit, Mr. Wu’s beer belly is more than one level worse than Kochi Zhuo’s thin figure.

But Kochi Zhuo could see the fit of Mr. Wu’s suit, and the fabric looked the best and most suitable.

His eyes dimmed. He bought the suit he was wearing after his divorce from Ning Chuxia. For convenience, he picked out a famous brand in the men’s clothing section of the mall and bought several sets. The customization is still a little worse, and people who know it can see it.

Ning Chuxia’s existence over the years made him unaware that he was vaguely behind.

Money is really more important than he thought.


The remorse in Kochi Taku’s heart flashed.

Yu Mi Shuang’s personality is much softer than that of Ning Chuxia. She is less independent than Ning Chuxia who has been under the control of her parents. She is used to relying on others. This kind of dependence is different from Ning Chuxia.

Speaking of reality, after Ning Chuxia married him, even if his mother was emotional, he was not satisfied. She still insisted on the habit of going shopping regularly to “take a breather”, although she said that she would buy it for the whole family every time. Order something, but she’s obviously relaxing when she goes shopping.

Yu Mi Shuang was different. After marriage, he was always busy at home, and because it affected Kochi Zhuo, he always held that little apology, not to mention an apology, even went through the formalities for suspension of school quietly.

Why can’t we do everything in this world?

“Professor Gao, how have you been recently?” President Wu winked, the office door was closed, and he laughed without any scruples.

“What can I do?” Kochi Zhuo sighed deeply, “She…”

“What’s the matter, Professor Gao?”

“I’m still childish, how do you know how to be a wife? You know my situation best, if it weren’t for things like this, how would I…” Kochi Zhuo hesitated, leaving room for President Wu to make up his mind.

President Wu shook his head and followed with emotion. After working with Kochi Zhuo for many years, he was the first to eat this melon cleanly.

Not to mention, Kochi Taku is a bit unlucky.

On the one hand, there is a conflict with his wife, and on the other hand, the student who has a crush on him has muddled the water.

In the end, outsiders thought it was him who made a mess, but the students all fell out with the family for him, and he would say that he was irresponsible and unfriendly, and in the end his job was lost.

On the one hand, he was very envious of Kochi Zhuo for having such a lustful blessing. His wife had just left and a young student came here, but on the other hand, if this lustful blessing was given to him, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

This is also the “blessing” that Professor Gao can enjoy.

“You’ve worked hard.” President Wu felt a little pity. Who would have thought that this student would mess up their plans? Thinking of the actual loss caused by Kochi Zhuo’s departure, President Wu wanted to focus on his heart and lungs, but he knew a lot of things, and he really couldn’t say anything.

“It’s not hard work, just teach. You always have to take some responsibility. Her parents still have opinions on me. I’m afraid they can only be sent to the door to be scolded.” Kochi Zhuo continued the words with ease, talking He is too confident in the past. Sometimes people are so easy to guide, and it is easy to generate some emotions in their hearts because of other people’s words.

“Aren’t all the little girls now like this? They don’t understand marriage.” Kochi Taku shrugged and turned the topic to the part he cared about the most, “No, it’s urging me to find a job now, saying that I’m gone now. The school professor’s job is not decent enough, and she is embarrassed to go back to see her parents.”

Mr. Wu, who was still smiling just now, his eyes dimmed, and he cursed inwardly, knowing that the crux of the problem was coming, although he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, his face still looked like a good man: “Yo, Professor Gao, what are you talking about? What! How can you be disrespectful because of the lack of professors, don’t you have a lot of projects outside?”

“A project is a project, but the work that can be said is definitely different.” Kochi Taku also laughed, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly became undercurrent, “When I go back to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I have to have an explanation. Right? You’re right?”

“This statement is definitely true. In this way, if I ask someone to print a business card for you, I was worried that you will not have a good influence in the school, but now it is different. Since you have left, the name of the general manager can also be put on it. It’s over.” President Wu took a step back and said that what else could he do?

It’s just that he couldn’t help but scolded Kochi Zhuo in his heart, secretly hoping that this person would know a little more.

Kochi Zhuo seemed to have heard the voice in his heart, and followed the words of President Wu, but he stepped on his thunder point: “No need, just hang the name of the vice president, but I also You can’t just keep your name and do nothing, right? I thought about it, I used to think that I was a hands-off shopkeeper, but you have to work hard all by yourself.”

