
C91 – Blindness

After Dirk was dragged back to the town, Deliha truly did have her fun.

For an entire half an hour, Dirk was repeatedly whipped and healed. There were dark healers on rotation that kept him alive and awake. 

For Dirk, that was the most exhausting half an hour of his life. By the end, he couldn't so much as speak. Right when the healing stopped and Dirk was no longer kept awake, he fell into a small coma. 

It was only two days later when he woke up. After that, he went back to his normal routine, the only difference being Deliha being harsher with her daily lashings than before. 

After that, Dirk spent two more months sticking to himself, bringing him to a year since he was brought to this place. Now that he finally had a clear objective, he worked toward it. 

He opened up his arsenal that he had been slowly accumulating. Of course, he didn't just stash weapons and bombs below his mattress. They were hidden all across the town, whether in the dirt or inside a bucket on a rooftop. Dirk scoured the town for his items as he began his final preparations. 

If he was being honest with himself, there wasn't much in the way of distractions that he could rely on. There was only one way toward his goal, and as soon as Asura knew what was going on, then he would be screwed. 

There would be a short window that Dirk had to slip through. With a bit of coordinated chaos, he would widen the window as much as possible. The shock factor would be his ally. 

So he waited a while. He even made more attempts on the exit. It earned him more lashings, but it also decreased suspicion in a way.

And when those two months passed, when that one year anniversary came around, Dirk acted. 


For Asura, it was just another normal day. 

He overlooked the town. He watched Dirk get whipped by Deliha. He pondered how much longer Dirk could hold on for. He also pondered other alternatives to control Dirk. 

He had thought many times about making Dirk a slave. He was a master of dark magic, and there were countless curses that could control someone's mind and body. There was one major downside though. When someone was made a slave or cursed to be controlled like a puppet, their talent effectively disappeared. You would never see them grow. So what you turned into a slave would remain that way until it died. 

Asura wanted Dirk's talent. That's what gave him value. Without that, Dirk was worth nothing. So Asura had to turn Dirk to his side by any means he could. That way, he would have his talent and his loyalty. At the very least, Asura needed to be able to control Dirk. He didn't care how that would be achieved. 

So he had to wait. And Asura was okay with waiting. If it took 5 years to break Dirk, then he would wait 5 years. If it took a hundred, then he would wait a hundred. Asura was old, as many powerful people were, so he had time and patience. Even letting Dirk become powerful was an option, enslaving him then. Asura was confident in his power to pull of such a stunt. 

Though, he couldn't help but feel irritated. He hated that look in Dirk's eyes. Dirk had said he wouldn't be broken, and for a year, he had held true to that promise. While there was that one event, that one critical turning point when Dirk had been brought to his knees, it had gone the opposite way Asura thought. Now, he saw nothing but defiance from that child. 

After a while, it pissed him off. His anger was building. He couldn't understand Dirk. He was put through torture every single day. He was constantly fatigued and hurting. His body had been destroyed and rebuilt hundreds of times. The pain he endured would drive a normal man to insanity several times over. And the only reason Deliha couldn't increase the level of the whip when she wanted was because Dirk's body was too weak to handle it. Dirk still couldn't die. 

He couldn't understand this freakish willpower no matter how he thought about it. And that irritated him. Then there were the escape attempts that added to the anger. Though, Asura wasn't angry at the attempt as he was the constant rebellion. 

Asura's hand twitched every time he thought about Dirk's tenacity. He wanted to curse him. But if he wasn't careful about how he cursed him, he could end up hurting Dirk's talent. 

Getting to this point, Asura pondered on the various curses he knew, even the milder ones. Gradually, he found himself liking one of his ideas. 

Just as he began to smile though, there was an explosion. 


A tremor shook the entire cave. Asura stood up and looked down from his window. 

Dust had risen along with flames from one side of the town. Rock came tumbling down as support beams were destroyed. Everyone was running around. 

Then, the town was rocked once more as an explosion came from another tunnel. The tunnel was directly collapsed. 

Asura watched as three more explosions went off. With a surge of anger, he seemed to teleport out of his office. 

"What is going on?!"

He roared, and Deliha rose to his side.

"Sir! Someone blew apart several structural supports for the town and tunnels!"

"Who did?!"

"We don't know..."

Deliha shrunk back. At the same time, Asura looked around. Dust had risen from all around, obscuring everyone's vision. His senses went beyond vision though, and he activated his power. 

Suddenly, there was another large explosion. This explosion sent out shockwaves that sent rocks flying across the town. Asura's ear perked up though. 

