Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 30 - "Mad Dog" Mutay

According to Nanshan’s interpretive interpretation in the cloud, the “shock period” that Chu Huan understood was an unstable period.

At that time, the location of the Liyi tribe was like a seesaw. Once they saw this world, and then they saw that world. When there was no sway in the middle, the little monsters suddenly appeared and retreated collectively. Expired.

During these days, the Liyi tribes sometimes see flowers in the fog, sometimes in the wilderness, sometimes in the Jurassic Park, sometimes in Walden Lake. In short, they move around indefinitely, revealing a panic that will change for another day.

Among them, the patriarch’s scepter and human bones burning silently around the settlement have not been extinguished no matter day or night-it is said that the bone is the thigh bone of the gatekeeper.

Chu Huan now feels that what guards the gold mine and the jade mine is really weak compared with the guardian mines of the Liyi people.

By this time, Chu Huan was basically immune to the three words “gatekeeper”, and it’s not surprising how the parts come from them.

Even if someone tells him that the goalkeeper has no father or mother and was born through mitosis, he thinks he can accept it.

Of course, Chu Huan, who had little knowledge at this time, did not know that he even guessed it.

However, the unpredictable patriarch’s scepter puzzled Chu Huan.

After burning for several days in a row, “wood” which is not short of an inch, is it still wood?

Is that fire still a fire?

In order to verify this, Chu Huan secretly poked the flame on the patriarch’s scepter while he was not paying attention, and a series of tragic blood bubbles were burned, which believed the true identity of the flame.

When the vibrations were frequent, the old elders who were hard to find their fairy tales had to come out from time to time. His attitude towards Chu Huan was twisted and twisted. At first, he was precautionary. He thought that he had a plan, and it was definitely not a good thing. , And then it was not pleasing to the eye, suspecting that he had caused some rhetoric to confuse the patriarch, even let the patriarch force him to stay in the public opinion, and finally heard that he dared to refuse the blood exchange ceremony, and the elder finally knew him this way. Anyway, the behavior is out of anger.

Chu Huan poked Nanshan and quietly said to him: “Can you give this old man a chat? Every time he looks at me with that kind of look, I think his eyes are flashing ‘You are a stupid man.’”

Nanshan learned diligently: “silly … silly …”

Chu Huan interrupted quickly: “You don’t need to learn this sentence, just pick it out of your head and forget it quickly.”

Nanshan had a comprehension-with the deepening of his studies, he would now understand more and more things.

Nanshan: “Right, I always wanted to ask, how do you usually call your best brother there?”

Chu Huan recalled carefully, and combined with his life experience, gave him a very grounded answer: “Bitch.”

Nanshan remembered it after several meditations, and happily called Chu Huan: “Bitch!”

Chu Huan: “…”

He thought he was just “generally good.” He didn’t expect the progress bar to be dragged to the end, and it has become the “best” unconsciously. It is difficult to recover from the water at the moment. He really doesn’t know how to correct this error. He can only secretly rejoice. Thanks to not saying “Grandson” just now.

And what made him silently panicked was still behind—Nanshan, as a qualified patriarch, certainly did not hide it. After a while, he shared what he had learned with other tribes.

Since then, the “King King”, who can be seen from afar, has become a friendly “slut”.

The elder sister of spring called softly and kindly in the distance every evening: “Chees-people-eat!”

The children talked in private and felt that “brothers” could not be screamed. It was inconvenient to use the same name as the elders. In order to show special respect, they pioneered and innovated and coined a word called “Bad King”.

Every time the crisp Tong Yin shouted “Bitch King” echoing in the mountains in unison, Chu Huan’s body could be shocked.

But this is not easy to stop, because if someone calls him with respect, he can also pretend to be humble and decline, but others just express closeness, can he pretend to be noble and cold and not let others be close?

This story is probably the so-called “cause of sin”.

And the folk saying “People have their own natural harvest”.

At the beginning, the unidentified white fog and monsters that appeared everywhere during the shaking period only appeared once every three or four days, and then turned into a day or two. In the end, the Liyi tribe was soaked in the dense fog almost every moment. Office.

In the spring, they took the complete poison sac from the mad dog Mutay ’s throat, reinforced with a circle of leather outside, let Chu Huan hang on the waist, and accompanied him with a small bottle of detoxifying blood.

If he finds that he is not right, he will poke him with a knife and then pour a little antidote.

