She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 25

Chapter 24 – Promise

The brain was running fast, and Lu Yinxi was calm and composed, and he choked out a reason: “Because I have to help Teacher Zhou organize Teacher Zhao’s things these two days, the two old people are very kind to me, come to the hospital Every now and then, he would give me something to eat, and Mr. Zhao would often introduce me to someone—”

After hearing the introduction, Jian Qing glanced at her.

How come whoever feeds her can feed her well?

Receiving the cold gaze, Lu Yinxi stopped talking, thinking of the anger she felt when she disagreed with her last time, she quickly stood up and explained: “I didn’t agree to meet those who were introduced to me, and I didn’t add contact information. “

Jian Qing looked away expressionlessly.

Seemingly indifferent.

Lu Yinxi suddenly felt that his explanation was superfluous, and a slight embarrassment sprouted in his heart.

That kind of feeling is like you are afraid that the other party will misunderstand something, and after explaining desperately, you find that the other party doesn’t care at all

—The embarrassment of exchanging shallow words and deep words and using excessive force.

The more I thought about it, the more unpleasant it became. After a moment of silence, Lu Yinxi became furious, and whispered fiercely to her: “Do you want to go to the park? Give me an answer!”

Jian Qing looked up at her with calm eyes, and said quietly: “I didn’t say no.”

She was always being bullied by this kid, obviously she was the only one in the hospital who was bullying others.

After getting the answer, Lu Yinxi nodded: “Oh, then wash your hands and eat.”

Jian Qing insisted on not talking when eating or sleeping.

In the beginning, when Lu Yinxi ate at the same table with her, in order to ease the awkward atmosphere, he always had nothing to say.

Now we can not say a word to each other, but we don’t feel embarrassed, just occasionally raise our heads and look at each other.

It seems that they want to confirm each other’s existence.

Once confirmed, feel at ease.

Halfway through the meal, Jane asked Lu Yinxi coldly, “Aren’t you coming to the hospital for the next two days?”

Lu Yinxi bit his chopsticks: “It should be okay to give me two days off, right? Besides going to Teacher Zhao, I also want to go back to school.”

The profession of an actor is different from medical treatment. You need to be famous as early as possible. Most of the career peaks are young, so many students in the acting department signed with the company as soon as they were freshmen or sophomores, and began to take leave to film.

In the book, the original owner has not yet signed the company, but was recommended by someone to join the medical drama crew invested and produced by the state unit, and took a half-year leave with the school. At the end of the semester, he still needs to go back to school to take the exam.

Freshman and sophomore performance students are still learning the basic theory of performance. The learning requirements are to liberate nature, observe characters, and experience life.

In the real world, Lu Yinxi did not come from a major, and only studied acting knowledge after entering the entertainment industry.

Now she does not have the aura of a star, but is only an intern in the hospital as a student.

The hospital is the best place to test human nature. Many people can only see life and death, abandonment of family and children, and long-term companionship that can only be seen in TV dramas. In the hospital, it is happening every moment.

As an actor, observing their lives and experiencing their emotions is actually a kind of learning.

If he returns to the real world in the future, the time in the hospital will also become a precious experience.

Hearing that Lu Yinxi said that he was going back to school, Jian Qing asked, “Do you know the way?”

She didn’t forget that the child was weird now, like another personality lived in this body, and she forgot many things.

Lu Yinxi smiled: “It’s okay, I’m such a big man, I won’t lose—”

Before the word “的” came out, Lu Yinxi saw that Jian Qing suddenly turned his gaze away, turned his face sideways, frowned slightly, and his expression was a little abnormal.

Lu Yinxi bit his chopsticks again, and asked softly, “I… did I say something wrong?”

“No.” Jian Qing shook her head and turned her gaze again, “I have a shift recently, so I don’t have time to take you there.”

Lu Yinxi considered his words: “It’s okay, I can’t find the way, I’ll find out by looking at the map and asking someone.”

Jian Qing hummed, but didn’t speak again.