Just as that large explosion went off, he felt another tremor that came from elsewhere. He looked in that direction, and he gritted his teeth. 

"You slimy brat!"

Asura roared before disappearing. The next moment, he appeared outside of the mountain. 

From up in the sky, he looked down at the exit to the mountain. When he did, he could see a small figure. 

It was Dirk, and Asura saw him sprint toward the edge of the mountain. Underneath him was a cliff that plummeted nearly a thousand meters down. Still, he fearlessly jumped off the edge. 

Then, as Dirk freefell, Asura watched as he spread his arms and legs. From between them, thick material spread out and caught air. It was a jumpsuit, although Asura didn't know that. 

And with that jumpsuit, Dirk flew at high speeds above the jungle. Moments later, the exit to the mountain exploded, sealing the tunnel behind him. 

It was a perfect escape. Asura had been distracted just long enough for Dirk to leave the mountain, and now, he was flying away like a bird to freedom. How Dirk made bombs strong enough to explode with the force they did, Asura didn't know. He also didn't know what that suit Dirk wore was. It was ingenious for what he was trying to accomplish. 

If it were anywhere else, and if he had been running away from anyone else, it would be a perfect escape that ended happily. But Asura's senses couldn't be so easily fooled. He watched Dirk fly for only several seconds before snorting and disappearing. 

Dirk, who was flying with the wind, was about to nosedive toward the jungle. He knew that Asura would likely check things out, so he had to disappear into the trees before that. Only, just as he was about to do so, he saw a figure appear in front of him. 


Dirk heard that one word, and along with his hopeful heart, he suddenly dropped toward the ground. Dirk was paralyzed, and he panicked as he plummeted like a rock. 

Asura didn't catch him. Instead, there was a small booming noise as Dirk's body slammed into the earth. 

Asura slowly lowered himself into the jungle where Dirk landed. He quickly found the kid. 

Dirk was in a small pit. His leg was twisted in an odd way while he continuously coughed up pools of blood. It looked like he was barely conscious, and he was definitely close to dying. 

Asura didn't seem to care though. He merely leaned over Dirk's body. 

"It worked, for a mere few seconds. You're more capable than I thought. But you failed again. Have you realized that it's impossible now?"

Asura asked. All he got in response though was the derisive gaze of a dying kid. Asura's mouth twitched.

His anger rose. 

"You... You have no idea what you're up against. You're just a stupid, naive child who thinks they can fight forever. But I will admit, you've forced me to reevaluate the measures I should take to bring you down."

Asura grabbed Dirk's throat as he said that. Then, the two flew into the air. Asura pointed Dirk's head to the surroundings. 

"Say, isn't it a beautiful view?"


Dirk, although on the verge of becoming a dead man, was confused. Why was he asking that?

Asura just smiled. 

"Take in this sight. Enjoy it. Those defiant, insolent eyes of yours... They've pissed me off for long enough."

Asura growled. The next moment, the two entered a portal, appearing back in the chaotic town. 

Dirk was dropped onto the stone platform that he had become all too familiar with. Then, he was healed by Asura personally. Dirk's body repaired itself, all his wounds disappearing as if they were never there. Dirk took in a sharp breath, coughing up more blood before calming down. 

The healing was amazingly effective. Dirk felt almost as good as new. He didn't have much time to appreciate it though as Asura quickly grabbed him by the throat again. 


Deliha came over at that moment. Asura ignored her, just looking into Dirk's eyes. Dirk looked back. He couldn't speak, but if his eyes could be read, they would be cursing Asura over and over again. 

Asura chuckled. Then, his free hand reached for his head. He grabbed his blindfold. 

Dirk was surprised as the strip of cloth fell. 

Asura's eyes, they were closed. Or, it was more like they were sealed shut. 

Fiery cracks that spread over his eyelids and skin, pulsing with glowing hot power similar to magma. They radiated unfathomable power that went beyond the fire magic Dirk knew. And it surely wasn't Asura's own power that had created such a horrible pair of scars. 

Asura spoke.

"I once fought a god, a being that, at the time, I couldn't hope to match. Still, I was arrogant. In the end, the price for my arrogance was my eyes. I was burned, and I have suffered under this fiery curse for nearly 200 years."

Asura spoke about himself, and Dirk couldn't help but be a bit curious. Fought a god? 200 years? It seemed like Asura was a much greater figure than Dirk thought. Though, he wasn't sure if he believed his words. 

When Asura was done speaking though, Dirk's body suddenly shook as it was filled with pain. 

"Now, today, you will pay the price for your arrogance! You have faced me, a being you couldn't possibly hope to match, and you still act with insolence! Now, I will have you pay for your hubris!"


