Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 27 - Wife who seduce your parents

“There are a lot of old injuries on your body,” Nanshan put down the medicine bowl. “This is the medicine the elder made for you. It will be better if you drink it.”

Chu Huan glanced at the so-called “medicine”-if it was a bowl of swill, it was estimated that the pigs would have to rebel.

He wrinkled his nose and smelled it, and deeply felt the dark cooking talent circulating in the blood of the Liyi tribe.

Oh … except Spring Sister.

Chu Huan held his breath and fully adjusted his mental state before drinking, but he still underestimated the lethality of the elders. Due to such inhumane abuse, his entire tongue went on strike, and Chu Huan hurriedly took his pillow. A bowl of water by the side, drunk it down to suppress the nausea, and then asked weakly: “I … Am I seduce your parents’ wife?”

Nanshan replied seriously: “No, the elderly wife has been dead for fifteen years.”

After he finished speaking, he probably felt something was wrong. After thinking for a few seconds, he pondered back: “Are you kidding?”

Chu Huan: “…”

Nanshan pondered it carefully, carefully analyzed the context, and searched for the memory: “I understand, did you just say” the hatred of killing the father and taking the wife “?”

After a series of complicated understandings, he finally showed a knowing smile.

Lively laughed at the taste of the past.

Chu Huan was helpless.

He felt that he had basically recovered his physical strength after lying down for a day and night, so he got up.

Because the clothes on his body were out of shape at that time, the tribesmen took off for him, repaired and cleaned them, folded them and placed them on the side of the pillow. He was basically naked. Chu Huan hesitated for a moment, quickly evaluated his figure in a short time, and felt good about himself, so he safely lifted the quilt, did not avoid Nanshan at all, and pulled his clothes onto the body slowly.

“How to wear a shirt in the most handsome posture” was a major research topic in Chu Huan’s adolescence.

As a result, Nanshan didn’t think much when he scrubbed the medicine for him. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he couldn’t look directly. After looking at it, he looked away abruptly.

“Since the child has been sent back, then I have to go.” Chu Huan said while buttoning his shirt. “What are you … what is that? Druid?”

Nanshan said, “Mutai.”

“Well, that’s that, what does this name mean?”

“Meaning‘ the monster of the wind ’.”

Chu Huan: “Crazy monster? Crazy dog? Alas, whatever it is, it is almost disaster anyway, why is it so serious? Where did they come from? Are there natural enemies? Will it cause casualties?”

“Yes,” Nanshan said, “every year people die.”

Chu Huan acted: “Why not ask the local government or garrison for assistance?”

Nanshan: “No way.”

Chu Huan: “Why not?”

Nanshan seemed to be sitting there organizing language, trying to explain the matter, and finally failed, so he stood up and said to Chu Huan: “You come with me.”

Nanshan took Chu Huan to a cave far from the settlement.

The elder in the apron is standing at the door, looking at Chu Huan with a scrutiny.

His eyes were full of prying eyes, which was very unpleasant. Chu Huan frowned slightly, but was limited by the code of conduct for “respecting the elderly and loving the young.” Just nodded politely and greeted: “Elder.”

The elder ignored him, and just looked at Nanshan, his mouth flicked down, his movements slow, and the pocket on his chest made him look like a tortoise with a shell on his front.

“You are the patriarch, I can’t control it, you decide for yourself.” He said, taking the torch from the cave entrance, and walked in first.

Nanshan pulled Chu Huan and dragged him along with the elders. The beating flames illuminated the cave. Chu Huan’s eyes turned indifferently, and then he suddenly froze-he saw the wall at the entrance A rifle is hanging.

It was a rifle covered with traces of years.

Nan Shan took the gun down with both hands and handed it to Chu Huan. Chu Huanduan carefully looked at it for a moment and whispered, “Five and a half.”

Elder: “This is a weapon that can kill beasts from afar.”

Although he had never heard Chu Huan’s lessons, he was able to speak a strange, but fluent Chinese.

Chu Huan corrected politely: “We generally call it a gun or a rifle-if convenient, can I ask where it came from?”

The elder took a small piece of grass from his apron and stuffed it into his mouth to chew, like an old goat with a bad temper: “Nanshan was not born yet, even his grandmother was Just a few years after growing up, that day the fog covered the land of the clan, which was the first night of the shaking period. “

The old goat’s words are confusing, and Chu Huan had to interrupt: “Sorry, what period?”

Is this talking about the high earthquake season?

The elder looked at him sideways, and seemed to be dissatisfied with his ignorance, but because of the presence of the Nanshan patriarch, he spoke to his mouth and swallowed it back.

