Shadows of betrayal

Chapter 6: Ashen eclipse

After winning the prize money, Haru went to the school marketplace.

(It's a place where they sell weapons and books that hold different techniques.) And then he went there to try to find a sword-like weapon and books that teach how to forge weapons and how to use them. After that, he went to the weapon shop and asked for a fire sword.

Shopkeeper: Welcome, sir. What kind of weather do you like?

Haru: I'm a fire type, so I'll need a fire type sword.

(There are weapons that can carry the power of an element and increase the user's strength, like in games, but the individual can only use the weapons of his element, like a water element, which one can't use.). Fire element weapons

Shopkeeper: Sir, do you want an artificial one or the one that is made from elemental animals?

Element animals are very rare to find; there are normal animals, but some animals have the power of an element, like humans, who have the same element power like human fire, water, ground, and wind, and they are called beasts, and when hunted, many things are made from their bones and skin, and they can be made into weapons, and animal weapons are hard to find and very expensive.

Haru: Show me some

Shopkeeper: As you are a fire element, I'll recommend a sword made from animal, which would be the cheapest at 15 million yen.

Haru in mind: That's all I have.

Can you show an artificial one?

Yes, sir, here it's an artificial sword; its price is only 5 million yen.

Haru: Damn, it's also expensive. Well, not that I need it for too long.

Sir, can you show me where to get forging things?

Yes, we also have forging things.

Yes, a book of forging things and everything here. Let me show you. Follow me.

And Haru followed him to the back of his shop, and then the shopkeeper gave him the things he needed and brought some other things, which cost him a total of 7 million yen, and then before going back, he rented a small apartment where he set up his forging things and went back to his apartment.

And then we see the Ryota family.

Katsu Arai Ryota's dad is having a conversation with his son regarding his match with Haru.

Katsu: Son, why did you come second?

Dad, it's because of that bastard lowlife Haru.

He was strong.

Son, how much stronger does he look to you?

Dad, he was twice as strong as me. I can tell

Katsu: So in the future, he is going to be a problem for your future.

Yes, Dad, and I have investigated him, and he is an orphan, so I want to ask your favor: kill him and make him disappear from this world.

Son, don't worry about it. I'll burn the whole world for you.

His dad went to an organization of assassins who kill people for money and offered 12 million yen to kill Haru.

Only twenty-four students were selected for class A; it was announced when the exam came to a close.

(In the academy, there are various classes; the most gifted pupils are typically in class A. The ranks go from F to A.)

They were then seated in their respective classes.

There was also a notice that tomorrow is the first day of classes.

Haru: What a shithole!

He went to his regular spot in the forest because he had nothing else to do, and as he was there, he sensed that two persons were watching him.

It was getting dusk, and he chose to ignore them. However, as soon as night fell, he came under attack from behind.

Maskedman: Hehe, got you. Haru used his bare hand, which was encased in a black aura, to parry that strike.

Haru: You believe that

The man with the mask was startled, but then another man moved to ambush him from behind.

However, Haru struck him in the stomach, then struck another person in the face, sending him in the direction of the other person. When they stood up, they faced Haru in front of him collectively, and Haru uttered the words, "Who are you people?"

The two men in masks then declared, "We are your death," to which Haru let out a loud laugh.


"Death can have me when it earns me," I murmured, staring coldly at them.

Then, simultaneously, they both attacked him.

Fire style fire bomb, water style water bullet

Haru: Let the darkness shine.

One of the masked men stated, "What do you think? You are cool; you don't know I am the dark knight. I know the darkness," as a black aura suddenly encompassed their two attacks and caused them to vanish. They were both astonished by this but could not have cared less.

Then, out of nowhere, Haru grabbed the first masked man by the neck and peered into his eyes, seeing only eternal darkness that obscured even the masked man's ability to see his pupils. Haru then said, "Vanish," and the man's body was completely covered in a black aura, leaving behind only ashes that were carried by the wind for a short while before another man asked in fear, "Wh-who ar- are yo-?" You monster

And Haru replied

Should I consider it as a compliment?

After hearing such words, the masked man was completely terrified and unable to move.

Haru: So what should I do about you?

The masked man responded in dread. Please, I ask you. I was doing this for money.

Haru glanced into his eyes and stated, "You kill for money." I kill anyone who tries to kill me.

The masked man responded, "Aren't we the same?"

Haru responded, "I couldn't care less."

Then Haru placed his palm on the man's head, who was kneeling and shivering with fright.

So, what's your last wish?

Masked man: To visit my daughter.

Haru also emphasized that those who killed must share the same wish.

Then Haru said Looking into his eyes, he disappeared, and a black aura enveloped the masked guy, leaving only ashes behind. Following that, the Haru said

How long will you be there? Rei and a figure emerged from the shadows, saying, "I am sorry, Ankoku-sama."

Haru requested that you stop calling me Sama and instead refer to me as Haru.

I apologize, Haru.

That's great.

Haru: What class are you in?

Rei: in Class C

Haru: Are you holding back?

Rei: Yes, precisely as you said.

Haru: I understand.

Rei: You should have asked the last one who sent him before killing him.

Haru: Oops.

And after that, Haru asked Rei to find those who sent them.

Then they both parted ways and went to their rooms

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