Shaman from Afar

v6 Chapter 327 - 9 awn star

When he heard the name, Loren gave a slight pause.

He wasn’t so surprised … Although it was indeed unexpected, it was not without clues.

According to Asriel, every existence in the void relies on the reaction of the void to detect each other, whether it is strong or weak;

The last words left by the hated Logan also mentioned that he found peeping in his eyes.

Considering that the other party has just easily prevented his “suicide”, opened his dream world, and even helped himself master the power, if he is not Holy Cross …

Loren felt that another “black cross” should not be so kind.

“Why?” Loren asked.

“why not?”

Pale gold figure voice is calm: “Even without my intervention, you can still get your own power, which is one of the established matters from the moment you come to this world.”


“You don’t belong to this world, I don’t have any information about you in my consciousness, so of course I don’t know which step you can do … When dealing with unknown problems, you can’t always be biased.” Holy Cross explained:

“But now you have opened the second valve, any blocking action is just useless work, I don’t think that is a meaningful move.”

“I will help you because you are different from any existence in this world. You will bring more changes to this world. The message you attach is so huge and very different, and you will be successful. “

“So I help you, because this is a meaningful thing, because the change you bring is worth my help … that’s all.”

The sound sounds quite natural, as if it should be like this.

But Loren heard another meaning from it.

“As long as it is‘ meaningful ’, it can make a change … you will help, right?”

Holy Cross was silent for a moment.

“I can feel the hint you mixed in this message, the wizard from afar … Lorren.”

There was a little more emotion in the voice: “But you must understand that without him … there would be no me.”

“I was born in his philosophy, which is an extension of his ideals and ambitions; by his hand, according to the trajectory set by him, develop, grow, and make changes for this world.”

“Maybe it is unreasonable in your point of view, or even the wrong thing will be taken for granted in another point of view, and even regard it as the right thing, and the existence that is desperately prevented is evil.”

“When he … when he saw the possibility of change and tried it, there were many voices and powers of opposition-the vast majority are those who have obtained the greatest benefits in their current state, but many are Because of incomprehensible, incomprehensible things … will cause fear. “

“They tried to prevent, destroy, interrupt, and make the process more tortuous … they were all destroyed.”

“They even created me according to his theory, thinking that I would be a hindrance to his way forward, but I didn’t know that all of this was what he expected, even a result that he was happy to see.”

“So … some of them were even destroyed by my own hands.”

“But you are different, you are the one who will make a change.” The figure of Holy Cross slowly approached: “For those who want to stop him, your existence is simply unique, and it is their last hope to stop him. “

The light golden light flickered and became blurred little by little.

Slightly frowned, Loren looked at the figure that was about to disappear, and couldn’t help saying: “What happened then …?”

Holy Cross did not answer.

“No matter what happens, there is no point. You ca n’t stop it, you do n’t need to stop it. You and him … there can only be one being that changes the world. There is no possibility of compromise.”

Lorren looked at him, somewhat puzzled.

“You are so persistent to change, but your power, or the power of the Holy Cross, is to create an eternal world that will never change.”

This is too contradictory.

“Exactly.” Holy Cross made no denial:

“Creating my existence, in their time—or should it be the situation? Sorry, I ’m not sure if the wording is accurate—is the most intelligent and courageous to make changes, but they still commit trial mistake.”

“They thought that with only one price, they could create the best world at one time and build the most perfect, eternal and most reasonable system; they thought that what they created was the ultimate truth.”

“It’s a pity that they can’t do it.” Holy Cross looked at Loren: “You … can’t do it, no one can do it; or when you have this idea, you are destined to fail.”

“We can only change, explore, and overthrow the previous theories, looking for new answers; changing and exploring endlessly, and approaching the truth infinitely.”

“So we are back to the starting point of the problem-I reach out to you because the world needs more variables; go down the established path, there is no unknown world, use the message you just gave me The metaphor … is a pool of stagnant water. “

“A world like that, where there is no past, let alone the future.”

The calm words caused the dark-haired wizard to think, but also brought new problems.

“Since change is not bad, then change must be good. How can you be sure that it will move forward rather than back?”