“How can you say it’s hard work?” President Wu felt a little stiff and smiled reluctantly, “I’m just afraid you’re not used to it. After all, the work in class is boring, and it doesn’t look like a university teacher’s working hours are relatively flexible.”

At this point, he naturally saw that Kochi Takashi was bound to win.

When the two were working together, it was agreed that Kochi Zhuo would provide the technology and become famous, and President Wu would provide the money.

But the person who made Wu always want to save face would naturally not be able to take out the verbal agreement that he had reached with Kochi Zhuo, and he could only admit this loss.

In fact, the space in the office is very large, even if it is more than enough to fit three or four Kochi Zhuo, but if there is an airborne vice president to intervene, the situation is completely different.

When the agreement was reached, Ko Chi Zhuo was still a professor at City A University, and he had a lot of social resources in his hands, but now, unlike the past, he still has to make an inch!

“That won’t happen, you can always get used to it.” Kochi Zhuo took a sip of tea and smiled. When he got what he wanted, the stone in his heart fell.

To be honest, he was also a little flustered. After resigning, he always felt that there was no guarantee. Now that he can officially enter the operation and have a comprehensive understanding of the company, he no longer has to worry so much.

Kochi Zhuocai doesn’t think his decision is too much. You must know that talents like him can obviously bring value to the enterprise when he enters the enterprise. When he gets started, he can adjust and provide some technical value, which is simply mutual benefit. Joining the company, but President Wu taking advantage, how can it be said that it is a loss?

If he had known that he would have today, he would not even transfer the technology, but would only keep these in his own hands and sell them at a price.

When he was teaching at school, he seemed to care nothing about it. Recently, he has become more and more aware of the importance of money, but all this is a little late.

The two of them, who were thinking about each other, were very good at acting, perfectly concealed their thoughts, and ended the conversation after chatting and laughing with each other.

Just shaking hands to say goodbye, that smile is fleeting.

The opera outside the door was playing again, and although he tried hard to find a common language, Yu Mishuang still couldn’t understand what it was singing.

She pursed her lips and was dazed in the room. She held the phone in her hand for a long time, and the perspiration from her sweat was already on the screen, which made people feel an uncomfortable wet feeling.

It was ten o’clock in the morning, and Yu Mi Shuang was only able to stay in the room during this time of day.

She never had the habit of being in a daze before, but since then, she has been sitting like this for longer and longer.

After sitting for a long time, when I regained my senses and moved a little, I could hear the crunching sound of the bones in my body. The soreness went up from the lumbar vertebrae.

Yu Mishuang habitually opened the cabinet on his side by the head of the bed. The cabinet was filled with ointments that took up half of the country. Boxes of different colors and sizes were stacked slightly skewed, and the text on them was also different.

Yu Mi Shuang had no idea of ​​tidying them up at all. She even enjoyed the mess at the moment. This was probably one of the few spaces in this family that was allowed to be cluttered.

Taking a piece of ointment, Yu Mishuang rolled up the shirt, and sticking it on the back was a difficult movement. As long as the ointment was rolled up, it was almost useless, and it was useless to apply it again. Only after messing around did she realize that she regretted it, but now she has finally “learned it”, perhaps even if she can’t learn, after all, she can’t count on Kochi Zhuo and Gao’s mother for help.

The ointment was stretched on her arm, and her upper arm was shaking a little after it was applied. She sat on the bed again and saw the message from her friend.

The person who sent the message was her best friend in her hometown. The two were classmates of junior high school and high school. Although they separated after college, they still maintained the habit of seeing each other when they came home. one of the contacts.

This friend of hers graduated from a bachelor’s degree. After graduation, she joined a local private company to arrange wedding and banquet venues.

She sent a message to complain: “Baby, I’ve vomited blood, the boss of this company can’t bear the money and has to invite some literate people to come over! I’m trying to give birth to someone with my address book. !”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I made six more phone calls but it didn’t work. Recently everyone’s schedule is full. Isn’t it nice to pay more than one hundred thousand? I want to say that the premium in the market is too great now!”

“The basic salary given by the black-hearted boss is very low. If this list is not completed, the commission for this month will not be high. I will be **** off. By the way, didn’t you tell me two days ago that you feel bad at home? I tell you my dear. , I’m so happy at home! It’s a miserable job as a social animal, hey, I can envy you sometimes! Although it’s boring at home, it’s comfortable, you can still feel the fish, and it’s mainly because of your major that you didn’t before Did you say it? You can’t earn much money even if you get 996 for a job after an undergraduate degree, let’s forget it!”