Lu Yinxi buried her head in her meal, recalling the conversation just now over and over in her heart, wondering why Jian Qing had such a big reaction to the word “lose”.

Could it be that she was abandoned by others?

After the meal, Jian Qing went to the study to write a thesis, and Lu Yinxi went to the balcony to enjoy the air and take care of the green plants on the balcony.

Wipe the dust on the green leaves, spray them with water, and watch them become green and shiny again, and your mood will improve a little bit.

After taking care of the green plants, Lu Yinxi opened the recliner, lay down, put his arms behind his head, and looked up at the dark blue starry sky above his head.

In this world, the sky at night can always see the stars all over the sky, dazzling, or the moonlight, as clear as water.

Too good to be true.

Light pollution and air pollution in big cities will affect the visibility above the city, and it is absolutely impossible to see these scenes with the naked eye.

In this virtual world, every plant and tree is realistic, and the characters are vivid, each with their own emotions, only the night sky is an illogical existence.

But people here seem to be unaware of this anomaly, and take it for granted that the night sky should be like this.

She transmigrated into this world inexplicably, wondering if she could find any clues from the night sky?

Just as Lu Yinxi was fascinated, a cold face suddenly appeared in front of him, covering a corner of the night.

She withdrew her arm pillowed behind her head, and put it on her chest: “When did you come out?”

If it weren’t for this face being too cold and charming, maybe she would have jumped up in fright.

Jian Qing didn’t say much, stood up, pulled out a recliner, and lay down beside the Luyin Creek, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Lu Yinxi withdrew his gaze from looking up at the starry sky, turned his head, and looked at Jian Qing’s beautiful side face.

The starlight sprinkled on her body, coating her with a layer of silver-white Tsinghua, making her skin white as jade even more.

No matter how many times he has seen it, Lu Yinxi will always be moved by this face.

Heartbroken, but unable to express.

She still couldn’t confirm Jian Qing’s intentions.

Jian Qing’s attitude towards her is very special, but it is far from special enough to attract her full attention.

Lu Yinxi remembers that in the original story, they did have a relationship, and the large-scale description in black and white will make people blush after a while.

But that night in the countryside, she inexplicably slipped in and showed strong resistance. After returning to Jiangzhou City, Jian Qing prepared a guest bedroom for her alone.

The most outrageous actions so far were pinching her earlobe and kissing her tear mole when drunk.

In this regard, Jian Qing showed enough respect.

However, there is still a hint of inequality.

It’s like…the inequality between pets and owners.

Jian Qing can treat her well, just like the owner treats a kitten, providing the cat with the water, food, and shelter necessary for survival, and tolerant of the cat’s spoiledness.

This kind of goodness can be given at any time, and it can also be taken back at any time.

Lu Yinxi had no choice but to be with her just because these were good.

She has no shortage of love.

She doesn’t want to be treated like charity.

What she wants is equality between two souls.

Apart from the reason why we can’t be together, there is another point, which is also the most important point

——She couldn’t give Jian Qing the promise of staying together.

She can’t give even the friendship of lifetime companionship and mutual support like Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhou.

Today at Teacher Zhou’s home, she saw a group photo of the two elderly people from youthful youth to silver hair. On a whim, she asked Jian Qing: If one day she is no longer in this world, will she be missed?

Jian Qing didn’t answer her, just looked at her.

At that time, she thought that her Dr. Jane should get to know a better person.

A person who can make promises and stay with you for a lifetime.

Even if it’s not love, just colleagues and friends like Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhou can accompany her through the long years.

Lu Yinxi didn’t think he was that person.

She couldn’t make a promise to stay together for the rest of her life.

If, relying on this heartbeat, regardless of expressing your love, even if the two are together, one day the story of this world ends, she returns to her own world, and there is no possibility for the two to meet again, then what should I do?

At that time, where would she go to find Jian Qing? Where should Jian Qing go to find her?

It’s better not to start than to get it and then lose it.

Lu Yinxi sighed softly, looked away, and looked at the starry sky again.

