Chapter 7: Vol. 1 Chapter 7 - Melinda Larkinson
/After Sephiroth and Rhaena, both won five more 'silver-ranked 'duo-matches, both promoting into the 'Gold-Ranked League. Sephiroth then accompanied Rhaena, to drop her back off at Walter's Residence, then Sephiroth returned to the Larkinson Residence./
"Brother I'm home!" I say as I enter the door, of the home, to see we have company, a younger blonde-haired pretty wench, sat on a sofa petting Lucky, in the living-area speaking with Ves.
"Welcome home Seph, this is our cousin, Melinda Larkinson. Melinda, meet my older brother, Sephiroth Larkinson." Ves welcomed me home, then he introduced our cousin to me, and then he introduced me to our cousin.
"Hello beautiful lady, it is a absolute honor, meeting a woman with such beauty." I grasp her hand in mine, saying, as I place a soft gentlemanly kiss, on the back of her hand, on top of her knuckles.
"O my, you are tall, and handsome, o goodness, I mean it is nice to meet you Sephiroth." She stutters out, while blushing, making her face turn pinkish of color.
"Melinda came to invite me to a 'Mech-designer competition, it's part of the 'Young-Tiger, Mech-competition, for young 'Pilots and 'Designers, to compete for cash prizes and bragging rights." Ves informs me of a competition he wishes to compete in.
"Perfect when is the competition, scheduled to begin, how long do we have, to get prepared?" I ask Ves.
"It is a month and a half from today, I'm ready to show the galaxy what I and my designs, are capable of." My brother answers me.
"It was nice meeting you Seph, unfortunately I have to return to 'Planet-Bentheim, I only had time off from the 'Bentheim-Planetary-Guards, to bring this invitation and visit you Ves, good luck in your competition I'll be cheering for you!" Miranda says as she gets up from the sofa, preparing to return to her 'planet, and career as a 'mech-pilot protecting one of the most important 'planets of the 'Bright-Republic.
"It was nice meeting you, my lovely lady, have a safe trip back Melinda." I say to her then I make my way up to my room, I give Milanda and Ves, alone time to say their goodbyes.
/Time-Skip a week/
/After another week of working for the 'Whalers, and playing 'Iron-Spirit'. Sephiroth entered the rank above the 'gold-ranked League, the 'platinum-ranked League./
"What are you complaining about? I know the 'National-Aeromotives' 'Caesar Augustus', 'CA-1, is old as shit. They gave you an entire 'ten-year 'production-license, that has to be worth well up into the higher-hundreds of millions, worth of 'Bright-Credits. All you have to do is fix, that 'hideous-mess of 'internal-wiring, the dipshit who designed this model deserves to be punched in his 'dick-hole. Maybe re-do the 'metal-alloy the armor uses, with a more 'up-to-date alloy. No matter what you do, make it count little brother, complaining never solves anything." I tell my brother.
"I know, your right, I've already upgraded my 'jury-rigging and 'metallurgy-skills, like you advised me to. I actually received a 'Lantern O' Imperfections', from a golden-lottery ticket, it can help show me the mistakes in the internal structure of the 'Mech." He says talking about his system-reward.
"See, keep your head up, stay at task, let our systems provide for the rest. Have you seen how popular the 'Fantasia-Variants, have become, over this last week?" I tell him to keep working hard, to achieve his dream, of becoming a 'Star-Designer. Then I asked if he has noticed, his sales-numbers, for the 'variant-models of the 'Fantasia-series.
"Yea! Are you sure you don't want to join the 'Mech-Battling-Association? Some of the offers, you have recieved from the 'Professional-Mech-Battle teams, have really high 'starting-salaries and 'signing-bonuses." He asked me.
"Fuck that! If I ever compete in those competitions, I'll create my own team. Like I always tell you, "If anyone is fucking my cousin, it's gonna be me!", If I compete it will be for a team, I own myself. I will not compete for 'glory, in someone else's 'name, it has to be in my or the 'Larkinson-name, or I will just not compete.. not at all." I inform him, I will not be doing 'battle for anyone other than myself, If I compete 'professionally in the 'Mech-Battles, that are the most popular sport in this galaxy.
"Haha! Why would you fuck our cousin? Wait.. you're talking about Melinda? Gross! She is our kin, what is wrong with you? Haha!" Ves asks, in between laughing, and being in-shock.
"She is a fine-young woman Ves, you cant let other people's perceptions, affect your life choices. We only get one life, live it how you want, that is how I have lived mine. You see how happy I am, right?" I tell him, I would indeed 'plow' our fine-cousin, Melinda. Then I gave him a little 'sage-like advice, and asked him if he ever noticed how 'free my life was, and how it affected my entire personality.
"Your right, about a lot of what you just said, I still do not know about the 'cousin-fucking' part, but the other bits I'm understanding, and yes, I have seen how happy you are." Ves told me, he still wasn't comfortable with the thought of 'coupling-privates with one of our beautiful kin-women. He did agree with the rest, of which I spoke of though.
"Anyway, my personal-variant, of the 'Ceasar Augustus 'CA-1, that I want you to design for me, after you get it updated. I want it to have a back-shoulder 'mounted-bag, for the 'metal-javelins that I want you to design and make for my variant, 'mounted on the back of the 'Mech. Then I want a 'metal-spear, with a one-handed 'round-shield, made and equipped on my 'variant-model. Let's throw a 'bull-horned helmet-design on the top of it, and name it the 'Caeser Augustus 'Ifrit. Yes! Sounds perfect!" I list off the 'iterations, I want made to my personal-variant, of the model. That Ves recieved, an 'unlimited-production for 'ten-years, 'production-license for from his 'Mech-Designer-System.