Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 333 - Flying Leaf

The embers of fire flew into the sky and dotted the evening.

When the woodpile was burning, the dark-haired wizard could feel the atmosphere of the entire camp also changed slightly.

Pain, sorrow, mourning … All the low emotions were swept away, replaced by restlessness and indescribable fanaticism.

The people gathered around the bonfire, and there was even some kind of unusual excitement on their faces, it was not like attending a funeral.

The source of everything is Brandon’s “declaration”.

Everyone present is a little bit of a brain, not particularly stupid, you can hear two meanings from the “Declaration”. First, from today onwards, the empire will reward all heroes in this Azores war;

Second, the number of heroes will no longer be limited to nobility, or even to birth!

In the past, the object of the empire’s seals and rewards was at least a ancestor, which means that in any case, you must have a surname, origin, and family.

Even Isaac, who claimed to be a farmer, was also named Grantham. His family was poor and he was also a member of the family chief of the village of Grantham; his father was eligible to serve as a soldier under the Earl of Hewanbao, and he had the opportunity to leave. Lothal, go to the Boundary Hill to join the Legion of the Empire

In addition to this, there is another unwritten rule, that is, the Empire will not directly award the vassals of the dukes; except for very few exceptions, most of them will attribute the merits to the Principality, and then the duke will award his vassals.

The reason for this is to take into account the independence of the principalities, and express that the Vault of Heaven will not interfere with their power and sphere of influence. The vassal’s vassal is not my vassal. This was not just a sentence in the past.

Not only that, in the past imperial resolutions, the principalities did not have a say, not even the Duke himself; he could protest, he could reach a compromise with the emperor, he could defy the yin and even rebel against the soldiers; but in any case, he did not have the right to participate in the discussion.

Brandon’s manifesto stated that he would formally set foot in the affairs of the principalities and penetrate the authority of the heavenly palace into the authority of the original Grand Duke.

Relatively, it also gave the Grand Duke the power to get involved in the politics of the Vault of the Heavens and appointed Duke Byrne as an advisor to the Royal Wizard, marking the highest power of the empire and no longer a privilege only belonging to the Sacrans.

This is of course not a sudden whim of Brandon’s whim, although it behaves very much like this is the result of negotiations with all the Grand Duke after negotiations with Loren.

Because they must face the empire that experienced the Azores’ invasion, the fact that the earth-shaking changes have taken place.

First of all, the “weakest” Ebden destroyed the country, and the only remaining wizards, nobles and populations were divided between Sacrament and Bain;

Almost destroyed Lotel and the elves of the ancient wood forest, but the population and military power have suffered heavy losses. They will be used to cultivate and regain the deep forest for more than ten years;

Boy has not fully recovered from the last battle of the centaurs, and he paid a very heavy price in the battle of the Azores. If he cannot get assistance, it will be very difficult in the next few years;

Elleman is very strong, but after all, it is a small country built in the hills and forests. Although the losses paid in the round-robin **** battle are not as good as Sacramento, the proportion is too high. People, only 40,000 are still alive.

Arles, who has been fishing for a long time, has the least losses among all people, but it is the people he trusts most that can be brought out to fight by Nolan Eard; now the losses are heavy, and it is a civil war to return to the Principality.

Only Sakran and Byrne have maintained their strong strength after many wars; this means that if the two sides reach any agreement, the remaining principalities have no room for opposition.

Charlotte gave up his ambition to confront Sackland at the cost of Bayern ’s right to get involved in empire affairs; if Brandon does not want to face Bayern after the Azores battle, he will fight a rebellion a few years later. He had to make compromises during the civil war; but he did not want to weaken the imperial power, so he had this declaration.

Rightfully gave all the principalities equal rights, but in fact only Bayern was able to use it; the rest of the principalities even counted on the assistance from Sackland and Bayern, and were completely powerless.

And Brandon was rewarded by giving up his expansionary powers and at the same time willing to assist him against the Principality of Bain of the old noble forces of Sacran.

