Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 391 - This body guards here


Special … Special … Extra large … Graves.

This is the word that came out of both Isaac and Lusien’s minds as they stepped into the gate of the Sky Dome.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, in the past, the sacred and solemn or lively vestibule, only vaguely visible dark red blood stains left on the ground; the mess of the ground and the pillars that were knocked down in obvious rush, Very straightforward to tell them what happened here.

Just over a month after the appearance of the maelstrom, the old floor, the accumulated dust, the broken debris … All the traces and sights are as if they have passed for thousands of years, and there is no anger, like a cemetery .

Isaac Grantham … He knows the power of the void, he is the only person in the world except Loren Turin who knows exactly what the Black Cross wants to do … at least he thinks so .

There is no concept of time and space in the void, so there is no past and future, everything happens at the moment … That is to say, no matter how you want to stop Serior, it does not make much sense, because what you can think of is for him. Words are things that have happened or are happening.

So those people have failed … Rogan in the hat, Roland the Black Duke, and the wizards of the Dragon Kingdom … all failed.

They are not without trying to resist, struggle, and stop, but it is impossible to stop; their sacrifice is not meaningless, at least it delays the time, and let the material world stay for a while.

But such delay is ultimately limited … When the existence of the void world is destroyed one by one, and there is nothing to stop it from opening the barriers of the two realms and letting the force of the void erode the material world … everything is all It’s just a matter of time.

So, stop Serio … The idea itself is meaningless.

The only thing that can be stopped is the force of the void that erodes the material world.

Void … This kind of emotion is mixed with information, because of the power of non-existence … When it is in the void, there is no concept of time and space; but once it appears in the physical world, it will be given a certain meaning immediately.

Just like words … the symbol itself does not have the concept of time and space, but when it is expressed in a material way, when it is carved on stone and written with ink, the existence of Yiyi is no longer just a symbol, but something that exists tangibly. Too.

Isaac has no way to stop Serel, but he can find a way to interrupt the process of the void eroding the material world, and the process of breaking the barriers of the two realms at least before the entire world is eroded by the void and becomes his pocket. Serel couldn’t stop it.

For this little hope, he came to this cemetery-like sky dome … because this is the last chance, because this time it was his friend and student who was going to stand out in front of Serel Lun Turin.

The frightened two people wandered aimlessly in the desolate and dead palace, constantly looking around, as if there will be a wave of thousands of rotten corpses at any time, or a mess of things like the mutant monster Evil God, from Some horns that they couldn’t even notice came out.

Even their faint heart was unwilling to be like this, because the whole palace was too quiet, and the quietness was abnormal, but it made both of them feel uneasy.

“Are we … late?” The gaze continually glanced around, and exhausted Lucien looked like a hound for enemies that might not even exist.

“No, it’s impossible.” Isaac’s voice trembled a little, trying hard to calm down:

“The time we came is just right … Serior of the Black Cross, he should have just got the Holy Grail of the Nine-Mounted Star, and is still facing the Holy Cross. He has no time to take care of us, so … not sooner or later, perfect.”

“What about … people?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s all dead.”

“No body.”

“That’s all hiding.”

“Where to hide?”

This time Isaac hesitated for a second.

“… Keep going, we will know.”

Gray pupil nodded, exhausted, he really didn’t have much energy to fight with Isaac.

Under the gray-blue vortex, the dim sky palace was dark; but the two of them did not need to see the road at all, as long as they walked in the direction of the strongest and strongest force of the void.

The closer it is to the deeper part of the sky dome, or the gray-blue vortex, the stronger the concentration of the force of the void is, so strong that the two feel like they are not walking on land, but are surrounded by some liquid.

The chaotic, unspeakable power is full of excitement, fear, terrible, disgusting, angry and abominable … just like the sea of ​​gigantic waves, rushing to the face.

Lucien, who had already been eroded by the mark of the evil spirit, did not care much about these, and he could not even feel it; but Isaac, who was behind him, avoided unavoidable, trembling, trying his best. The barrier of the spiritual palace is maintained, and it will not go crazy immediately.

In the darkness, the solitary couple continued to go deeper into the Sky Dome.

When passing through the premise, the main hall of the Heavenly Dome Palace was in front of them, they were both stunned.

“Uh … alright.”

Isaac stunned for a minute, his wide-eyed Isaac’s mouth puffed up: “I think now we all know … where are the disappeared people?”

The shocked Lucien didn’t speak, but couldn’t help shivering.

Two pairs of eyes stared at the vestibule of the main hall covered with corpses in the blink of an eye.

Not dozens or dozens, but tens of thousands, countless corpses, from the outer periphery of the courtyard to the inward look, along the deep blood stains through the cloister and arch bridge, climb the stairs … Extended corpses of bones, has been To the main hall gate!

Burned into coke, alienated by the power of the void, separated from the limbs, headless … The countless corpses, except for the dead ones, see no difference at all.

Frightened and helpless, expressions of fear and overwhelming expressions were engraved on the faces that had already shattered and shrivelled;

On his cheeks, he seemed to record that they were still unwilling at the last minute, struggling to desire to live;

The alienated body eroded by the power of the void grew a third hand, a second head and fingers all over the body. The fingers were covered with fangs and mouths with tongues protruding … Each mouth grew so big. I screamed and wailed just before death.

Men, women, children, the elderly, nobles, knights, warriors, priests, wizards, servants, stewards, councillors … countless, all kinds of corpses are piled together, and the clothes that have been torn into rags are basically divided I do n’t know who is who, so I can only guess.

Stepping on the road piled up with corpses under their feet, the dull dull two walked straight towards the main hall gate.

