Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 393 - Unfinished mission


The sharp tip of the sword was on the floor, supporting the staggering figure; the tip of the sword slipped, making the figure struggling for a long time and fell to the ground again.

The gray pupil who stared at the scene, but couldn’t laugh at all.

how come……

He remembered very clearly that he was scorched with his arm pressed hard at the last moment of the explosion, and the dragon knight’s gun penetrated the heart of Fitrone.

She did not resist, and her body was already eroded to the limit by the void. She saw that the fiery red figure was replaced by herself with the degree of injury that was blown out by the air wave, and she was afraid that it was not a half-hearted failure.

Even if it was not exploded into pieces, the flames of the explosion burned into coke … the dragon knight’s gun that penetrated the heart was enough to completely destroy her body.

So why can she stand up? !

No no no … It should be why she still looks as if she has not been injured, even the wounds are invisible, and even the blood that should have been sprayed from the chest is not seen.

De Salion, the blood of the Dragon King family … is it such a terrible thing? !

Lucien, who was lying in the pool of blood, shuddered, his expression ugly.

The arm was scorched, the ribs were broken, and half of the body hurts like it was going to be paralyzed. The headache was about to break to the extreme … All the pain that was eroded by the force of the void to the present now completely exploded at this critical point.

It wo n’t take long, even without the hands of Her Royal Highness, she will die completely. Is spiritual consciousness replaced by Asrell? Lucien couldn’t help thinking.

But before that … now, at least now … before Isaac ’s plan was completed, he could n’t fall down.

I promised Lord Loren myself, I promised Ain that they would protect Isaac themselves; this is a promise, and the Ellemans did it.

Take the oath of blood and never give up!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Shien was so trembling that he was desperately clutching the Mithril Short Sword that had fallen on the side, staring at the staggering figure, walking toward himself with the sword.

“Clang, clang, clang …”

The tip of the sword supported the figure, which was also on the verge of collapse, slowly but extremely firmly approached, fiery red eyes motionless, staring at the figure of Lucien.

He was clearly unable to stand, and his ankles had been twisted by himself. Every step he could hear bones breaking, the broken bones were tearing the flesh, and he was still hobbling towards him Here.

The gray pupil with dignified expression gradually enlarged his pupils; the hand holding the sword was hidden under the trembling body, ready to go.

“Monster … must stop …”

The long-haired red princess, her trembling lips still muttered to herself:

“Void … must stop …”

“Absolutely … absolutely … must destroy them …”

“Never … can’t let … they hurt … more people …”

“It must be stopped …”

“Must … stop them …”

In front of the gate of the dead main hall, only Fitronai’s self-talk reverberated between the corpses.

Five minutes, a quarter of an hour, an hour … It may even have exhausted his life time, corroded by the void, and the dying Lucien’s sense of time has been completely confused.

In his eyes, the figure of Qianli who stumbled over to kill herself was a short distance, longer than a century and longer than the end of the world.

It was so long that he had been prepared for a long time, and he died with the opponent when the sword fell.

Silver-grey eyes and fiery-red pupils looked at each other, and the blood-stained sword held high above his head.

“Hurry up … can’t win …”


Lucien, who thought he had heard it, suddenly startled.

“That … Brother’s plan … Holy Cross … Black Cross … can’t win …”

The moment the sword was raised, Fitronai suddenly said.

Under the flaming red hair, it seems that the burning eyes are shining with strange lights, as if echoing in her field of vision is still the tens of thousands of monsters, and the fugitive, which had long been **** without a place Survivors.

“… Flee quickly.”

The gray pupil was stunned, and even forgot the sword in his hand.

At that moment, the big sword fell.


The excited sparks bloomed in the silver-gray pupils.

Lucien, who had a blank mind, awakened after three seconds, staring at the tip of the sword that was less than an inch from his cheek.

The blood that was about to coagulate dripped on his face, like the touch of a cold tentacle, which made him fight a cold war all over him.

“Why come to such a place if you want to die?”

The gray pupil wide-eyed his eyes and looked at the figure that saved his life.

The solemnly vowed knight stood beside him and the princess, holding in both hands the sword that almost penetrated himself and the instinct of his instinct.

The blood on his cheeks dripped from his palm.

“You, why are you … how come …”

Shocked Lucien, stammering and speechless.

The pale-faced vowed knight ignored him, and the **** hands threw the two sharp blades aside, gently supporting Fiteroina’s body, which was also on the verge of collapse.

The knight girl struggled, but soon stopped rebelling, as if feeling a familiar breath, lying in the arms of the vowed knight.

Slowly, he vowed that the knight laid the knight girl flat on the ground with unprecedented gentleness, the head was facing the direction of the Holy Cross Cathedral, and Anfang put a small Holy Cross in the palm of his abdomen Pendant.

“Absolutely … absolutely … must destroy them …”

“Never … can’t let … they hurt … more people …”

Fitronai lying down was still talking to herself.

“Hurry up … can’t win …”

“it’s over.”

The oath knight interrupted her softly:

“Fiteronide de Lyon, the blood of the dragon king, the descendant of the dragon queen and the lord of Sacran, your mission is over.”

“Your way has reached the end;”

“Glorious, serene, and leaving this tragic world without regrets … is the reward you deserve.”

The solemn expression of the vows knight, raised the “Chanxing” long sword with one hand, and sacredly and solemnly pointed the silver-white sword point at Fitronai’s throat.

The knight girl who realized what seemed to finally regain her senses at this last moment, closed her eyes peacefully.

