Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 242: Valemorph

"Did you notice it?" Thanatos asked, just outside Earth's atmosphere. His words echo despite existing within a vacuum of space.

"You mean Altair? Yeah. That look reminds me of the time I first met Zariel," said Zagreus. "Honestly, I'm not sure if it's because of the Ninth Form or what happened these past five years, but he's different."

"Five Years isn't a long time."

"And that's where we disagree. We were once gods who lived through multiple Chaos Cycles. We saw the death and rebirth of dao, the recreation of concepts. Our perception of time is skewed. A year is like an instance for us. But to Altair… well."

"Ah." Thanatos saw his point, nearly breaking out in a smile. "That might be the most coherent thing you've said since we were resurrected."

"Piss off," Zag fired back. He rolled his eyes, studying the fleet within Earth Orbit. So blinding they appeared like stars as Mana blazed like the nearby sun."Remember, Altair, what said, try not to kill."

"I'll only steal half their life force. It ought to be enough to propel me into a new physical realm." Thanatos raised a palm, his finger weaving into the runic crest of Death.

"Life Steal," He intoned.


"You look hella jealous,' Syris mused, brushing up on Altair's shoulder as he pouted like a small child. "Finally recognizing my greatness?"

"I just think it's bullshit that you have such an understanding of the elements. And can use all of them."

"I'm a Highborn Celestial. Celestial themselves have an insane affinity to time and space and a monstrous level of comprehension for the other elements." She said, gloating, after finding the closest northern continent in the blink of an eye.

"Isn't it hard to comprehend so many elements?"

"Is it hard to walk and talk?" Syris countered. She hung an arm over his shoulder. "Even in the Lake of Rot, my spirit was comprehending the elements there just like how you were trying to grasp the…" she leaned closer, her warm lips tracing the tips of his ears. "The Vale."

Altair eye slid to her, "Keep that up, and I might visit your quarters later tonight."

"You! Just go have one of your shadows! That Nia girl looks like she'd spread out for you if you ask." She hurriedly said, hurrying off him. "And what the hell happened to Honor?"

Altair didn't immediately answer. He was asking himself the same question. But ever since he entered the second stage of the Ninth Form, he felt so tired of it all. Yet it was his honor, his pride, that made him strong. It was pride that held him in check. That forced him to back down the night he had Syris in his arms.

It was pride that made his mind strong, that purged the sensation of confusion, allowing him to stand tall even if he faltered at times.

"If I am to have someone. It'll definitely be you."Altair looked her straight in the eyes. She didn't lower hers until she did, turning as bright as an apple created by the Goddess of Innocence, Idunn. "Come on. Let's go. I'd like to make it to the capital before Talia finishes up with the Aros Estate."

With his forces scattered, Altair didn't have much time to make detours. And so, without hesitation, he took her by the waist as particles of light began to dance across his flesh.

Despite the confusion in her heart, Syris noticed that her body weight vanished. She felt light, more than light, as the winds and salty waters swept through her body. She could feel the might of the Vale coursing from Altair's powerful arms into her body, transfiguring it to match his will. A sin to do in the cultivation world, yet Syris did not react. Merely looking up at him with puzzlement.

"If you blink, you'll miss everything."

Syris blinked, only to find herself once again above the Capital City of Zamphis. She recognized the city and recognized the familiar scent. But couldn't fundamentally grasp what happened. One moment, they were over the Pacific, the next, the city.

"It's called Valemorph. An innate ability of my Physique: Fallen Moon Imperfection."


Active: Allows the user to manipulate all aspects of the body to their will, so long as he/she has an active understanding of its properties.

"Using Vale Qi, I turned our bodies into photons and moved forward. I'm a little thankful for my omnipotence. Or else I might have missed when to stop. We were moving at the speed of light just now. I learned that one from Roxas."

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You turned into light particles? No, you turned us into light?"

"Badass, aren't I? With Valemorph, I can turn into whatever I want. Be they sentient or not. Vaperous energy. No prob. Light?

Just did it. Fire? Simple. It's quite easy. Although, for some reason, I still need to turn Mana into Vale Qi. And it's insanely draining."