Walking on the road full of corpses and stepping on one foot, Isaac even felt that he was stepping in a mud pit, his feet were deeply wrapped in muddy mud or some kind of liquid, and every step required extra effort.

The closer to the gate, the incomplete, the more alienated and mutated corpses are, the more concentrated and messy; many corpses have even rotted and rotted into only flesh and blood.

The bones everywhere, as if they were silently telling them what had happened here.

When the gray-blue maelstrom appeared, no one expected, everything happened very suddenly.

The servants in the palace panicked, and legionnaires and knights rushed to gather to guard the sky dome; some anxious nobles wanted to escape, and some wanted to enter the palace to beg for protection. The palaces are all in a mess.

Then … the people who escaped from the palace found that the imperial capital outside the sky dome was already a **** on earth.

There was a pile of soldiers ’bodies around the palace, which were shattered into pieces … The legion wanted to maintain order, but to no avail, so it withdrew into the sky dome and stayed, trying to keep the monster from the gate of the palace;

Several dead nobles and servants were lying on the cloisters and arch bridges, and there were traces of being trampled on. After the hills of Golovin rose, there was nowhere to escape. Desperate nobles and people in the palace fled into the palace Trying to make the last evasion;

But they failed … on the stairs near the main hall, mixed with mutant and non-mutated corpses … People corrupted by the power of the void broke through the defense of the soldiers and began to massacre all survivors;

Close to the uppermost level of the stairs, the corpses of the corroded mutants are piled up and piled into mountains … Because they are too close to the vortex, even the last survivors have been corrupted and attacked the survivors hiding in the main hall;

They were unsuccessful and were blocked from the gate … Corroding demon corpses piled up in the mountains are the best evidence.

The two standing in front of the gate stopped and looked at the figure standing in front of the main hall door.

That figure is why in the end, the main hall of the Sky Dome was not breached.

The two of them with different expressions were shocked.

The tall figure, the gorgeous armor, the flaming red hair … The knight girl with her head low and unstable even standing, standing with her sword in her hands, almost the weight of the whole body was crushed by the handle. Bloody knight on the sword.

“Outside … outside people …”

A deep and faint voice sounded, and I noticed that the moving knight girl seemed to have put all her strength up and down in the body, shaking her head and shaking.

When staring at the blood-red eyes for a moment, Isaac stood shocked as if standing in the same place.

“Fiterona … De Salion …”

Even though he knew who the other party was, the moment I saw it, Isaac was shocked.

Because they are also red-haired red pupils, and they are somewhat similar in appearance, he actually has a good impression of the “relative” of Lena, which is a bit like loving the house and the black.

“Fetterone, Fetterone, right, I’m Isaac, Isaac of Lena, let’s come …”


Without finishing the speech, the gray pupil next to him decisively fell to the ground.

“Lucien, what are you doing …”

“Wake up, Isaac, she is dead!”

Lussin growled half coldly and half helplessly, staring at Isaac’s eyes: “You are a wizard, you must know this kind of thing better than me, right?”

Lying on the ground, Isaac and Lusien looked at each other, and the two silently turned their heads back to look at the figure standing in front of the main hall gate.

“She is dead, she has no vitality at all.” Luis whispered:

“It’s just standing there right now under the name of” Fettelonay de Salion “, relying on the power of the void to maintain it, and it has nothing but a body.”

“Except that the appearance has not changed, it is the same as those of the Corrupt Demon eroded by the power of the void …”

Looking up, Isaac was silent.

Fitronai, who supported her body with a big sword, stood up tremblingly and raised the blade in her hand.

“Outside … outside people …”

“No … No … No entry … Main Hall …”

“Stop here …”

“Not allowed … to hurt … the person behind the door …”

“Here … just wait …”

She took a slow pause, as if thinking about what hesitation, she pointed the blade of the sword at Lucan beside Isaac:

“The place of burial …”

The pupil shrank slightly, and the stern expression of Lucien’s hands held the sword hilt, and he was ready to fight, but did not lead.

“Isaac, in the past.”


“I said it.” Lussin whispered, “Walking into the main hall, she won’t stop you.”

“then you……”

“I … will go in and find you soon.”

After a pause, Isaac lowered his head and strode through the meteor.

At that moment, the trembling knight girl … moved.


The moment the note sounded, Lucien’s figure had rushed to Isaac’s side.

The excited spark burst on the side of Isaac, and the intertwined Dragon Knight’s gun and the blood-stained sword will bounce off each other.

“whispering sound!”

Unsuccessful, Luisen slammed in annoyance, his left dagger pointed at the neck of the long princess, and pierced straight; almost at the same time, the gun of the dragon knight in his right hand was backhanded, ready to sweep.


The expressionless Fitlonai flicked the blade forward and drew out the straight-cut short sword. The swept Dragon Knight’s gun was mixed with the roaring wind and was approaching her side.

If you hit it, you can cut it!


The falling blade edge hit the blade of the Dragon Knight’s gun heavily.

The gray pupil who was out of balance was suddenly shocked ~ ~ The short sword with his left hand barely blocked the attacked sword style.

“Lucien ?!”

“Go away!”

Taking a deep breath, Isaac walked into the main hall without looking back.

Only a pile of corpses left behind the gate, and two lonely figures.

“Fettelonay de Salion … Your Honored Her Royal Highness Princess.”

Staring at the knight’s sword that was aimed at himself, the gray pupil raised his sword blade with both hands, and his tone was calm:

“As you can see, I am a dying person who has been eroded by the power of the void for most of the time. It is no different from the guys you killed … Ha ha, although I am basically looking for it, but ah …”

“It doesn’t mean that I will be obedient, and let the nasty guy do what he wants.”

“If you can fall under your sword, it will be an honor for the next life!”

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