Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 245: History

The subjugation of Earth was a lot easier than he thought. The eartheners were like defenseless cattle but fell much like grass amidst the farmer's scythe. Try as they could, they fell and died one by one.

With the extermination of the two transcendent Androids Tasha took care of, there wasn't much that could stand in the way of the Prince.

The world was in Chaos. Rebellions containing various militias were rising across several continents in the hopes of fending off the sudden attack that took the Northern Hemisphere by storm.

Despite a mere twelve hours passing, Altair had not bothered to make a statement as of yet.

He was letting the earthlings cook while Cedric and Vaiga dealt with the nobles, with Aurora coordinating with them to target particular individuals who held above-average authority on Earth.

"In about a month… I ought to have full control of Earth's defenses. By the second month, rebellions should be wiped out. Still, there's going to be a lot of work. I feel sorry for Aurora. Still… I'm leveling like crazy. By the time six months pass, I should be ready for Babel's Tower." Giving his arms a stretch overlooking the terrace of his room, Altair yawned, flopping onto his bed.

"A quick nap, and I'll go tease… Syris."

He was awoken by the faint disturbance of someone poking at his cheek. He moaned, turning the other way.

"Art… what the hell? You don't even like sleeping, " muttered Syris, giving his shoulder a shrug, "oooiii, teach me that sword art move. Ooooiii"

Altair groaned, opening his groggy eyes, slowly coming into focus. He nearly jumped, finding Syris layered in so many trench coats she looked like a giant bowling ball.

"What the hell? Syris?"

It had taken him a while to catch on as he erupted into laughter. "Oh shit! Did you seriously put all that on just to come train with me?"

"in my defense, " said Syris, flaring her nostrils. " You can't be trusted."

"I'm offended," replied the Prince with a posh undertone. "the only things I can see are your fingertips and face. I bet you can't even grip your dagger."

"Can too! It's… it's just a little more difficult to—"

"take it off. All of it."

Syris's cheeks flared into two puff balls as she hopped off the bed, slowly rolling into a wall.

"... Need help?"


"you sure because it—"

"I got it…" She muttered, asking herself why she was even here in the den of night.

'I should just go… it was inappropriate for me to be here anyways. If Ren saw me, what would she even say?'

"You're making that face again. What useless thoughts are you having? Hurry up and get changed. You already woke me up. No turning back now. Don't you know it's a sin to wake up a man from his slumber? Especially a future king?"

Wiggling herself out of a few layers, Syris rolled her eyes at him. "again. You don't even like sleeping."

"I get sleepy whenever I use Ashen Blood. It's a minor drawback," he explained before helping her shed a few more layers. By the time they were done, Syris was in her battle robes.

"See? Much better."

Nervously, the young girl sat up, tightening her robes with a crooked smile.

Quick to sense the nervous tension running across her shoulders, he laughed. "Relax. It's just training. We did it a bunch back in the Lake of Rot."

"We were blindfolded. You couldn't see anything."

"true…then how about this… if you ever feel uncomfortable during our session. Say stop, and I'll stop. You've my word on that."

Syris felt a little better, though her heart ached with a sudden sensation of anxiety and anticipation. When she straightens herself up, standing firm, pushing down unnecessary thoughts.

"The sword technique Vaiga used is called Nexus. Named after the Sixth layer of hell. Created by the Fallen Angel of Death Azazel after his fall from grace."

Such knowledge hadn't come from Vaiga's memories but the knowledge held within his blood after mating with Reina for the first time. The process of acclimation had been slow, but the power and knowledge held within all Nephilims was coursing through Altairs viens.


"No questions?"


"You sure? You're clearly nervous."

"No… no, I'm not.' She turned her head.

"Do I make you nervous, or is that excitement I'm sensing?"

'Excitement," Syris was quick to say, nibbling at her lip. She might have even looked bashful if her eyes weren't so fierce.

"Then come here. Let me show you how your energy should flow," he offered a palm.

Syris stared at his hand and hesitated before accepting it. She felt him pull her in, his palm wrapping around her waist. Her heart quickened, and her breath caught itself. Butterflies filled her belly as she stared up at him, measuring his height.