Dirk screamed as Asura grabbed his head. When his palm rested over Dirk's eyes, he felt a searing pain. 

Black cracks spread over his skin, and Dirk's vision was blurred red with blood. His eyes closed, and they seemed to be welded shut with black fire. 

The cracks spread across Dirk's eyelids. Then, Dirk felt his soul shudder. Asura's dark power cut deep, beyond the flesh to target his very being. 

His power tried to harm Dirk's soul, permanently branding it. At that moment though, there was a low roar. 


A grating voice. Asura felt that voice shake his mind, and he suddenly found himself within the mana dimension. 

He was faced with a deep pair of abyssal eyes. To Dirk who was weak, those eyes weren't that threatening. But Asura could realize the fullest extent of its power. 

Endless nothingess. Utter despair and terror. 

The two stared at each other, and surprisingly, Asura didn't falter. 

The dark being growled.

I have claimed this soul. You shall not harm what is mine! 

"...I didn't think you'd have your eye on this one, Eldritch Primordial."

Asura responded, and the dark being's gaze sharpened. Its name, Eldritch Primordial, wasn't known by many, and many who knew it were long since dead. 

You will yield this, Asura. You shall not blemish this soul!


Asura was quiet for a while, the two gazes boring into each other. Finally, Asura huffed. 


With his word, Asura's awareness returned to the normal world. In his hands was Dirk, who was groaning in pain. 

Clenching his teeth, Asura infused a larger chunk of his power into the curse. The cracks over Dirk's eyes darkened more before Asura dropped him. 


Dirk coughed a few times when he was released. He quickly felt his face. Those black cracks spread over his eyes, down to his cheeks, and around his eyebrows. Most concerning of all was that Dirk couldn't open his eyes. 

Not even pulling open his eyelids with his hands worked. When Asura saw Dirk trying to claw open his eyes, he sneered. 

"Don't bother. I have cursed you. Now, both you and I suffer from blindness. Your blindness is the price of your arrogance. You will bear it for the rest of your life. Though, I supposed I can be convinced to restore your sight. The price for that, well, you already know."

Asura smiled as he kicked Dirk away. He turned with a laugh. 



"Make sure Harbinger 8 here gets acquainted with the cold hard floor. He'll need it since he's blind now."


Deliha smiled at her master's happiness. Then, she had Dirk chained up while she grabbed a whip. 

Asura walked away as he heard the cracks of the whip in the background. Although he couldn't brand Dirk's soul, this much was still satisfactory. 

"I've shut those impudent eyes of his. Let's see how long you can live without your precious vision."

Saying that, Asura disappeared while Dirk let out pained groans.



Dirk woke up on a cold stone bed. He was in Fingers' medical room. 

But now, it felt much different. He couldn't see anything. His vision was black. He couldn't even detect the faint sources of light through his closed eyelids. There was nothing, as if he had no eyes at all.

He sat up. He relied on his sense of touch to feel around while visualizing in his head the surroundings. 

A tray of tools shook as Dirk brushed it with his hands. Finding his bearings, Dirk stepped on the floor.

At that moment, Fingers came over. 

"Ah! You, wear this. I can't bear to see such heinous marks on that precious skin of yours. At least cover it up."

Dirk suddenly felt a piece of cloth be tossed at his body. He grabbed it. It was just a plain strip of cloth, like what Asura wore over his eyes. 

When Dirk thought about Asura though, he gritted his teeth. Fire was conjured, incinerating the cloth in his hands. 


Fingers exclaimed, but Dirk ignored him. Instead, he fumbled his way around the room, finding the exit. 

He found the tunnel and traced the wall with his hand as he walked down it. 


Dirk cursed as he fumbled his way past the guards who stood at the exit. He was shoved and punched when he almost bumped into them, but eventually made his way out. 

Like that, he was in the town. Dirk had walked out of Fingers' room hundreds of times, so he knew the way around to his classes and apartment room. Dirk tried to visualize everything in his head, but there was a difference between what he thought and reality.

He bumped into a dozen people while making his way back to his room. His AI also tried to help, but since Dirk's eyes no longer functioned, it couldn't trace out the surroundings. Dirk had to find the way himself. 

Finally, after many minutes of searching, he finally opened the door to his room. It was silent, supposedly empty, but Dirk sensed otherwise.

"Wow, you actually made it here. I applaud you."

Deliha's voice reached his ears, causing him to frown. 

She snickered at his distress. 