Men are sharpening their weapons and stepping up their patrols, while women are even more busy. They have installed large and small crossbows on the roof tree, and they have to deal with various corpses under the guidance of the elders to make all kinds of strange things. Weird drugs.

Then slaughter the livestock and grind the noodles to make cakes …

It feels a bit like the soldiers and horses haven’t moved.

The originally carefree atmosphere of the clan suddenly changed, and the big white stones were no longer used for class. As long as there was no fog, the clan people would fight there, with real swords and guns, no ambiguity, and sometimes blood, but No one had vengeance even though it was overheated. Sometimes the two of them reddened their eyes. After playing, one of them drank a bowl of wine, and after a while he went back to his shoulders.

Chu Huan really felt the resilience of the people of the Yi people, such as the weakest whip. Jianghu rumors said that his specialty is counting, not hands-on. The specializing in counting, Chu Huan, did not see it, but he saw his skill. It was really weak. Every time he walked up and down twice, he would be cut out by his companions, often crying and crawling and crawling into the underground.

But people cried back to cry, seeing the bone wound hemostasis for ten minutes, and began to scab in half a day, and it could almost grow up in a day or two.

During this period, Chu Huan basically had nothing to do.

Because he could have left, in order to bring back the lost children of the family, he was trapped in the family, so his dad ran alone in front of him, and dedicated him to a child with a hair. Fresh wild boar legs, patting his chest and promising to him, as long as he still has a breath, he will never let a “good slut” lose hair.

“Good slut” was speechless, barely squeezing out an ugly smile, it was his heart’s kindness.

On the second day when the entire Liyi tribe began to soak in the dense fog, Chu Huan saw Xiaofang holding Dashan to the patriarch’s yard, and Dashan’s thigh was caught by something, revealing two deep bones The wound, the process of applying the medicine, made me tremble with pain.

“Crazy Dog” special effect brain cream is applied to the body. Although the effect is very good, the process is really not very friendly. Several people pressed him, and he did not let the young man roll on the ground.

“Mutai was scratched,” Nanshan pressed his knee. “Where did he go?”

“The mountain pass, there is one hidden under the water, we didn’t see it.” Xiaofang said, “Oh, yes, patriarch, there is a message from the gatekeeper.”

The gatekeeper ’s letter will always be carved on the stone very retro, and it will always be a vague graffiti. I do n’t know what channel it came from. Anyway, after entering the shock period, the family will send people to see the mountain pass. Look, look for stones with no lettering.

Chu Huan saw a circle drawn in the middle of the stone, surrounded by deep dents, showing certain rules, which should be pierced manually. Anyway, Chu Huan can only read “Tang Yuan is stuffed with black sesame” This one message.

The Nanshan and the tribesmen looked dignified-they did not know how deeply they had to reach such a tacit understanding.

At this time, Chu Huan hadn’t figured out how the symbiotic relationship between the guardian and the gatekeeper was, but he thought he was an outsider, so he glanced at it and withdrew his gaze, prepared to avoid it, and accidentally hung himself on the branch The little viper was rescued.

As soon as he turned around, the little bald dad grabbed his shoulder and said firmly, “Good bitch, you want to stay.”

Chu Huan: “…”

The little bald man’s father’s real name was “Hard Pillar”, and he rushed to this. Chu Huan decided to call him “stick mallet” in the future.

The mallet didn’t study well at ordinary times, and for a long time, nothing came out. Finally, he had to use his native language: “You are not an outsider.”

Chu Huan smiled bitterly: “Then I can’t be an insider.”

But since the others kept talking, he was not hypocritical-anyway, they were full of conversations with a variety of strange nouns, and he could not understand well.

“Go and invite the elders,” Nan Shan took the stone. “Look how long will it take? Then we will ask everyone to come and gather, leaving one person in each family, and taking care of the animals and children.”

The elder heard the wind, but did not enter the door, but turned around a wooden pole in the patriarch’s courtyard.

Chu Huan didn’t know what happened at this time, but he looked at Nanshan’s expression, which seemed to be very serious-only that the behavior of the elders was a bit serious.

He thoughtfully walked back and forth around the wooden pole, and looked like a big jumper. He probably walked through the whole set of Olympic rings before carrying his hands and pretending to say to Nanshan pretendingly: “Tonight.”

at night?

What’s wrong at night?

At this time, the patriarch’s scepter hanging on the wall uttered a “buzzing” whisper, the rhythm was almost ambush on the ten sides, and it was hurriedly steep, and there was no reason to let out a murderous air.

The more and more people gathered around Nanshan, talking about what to say.