This is a compromise of mutual interest exchange, but it is derived from the changes brought about by the invasion of the Azores. The local warfare, Sakran, which has absolute geographical advantage and military advantage, is stretched by the enemy ’s multi-faceted attack. Dead country; this fear makes everyone obscured and wants to build an empire that is more closely related and united.

After the funeral, Brandon immediately announced the start of the banquet; no one cared about whether the result of the arrogant declaration was good or bad.


“Want to go?”

Under the stars, Loren looked a little surprised at the female elf who was standing outside the barracks door, carrying a small bag of luggage, and beside him stood a young man, an entourage.


The female elf nodded, as if she had guessed that Loren would come.

“So fast?”

“I don’t like your imperial banquet, you like drinking too much.” Liya shook her head with a smile, glanced at the brightly lit banquet in the distance:

“What ’s more, I did n’t say that … Lu Wen gave me the title of Duke, so that I can lead the elves of Morningstar Forest and the Lothals to fight side by side; now that the war is over, I will not continue to stay Is necessary. “

“I will take the remaining elves back to the ancient wood forest, where I will re-establish the Morning Star Forest; as for the position of Lord Lotter … I will return it to the Lotel.”

Speaking of where the female elf seemed to suddenly think of it, he patted the shoulder of the “follower” next to him: “Oh, I almost forgot that this was the heir chosen by the Friede family. When I left, he was Lotel Duke. “


Lorren, who hadn’t responded for a while, remembered to look at the “follower” beside the female elf.

“Meet for the first time, Lord Duke Byrne.” The young entourage shivered with excitement, and rushed directly to Loren in one arrow step. The excitement made Loren startle:

“The Holy Cross is on, today is really the craziest day of my life! I ca n’t believe I can meet a great man like you alone, I ca n’t believe I can talk to you … you absolutely do n’t know me For how long I waited for this moment, I have n’t slept since yesterday! I have heard all the stories about you, all the adventures and great actions, and I hope to be like you in my life … “

“Wait, wait … stop!”

Raised his hand to interrupt the nonsense like the follower cannon. Loren first glanced at the female elf who was desperately trying to hold back the unsmiling, and then slowly said: “What are you called?”

“Carnfried, Count Mannfried of Riverborg is my father, I am his eldest son, your best friend Rubenfried is my cousin, you do n’t know how much I did when he sacrificed Sad, I always hope to be the bravest knight of Lotel like him, so I especially want to ask you to become a person like you, what should I do … “

“First of all!”

Loren, the big head, quickly stolen: “The most important point is quiet.”

“I, I don’t know what you mean, what do you mean?” The young Carnfried asked quickly, looking thirsty.

“Silent … It’s gold.” Sighing, the dark-haired wizard forcedly said patiently:

“If you want to be a brave knight, you must first look like a knight. You talk too much and speak too fast. Others don’t know what you are talking about; you have no weight, and a person who speaks no weight cannot be an excellent Ruler, let alone a knight. “

“Uh … I, I never thought about this, I thought it would be okay …”

“Slow down, and think about it again.”

“Okay, but, what if I didn’t think about what to say …”

“Then silence, silence is gold.”

“Uh … well, then I …”

“Did you think clearly ?!”

“No, I didn’t expect to see you so soon; I, I thought I had to …”

“What should I do?”

“Uh … Shen, silence?”

The young entourage hesitated.

Loren couldn’t help but snapped his fingers: “That’s right! Now … you go back temporarily and learn how to keep silent; wait until you think about what you want to say to me, let’s have a good chat, how about ? “

“Uh … good, good! I try my best.”

“I believe you!” Loren gave his thumbs up decisively.

The young entourage turned staring and left in the direction of the banquet; it was only when his figure walked away completely that he could not see, and the female elf who had endured for a long time finally laughed out loud:

“Puff! Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …”

“Want to laugh, smile, after all, it’s been a long-term plot.” Looking at the female elf who was smiling and standing fast, the dark-haired wizard was very helpless.

