She Has Been Retired For Three Months

Chapter 10

Chapter 9: Horse Monkey Soju (8)

“Phew—since you’ve come here…you’re doing some work! Two? Goods!” Ye Jiu took a shovel and buried the last invisible enchantment stake, such a large-scale invisible barrier. In her current state, the world can’t arrange it at will, and can only use props and media.

“Ayu, are you willing?”

“You watch the show again… You see, Lao Tzu is reluctant to call the shovel on your head!”

“But these materials are my points…”

“Do you? Do you?”

Yu Ying looked at the handle of the shovel that Ye Jiu pinched and deformed, and suddenly shook her wit, no doubt, Ye Jiu can definitely do what he says.


Yuying picked up the buckle and power stone, and set them one by one on the wooden stake.

“I’m starting to miss the time when you could destroy the world with the wave of your paws…” How easy it was for him at that time. Have to work hard? So why does this mission world have such a big restriction on Ayu!

Ye Jiu put down the shovel and sneered: “I also miss the time when you lost your memory and didn’t talk much.”

“Ah… it’s all done, Ah Yu, do you want to start hijacking the school now?” Yu Ying looked at the dust on his body with disgust, he hadn’t been so embarrassed for so many years .

“It’s noon, let’s talk after dinner.”

“Lunch? Did your mom in the mission world make a bento?”

“I made it myself.”

Yuying was stunned, and stared blankly at Ye Jiu who took out the lunch box from the system space: “Ayu, you always fry the kitchen when you cook… When did you learn? of?”

Ye Jiu squinted at him and said, “You can’t open the pot if you don’t have it.” The face doesn’t hurt anymore?

If she hadn’t reacted quickly, Akali would have heard this, and her glorious image would have been destroyed.

Besides, it’s just cooking, fry it a few times and it won’t work.

“Okay okay, let’s not mention it, then… Ah Yu let me taste the dim sum you made!” He was about to rush over.

“You hid your five-star chef certificate for three years in order not to cook. Are you embarrassed to eat it now?” Ye Jiu raised her leg and pressed the sole of his shoe against his face , looking at him through gritted teeth.

“Hey, it’s been so many years, Ah Yu, don’t be so stingy!”

“You stingy hammer! Don’t you like takeout! Buy it yourself!”

“It’s not like you don’t know how slow the takeaway is in the island country. When the takeaway came, I was starved to death.”

In the end, with the experience of the two of them fighting wits and courage over the years and the thicker skin they have honed for more than a thousand years, he successfully grabbed the iron bucket from Ye Jiu’s strict guard. Three cheesecakes.

Ye Jiu: Sure enough, she still underestimated how cheeky these two people are…

The summer vacation is approaching, the weather is sultry and uncomfortable, and the cool temperature of the air conditioner in the classroom is comfortably drowsy.

Students who were truant hit the barrier. They slapped the barrier and called for death, but couldn’t wait for the slightest response. Pedestrians on the road didn’t seem to be able to see or hear it.

The school suddenly fell into a panic, and all kinds of screams filled the eardrums.

Above the clouds, Ye Jiu took out a big speaker and tapped twice to adjust the volume: “Hello, hello, good afternoon, everyone, you are surrounded…”

Yu Ying stepped on the dark cloud under her feet that was arranged by the demons: “Can this be strong, A Yu…”

Ye Jiu covered the microphone and gave him a white look: “Don’t worry, I’m still too crowded.”

Violation of the rules, consequences…”

“Now, the game begins, and good luck, boys.”

“A Yu, where did you learn this?”

“Island Movies.”

Put away the horn, Ye Jiu turned her head and asked Yu Ying: “Is the illusion ready?”

“It’s ready, but why don’t you let the little girl of the spirit of the contract do it? This hard work…As long as it doesn’t involve the plot, you really make the most of it…”

” Let Aino come over, I am the first to be unlucky. Besides, does she have so much mental strength to support such a huge and complex environment?

Once any flaws are revealed, do you want to clear the soul of another world? Dream about you, that pseudo-bright elf is like a monkey, and has the ability of the wind element. ”

“So…” Yu Ying stared at Ye Jiu with a smile, “Is this why you eat alone?”

Let him maintain the illusion and sit next to him and eat alone?

Ye Jiu pinched another potato chip and threw it into her mouth without any guilt: “Kakka-ka-tah… No, it’s just a snack for chasing dramas, and there’s a big pocket next to it. If they end early You might still have something to eat.”

Yuying: “…” The smile gradually cracked.

“Idle is also idle, let’s bet, what will Rei Tanaka choose…” Is it revealing her nature and choosing to live?

Or maintain the halo character self-sacrifice? Are you choosing to believe in yourself? Or believe in the disguise that the rules give her?

The campus was in chaos, and fear spread to every corner of the campus.

Fighting – violent death. On the phone – violent death. Those who escaped – died violently.

Trying to calm herself down with a cold water punch – still a sudden death.

The real death scene was presented in front of everyone, and everyone no longer doubted the authenticity of all this, including Xiaowei Aino, she looked around calmly but could not find Ye Jiu’s figure, at this moment she It also concluded that the initiator of all this.

Looking at the headless magic contractors, she did not intend to tell the truth.

Tata: “This is a very advanced fantasy. Although it is very real, I can still feel it as a spiritual spirit.”

Xiaowei Aino: “It’s really a touch of death… This is something we can’t do, even if we know it’s an illusion, we can’t break it. The guy with that person is really strong.”

At this moment, Yui Aino clearly realized the gap between the enemy and us. But the sixth sense told her that the purpose of this game was not simple.

But from the background, she just used illusions to create panic and death, she should have no malicious intentions, and many of them seem to be forcing someone to show up.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t break it, can you find their specific location?” She wanted to know the purpose of the man, a mysterious creature with a benevolent heart, as Tata said, should Not some wicked man.

“Aino, have you finally figured it out? I told you a long time ago that the person recognized by the monarch is not a bad person. It is better to communicate with her than to fight.”

“I know…” But if she puts Mui Ne in danger. Even if they die together, they won’t make her feel better!

“There is a connection point in the southwest corner of the school. If there is no accident, you should be able to talk to them there.”

On this side, Xiaowei Aino asked Tata to help her hide her breath and quietly left the classroom, while on the other side, Rei Tanaka and his group fell into a collapse.

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