
C147 – Battle

From amidst the dwarven army, Pandora could see dozens of black flags being raised. 

These were the wartime flags of the Dwarven Haven. To see these black flags was usually a nightmare. It meant that the dwarven army was at total war with an enemy. 

And if you were there to see those flags, it likely meant that you would die not long after. 

The Haven hadn’t been in a war for a long time. But Pandora had read many records about past wars, and all of them were basically tales out of legends. 

There was a reason they were the economic capital of the world and could stand unhindered. All races gathered in their empire to trade and do business, but none dared to encroach upon them despite being allowed to operate within their borders. 

It was because the dwarven people were perhaps the most fearsome of all the races when it came to war. In Pandora’s opinion, only the humans could outclass them in that department. 

These black flags were a symbol which meant that the dwarves would hold their ground until the last man. And at no point in history did those black flags ever fall. 

General Umangot naturally realized the threat the Artifact posed. It seemed like he had a better idea than even Dirk did. 

But there was one other factor that made him feel a greater sense of urgency. 

“How unfortunate. To think General Feller suddenly had to leave. Who could’ve guessed a threat so great would suddenly appear not long after?”

Pandora smirked while speaking in a hushed tone. 

General Feller’s sudden leave was one of her tactics. It was because she determined him to be a greater threat to their work than General Umangot. Taking that piece off the board was a way to eliminate variables. 

Because, unlike Dirk and similar to Umangot, she had a good idea of how strong the Artifact was. 

Its power level was inconsequential. Instead, she was concerned about the fact that this Artifact was perfectly attuned to the elements in every way. It had no less knowledge than a Dragon, making it a deadly opponent to face. 

If it had been restricted to Tier 3 or 4, then it may have been manageable. But now that it had been unshackled so much, she knew she couldn’t handle it. So as she told Dirk, they would need to borrow strength. 

And she was confident that it would be able to triumph over Umangot. Because how could Umangot, a mere dwarf, win in a battle of magic against a Key Artifact that was built by one of the strongest dragons in existence and made to operate a Source?

Umangot was lucky that the Artifact was handicapped, otherwise he wouldn’t have the slightest chance in the first place. 

Now, all she needed to do was wait. 

She watched as the Castle was built, and she watched as the monster armies charged forward. 

And she knew what they were after. Even now, the Artifact was being goaded by her, the effects far more potent now that it was closer. 

She was tempting it with freedom. Her spell had been developed after the Record shared with her details about the seals on the Artifact. So she used these, projecting the keys to the seals outward. 

The Artifact sensed these keys that would unshackle it and came running. After all, it had originally been Tier 4, but it had broken free of one seal that allowed it to rise toward Tier 5. But it had hit a wall, the seals becoming too powerful to simply break with brute force. 

It wanted Pandora's knowledge, and seeing as how she was being protected by the entire dwarven stronghold, the Artifact gathered its armies and declared war. 

The monsters surged like a tidal wave, and from the dwarven stronghold came thousands of large scale spells that exploded amidst the monster armies. Large gaps were created, corpses flying through the air as they were dismembered, releasing huge pools of blood. 

But the monsters seemed endless. Luckily, magic wasn’t the strong suit of the dwarven army. 

At the forefront stood thousands of dwarven knights, their spears, shield, axes, and swords all hoisted and ready to meet their foes. 

They roared with valor, feeling their ancestral instincts kick into overdrive, their body entering a state of fight or flight. Only, it was too bad for the monsters that dwarves were too bulky to fly. 

They met the charging hordes head on, and cut every monster down. 


Pandora could hear screams, not of pain, but of unbridled aggression. No dwarf fell to the first wave. Their strength couldn’t be matched by brutish monsters with no tact or skill. Their bodies were a steel wall that the fleshy beasts couldn’t break down. 

But that was only the beginning. 

Suddenly, from the castle emerged five large golems. 

Unlike the ones Dirk had seen, these golems stood a colossal 60 meters tall. They looked like segmented robots with massive bodies of stone. 

And there was one golem that stood a head above the other four. It took the lead with its entirely metal body. 

Hundred of spells landed on its body, but they merely left burn marks or small dents that did nothing to hinder it. 

Obviously, they were the elites. Beside them there were also some monsters that bloomed with savage auras of Tier 6 and 7. 

Seeing this, Umangot waved. 

“All Marshals, deploy!”

“Oh yea!!”

The Marshals all shot off the stronghold walls with excitement. It wasn’t often that they got to battle a formidable enemy, so they relished in the opportunity. 

Several bodies flew or bounced through the armies, the dwarven elites launching themselves straight at the golems. 

Only, the golems’ speed betrayed their stature. They swatted at the Marshals with shocking agility, a couple of them being caught in mid air and smacked to the side. 

A few craters were created, but the dwarves merely shot back out with brighter rage. 

This time, they were faster and stronger, arriving before the golems and chopping down with their weapons. Some also met monsters that came to intercept. 

