Shadow Slave | School Days

Chapter 92: Early Arrival

Who had the best performance against unconscious Sunny?




Beating wings was all that graced Sunny's ears as his eyes cracked open. From the look of things, he was in the air, judging by how close the clouds were, he could predict he was quite far above ground. Yet, the sky didn't scare him, in fact, the rays of sunlight beating against his skin, an effect he had once loved and admired, couldn't shift his heart at all.


"I don't care. I don't care anymore." He mumbled under his breathe, raising himself upright till he was sitting up. As he surveyed his surroundings, he could only hum in surprise as he took in the new environment. Stale air lingered despite the ventilation, thick with the scent of fuel, sweat and machinery.


Sunlight streaked through the small windows, casting harsh glares on the environment around him and allowing him a slight degree of luminosity as he stared at the empty seats that surrounded him. He was in the sleeping quarters was all he could tell, judging by the various beds that surrounded him.


Rising to his feet, Sunny let his hair fall loosely to his sides, falling beneath his shoulders as he made his way outward. He didn't bother clothing himself, his dirty shorts only masked by their darkened colour, taking focus away from the stains of blood that lingered within the clothing/


As he pushed past the door, he was greeted by the sight of the Song sisters as well as Nephis and Cassie. Cassie was currently sitting next to the window, glancing out of it was she stared distantly downward with her sightless eyes. 'What is she even looking at?' was the thought that ran through his head as he remained in his corner to listen to the conversation.


"He cut us down like it was nothing, and he wasn't even trying! Even mother could only stall the guy, how did you do it!" Clara asked, her enthusiasm showing in her voice as she grabbed Nephis' hands and got as close to her as possible. Nephis stared at her awkwardly, a slight blush fighting its way onto her face as she meekly replied. "I don't really know, when he bit my elbow, I thought it was over, but I just moved. Instinctively I guess."


Someone had hurt Nephis, and yet Sunny didn't show the typical reaction, his face remained still as he sighed quietly. He knew exactly who the culprit was, of course Mordret had decided to get himself into a fight with the entire Song family all on his own.


"And he just let my sword hit him straight on the shoulder! I thought it was going well till he suddenly started healing, do you think Sunny can do that too?" Jessica asked, her eyes trained on Nephis as she tried to restrain her excitement. Frankly, landing a blow on Mordret in such a dire situation was extremely impressive, especially given the prior damage.


Finally deciding to break his silence, Sunny walked forward, his steps feeling more silent than usual as he ran a hand through his hair, squinting his eyes at the sunlight. "Good morning." He mumbled, trying his hardest not to focus on Nephis as his eyes scanned around the room.


Everyone's eyes seemed to flare up with excitement, Jessica's eyes widening further as she recalled what had happened in the room. Unable to restrain her curiosity further, the question burst out of her lips like a tidal wave. "Sunny, what happened in that room!? You even made Mordret run!"


At the question, all their eyes snapped towards Sunny. Frankly, he didn't want to talk about it and so he weaved his way through the crowd of people, finding himself an isolated corner next to Hel as he shrugged his shoulders. "Something unique, it happens sometimes when Mordret and I fall unconscious. But more importantly, where are we going?"


Each one of them moved to speak, finding that they were going to cut each other off in a series of abrupt starts and stops. In irritation, Sunny simply raised his hand to silence all of them and pointed at the only person he could trust to be the most coherent. "Jessica, please go ahead."


Looking around smugly, she coughed with a smile on her face, preparing the room for her speech before leaning in for dramatic effect. "We're going to...the dream realm! It's where we plan on going to war, winner gets the entire continent and rules all of the underworld." Sunny stared at her blankly for a moment and then sighed, running a hand through his hair to suppress an oncoming headache.


"I...don't want to go there. But there's so many people from Valor that I can kill! And I get to revisit my log-house." His silent self debate was noticed by all those present as the door separating the main space from the cockpit flew open. Eubin was controlling the helicopter with practiced ease as she shouted over the flying winds.


"You've been to the dream realm!? What's it like!?" Her tone did not do wonders for Sunny's splitting head as he glanced outside the window, wondering if he could survive such a fall as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I've been there a few times, to see the abandoned citadels that Anvil intended to conquer. The animals there are three times larger than regular too, they make for good food."


A resounding cheer spread across the helicopter, with the only ones remaining silent being Sunny, Nephis and Cassie. He felt the silver haired young woman inching closer to him, a silent message hidden in her gaze as her eyes lingered over his form for a brief moment.


'He really has changed since I last saw him.' Her mind flashed back to his breakdown as he exited the room, his body was entirely unharmed and yet the look in his eyes made it seem like he was going through a thousand trauma's all over again as he slammed his head repeatedly against the wall.


As Eubin stalled the helicopter mid air, she made her way towards the main sector, handing everyone a parachute before quickly giving orders to get whatever tools they needed before their exit. There was no civilisation there, meaning they would be starting from scratch for at least a few months till the Sovereigns moved in.


"I'll say this, the dream realm is not safe and I'm not referencing the environment." Eubin commented, her eyes focused and sharp as she glanced around the room. "The three kings, Orion and his warriors, Gilead and many more have already arrived before us so establishing ourselves is pertinent. If there is anything you would like to bring, do it now." Jessica looked at her with an odd expression as she witnessed her sister attempt to act like a leader.


'She thinks she looks cool as shit right now huh?' She commented, fixing her parachute onto her body as Sunny picked up a rocket launcher. The entire room stared at him with odd expressions as Sunny raised an eyebrow like they were all stupid. "Do you want there to be a trail of us that everyone can easily follow, e.g. a giant helicopter?"


His question hung in the air unanswered as Sunny pulled open the doors. Each and every member of the helicopter looked down into the sky below with differing expressions before Eubin shoved all of her sisters off the helicopter in a single movement. "They're going to kill me for that." She whined before leaping off herself.


Sunny turned to Cassie, trying to determine if she knew how to operate a parachute but she was already descending through the air as he turned. Leaving only Nephis and him remaining aboard. She extended an arm, almost hoping to grasp him and yet seeing the way his body tensed she knew it would be a horrible decision.


"We'll talk when we get down." Sunny stated, before watching her leap off with an indifferent expression. Finally, he was all that remained. The option of manning the helicopter and flying away from them all lingered within his mind, and yet he slaughtered such doubts in a single moment before leaping off.


Turning around, he aimed the rocket launcher at the still mid-air helicopter before firing. Watching the entire structure erupt into a ball of flames leaving no shrapnel as he turned around. Dots signifying his allies lingered below him, each of them drifting downward at a steady pace as Sunny shifted his fingers, flinging the rocket launcher to the side as he activated his parachute.


"This is going to be a long year, isn't it?"


And he couldn't have been closer to the truth.


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