She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 – Chat

With the star river shining above her head, and the soft jade in front of her body, Jian Qing was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t breathe, so she turned her face away and coughed a few times.

Lu Yinxi quickly turned over and got up, not daring to press her down again.

The person on the bed didn’t get up, coughed a few times, and lay down on the quilt, looking up at the stars on the ceiling.

The starlight is like water, and the room is quiet.

It’s like going back to the night we first met.

Lu Yinxi took off his shoes, sat on Jian Qing’s bed, hugged his knees, carefully traced her face with gentle eyes, and asked softly: “You started to doubt me that night in the villa, didn’t you? “

Jian Qing hummed, instead of looking at Lu Yinxi, she continued to look at the stars.

Lu Yinxi rested her chin on her knee and smiled: “That night, the first time I saw you, I thought I was dreaming, and there was such a good-looking person in the dream…”

Being praised for being beautiful, Jian Qing looked indifferent: “I saw you that night and thought you were sick.”

Lu Yinxi smiled, and whispered fiercely to her: “Can you not destroy such a romantic atmosphere…”

Being murdered again, Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi, shut her mouth, remained silent, and merged with the quiet Xinghui.

Lu Yinxi looked at the head of the bed, put his index finger on Proust’s “Reminiscence of Things Past”, and gently stroked the black font through the transparent packaging bag, looking for something to say: “Do you like to read this book? Listen It is said to be “Dream of Red Mansions” in the eyes of Westerners.”

“I don’t know. I heard that hypnosis is very effective. Buy it and try it.”

Lu Yinxi withdrew his hand.

Sure enough, we can’t talk about literature.

She and Jian Qing are both people who have never touched Chinese since they entered college. Their literary influence is limited to the compulsory extracurricular reading list for elementary and middle school students. It is considered good if they can memorize the four major classics.

“Hey.” Lu Yinxi groaned again, calling Jian Qing’s gaze.

Jian Qing looked at her, waiting for her words.

Lu Yinxi sat with his knees bent, hesitating for a while, but he still didn’t have the courage to ask “Do you like the me before or the me now?”

Jian Qing waited for a while, but before she heard her words, she turned her head, rested her arms on her pillow, and continued to look at the stars: “Want to stay and sleep with you?”

Lu Yinxi was annoyed: “Why do you accompany me? Are you ashamed to say such things as a teacher?”

Jian Qing’s face remained unchanged, as if she hadn’t heard of it.

Lu Yinxi wanted to scold something more, but looking down at Jian Qing, some unsuitable images popped up in his mind.

Covering eyes with white gauze, hands tied with belts, under the moonlight in front of the window, from half pushing and half pushing, to catering to Suo Huan…

In the past, when reading texts, he couldn’t comprehend the face of the other party, but Lu Yinxi could still look at it calmly. Now, he firmly remembered the figure and appearance of the other party, and the picture in his mind suddenly became vivid.

Her gaze involuntarily swept across Jian Qing’s red lips, collarbone, curves…


Can’t watch anymore.

As if his eyes were burning, Lu Yinxi quickly climbed out of bed: “Leave Xing Xing to sleep with you.” When he walked to the door, he stopped again, looked at the person on the bed, and said goodbye softly: “Good night, Teacher Jian.”

After waiting for a while, Jian Qing replied softly: “Good night, Classmate Lu.”

Lu Yinxi left contentedly, leaving behind a room of stars.

In the past few days, Lu Yinxi has a habit of opening the memo before going to bed, recalling the plots of the original novels he has seen in his mind over and over again, and then recording the key time points and characters.

She kept an eye out, all the key characters involved in the plot used pseudonyms, only recorded keywords that she could understand, and did not record any complete words that others could guess the meaning of.

It has been more than half a month, and I have written down almost everything I can recall, and I can’t remember any more details.

Lu Yinxi clicked on the memo, and looked at the ending in the original book again.

In the next winter, that is, almost a year later, she, the cannon fodder, will commit suicide, and Jian Qing, the villain, will also die.

I don’t know the cause and process of the character change, I only know the ending.

In order to escape this ending, she set a safety period of 5 months for herself.

Five months later, after getting the money, she planned to travel across the ocean, stay away from right and wrong places, and protect herself wisely.

Lu Yinxi picked up the white smart watch beside the bed.

The desktop of the watch is a white picture, with a simple and clear name and contact information written in black on a white background.

The man hoped that he could contact her as soon as possible in case of unexpected situations in the future.

Lu Yinxi put down his watch, put it on the bedside, and began to think about split personality.

There will never be another personality.

The original owner created a character based on her, which was originally a part of her character.

In recent years, not only black fans will write articles using her name and experience, but some of her fans also like to write fanfiction, and make CP for her, both men and women, meat and vegetables are not taboo.

Because she has a brown tear mole in the lower left corner of her eye, eight of the ten non-descriptive articles will describe her being held down by someone and licking and kissing the tear mole.

Her fans are very good at writing, sometimes she is a street lady, sometimes she is a pure school girl.

They endowed the name “Lu Yinxi” with various roles and various experiences. Lu Yinxi respects the fans’ hobbies and always laughs it off, not caring much.

After all, as a public figure, “Luyinxi” is just a symbol, an object to be stared at and deconstructed.

What the audience sees of her, what black fans see, and what fans see, never constitutes the real her, but just five or six tenths of her.

Jian Qing always mentions that half of her personality, does it mean that she likes that part of herself more?

Weak, obedient, non-aggressive, like a dodder, clinging tightly to her body.

She sent herself to the hospital for treatment, did she really hope that the original part of her personality would come back?