Pandora watched as these demigods did battle at the behest of their kings. Only, she wasn’t impressed by the displays. Her thoughts were otherwise, in fact. 

“How can such stupid and brutish people come to wield such atrocious power? It’s unfair to those who are so much smarter and skillful. Dirk could do dozens of times more damage with that level of power…”

She frowned for several moments as she watched the battles. 

Pandora’s perspective as someone who had come from a world with no such powers was obviously unique. It was so even on said planet. 

On Earth, these dwarven ‘elites’ would be nothing more than cannon fodder. At best, they would be a soldier only superior to the ordinary. But here, they wielded strength capable of dominating entire cities. 

She felt it unfair to those who were truly superior, and her icon of absolute superiority was Dirk. After all, he had been the most fearsome supersoldier on Earth. She felt that only he was deserving of such world-shattering power. 

“Whatever. At least we’ll be another step closer to that kind of power after all this. If he gets this Artifact, it’ll mean a massive jump in combat strength.”

She bit her thumb while watching. Even until now, she had no idea where Dirk was. He hadn’t come back to the stronghold, so he was somewhere amidst that raging battlefield. 

He was lurking, waiting for the opportune moment. He was a shadow that drifted among the explosions and corpses, constantly watching and stalking his target until he could explode with everything he had to dominate his objective. 

Truly, Pandora couldn’t think of anybody better to have at her side. To know that the greatest supersoldier was out there and that she could unhesitantly trust his abilities was the best form of assurance she could ask for. Normally she had to question everything about her subordinates, but not with Dirk. 

It was the main reason she also felt hurt at his lack of trust for her, and why she was so desperate to solidify the trust he offered. 


Several hours passed, and the battle was building toward’s its climax. 

The two true behemoths had yet to step out. General Umangot remained atop the stronghold walls the entire time his armies fought, never once leaving, and never once taking his eyes off of the Artifact. 

That suit of armor sat atop its castle, acting similarly to Umangot. It oversaw all the monsters and watched as its golems fought the Marshals of the dwarven army. 

Just faintly, Umangot felt that the Artifact was resembling him, almost as if it were learning. And over time, Umangot also learned just how special the Artifact was. 

It was no monster, and it surely wasn’t one of the races of this world. 

It was a sentient, living object, and one that was attuned deeply to the Earth element. Umangot realized this more than anyone, and he also realized that it would be an even more formidable enemy than initially thought. 

And the time would come for him to fight it. 

That time would come when the golems fell, determining the momentum of the armies and forcing the hand of the losing general. 

Only, Umangot knew it wouldn’t be his hand that was forced. 

Because as time went on, he saw as his Marshals dominated their enemies. 

It almost seemed natural that they would win, but the golems were shockingly powerful. None of the Marshals had an easy time, and some had to assist each other. 

But they would win. 

Pandora saw this too, but unlike Umangot, she knew that victory would come at a price. 

She knew the Golems held more within them than the Marshals thought, and that naivety would take its toll. 

In the middle of the battlefield, the five golems looked like they were swatting at flies as they fought the Marshals. 

Occasionally, one of their hits landed, injuring the Marshals. But for the most part, the battle was one-sided. The Marshals slowly whittled the golems down.

However, at some point, the golems’ attack patterns changed. 

It seemed like the golems were mindless. They may have been agile, but a large target had a hard time hitting a smaller one, especially when they were fast. 

They weren’t trying anything new. They were just acting like punching bags. It made Umangot wonder why the Artifact bothered building these golems in the first place if they would just stand there and take a beating. 

But then, out of nowhere, Umangot saw as one golem expertly predicted the attack of one of his Marshals. 

Said Marshal wielded a large waraxe, constantly chopping down and leaving huge scars across the golem’s body. To him, it felt like he was chopping down a tree with how tedious the process was, but even he could only respect just how resilient the golem’s body was. 

But then, just as he was about to land another blow on the golem’s shoulder, he watched as the golem’s body tilted and a hand appeared above him. 

He barely braced before he was smacked down to the floor. 


His body cratered on the ground, taking out a dozen monsters underneath. 

Then, the golem shot down its hand, piercing into the ground and grabbing the Marshal. 

The dwarf struggled as he only got a second or two to recover. He roared, exploding with bodily power and attempting to brute force his way out of the golem’s grasp. 

But then, to his horror and the horror of those watching…

The golem’s hand morphed, and a dozen spikes shot out from its palm. 

The dwarf was impaled and skewered, his body freezing as the life instantly faded from his eyes. 

Umangot’s eyes widened in shock, but that was only the beginning. 

Pandora’s face was neutral as all the other golems exploded with their own morphing abilities, catching every Marshal off guard and delivering blows far more dangerous than any before. 

It was like their programming had changed on the flip of a dime. But unlike the others, Pandora knew that there was no way these golems were built simply. 

The entire time, she could see them watching. She could see the Light Mana fluctuate around the golems as they took and delivered blows. They analyzed, learned the patterns of their adversaries, but were patient even under the beatings. 