The night wind was blowing slowly, and the slight sigh disappeared in the night with the wind, and no one noticed it.

For a long time, Jian Qing was still resting on the chair with her eyes closed. Lu Yinxi pushed her and said softly: “Mr. Jian, if you want to sleep, go back to your room and sleep. There is no sun now, so be careful of catching a cold.”

Jian Qing opened her eyes.

For the first two nights, she shared a room with Lu Yinxi, and she slept well until dawn.

She wondered if staying with her for a while longer tonight would have the same effect.

To be driven away now.

She stood up and said lightly, “You also go to bed earlier.”

Lu Yinxi hummed.

Jian Qing stood there and waited for a few seconds, before Lu Yinxi could say good night, she turned and left silently.

Lu Yinxi looked at her leaving back and said good night in his heart.

For the next two days, Lu Yinxi didn’t go to the hospital. He went to Mr. Zhou’s house to help in the morning, and went to school to rehearse the sketch in the afternoon to prepare for the final exam.

Jian Qing was busy dealing with Wang Enyi, and after confirming that Wang Enyi had repaid Mr. Zhou, he copied the stub of the death certificate to him.

After the shift was over early the next day, before the patient came, Wei Mingming smiled and flattered him: “Boss, I feel that you are a little different from before, you seem to have become a little gentler…”

In the past, Jian Qing didn’t care about the patient’s affairs. When there was a dispute, she would call the police and call the security department. If there was any conflict, she would directly push it to the medical department to deal with it. She went her own way and didn’t give others a look.

Jian Qing took out the pen from Wei Mingming’s breast pocket, bowed his head to sign, and did not speak.

Wei Mingming continued to inquire: “Boss, to be honest, did you secretly talk about someone behind our backs a while ago?”

“Very free?” Jian Qing didn’t look up, and coldly assigned Wei Mingming a job, “Go and finish writing the death discussion records of the recently deceased patient.”

Wei Mingming slapped his head, not even daring to ask for his pen back: “I must be hallucinating.”

How can you feel that her mentor has become gentle?

For the next two days, Wei Mingming lived in dire straits. She wrote the admission records and the first course of disease of each newly admitted patient in the group. Jian Qing also checked the words—

“Bed 7 complained of missing a full stop.”

“It took more than 8 hours for the first journey of 9 beds to write.”

“There are no double quotation marks in the medical history data provided by the 16-bed patient.”

“Omeprazole was stopped on bed 21, and the course of the disease was not recorded.”

“Wei Mingming, do you want to rotate in the quality control department next week?”

“What are you going to the quality control department for?” Wei Mingming was at a loss, but he did not forget to flatter him, “Boss, you have to believe that I am only willing to help you work!”

Jian Qing tapped her on the forehead with a pen, and said coldly: “I send you to flatter me, so that my bonus next month will not be deducted from your defective medical records.”

Wei Mingming:!

On the third day, Lu Yinxi returned to the hospital.

Eight in the morning.

The second tumor area began to shift shifts early, and there were already many family members of patients waiting outside the office, as well as various administrative staff and pharmaceutical company personnel who needed a doctor’s signature also squatting at the door.

Early shifts are the time when the medical staff in the department is the most complete. From the head of the department to the trainees and interns, they are all in the office listening to the nurse on duty report on the situation last night.

At this time, the signatures are the most complete. After the shift is over, some go to outpatient clinics, some go to rounds, and some go to meetings, and they may not be able to find anyone all day long.

After the shift was over, Jian Qing was surrounded by several people as soon as he went out.

She took the pen, swiped to sign the document, and put the pen into her pocket very naturally after signing.

The people below hesitated to speak, and dared not open their mouths if they wanted to come back.

Pens are the most easily lost items in the hospital. Everyone often jokes: put a hundred yuan on the table and no one will want it, but put a pen on the table and it will definitely be taken away.

Lu Yinxi suppressed a smile, and tugged at the corner of Jianqing’s clothes: “Give back the pen.”

It was only then that Jian Qing realized that she took out the pen and returned it.

