Shattered Moonstone

Life update, not part of the story, or necessary to read.

Hello! It is I, the author! 

Wow, that sounds pretentious doesn't it? XD, sorry about that. I just wanted to… Well touch base. I stated in the last chapter that it wasn't my best work and I am sorry for that as you all, as the readers, deserve better than that but I just kind of gave up on the last chapter for a few reasons. One being it was not important to the story, that's just the main one and if i hadn't already written it i likely wouldn't have included it in the story (or at the very least edited it more). 

It has been a long week though and I don't want to leave you all hanging. First, my birthday was last week! Yae for growing older! I won't bore you all with how old I actually am, feel free to guess as the next part will likely give it away a little more.

As most of you know, last year I got married! Me and my lovely girlfriend had been together for ten years before tying the knot, and things were going great! until last week. One big change in my life is that my wife moved, the problem is she didnt take me with her! That was an attempt at humor, sorry. But no, things degraded fast over the last few months and as it turns out we had both grown as people; and through that growth we have grown apart since the wedding and she has decided to move on. it may seem fast, as we were “married” for less than a year, but we had been together for 11 years total and living together for around 8 of those years, and shared a large portion of our lives together and though she did leave me I harbor no ill feelings towards her. Our separation, or split as I have been told those two things are vastly different, is going as smoothly as it can go and will be finalized in a month or so (paperwork and all of that).

I am not looking for pity or anything like that, but the headspace isn't exactly great for writing and as I said in the last chapter I feel it has affected my writing a lot and i am sorry for that at least. 

So all I ask is that you, as a reader, understand that this is not the new norm and it will get better (hopefully, or atleast back to what it was before). I have no intention of taking another break, and will continue to write and update this story. It really does mean the world to me that people are reading and enjoying this story, even the people who aren't enjoying it but gave it a chance anyway! Thank you, thank you all for letting me share this story and sorry for the downer life update! and also sorry for including you all in this rollercoaster as many of you had congratulated me less than a year ago, sorry for that XD, there will be no refunds on the gifts you all sent us (not that i could give the money back, surprisingly even if you were married for less than a year it turns out all the divorce jokes about your partner taking half your stuff isn't a lie! If anyone has a sofa their willing to part with I could use it lol, just kidding… kind of.) sorry for unloading this here too, as many of you are here for a fun light hearted story not… well my baggage, but i am the author here and… well, i just wanted to share it somewhere sorry.

Again, thank you, I hope this update has not put off anyone from reading my story! I will get back into the groove and the story will progress! spoilers, but in the next few chapters there will be some heavy conversations, I hope, between some of the characters that will progress, not so much the story, but their relationships. it's no secret i have been avoiding Saffron and Hecatolite interacting as well as the Queen and Taffeitte! (i swear both of these have happy outcomes, my own mental state aside this is still a feel good funny story and i created these characters to be… happy, i want them to be happy)

i am just rambling at this point, surprisingly this little blurb about my life is… easy to wight lol. if you made it this far, thank you! ok, ill let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming! see you in a week… ish, XD.

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