Shadows before dawn.

Chapter 76: Bullies.

You used to scare me in eighth grade...

You were so intimidating. 

I started hating going to school,

I thought that you would be waiting...

Waiting to hurt me somehow.

You were my bully...

Never understood why you targeted me.

The notion confused me fully.

Yeah. I know

You used to wear that ugly golden chain,

Until you lost it.

I picked it up and gifted it to my Mum

I should have tossed it...

I was young and immature,

I didn't care how much it meant to you.

I wanted you to feel the same way I did

From all you put me through.

And I knew 

The feeling of losing something you love

 Is not the same,

But I couldn't make you fear me physically 

 So I had to shift the plane...

If I could go back?

I probably would do it all the same.

You picked on me because I was smaller and thinner about my frame.

I remember when you tried to corner and jump me in that McDonald's. 

That golden chain was long gone, you tried to punch me in my noes.

But you missed it.

 You ain't shit.

 Tried to hit,

 My friend with

Six of your fucking bitch friends.

And all of you still couldn't whip

Our asses, because you couldn't win. 

If you think that seven dudes versus two guys and two girls is not fair,

Then you would be on the opposite side of the responding officers who didn't seem to care...

And we all walked away with nothing more than a scratch,

I hope your fractured ribs healed well, you took my foot like a champ.

I had a cut above my right eye from when you tried to sucker punch me.

It healed up quickly as if you never got a chance to touch me.

I think I saw you some years ago out eating with your lady.

I was much older then, I doubt that you would try to play me...

I would have put you down, but I could really care less. 

I've moved on and grown up, I wish you nothing but the best.


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