"Are you ready?"


Channeling a sliver of Mana into her meridians, he began directing it through her in an intricate manner. It was as if he was creating within her a magical circuit in the hopes of chanting a spell. Syris felt her body begin to heat up as the foreign Mana began connecting within her body before it left her pores, drawing her into the cold.

"Did you memorize it?"

"One more time," said Syris softly, trying to calm her heartbeat. She wondered if he could hear it pounding against her chest. It was so loud.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

"One more time," replied the Prince gently, channeling his Mana into her once more.

Syris felt the warmth return. It was warmer than before…stronger, filling her meridians as if to claim it as its own.

"It's hot…" she muttered, teary-eyed, gasping for air. Her chest was aching with sweat pouring out the surface of her skin. "Art…"

"Did you memorize the pattern?"

Syris shook her head, a little embarrassed. How could she know it had taken Vaiga nearly seven years to grasp the flow of Mana? And even then, she only succeeded after an instance of enlightenment as one of Altair Shadows.

"Just a little longer then…' He said seriously, observing the way Syris began to mimic his Mana, falling short. He stopped after an hour, catching the young maiden as she collapsed in his arms, gasping for air.

"Ava, get us some wine."

"What…What… about… water…" Syris said with great effort.

Altair only tossed her onto the bed to rest, laughing, and said, "Who the hell drinks water when we could drink wine."

The wine and two glasses materialized in his palm. He poured some out for Syris, offering her the glass.

The young girl practically swallowed the entire glass, gasping for dear life, only to realize the slight buzzing of the wine against her tongue. "It's good!"

"Of course, it's good. I drink it, don't I?" The Prince sat beside her, savoring his glass. He stole a glance, observing the way her soaked robes clung to her skin.

"Hmmm. Another."

"It's strong. Be careful, or you might just end up spending the night." he teased, pouring her another glass.

Syris only stuck her tongue out. " You wish."

"Or perhaps you wish it."

"I would never betray Reina like that. You remember her, right? I noticed it before… but you don't talk about her. Why? In the nine years we were trapped, you brought her up four times."

"I don't like to think of Ren… it makes me antsy, to say the least. My emotions don't die down anymore. So everything I feel for Ren typically comes back all at once, usually resulting in…" He pointed towards a large bulge threatening to tear through his trousers.

Syris felt her stomach dipping as a knot caught itself in the back of her throat. And once again, her heart began to hammer against her chest.

"Then the time you attacked me…"

"Now, that was hardly an attack, Said Altair mildly. " As far as I remember, your cunt was as wet as a—"

She covered his mouth, spilling the wine. "Don't you dare say it!"

Altair ignored the way she had mounted him in order to cover his mouth, merely sliding a palm over her supple waist, claiming a small victory she couldn't even see just yet.

"That was humiliating."

"How so?" He said through the gaps of her fingers. "It's just us here. That was probably the best time I ever had in the Lake of Rot. Oh, I lied. Didn't we also kiss that one time…"

Syris's arms began to tremble. "That…That…that… was because I was nearly going crazy! Ok! You weren't talking to me. It was hell! For an entire six months, you refused to even look at me.

I'm sorry if I had a mental breakdown. But That place… That hellhole was maddening!"

Tears had begun to fall as Altair cupped her cheek, bellowing a great sigh. "You know why I did that."

Leaning her head onto his chest, Syris shuddered for a while before peeping up at him. "I still hated it. And I hated you for a while."

"Do you still hate me now?"

She nodded.

"Liar." he chuckled, flicking her nose.


Holding her by the waist, Altair suddenly snickered. "You're a bad kisser, by the way. No tongue or nothing; I was rather embarrassed for you. "

"You arrogant piece of shit!" she snapped, hammering her small fist against his chest.

And without warning, Altair pressed his lips against hers, drawing her in as his palm pressed the back of her head.

Syris struggled for a bit, jerking her head back. "Ren… I…I…"

Once more, his lips touched against her, his tongue invading her mouth as she squirmed breathlessly, melting into his arms like a fawn in the presence of a tiger.

Syris closed her eyes, giving herself to him if only for a night.

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