“I can’t be sure.” Holy Cross said frankly:

“Change may not be able to approach the truth, but if it does not change, it will not be able to approach the truth-so this is a risk that must be taken.”

“What is the truth?”

The black-haired wizard continued to question.

Under the dream world, the pale golden light gradually fades, like a stream of light, if there is nothing, it gradually disappears.

“A wizard from afar, this question …”

The sound of Holy Cross dissipated in the air, never going back.

“Let the truth answer you.”


With the collapse of the Jewel River defense line, the elven little prince vaguely aware of what began to mobilize the reserve army on a large scale, into the battlefield, and comprehensively suppress the empire.

The Baine Legion on the front line of the Jewel River was the first to be hit hard-the first array with the most casualties collapsed first, and the heavy casualties of the knights and heavy servants could not perform the task of covering the flanks, forcing the two-wing phalanx infantry Had to drop the spear and use the chopper and dagger to confront the enemy.

Regeler tried to organize the Bayern Knights charge, but the enemy’s frontal strength was nearly three times that of the Bayern Legion. The Bayern Knights who rushed into the enemy line could only open a gap with no more casualties.

If there are enough heavy infantry or Poe’s elite hussars, the next step should be to expand the results … but the current Baine Legion has no such strength.

In order not to cause the whole line to collapse, the Earl of Fury can only order the front line to be gradually withdrawn and replaced with the rear line array; at the same time, the five hundred Bain knights were ordered to dismount and act as the infantry knights to maintain the array.

At the same time, the right wing also began to panic-after receiving news that the enemy began to attack across the board, Yuli Wiltz immediately mobilized the reserve hussar to block the enemy’s support line and tried to encircle the last stubborn resistance. Elf double swordsman warrior.

The brave knights of the furious battle attacked from the flanks and fought side by side with the assisted Knight of the Lothal knight Aaron. They successfully ripped a gap and won a room for Yuli Wiltz to breathe for a moment.

The center line in the fierce battle also paid a very heavy price. When the Azores reinforcements were on the whole line, Dressis, who no longer hesitated, immediately led the heavy cavalry to launch the charge, while the Sacran regiment contracted and retreated into the defense. The facility conducts the final resistance.

When Carl Colin led the last shooting army to retreat into the defensive position, the three dragons fighting into the Azores formation had disappeared with the cavalry of Dresis.

The Azore elves, who were slightly impeded by the imperial heavy cavalry charge, greeted them with the “black city walls” that had been fully defended and had copper walls and iron walls.

“Shooting Army-, two rows of volleys, let go-!!!!!!”

The white light flashed, and the entire line of elf warriors waved their long swords while screaming, and stepped on the robe and corpses of the imperial knights.

Facing the crumbling front, Brandon couldn’t help but finally issued an order to mobilize the reserve army. The fresh troops entered the front from the rear of the battlefield, but the suppressed Empire side simply did not have enough space for them all to enter the battlefield.

And the Azore elves also proved with facts, how unbearable the ordinary army is in front of them!

Compared with the elf warriors who have become experienced in battles with the empire again and again, a large number of fresh troops that were assembled after the war seem to be very vulnerable … Except for a very few well-trained veterans, most of the new recruits are even to the point of being crushed. , Even unable to perform the task of holding on to the position.

But even so, Brandon continued to urge the rear to add reinforcements to fill the wing of the center line that was vacated due to the contraction of the front. Rows of Sachlan soldiers entered the battlefield. The only task they could perform perfectly was Die.

After the morale-preserving veterans were dead and wounded, the remaining recruits finally could not bear the fear inside, and the morale began to collapse, regardless of throwing their shields and halberds together to escape.

Then, they saw that there was an “friend” behind them, riding a horse and waving a scimitar, and raised a crossbow to “greet” their arrival.

Two thousand Boi Hussars and a thousand Arles heavy crossbowmen were sent directly behind the front as the warlords, and Brandon was given the power to shoot and hunt down any deserters.

No matter whether it is Boye or Arles, there is no “community” with the Sacran people, and it is completely dependent on the loyalty of the lord to the emperor. There will never be a slight hesitation when hunting the Sacran deserters.

Amid the sound of horns, neat crossbow arrows and cavalry trumpets, the completely desperate Sakran deserters were organized again and rushed into the hell-like battlefield with their weapons picked up.