The person who threw the pen gave Lu Yinxi a look of gratitude and admiration.

Near noon after get off work, a patient in Jianqing’s team went into cardiac arrest, and rescue was organized quickly.

After the rescue, it was past one noon, and everyone was too tired to go home.

Lu Yinxi ordered meals in advance, and the doctors and nurses who had rescued the patients ate around the big table in the office.

Meal time is a rare time when you can swipe your phone.

Wei Mingming brushed Weibo and said, “Hey, Sun Tianwang was cheated.”

Zhang Yue lowered his head and murmured: “Normally, there are many handsome men and women in the entertainment industry. If you want me to change one every month.”

Wei Mingming pouted: “Can you get in?” He poked Lu Yinxi’s arm again, “Little Lu, didn’t you go back to school two days ago? Tell me some gossip that is unknown in the circle. .”

Lu Yinxi laughed and said, “No one knows about it, how could I know? And I’m still a student, so I’m not counted in the circle.”

There are some stereotypes in all walks of life. When it comes to the entertainment industry, you think handsome men and beautiful women are full of hormones. When it comes to medical science, you feel serious and serious.

Just like in the entertainment circle, those who can become popular are not fools, and in the academic circle, those who can get along like ducks in water are also sensible people.

Sometimes, those who will run away from relationships and form cliques will have a lot of money; those who work hard will not be able to apply for funds from the fund, and they will be too poor to let go.

Wei Mingming turned on the camera: “With your appearance, it’s not a matter of time before you become popular in the industry. Well, from today onwards, I will be your career fan. Come on, let me take a group photo first, and let me post a commemorative Weibo. When you become popular in the future, I will follow suit.”

Lu Yinxi approached cooperatively and took a photo with her: “By the way, send me a copy. When you become a famous doctor in the future, I will follow suit.”

Zhang Yue also turned on the camera: “I want to take a picture too, I’ll show off to Moments after I take the picture.”

“Get out, you straight man who can’t edit pictures.”

“You know how to fix it? In the photo of us together, you always only P yourself and don’t help me P!”

Jian Qing interrupted the chatter between the two: “Eat, don’t make noise.”

The two of them instantly turned into quails and buried their heads in eating.

Lu Yinxi remembered the joke about taking pictures of Jian Qing two days ago, and borrowed a digital camera from someone. After get off work in the evening, he took Jian Qing to the Bailu Park near the hospital as agreed.

Jian Qing didn’t have dinner, so Lu Yinxi bought two roujiamo from a small roadside shop and handed them over.

“Can’t you come back after dinner?” Jian Qing gnawed on the roujiamo, with a rare look of disgust in his eyes.

Lu Yinxi paid for another Roujiamo and a cup of hot drink, and stuffed them in her hands: “Be full.”

It’s time to work when you’re full.

As he spoke, he took a few photos of Jian Qing eating Roujiamo.

Not far away, a group of aunts and uncles are lined up neatly, dancing square dances to the cheerful music; young people who are off work are running and exercising along the aisle; on the lake, a large family with old and young are chasing Play around.

The two sat on a park bench for half an hour.

Jian Qing looked at the grandpa and aunt happily dancing in the square not far away, lowered his head and rubbed his hands, and asked with a blank expression: “Do you want to learn to dance?”

If you want to learn from her, you can send her to a training class, instead of going to the park to watch grandpa and aunt twist their waists.

“No, I’m just observing the crowd. This is an after-school homework for our acting students.” Lu Yinxi lied without changing his face, staring at every young man who was running.

She wants to take Jian Qing to do a test to test whether the ending of the characters in the book can be changed.

The author has something to say: Jian Qing: I thought that going to the park would allow me to spend the day and night chatting, but I ended up watching a square dance for half an hour

*Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-05 04:04:30~2021-02-06 06:54:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 6 for the old friend; 2 for Chitanda; 1 for Yiran and Ha;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 4426979718 bottles; 10 bottles of la la la; 454012143 bottles of hazy moonlight in the rainy season; 2 bottles of Yu and Little Fatty;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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