Yu Mi Shuang didn’t say a word, and clicked on each other’s Moments. Every time she went through her friends’ Moments, she could see a world that seemed to be completely isolated from her. Some friends in Moments would clean up with colleagues after the annual meeting. There are photos of laughter at the scene, there are invitations to take photos with anticipation when receiving celebrities, and pictures of going to have a happy drink with friends around and enjoying food are often inserted…

And what about her? Only the so-called “time is quiet”.

Yu Mi Shuang sometimes wonders, is it true that she is a little bit “in the bliss and does not know the bliss”, maybe in the eyes of many people, she is now being raised at home to be pampered, right? She remembered that after taking a leave of absence, her roommates also told her politely that some people in the school thought she was enjoying the benefits. Even her roommates said that it was good for her to stay at home.

But she really felt tired.

The repetitive work day after day seems to have plenty of time every day, and there is always room for rest, but in fact this work trivially fills every corner of daily life. Of course, if she is not careful about life, it can be reduced. The problem is that there are two pairs of eyes staring at her all the time in this family. It is obviously normal to take money, but it becomes difficult to tell. Before asking for money, they will go through the list over and over again in their minds, as if they are afraid of being wronged. Like corruption, I wish I could type out the bill in advance.

In fact, doing housework is not completely meaningless work. When she sees that the house is tidy and the clothes are hung on the balcony, she will also have the emotion of “finally done” and “see how clean this is”, but this kind of satisfaction is very fast It was over. Looking at her friends, she could say that she entertained leaders and big figures, and how many banquets she held, but her work seemed to be only quantified as the “unavailable” data of how many times she had done housework.

Thinking of the morning conversation with Kochi Taku, she felt even more guilty.

It was she who caused Teacher Gao to lose the teaching job he liked… It was she who destroyed Teacher Gao’s marriage and made the kind Professor Gao have to turn against his wife. She even forced Teacher Gao to take charge.

Facing her like this, Teacher Gao retaliates with virtue.

First of all, she accepted her unreasonable thoughts, and took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​obtaining a certificate, giving her a legitimate status.

Knowing that this lawsuit might lead to controversy at the school, when he found out that Yu Mi Shuang wanted to suspend school, he immediately expressed his support and promised to support her. He not only said that, but also did it. Now, since this time, he has never urged Yu Mi-shuang to go out to work, and all the expenses at home are taken from his account. Yu Mi-shuang has become the “mi bug” that friends envy and can not worry about employment and work. Life.

And what about her? However, she couldn’t even do basic housework well. She knew that Kochi Taku was in a bad mood for a while because she lost her job, but she didn’t know how to understand.

It’s all like this, she can still make such an “excessive” request.

Yu Mi Shuang looked at her chat records and felt that she couldn’t speak. How could she ask Kochi Zhuo to accompany her to be accused by her parents because she was timid? Obviously all this is not Professor Gao’s problem, but she herself insisted on sticking it up to force Professor Gao to accept her.

She’s a complete asshole.

For some reason, Yu Mi Shuang suddenly remembered what Ko Chi Zhuo said two nights ago when he was facing her conflict with Gao’s mother.

“I thought this was common sense. According to common sense, shouldn’t parents teach their children?” Kochi Zhuo rubbed his forehead, “I know that you are not good at housework, and you are not good at dealing with people, and you are not good at getting along with elders. But isn’t that an exaggeration?”

“Your parents still doted on you too much before. If you dote on you too much, you won’t know anything… Okay, learn slowly, you can always learn, and it’s nothing.” Kochi Taku said easily, but then The disappointment between the eyebrows is helpless but too clear.

Whenever she sees Ko Chi Zhuo’s seemingly lost figure, Yu Mi Shuang will be overwhelmed by her bad mood. She tries hard to change something, but she can’t change it.

She felt as if she was immersed in a swamp, falling more and more uncontrollably. She could only force herself to change and then do better. After all, she “replaced” Ning Chuxia to appear, but maybe It’s because of her poor foundation that no matter how hard she tries, she seems to be doing her best.

She felt like a second-hand.

There was no mirror in front of her. Yu Mi Shuang didn’t know how bad her face was at the moment. She just silently opened the chat box that had not been updated for a long time. In the past, I only saw exclamation marks.

Maybe what Kochi Taka said was right. Her parents didn’t forgive her. She also added fuel to the fire when she went to them at this time, making them even more unhappy?

