Chapter 86: Black man me.
Hey, world!
Take a look at little Black man me.
Raised different,
I didn't grow up in a "Black" family.
Foster care,
That was an excuse for them to attack me.
An "Oreo"
Common lingo, that's what the kids called me...
Grew up on the South side of Milwaukee
I wasn't good enough.
Coming from outside of the "ghetto"
I wasn't good enough...
My stepfather was a White man
And for some reason that made a difference
I was never Black enough to fit
Regardless of my appearance.
It got so bad that I remember
Wondering what was the matter
My Black Skin was worthless Bronze
But White Skin was a Silver platter...
And as a kid, I can recall
The deep feelings of not belonging...
As if hanging with my White friends
Was somehow doing the wrong thing...
As I grew up, I saw the world in all shades and varied impressions
I felt keenly all the hatred, the subtle microaggressions...
Being Black in North America will teach you all types of lessons...
Like being hyper-aware of your standing facial expressions...
Don't come off as "too aggressive."
The system can be oppressive
Every job, career, and college
Will -for Blacks- be quite selective...
I can't imagine How life would be
If I hadn't been born with Black Skin.
I can't imagine a world
Where it is okay to be Black in...
I can't imagine equality
Equity that is never slackened
A world where all races are valued
Regardless of what they're lacking.