“My Lord Holy Cross, this person has embarked on a return journey that never looks back;

Your will will walk on the earth, just like walking on the sky;

Please give your blessings to her and the guardian to her;

Let her pass through the night and the shadow of the land, to reach the other side in her heart;

Never be lost … “

………… A touch of golden color emerged from the knight girl with the tip of the falling sword, and then flew away, disappearing without a trace in the night.

Pressing his broken chest and struggling to get up from the pool of blood, Lucien looked at the figure with a complicated expression. At that moment, he could feel the last consciousness of Fitrone, as he was “purified” The power of the void vanishes together.

Being able to do so without regret, get the blessings of others in a sober state, and leave the world peacefully … how to say.

He suddenly envied Fitrone.

“When the believers of the Holy Cross are dying, they preside over the blessing ceremony, purify the polluted and eroded body and consciousness, and let them die without regret … It is the era of sword missionary, every vow knight will do. “

Turning back to Lucien’s oath knight, he suddenly said coldly: “But the result of this means that the power of the void in the other party’s body is completely purified, leaving nothing left.”

“For a guy like you who has been imprinted with evil spirits, it is tantamount to putting on a torture rack.”

Looking at the other person’s coldly glanced eyes, the gray pupil was embarrassed for a while.

“Uh … why are you here, I thought, thought …”

I thought you had been killed by Serel … Gray pupil didn’t dare to say it.

“I still have my mission.” Staring at the princess who left peacefully, vowed the knight to say low: “Before this mission ends, or before it falls down completely, we can’t really leave without regret. . “

“Even if it is a thousand deaths, ten thousand times … as long as one breath remains, one must continue to fight … that is the mission.”

“It is also the only meaning that keeps me alive.”

Slowly condensing his expression, Lucien nodded slightly.

Although he didn’t know much about the vowed Knight, he did not prevent him from paying full respect to him.

“So … you’re going to kill Serel … Black Cross?” Gray pupil asked tentatively.

“No.” The oath knight shook his head:

“Senior Fanesis … he has eaten his own evil, got his due end, and no longer needs me; as for defeating Serior … there are others.”

In the moment he spoke, the expression of the oath knight was obviously a bit complicated, like admitting something he had never been willing to admit.

“But in addition to defeating Serior, I have other missions to bless me, not just to defeat its enemies, there are more and more important reasons.”

Lucien shrugged. Anyway, as long as the opponent was not going to be an enemy of Lord Loren, he wouldn’t care.

The two were silent for a moment, and vowed that after completing the last few steps of the blessing, the knight slowly got up and prepared to leave.


Seeing the other person leaving, Lusien shouted quickly.

“Then, what … this …” The bruised young gray pupil picked up the dragon knight’s gun on the ground and handed it to the vowed knight: “This … was given to me when you were in Silver Helmet.”

“Put it away.” The oath knight frowned slightly: “I gave it to you, it is already yours.”

“No! No, not like this!”

The unbearably painful Lucien took a deep breath, as if using all his strength to raise the Dragon Knight’s gun to the other party: “It’s not that I don’t want it, but … I already …”

It can no longer be used.

Lucien knows his current state very well.

Even if he won a chance, he was saved by the vow of the knight, and his current state is doomed to continue fighting; there is no place to go except to wait for death here.

Not to mention the dragon knight’s gun, even the “Dawn” sword is useless except for wiping the neck before dying.

“This is a weapon forged by the wizards of the Dragon Kingdom, which can cause serious damage to the existence of the void, I tried it so …”

“If you continue to fight next, please bring this, so at least … at least it will be useful!”

With his teeth clenched and his head lowered, Lucien’s voice became smaller and smaller, and his face was full of unwillingness.

For a second, he even regretted why he would wait until someone came to rescue, instead of dying with Fitrone at the last minute.

In that case, even if it was a little embarrassing, at least at the last moment, he fulfilled his promise to Lord Loren and Isaac.

“You don’t seem to understand what I said.”

The oath knight frowned slightly: “The gun of the dragon knight is yours, this was decided when I gave it to you.”

“I gave it to you not just as a gift, but because it should belong to you; now you still need this power.”


Blinking, the confused gray pupil looked ignorant.

“I do not understand……”

“You don’t need to understand.” The oath knight interrupted: “When fate comes, you will naturally understand why.”

“Your perseverance, thoughts, desires, ambitions … these are irrelevant to this world; the important thing is that it requires your presence, the important thing is that it requires you to accomplish certain things.”

“You can avoid the mortal robbery of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, not without reason;

I reborn as a knight as a vow, standing here from an ordinary church knight, not without reason;

Isaac Grantham, a farmer and a wizard who can change the world, is not without reason;

Laurent Turin … He appeared for no reason. “

The heavy-spoken Knight of Oath, with a deep and stern expression: “This world is using its best efforts to change what is destined to happen, and even make decisions that will lead to self-destruction at any cost to complete this last stroke.”

“We, you and me, Loren Turin, Holy Cross, Evil Gods … all this; as long as there is a breath to survive ~ ~ proves that your mission has not been completed, you still have to continue to fight and complete your mission . “

“So Luis Enverz, fight it; fight it until you can’t fight anymore!”

“Other … it doesn’t matter!”

Lucien looked at him, stunned.

“Like … Fitronai?”

The oath knight gave a slight meal and nodded:

“Yes, just like her.”

“I do n’t know what to do, but I guarded the Sky Vault with my last obsession, defeated countless monsters, and cleared the way for you and Isaac. You can stand here without interruption and complete your mission.”

“This is her mission … she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t need to know; her obsession makes her do courageous courage to do something that seems meaningless, but it’s also crucial.”

“This is … the mission.”

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