Altair opened the Circle of Gluttony only to wince at the dryness of Earth's atmosphere. Compared to his palace, Earth seemed more barren than an eighty-year-old whore.

Syris looked at him in utter disbelief. "W-W-What the hell are you?"

"A Bad Bitch. A baddy for short."

"Fuck off!" She tried to punch him in a moment of infuriation, but Altair laughed, ducking under her straight punch. Flicking her left tit.

"I call that the titty flicker! Hitting his bad, Syris."

The young lass turned red as a grueling fire blazed in her chest. "I'll kill—'

With a finger placed on her mouth, Altair looked towards the towering castle far in the distance. The Sunset Palace, as it was known, stood as tall as the highest mountain in all the lands. It blazed like an eternal torch upon the horizon like a second sun.

"My own is better…"

Gripping her chest, Syris pursed her lips. "I like that one better. It's bigger."

"My own has an entire world on the inside."

"But it's not big." Syris teased, claiming a small victory by the offended expression he was giving her. She couldn't hold it in, bursting into laughter in the skies.

Altair might have dropped her if she didn't already know how to fly. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with." he snapped his finger, and from the void, Cedric appeared in a pulsation of space.

Lightning lashed across space, acting as a platform, as he bowed. "I've brought what you asked of me." Reaching into his robe, Cedric revealed a substantial crystal shard nearly twelve inches tall. "A Ninth Tier Mana Shard. Only twelve exist on Earth. With my family owning one."

"Is that how you plan on summoning Vaiga?" Syris wondered.

"Yes. Vaiga's Mana Attribute outstrips me by quite a bit. It's nearly triple what I possess, which is what really matters. If I summon her using all my Mana as I am now. I sense I would be able to summon her, but her potential would not be a fraction of what it could be. Her stats and attributes might mirror my own."

Altair looked around, counting the few snipers. He signaled for Cedric before opening a Dimensional Rift to the Serpents Outreach.

Cedric stood guard by the Rift, gripping his spear with hardened eyes.

Inside the Rift, within his Palace, Altair teleported himself and Syris to the training grounds, where he knew no one would bother him.

When it came to Cedric, Altair wasted nearly two-thirds of his reserves in a single instance since he was of a higher circle, retaining all his stats. A feat Altair held dearly in his heart. Most of his Shadows carried the same level of power as their brothers and sisters. The only difference between them was their innate skills and mindsets.

"Syris, can you monitor my vitals? Ava will grant you a droplet from the Caelem Springs should I appear on the verge of death. Just feed it to me."

"I think you're underestimating yourself," said Syris. "Your control over Mana has already surpassed the level of mortal understanding. You'll be fine." she shot her thumbs up, flopping to her bottom.

The Prince chuckled. It was surprising how weak the people of Earth truly were. It was especially true when he recalled Davos. The one who had humbled him in such a way he felt shame recalling the matter.

None of the other Soul Kings had ever made him feel so defenseless. Roxas was strong, and his Domain seemed nearly impossible to defend against, but It was only Davos who seemed on an entirely different level.

"Yeah… You're probably right. Still—"

"Yeah-Yeah. I got your back. Just like before," said Syris, pressing her palms over her lap. She stared with poised focus.

The Prince lifted the 9th Mana Shard to his heart. His eyes closed, and his Domain expanded, reaching into the azure shard. And in a fleeting moment, memories of countless years came and went, flickering across his mind, sinking into the Black Lake of his soul.

The memories were fierce, fueled by a deep, seething hatred that he knew too well. Through his mind's eye, he saw her life. Her nearly hundred years of life flickering by from start to finish.

[Soul of Vaiga Darkfire assimilated]

"You truly are one in a million," The Prince mused, beginning to channel the Mana into his meridians up towards his Three Circles.

"A powerful warrior like yourself blessed by my Mother with the shard of the Primal Sword. You will make a most excellent Sword Maid after the crazed Talia.

A/N: Chapter 95

He grinned, feeling his meridians ready to explode.

"Arise, Vaiga Darkfire. Arise Anew."

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