Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 235: Azura

Altair veered to the right in a slow, cohesive symmetry to Syris on his left, their arms pressed against the hilt of their blades, poised for combat. Their eyes seeking to peer through the formless mist, obscuring their vision.

"What is it you want with us?"

"Cain asked that I free you from my bonds. Though I wonder if I should."

"Cain being your Master?"

Altair must have said something amusing, for Azura's voice hummed lightly across his ear. "I possess no Master, child. Cain and I merely see eye to eye on many affairs. You two are not one of them." she snapped her finger, conjuring three chairs from out of the mist, making herself at home."The First Child of Soloman and a Young Man whose body and soul strive to connect into the Realm of Spirits.

What a catch. Few who leave my Lake do so Defiled. And you two have not been so lucky."

"How do you know that?" Said Syris, leaning forward to strike.

"I knew your mother, Aridea, well. We played together as children. A shame what happened to her. But we warned her of the fate of those born from Adam and Eve."

"Huh?" Syris backed away, lowering her blade. "Mother… Mother was one of the First? That's not possible."

'And why not?" Azura remarked. "Most of their children are dead now. Killed by Demons, Fallen, and Angels alike."

Altair slid Shadowclaw back into his scabbard, taking a seat. "Does that also make you one of their children since you played together?"

Azura did not deny it, "Yes, I'm their second daughter. One of the three still alive."

"Cain, Azura, and—"

"Aclima, our lost lamb, who fled this wretched family. She was perhaps the smartest of us all."

Syris looked a little pale, her hands shaking, "Impossible. Impossible! If… If Mother was a part of the first generation. Then why… why would that demon have defeated her!"

"A testament to how powerful Belius was. He was a proficient killer. One of the best. Perhaps even stronger now beneath the Second Monarch's reign."

"Arsene Snow…" muttered Altair darkly.

"Indeed. Seems you are not as ignorant as I once perceived you to be. I wonder how such a name entered your ear." Azura narrowed her eyes, obscured by the mist, smiled, and said, "Tell me, child… what would you give to escape this Lake?"

"What can I offer that you, a God, do not already possess."

"Humor me."


Azura's tone of voice remained. "I suppose you are not foolish enough to be toyed with. Fine. I will allow you passage under the condition of a promise. Cain will enter my sanctuary tomorrow. He will offer you a deal.

And you will take it."

"Will I now?"

"You will, or I shall personally defile your body and soul. Robbing you of what little protection the One grants his pets."

A slight crack flickered across that intangible mask of Altairs, agitating his lips to a bloodthirsty arc. He stood up, a hand on the pommel of Shadowclaw.

Azura had not spoken with any show of intent or force, yet the unease it carried clawed its way through his pores, stripping him bare. His throat and eyes began to burn as his eyes clashed against the one that threw away the Divine.

"What the hell bloody happened to you," Syris asked. "Aren't you, my aunt? Aren't you family?"

"The child my father and brothers fucked into me died by my own hands," said the Queen of Rot calmly. The timbre of the voice was cold and without feel. "In all of Heaven and Hell, there exists no bloodline that connects directly to me."

Altair's face was stone, shaken to his core by such a revelation. "You killed your children? Why?" He could understand if she were a devil or a demon, but Azura was neither of those.

The lady, for the first time, chuckled. "For one who walks the Path of Aeron, you sure are Innocent. But please. Let us save such an intimate talk for after we get to know each other. I have known my brother for a very, very long time. If you deny him, he will kill you without a second thought."

Syris found a bit of courage to speak then, "Gods aren't allowed to—"

"We are currently within a slit between the Abyss and Myriad Heavens. The Shadow Proclamation holds no dominion over us here. We can do as we please," Azura proclaimed.

"Why are you interested in me?"

"Potential. Despite the overall lack of skill. You managed to put Roxas in a Nine-Year coma. A feat that impressed Cain and me. He woke up about a week ago. So your punishment is officially over."

The Prince's mask cracked even more. His wrath was bleeding through. "Punishment? You mean all this… all of his was a punishment?"

"Get over it. And listen," Azura snapped. "You will accept the deal. Cain will not tolerate anything less than full obedience. Should you accept… he will send you on a quest. What it entails, I cannot tell you.

But it will surely involve death. As for you, girl, your situation is a tad bit more complicated. You are not required. Not in the least."

Syris lost a bit of color. "What do you mean?"

"The secondary purpose behind the Black Curse was to teleport Altair into my domain. You just so happened to be near him when it occurred. When you tried to control space to stop the process, you were dragged along with him. But in truth, you aren't relevant to the equation."

"Then what do you propose?" Altair asked.

"Cain is a very pragmatic man. One that isn't easy to fool. There needs to be a reason for Syris's survival. A use beside spreading her legs."

The Celestial grew flushed with rage. "Why I have never—"

"What is her qualifications? What can she do? You need to make a clean case. And I mean clean. You'll only have one chance. And if you fail, she dies, and you lose credibility with Cain."

The Prince, filled with preponderance, spoke, "Why are you helping us? And don't say potential. We both know that's bullshit. That's what you tell people to boost their ego."

The Goddess of Rot grinned. "Indeed. How about if you survive tomorrow, I'll tell you. Because you will need me, Mr. Blackwood. The Crucible of Blood is not something people typically survive.

You will be tested on both a moral and mental level in ways you cannot even imagine. You might do everything right and still die by Cain's hands. Good luck."


Whisked away in a gale of mist, Azrua vanished before Altair could inquire more about the one called Cain. He cursed under his breath, turning towards Syris, whose expression was anything but pleasant.

Holding back tears the best she could, Syris chewed her lip till it bled, full of frustration. "What an unpleasant bitch. I… I think I hate her."

"One Evil versus another," Muttered the Prince in a discouraging frown. "You know… when I learned that putting my cock into Ren would curse me. I didn't think twice. But if this is the fault of the curse… I must say it has fucked me in more ways than I can imagine. Pulled you for a ride, too. How's it feel?"

"I'd rather be fucked."

"I could help with that, you know."

"Piss off, this is serious Art! One wrong move and I'm dead. And you might be, too."

Altair began to slouch in his chair, looking up blankly, fatigued. The lids of his eyes closed in a vale of darkness, returning him to the Night Mother's embrace.

"She killed her kids." He mentioned. "I wonder why?"

Syris glared at him incredulously. "Are you seriously thinking about such useless things now? Art we need to start—"

"I'll be fine. Just don't say anything. No matter what happens. In fact, I'd start now. He's probably listening as we speak."

"Art… how can you be so blase? This is Cain we are talking about. Cain, the First Murderer. Wielder of the Eternal Curse."

"Someone is dick riding right now."

"Piss off!" Drop, kicking the young Prince in the chest, flinging him into the wall. He laughed, feeling a few bones crack.

"Syris. You got to calm down. Look, I got you into this situation. So, just trust me. Say nothing. And it'll be fine even if he asks you a question.

Say nothing. Can you manage that?"

The young celestial nodded, letting her shoulders drop as she pouted. "Are you ok? I think I broke a rib or two."

Altair slowly slid to the floor, looking upwards… Thinking… Thinking… Thinking. When a faint wetness traced his lips, pulling him back. His red eyes glowed, focusing on the fair maiden who slit her wrist with her dagger.

"Just this once, OK?" she was looking away, the tips of her ears slowly becoming burdened by a light pink. "I'll let you eat me. Just a small bite. Just enough to heal your broken ribs. Kay?"

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