“Yesterday was the first day of the shock period.” Nan Shan explained next to him, “Elder, I did n’t have time to tell him-the first fog every winter is a warning, and it will enter the shock period in a few days. Once in the shock period, the passages inside and outside the clan will be disconnected. “

Chu Huan was confused: “Is disconnect literally?”

Nanshan couldn’t understand “literally” and other meanings. He thought about it for some time, and some words unexplainably explained: “The meaning of” disconnect “… The meaning of” disconnect “means that the outside world no longer exists. Do you understand? “

Chu Huan shook his head-not at all.

The elder raised two fists: “There is a world on the side of the river and a world on the other side of the river. We live here and you live there. Before the shaking period, the two sides of the river were connected together. At the beginning of the period, the middle passage was cut off, and now no one can walk to the river, because the opposite side of the river is no longer your hometown, but ‘nothing’. “

Is this a human language?

Nanshan said: “You walked into the river just before the start of the shock yesterday, so although you almost lost your way, you came over in the end-if you walk into the river after the start of the shock, you will find yourself crossing the river soon , But there may be only a large barren mountains and wild mountains across the river, and you cannot return to us. “

Chu Huan: “…”

Nanshan asked patiently: “Is this so clear?”

The elder was humming on the side, impatient and Chu Huan reacted so slowly.

Chu Huan looked at the smelly goat face of the elder, nodded with a smile and said, “Probably understand a little, you continue.”

At the same time, I thought to myself: “Understand an egg, where does this follow?”

The elder replied, “On the eve of the shaking period, several people on the other side of the river strayed into the river and lost their way. At that time, some people happened to be guarding between the rivers, and they brought them in. It ’s been a legend. Until that time, our generation of talents really touched it. “

This paragraph Chu Huan listened to. From the age of Nanshan, his mother may have been born in the 50s and 60s. If the elders said that these people came from her young age, and they also carried rifles with them … Could it be the soldiers who lost their way for various reasons during the self-defense counterattack?

“My Liyi tribe has always been a visitor. Originally there were far-off visitors, and they should be kept in the clan for a while, but the shock period is approaching. It is really inconvenient for the clan to keep guests. Mom, I prepared the gifts and decided to send them away the next day. “The elder narrowed his eyes and looked at the distant place.” But I didn’t expect that the ‘shock’ was too urgent, and this time, too, It seems that every time an outsider enters, our time to enter the shock period will shorten. “

“The clan’s wine was forced to confront the enemy before they awoke. The swarms of Mutai appeared on the land. The guests were shocked first, and then they used the thing in your hand to drive them.” The elder said Then, with a sigh, “Every year in ‘Winter’, a lot of warriors in my family of mountain guards will die, and for the first time I saw such a powerful weapon, but …”

The elder said as he walked into the cave with Chu Huan.

The fire illuminated the cave inside, Chu Huan was suddenly surprised, a coolness crawled up along his spine-he saw a few men in the cave, they were sitting or standing, the shape was different, and the clothes could already be put on To the old military uniforms in the military museum, the look is lifelike, like a group of extremely fine wax figures.

Chu Huan looked at these people in a suspicious manner, and then carefully raised his hand to open the clothes of one of them. The clothes were sewed with the name and other information of the man. He found that he was right. He was indeed a veteran. .

Chu Huan involuntarily reached out and sniffed at the man’s nose-decades later, they had no breathing, no heartbeat, no decay, their skin was still soft, and their body temperature was still there … It seemed like time had suddenly stopped there In an instant, the air condensed into an invisible amber beside them.

“In the dense fog, their movements are getting slower and slower, but I can’t feel them at all, and I call them out in horror,” the elder pointed at a soldier. ‘S expression seemed a little puzzled. “Then the tribe watched them slowly freeze.”

Chu Huan’s voice was dry: “What does” solidify “mean? Are these people … dead or alive?”

“There is no life nor death,” Nanshan said. “You think, when the shaking period started, the world on the other side of the river is equivalent to non-existence, so of course people from the other side are also non-existent. Since They don’t actually exist, what’s the difference between life and death? “

Chu Huan got goose bumps on the spot.

It took a long time before he recovered his voice: “You mean, these people’s ‘existence’ has been erased.”

The elder nodded: “We tried many methods. When the” winter “passed that year, the two sides of the river were connected again. We used horses to pull their bodies and wanted to send them across the river. In an instant, these people suddenly disappeared from our horseback. The tribe who led the horse was frightened, and ran back to report quickly, but they saw them again at the place where these people ‘frozen’ in the beginning. “

The same place maintains the same state.

They can’t get out anymore.

There was silence in the cave, and Chu Huan’s eyebrows were tightly clamped. After a while, he said, “I am also an outsider, why am I still standing here?”

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