Shadows before dawn.

Chapter 38: Let me go.

Sometimes I feel like I need to die...

I could leap from the 21st

Simply fall from the sky.

But in doing that I'd die terrified.

That's not the way I'd want to go...

And I feel like there aren't many people who would mind.

If I swallowed half a bottle,

If I drank some Iodine.

Call me crazy but in counting

I can think of only nine.

Who would truly even care If I took my very life?

But that's not really how I'd like to be remembered...No.

But to think of it, sleeping pills could easily do the job.

I'd have a bit of time to clean my room before I got drowsy. 

So when whoever found me,

Found me, they would think me not a slob

They'd do the math and see that I took so many, it would be astounding.

The very last way I'd like to go would be burning or drowning!

Burning is way too horrible and I'd be ash when they found me.

And I can't fathom choking on water til darkness closed around me...

I don't want to go painfully...

Maybe I'm just being selfish...

Or maybe I don't have much left

Beggers can't be choosers

Especially when you choose death.

Who am I fooling...

Suicide is not an option for me

As much as I would like to leave

I have a few who still need me.

So I'll suck it up and keep going

In this life, never knowing

When better times will start flowing...

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