Thinking of other things, he forgot that he hadn’t replied to his friend’s message, but instead waited for the other party’s complaint.

[Dizzy, the big boss didn’t tell anyone even when he found someone himself, which caused us to call for a long time. 】

[The person who invited said that it is a very popular emotional blogger recently. The price is not expensive. It is mainly for the female employees of their company. I don’t know if they are reliable or not. There are many bloggers who are very supportive offline. Bad, I’m going to squat in the group and wait for the promotional materials to be distributed. 】

【2020/09/01Personal introduction of Ning Chuxia.docx】

Just after the last file link was sent, it was withdrawn in a second by the owner who noticed that it was wrong.

But no matter how fast she withdraws, she can’t keep up with the speed of the human eye. Yu Mishuang, who happened to see the name of the file, showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, but sometimes socializing is to pretend to be blind, and when friends withdraw for her, she also has to learn to pretend. Silly.

She waited for a while before sending the message: [What did you withdraw? By the way, can you do me a favor? Take a look at my house and see how my parents are doing recently. My cousin said that they are not feeling well, and you know my situation. I am afraid that I will suddenly go back and **** them off. It’s hard work for you. 】

The friend readily agreed, and Yu Mishuang became fascinated again. Recently, she felt more and more that her thinking was slow, and it seemed that she always had to think about something for a long time.

Ever since she discovered that her behavior of peeping at Ning Chuxia every day was a little morbid, she forced herself to quit this habit.

She didn’t want to face it and didn’t want to admit it, but the truth was that what she really couldn’t face was that Ning Chuxia’s better and her own were worse, which was too different from her perception.

But she tried her best to escape, but Ning Chuxia was still infiltrating every corner of her life.

The door was suddenly opened, and some arrogant opera voices came from outside.

It’s funny to say, this house “sounds” always very lively, there is no shortage of singing, drums and chanting, but it lacks the human flavor.

Yu Mi Shuang has never been said to be bad-tempered. Her attitude towards Mama Gao has been as low as the dust, but she still can’t get the slightest response. There is always only the point of indifference, and politeness is a rare thing.

She poured herself chicken soup time and time again to make herself not flinch and keep working hard, but in the end, she became more and more unsure of which of her words would make people unhappy and became silent.

Kochi Zhuo, who entered the door, also didn’t talk to his mother, and he frowned at the fact that Gao’s mother was playing loud music at home.

His cold and violent skills were all learned from his mother. The more her mother tossed and resisted silently, the more he didn’t want to get used to her.

He used to be in a teacher’s residential area, and he was still worried about being known. Now that he is no longer on the job, what should he care about?

As soon as he entered the room, Kochi Zhuo saw Yu Mishuang swiftly come over and take the clothes. He glanced at him, satisfied and disgusted by Yu Mishuang’s timid appearance.

“Have you voted yet?”

“Huh?” Yu Mishuang, who was stunned by the sudden question from Kochi Zhuo, looked over stupidly.

“Didn’t you say you want to go home?” Kochi Taku sat down with his clothes loose, stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, “It’s time to go back, no matter what your parents think, but it does appear to outsiders that it is me, a teacher with bad intentions. , violated the morality of teachers, and abducted you.”

Kochi Zhuo smiled wryly, and this is the expression he most often puts in front of Yu Mishuang: “It’s true, when I was your teacher, I didn’t control the distance between us well, it was me who crossed the line…”

Yu Mi Shuang didn’t dare to listen anymore, her heart twitched: “No, it’s me…” Self-motivated.

“Mom and dad, then I let my friends see it.”

Kochi Taku’s heart was full of joy again, he felt as if he had grabbed the ropes of the marionette, and could easily control all the movements of the little man in front of him: “You can’t do this well, your parents have watched a lot. Sad? If I knew that I promised you to make you like this, I might as well continue to carry it, and now I don’t know where to go from work. “

When he said this, he revealed the tyranny that was only revealed occasionally. This was also the image that was different from the teacher before Yu Mi-shuang after the two got their certificates.

He approached Yu Mi Shuang, looking down from the top, he could only see Yu Mi Shuang’s hair spinning and her unstoppable trembling: “You know what? Today I’m going out to talk to President Wu, I have to bow my head to him, I have never had to wince in front of him before, just because I am no longer a professor at City A University, do you know how badly you have hit my career?”

Yu Mi Shuang’s fingernails pinched his own flesh, Kochi Zhuo didn’t seem to be a gentle teacher at this time, he was just wanton.

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