The mallet whispered the code on the stone to Chu Huan: “The circle represents … the dot represents … the guardian means … surrounded by … the situation is urgent.”

Chu Huan looked at him unclearly-the plain text was written in a foreign language, he didn’t understand a word.

The mallet scratched her hair in confusion, whispering, “My son said you can understand.”

Chu Huan kindly said in the words of the Liyi people: “Only understand some of the daily …”

With his opening, the mallet immediately stopped, and the others around him were so serious at the moment that he did not dare to laugh blatantly and had to shrink himself into a ball.

Chu Huan was helpless. Sure enough, his father had his son. When I was learning language, I was really afraid of encountering such a thing. When other people spoke, he laughed as if he had never heard a joke in his life. Fortunately, Chu Huan has already practiced. At the point of incompetence, otherwise a thinner-skinned face, I am afraid that the shadows will fall for the rest of my life, can not open this mouth.

When Chu Huanquan didn’t hear his ridicule, he asked calmly: “Are we surrounded by something like Mutai?”

Chu Huan understood the answer this time. He said, “No, Master Mutai.”

Chu Huan was taken aback, that is to say, besides the gatekeeper and the mountain guard, there are other people in that world … or other intelligent races?

He has unconsciously accepted the setting of “the other side of the mountain gate” during the shock period, and accepted it faster than he imagined-he didn’t want to study seriously, and the materialist worldview was not firmly established.

The mallet continued heartlessly: “The elder said that our mountain gate will be turned to the other side tonight. The gatekeeper has communicated that the owner of Mutai has been under the gate, let us be careful.

Chu Huan hurriedly asked: “Surround the mountain gate? What are we going to do?”

The mallet is eager to try and rub its hands: “Of course it is to fight!”

Chu Huan: “…”

So the custom here is, should the battle be as joyful as the holidays?

But when Chu Huan looked around, he found that other people’s attitudes were normal. It seemed that there was only such a mallet in the whole family, so he calmed down calmly.

Nanshan dispatched soldiers urgently and unhurriedly, as if he had experienced countless times.

Soon, the entire Liyi tribe was waiting in line.

Chu Huan was surprised to find that here is the real “all people are soldiers.” Everyone over the age of 14 or 5 has all brought their weapons and hard body armor, and even children who are ordered not to run around will hold special Knife and thin spear.

When the people assembled, Hua Gu Duo took a few older children, each holding two jars of wine fish in, and filled the wine bowl in the hands of the people.

This time there is no strange smell in the wine, nor is it strong, and the entrance is even slightly bitter.

Nanshan held a wine bowl in one hand and his patriarch’s scepter in one hand. The flame at the top was like a huge gem, reflecting his facial features like an eternal god.

In the eyes of the crowd, he stood on the high platform and seemed to feel that everything was unnecessary, so he picked up the bowl and drank it, then smiled slightly.

“We will come back next year.” He said.

The people of the Liyi tribe cheered loudly, and the wine poured into their veins as courageously. This was like an oath to a new face, and it was like a dashing farewell.

Chu Huan looked at Nanshan’s smile in the corner, suddenly looking forward to what they said was an incredible world.

However, this is always the case. When he crows, his destiny will inevitably live up to his heavy trust, and he will definitely make him not alone.

When he looked forward to something better, everything was always different-Chu Huan soon discovered that there was absolutely nothing to look forward to in that world.

In the evening, Chu Huan felt the restlessness from the depths of the earth.

If he feels it, he looks up sharply, and the mist that haunts the Liyi tribe suddenly splits into two ways, spreading out, revealing a clean night sky, and the two round moons that were shadowed in the clouds and fog.

I saw the originally bright one of the two rounds of the moon gradually fading, but the darkness was gradually getting brighter, the moonlight was like a waterfall, and the photos were pale and deserted, and then they began to move at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the two moons merged into one.

At this moment, the dense fog cleared.

When Chu Huan heard the roar of unknown beasts in the distance, he withdrew his gaze looking up at the sky, and he was surprised to find that the valley where the Liyi tribes lived came to a mountain somehow. The original rivers came together and became surrounded by mountains. In the lake on the mountainside, the giant eagle whizzed past the head.

At the foot of the mountain is the dense “crazy dog” Mutai, with hundreds of thousands.

The author has something to say: Crazy Butcher and Cyan Wings, two sister papers, do n’t spend too much time to brush overlord tickets. You have been very grateful for your support for the original.

I always think I should add more, but I ca n’t finish writing tat

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