"You've missed your classes. That means you need lashings to make up for it. Of course, we whip you anyway, so I don't particularly care. You will maintain the same schedule you always have. You will still be tested every month, and we expect you to perform. You will also be whipped as always until you declare your loyalty. But on top of all that, you've been tasked with cleaning up and repairing the damage you caused. With your hands and feet you will repair the tunnels you destroyed. Any and all free time you have will be devoted to that. Understood, Harbinger?"

Deliha chuckled as she grabbed his shoulder.

Dirk didn't try to attack her though, as he normally would. Instead, he smiled a bit. 

"Hey, Deliha."


She glanced at him curiously. He never really spoke to her, preferring tot alk with his fists. This was a rare occurrence. 

Dirk couldn't help but smile wider. 

"My deal, with Asura that he once told you about... He told me that should I pledge my loyalty, he'd give me your life. I could make you my sex slave, burn you alive, gut you like a fish. He promised me this, tld me to remember it as you whipped me over and over again..."


Deliha was silent. Dirk couldn't see her face, which was honestly regretful. 

Still, her silence was so, so loud. 

Then, Dirk suddenly felt the skin of his stomach be sliced open. Her barbed chain spike buried itself into his abdomen, sliding all the way through until it exited out his back. 

And then, it ripped out, taking with it various chunks of flesh. 


Dirk couldn't help but fall to his knee as blood poured form his wound. Then, he was grabbed by the hair and dragged, all the way to the stone platform. 

He couldn't help but taunt. 

"How about it, Deliha?! I just wanted to inform you! Hahaha!!"

Dirk cackled the entire way, even as he was chained up. And Deliha was silent, never even grumbling. 

Then, the whip came down. 


Dirk let out a surprised scream as the whip tore his back to shreds. The magic behind the whip even stung his mind, shredding his nerves and overwhelming his body with mana. 

After that bit of shock though, Dirk smiled. 

"Level 9! Hahahaha!!"

He cackled even more, even as the whip came down repeatedly. 

Even as he bled, as his muscles failed him and he collapsed on the verge of death. 

He laughed. He laughed so much that it seemed to hurt more than the whip. 

For the first time in a year, he laughed his heart out, even as his consciousness slipped away .


Dirk was put into another coma, this one lasting close to four days. Deliha really was pissed. 

But the first thought that crossed Dirk's mind upon waking...

'Damn, that was satisfying.'

He smiled wide, pulling his body off the hard stone bed. 

Even after four days though, his body was achy to no end and fatigued like he had stayed awake for three days straight. Whatever Deliha did, it took a serious toll on both his body and mind. 

Still, he got on with his day.

But on top of the exhaustion was the second most obvious issue. 

He couldn't see anything

Dirk struggled to even perform martial arts. Magic was similarly difficult because he couldn't see and correct the runes he conjured. If it were spells he already knew, then he wouldn't have so much trouble, but he was still learning a lot of what was taught.

The worst of all was his other two classes that taught about assassin protocol and poisons and gadgets. Because he couldn't see, he couldn't even identify what poison was what. He also couldn't see the structures they used for practice. 

He just couldn't see.

It was a serious disconnect. Dirk almost felt like he was hallucinating as his mind desperately tried to envision the things around him. 

At the end of the day, Dirk barely made his way back home. When he did, he tripped over his chair that had been placed right in front of his door. It seemed Deliha moved it to mess with him. 

After finding the mattress, he sat down, and clutched his hair.

"...Well shit."

Dirk let out a frustrated huff. No matter what he did, he couldn't see anything. He even pulled out a knife and tried to cut open his eyelid. This actually allowed his eyelid to open, but even when light beamed into his pupil, he didn't see anything. Also, it was extraordinarily painful to even open his eye. 

He really was cursed with blindness. 

Although Dirk had a hardened mind, and was satisfied after taunting Deliha and making her doubt her very loyalty to Asura, this... this was really frustrating. It got under his skin, like a constant, overwhelming itch that he couldn't even claw open his skin to scratch. 

It was his sight, after all. Even as a supersoldier, sight was his most important asset. Sure he could do things blind, but such actions were limited by what he knew of his immediate situation and surroundings. 

To be permanently blind? It was nothing short of crippling. 

At some point, he shook his head and took a deep breath. 

"I'll figure something out. Asura seems to sense things perfectly fine. That means I can too. I just need something else to detect things by. Like mana."

With those mumblings, Dirk focused his senses on the mana around him. Even when he could see, his mana sense was rather fantastic. Now, he sought to see things through the lens of mana. 

The floor, the walls, any solid structures. Dirk started with earth mana, sensing it in all the things around him. For a while he couldn't make out much, but as he got more and more attuned with the surrounding mana, he began opening the door to a whole new world.


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