“How about, now you know what your mood is when others hear your bullshit?”

“That’s not nonsense, it’s concise.”

“You still talk to Ain about this.”

The female elf snorted and glanced at the direction of the young entourage: “Kahn is quite wordy, but he is not stupid at all.”

“and so?”

“He doesn’t realize that it doesn’t mean it won’t happen later, and it won’t take long to notice that you are deliberately teasing and let him get out.” The elf looked at him: “Don’t you feel too rude, he is the Duke of Lothal . “

“And I am the Lord of the Great Byrne, the former wizard advisor of the Heavenly Dome, and the elder of the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower.” The black-haired wizard raised his eyebrows and looked disdainful:

“Looking at Rubenfried’s face, I can be polite to him, but it is only for this. In the next few years, Lotel wants to revive, and he has to count on the assistance of the Sky Dome and Byrne; let him bow his head to me. It is a matter of one sentence. “

“It’s really majestic, my Lord Lord Byrne.” Liya snorted with a smile, a bit ironic: “Bullying the bully, bullying the small … I didn’t expect you to be such an imperial.”

“Yes, this is the so-called imperial politics.” Loren shrugged: “Don’t look at everyone’s seemingly kind-hearted, in fact, the baht must be compared, and mutual pitting is the real daily life.”

“Sure enough … the day of being a duke is not for me at all.” The female elf shook her head: “I still want to go back to the Morning Star Forest, where is my place.”

“Go back now?”

“Well, the left army is recovering the Deep Forest Castle. When I arrive at Lotel, I will retake the Morning Star Forest, the Wuyue Court and all the settlements that belong to us with them.”

“Is there no room at all?”

Slightly frowned, Loren still wanted to fight for it.

“I’m not going to change my mind about the things that have been decided.” Looking at Loren’s eloquent look, the female elf glanced: “If it’s a matter of going to Bain, then you still give up. “

“I still want to work hard.”

“How many times do you want me to refuse you before you give up this matter?” The female elf stared at him angrily.

“I don’t know.” Loren smiled: “How about three thousand times?”

“… you really are a very beating guy.”

Remained silent for a moment, and smiled at each other in a tacit understanding.

“Take care, scammer.” The elf raised her lips: “Remember to treat Ain better. She sacrificed for you ten thousand times more than she had imagined.”

“I know.” Loren nodded slightly, his eyes quivering: “That’s the debt I haven’t paid in my life. Ain, Ruben, Charlotte … including you, my best friends, I owe you more than I do. Too much for you. “

“Really, then you have to use it to pay off the debt in your next half of life?”

“Um … may not take half of my life, for example, I think I owe Lu Wen, and it will be paid off in a few years. I will probably choose a time every year. I will go to Shenlinbao to see him. The time spent together may be one or two Year ~ ~ What about Charlotte? “

“Ah, Charlotte wants to think more about the fact that we look up every day and don’t see our heads down. This will probably cost me a quarter to a third of my life?”

“what about me?”

The female elf had a meal, and the sound was slightly like the fleeting night breeze.

The dark-haired wizard gave a slight pause and shook his head.



“Yes, no, there are no restrictions, because I can’t imagine that you are the elves of the ancient wood forest, time and agreement … I think these are meaningless to you.” Loren said with a chuckle: “What I want Time to do what you want, to come and go as you like, is the decision that best fits the style of the war dancer Liya, isn’t it? “

“If you want me to go to the ancient wood forest, write a letter; if you want to visit Red Blood Castle, then come any time, any place, whatever you say.”

“Oh, so arrogant?” The elf laughed: “Aren’t you afraid that Charlotte is jealous?”

The smile stiffened on his face, and Loren’s eyes fell into a deep thought in a terrible situation for a moment.

Proudly raised her mouth, the female elf pulled up her spear and waved to Loren:

“Take care.”

The next second, her figure had disappeared at the end of the road, like the green leaves flying in the midsummer, disappeared.

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