Even if you take a pile of human life and fill it with corpses, let them play the last bit of use before dying, slowing down the speed of the Azores to break through the defense line!

A quarter of an hour later, the Azore elf warriors on the two wings of the center line finally cut down the last legionary soldier on the ground and sprinkled with blood to advance to the Chinese army. Long time.

“Boom ———————— !!!!!!”

Thunder sounded, and the sky was down with fire and rain.

The magic dragon spread its wings!


“Oh-here comes! Come!”

When the three dragons with fire and rain appeared on the battlefield at the same time, the little prince whose pupils shrank suddenly did not panic and rejoiced, excited to the point that his whole body was shaking.

This means that the empire can’t hold on to the point where it is necessary to rely on the power of the dragon to restore the decline—Brandon de Salion, he has no way to do it!

“His Royal Highness, our army’s frontline battlefield suffered heavy casualties and urgently needed support.” The elf warrior on the side was not as ecstatic as he was:

“If we go on like this, our army will soon be completely occupied by the Imperial Dragon …”

“Is it?” The elf little prince chuckled: “You mean … Is the whole army annihilated?”


“Yes, they will be annihilated by the whole army, but the same is true of the Empire … By the time they destroy the frontal army, our fleet has already reached the lower reaches of the Gem River, killing their reserve army completely, leaving the armor. “

“As for the three giant dragons … well, it is indeed a trouble, but I still prepared a sufficient number of bright lightsabers for these three beasts-the imperial people probably never imagined that the launcher that they faced with them during the war was just me. One-third of it is just a pity. Although it ’s a pity to be burned out, is it always a surprise to stay until the end? ”

Looked at the shocked elf warrior, the elf little prince could no longer contain the inner ecstasy, it was a joy that had been waiting for too long.

From the beginning, he did not care about the victory or defeat of the frontal battlefield … The decision to win or lose was a comparison of their strengths-to completely defeat the empire, only to weaken their strength to the point where they could no longer compete with the Azores Just contend.

Dragon? Floating city? Bright lightsaber?

There was a sneer in the corner of the elf prince’s mouth.

These seemingly powerful “weapons” … as long as they haven’t reached the point where they can reverse the entire battle situation, they are not afraid, or even worthy of distraction; they are only variables at most, not enough to reverse the battle situation.

The victory and defeat of tens of thousands of people on a small scale, the gains and losses of one city and one place, and even the local victory and defeat … may be able to be changed by these forces.

But this time is different. This battle involves far more than the frontal battlefield, but the whole battle situation. It is the battle between hundreds of thousands of troops in the entire Ebden territory. Which side survives more soldiers to decide Of … the fate of the race!

Too much care about the victory of the frontal battle, whether an extremely adventurous plan can succeed the Empire … Brandon de Salion, defeated from the beginning, completely defeated!

The joy of victory has surfaced on the face of the elven little prince.

And just now …

“Boom —————————— !!!!!!”

A thunderous loud noise came from behind, and the awakened elf little prince swiftly turned back to see the direction of the sound.

The direction of Ebden!

“Hall, Highness, that is …”

“I saw it ~ ~ I saw it!”

The elf little prince with wide eyes tried to hold back the corner of his mouth.

Although they are far apart, they can still see the king of the eagle king collapsed; a huge black shadow in the burst of smoke rushed to the sky and spread its wings.

“Boom ———— !!!!!!”

Thunderous dragon roar resounded through Eboden like a death knell.


Succeeded … myself … I, I defeated Loren Turin … the Empire … died in my hands … it was me …

“Boom ———— !!!!!!”

Is another long roar, the roaring wild beast desperately spread his wings, struggling to soar.

Wait … what’s going on?

Why does that dragon look … as if … it is about to fall?

Almost at the moment when this idea rose, the dragon standing on the dome suddenly fell like a broken line and fell into the sky.

In the city of Ebden, where the king’s court collapsed, suddenly a gray-blue light flashed across the city.

“Is that … Nine Stars?”

Staring at the light in the city, the little elf prince found his voice became a little trembling:

“Lorren Turin’s … Nine Stars?”

:. :

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