And as soon as they saw an opportunity, they all exploded with the true depth of their power. 

How could they not be capable of Earth magic? Their entire existence was running on magic in the first place. So the ability to cast magic on themselves, using their body as the catalyst, was almost too easy to predict. 

And the Marshals adapted as soon as it happened. Unfortunately, a few were injured by the surprise attacks.

And from then on, the tables turned. 

The golems suppressed each of their enemies, utilizing magic with shocking tact as they chained their blows and predicted the movements of the Marshals. Their bodies morphed in odd ways in order to accommodate their tactics, and their large limbs only moved faster after exploding with power. 

Umangot shivered in place. He couldn’t easily enter the battle, because then the Artifact would move as well. That could endanger those below, especially if the Artifact was indiscriminate. 

But one of his Marshals had instantly died and several others were wounded. Everyone understood that death was a part of war, but to die against these monsters was far worse than in a war between another empire. 

“Lowly monsters do not deserve to take the lives of their superior… Dammit! Feller, you stupid meathead! The one time I needed you here and you galavant off to the capital!”

Umangot’s roars echoed across the stronghold, his rage palpable and uninhibited. 

To the side, Pandora only smiled. Indeed, General Feller, a Rank 8 body refiner, would have been able to singlehandedly tip the scales. But she couldn't have that, now could she?

And how sad was it that the only thing she had to do to get him to leave was promise him a personal train car? It was almost too easy.

“Soldiers, consolidate!”

Suddenly, Umangot yelled out an order, and the entire dwarven army heeded his call. 

By now, the dwarves had set up a defensive wall ahead of the stronghold. But on a whim, they abandoned the ground they gained and retreated to just in front of the wall. 

This command was used when the behemoths were about to enter. Umangot was preparing to deploy himself, but he would need to ensure the lives of those who could get caught in the crossfire. 

However, the process took time. And in that time, Umangot watched as two golems suddenly united. 

They moved toward each other, and in exchange for ignoring one blow, they combined attacks and pincered another Marshal. 

This Marshal, a sword wielder, found himself caught between four hands. And before he could even reach out to fight back, dozens of spikes jutted out, impaling him in several places. 

Umangot thought him dead, and he reacted violently. But then, he saw as that Marshal moved. 

His Aura exploded, his most vital areas barely kept defended. But he didn’t have long. 

So, in one final blaze of glory, that sword wielder expended every last drop of energy he had. His Aura blazed from within the spiked cage of the golems’ hands, his sword swinging out in what seemed like all directions. 

Just like that, the four hands that entrapped him were all diced into several pieces. However, the Marshal was only left to fall, his body rapidly cooling before his life was whisked away by the almighty. 

His corpse was caught by another Marshal who retreated. This Marshal went back to Umangot, placing the corpse down nearby. 

The Marshal looked toward his General, not with pleading, but with resolve. And then, he turned to head back out, despite his injuries. He would not let his friend’s sacrifice be in vain. 

But before he could leave, he was stopped by a large hand. 

Umangot stood, his visage neutral, but his soul brimming with rage. 

“That’s enough.”

The General spoke while taking a step forward. Below his foot manifested a small platform of stone, carrying him into the air. 

The retreating dwarves watched as their General entered the battlefield, and they all let out cries of valor. 

The death of two Marshals was a heavy price to pay, and not a single golem had yet fallen. Only two had been crippled, but those wounds were already regenerating. 

Umangot would stand by no longer. 


His words were heeded, the rest of the Marshals disengaging. But they stood at the ready nearby, helping their armies retreat while watching their General. 

As if in agreement, the golems didn’t pursue. Instead, they gathered and stood before Umangot, forming a wall between him and their king. 

The dwarves had lost the battle, but not yet the war. 

In the end, victory would hinge on the success of their greatest fighter. 

However, Umangot wasn’t the only high level fighter. 

Suddenly, by his side appeared a man draped in white robes. On his back was a large symbol resembling the two large eyes of a dragon surrounded by complex spell formations. 

The Sovereign Church. 

“General Umangot. I offer my assistance.”

“Acolyte Bannsfog.”

Umangot looked to his side, seeing the draped Acolyte of the Church. 

This Acolyte was a dwarf, but unlike other dwarfs, kept a very reserved and proper appearance. Most of dwarven civility came from the teachings of the Church, and these members were icons of those teachings. 

As for this Bannsfog, although he was a Tier 7 Light Mage, he wasn’t educated in the more secret spells of the Church. This gave him the lesser rank of Acolyte and he primarily served the Church and others as a very powerful healer. 

But he wasn’t totally useless in combat. And seeing everything that had happened, he also couldn’t stand by any longer. After all, he too was a dwarf, and this stronghold could not fall. 

Umangot readily welcomed this capable assistant, and so, the two faced off against the Artifact and five golems. 

Then, the General exploded with unprecedented power. 

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