Feeling sore and swollen fermented in the dark night, Lu Yinxi curled up under the blanket, bowing himself into a shrimp.

Even if I can swear and bite people, and I am not as weak and obedient as before, I can’t be so blatantly disgusted.

What are the benefits of dodder?

Pure and weak is just one of the characters on the screen, didn’t she find that she has many advantages?

For example, she has a common topic with her and can understand all medical-related things; for example, she is more cheerful and generous, and will take the initiative to chat to mobilize the atmosphere; for example, she has a more resolute personality, strong adaptability, and can quickly relieve any small emotions…

With a cheeky face, Lu Yinxi listed his own advantages one by one in his heart, firmly believing that the current self is better than the dodder personality.

But what if that scum likes dodder? Who can say who loves this kind of thing?

It’s like fans like celebrities, but most of the time they just like the persona, not the real person.

Lu Yinxi was so sad that he tossed and turned until the middle of the night. He couldn’t get over the drowsiness, so he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, at breakfast, she told Jian Qing the fable of “Ye Gong loves dragons”.

Jian Qing heard a faint sarcasm, but didn’t understand what she meant.

“Speak straight.”

Lu Yinxi sighed, shook his head and remained silent.

Jian Qing’s attitude is indifferent: “I love to talk but not to talk.”

At work, when she walked to the hospital gate, Jian Qing came to her senses: “You are more real now. Is that what you mean?”

Lu Yinxi had already uncovered this, and was drinking a cup of milk tea when he suddenly didn’t realize it, and asked in a daze, “What?”

Jian Qing: “Nothing…”

Thanks to her pondering all morning…

In the hospital, individuals and emotions become very small, there is no major issue except life and death, and no one is taken care of except patients.

Putting on a white coat, wearing a mask, stripping away private emotions and emotions, restraint and calm are the only weapons.

Jian Qing devoted herself to work, and Lu Yinxi followed her to the early shift and teaching rounds, and was called to the piano room by the head nurse.

There used to be a utility room at the end of the corridor on the right side of the tumor area 2. Later, a public welfare organization donated a piano, and the utility room became a piano room.

Every week, student volunteers from Jiangda University or medical staff from the hospital come to play the piano for patients.

Music can soothe the depressed emotions of patients.

Recently, the students are preparing for the exam and have no time to come, so Lu Yinxi is on top.

She happens to play a few simple pieces.

There are often old people sitting on the balcony of the piano room basking in the sun and listening to music.

Lu Yinxi met a pair of optimistic old ladies, one surnamed Zhao and the other surnamed Zhou.

Mrs. Zhao, who is seventy-two this year, is a retired English teacher who suffers from lung cancer. Every time she comes to the hospital cheerfully, she also goes home cheerfully after chemotherapy; Bring delicious food from home to share with everyone, and the saying that often hangs on my lips is: “Happy is also living, unhappy is also living, it is better to live happily, and live for a few days.”

A very lively patient, a lively patient.

During the hospitalization, the husband and children never came to visit, and the quiet old lady Zhou stayed with her to take care of her.

Mrs. Zhou is younger, in her early sixties, and is a retired middle school music teacher. Sometimes, she plays “Amazing Grace” indoors, while Mrs. Zhao is outside basking in the sun, chatting with others.

Patients and family members have a natural sense of trust in doctors, especially elderly elders, who seem to become long-winded old children when they meet doctors, and love to pull people around and talk about their parents.

There are often young interns who are taught to practice taking medical history, but fall into the clutches of their elders and can’t stop chattering for half an hour.

Lu Yinxi has good communication skills, she can chat with anyone she sees, and she looks pure and sweet. The doctors and nurses in the ward are familiar with her, and some long-term hospitalized patients also like to pull her to chat with their parents and introduce their partners.

As soon as Mrs. Zhao saw her, she liked to open her mobile phone album: “Girl, what do you like? My nephew’s son works in a court. He is 28 this year and has two apartments at home. He looks so handsome. Look—”

Lu Yinxi wanted to chat more with the old man, but he didn’t directly refuse. He glanced at the old man’s mobile phone, pretending to be tender, and said, “28 years old? I’m only 20, no, it’s too far away.”

Mrs. Zhao snorted: “The older ones know how to love others, the younger ones don’t know how to take care of others.” Then she flipped through the photo album, “Then look at this, the son of Teacher Xiao Zhou’s niece, 22 this year, is also a student. Doctor, you haven’t played with your friends yet.”

Lu Yinxi: “A doctor? Not to mention, the doctor is too busy to accompany me.”

“Then what do you want to find?”

“I don’t have many requirements. First of all, I have to pass the test of character; second, I have to be pleasing to the eye, treat me well, and keep the age difference within seven years; as for personality, I have to be cheerful and enthusiastic, and I can’t hold back a word for a long time; I have to be open-minded. Don’t be too narrow-minded; gentle and humble, don’t be too domineering; if you like to read books, have a higher literary quality, and can complement me, that would be even better…”

Lu Yinxi listed them one by one, and the old lady Zhao pursed her mouth, her eyes became more and more disgusted, and she almost grabbed her ear and shouted, “What do you call it, you don’t ask for much?”

The sound of the piano in the room stopped abruptly, and the old lady Zhou standing beside the piano stood up holding her glasses: “Dr. Jian, you are here. Is it the result of Lao Zhao’s examination?”

“The results will come out this afternoon, and I will conduct an evaluation. Mr. Zhou, come to the office to find me when you are free this afternoon.”

Lu Yinxi on the balcony, when he heard that cold voice, fell silent for a moment, and looked at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing turned her head and looked at her with cold eyes.

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