Chapter 3: 2. Yuki's Predicament
Yuki awoke with a soft blanket draped over his chin. He recognized the plain white ceiling of Sho's bedroom and stared at it for a moment.
The door swung open and Sho came into view, wearing a simple white Tee and black pants. He was holding a ladle in one hand, a phone on the other one.
He greeted Yuki with a smile.
"Morning, sleepyhead. Your mom called. You need to go home this evening."
Yuki groaned and lazily pulled himself up the sheets. Yawning, he looked at the open window, where some rays and gentle breeze peeks in.
"Are you worried about your classmate? The one in your dream?" Sho asked.
"No." He answered nonchalantly. "It's just bothersome."
Sho nodded and walked towards the door.
"Come on. I made breakfast."
Yuki sighed and followed Sho to the kitchen. Wearing a pair of black silk pajamas, Yuki's pale skin illuminated Sho's house as he passed through. The aromatic food invaded his nose as he sat on one of the chairs. There's fried rice, egg, and hotdogs.
"Eat. I'll drive you to school." Sho said, whipping something on a mug near the sink.
"What about my uniform?"
"I washed them last night, don't worry."
Yuki thanked him and began devouring his food. The dream left him famished that he almost ate everything that Sho prepared. Sho then placed the mug in front of him. It was milk which he immediately drank, careful not to burn his tongue.
Sho sat down in front of Yuki, picking an egg and a small portion of rice. While taking a bite, he glanced at Yuki who's heartily eating his meal.
'Well, at least he's not hung up on his dream today.'
Yuki have bad dreams all the time. When unfortunate things happen around San Regalya, his dreams are directly affected. It's more like a premonition to the events, like a supernatural power where he can alter them. However, Yuki didn't learn how to manipulate them or use it to his advantage. Over the years, the least he could do was evade the horror and to simply survive the night.
But it wasn't his fault and Sho knew not to blame him. As Yuki's trusted friend, he swore to protect him when situations like this arises.
"Did she say what the occasion was?" Yuki was about to leave the kitchen after breakfastwhen he thought to asked that to Sho.
The latter shrugged and so he left to prepare. He took a shower in Sho's room, stayed a bit longer covering his body with soap and foams. When he's satisfied, he stepped out wearing a robe.
Sho was sitting beside the bed, typing something on his phone, but looked up to Yuki when he heard him.
"You took too long. It's 7:40."
"What's the rush? I'm still drying my hair."
Sho groaned upon hearing that remark and stood up. He grabbed the towel away from Yuki's hand and made him sit in the bed instead. Yuki frowned at sudden movement but let Sho do what he wanted anyway.
"Well, our Majesty, the school doesn't really care about you drying your hair but I don't want you whining to me that you're late and asking to jump over the fence once again."
"It's better than to be rushed like this."
"I'm still surprised you haven't gotten use to the ways of a normal student."
"It's not easy. Do you want to try going instead of me?" He asked, looking up at him with a frown.
Sho rolled his eyes and went back to hastily drying Yuki's hair. It took about a few minutes and he pulled Yuki to wear his school uniform. He's like a parent watching over his lazy kid, just to make him go to school.
"Shoes, tie... Hurry up, Yuki. Damn, why are you so slow."
Sho was basically dragging Yuki out of the house. He locked the gate and hopped on his black Honda, swiftly wearing a black helmet. He dropped one Yuki's head, who's now irritated with Sho's obsession with being on time. However, he kept the thoughts to himself.
He hopped behind Sho and immediately wrapped his arms on his waist, sneaking a pinch in the proccess. Sho winced at glared at him through the mirror.
"Ah, you little—"
Yuki laughed at his reckless maneuver, tightening his hold on Sho's waist. The drive to school was a race with the wind, the engine roaring along the highway. Yuki arrived a step earlier before he's late and he waved lazily at Sho who was still on his bike, urging him to run.
He smirked and politely greeted the teacher waiting at the entrance. The teacher only glanced at him through the spectacles and reprimanded other students.
Sho sighed heavily when he saw Yuki got in safe and on time. He grabbed his phone from his pockets and dialed a number. After several rings, someone picked it up. A stern and low voice answered.
[ Jie Shiro, you called? ]
"Yeah, I have something to repoort."
[ About Master Yuki? What is it? ]
Sho bit his lip and glanced at the direction where he last saw Yuki. With a serious tone, he muttered.
"Yuki dreamt again."
There was a long pause on the other line. Sho can feel the tension grow despite the absence of the person he was talking to.
Finally, the voice asked.
[ How bad was it? ]
Sho recalled the memory of the dream he saw. The ashen figure, the wailing Yuki, and the place that shouldn't have been there. It was ominous. It was not the same with the usual dream Yuki have.
[ Alright. I appreciate your quick report. For now, keep an eye on him and keep him safe. ]
"No need to remind me."
[ Have you told him the Madam wants to see him in the evening? ]
"Yeah. Is that all?"
[ Yes. I'll see you later. ]
Sho sighed and ended the call. Looking up, he closed his eyes and calmed the anxiety bubbling within him.
Contrary to light mood he woke up, the school was covered with a gloomy and ominous aura. Normal students would perceive it as an aftereffect of a student's death but Yuki knew it has long passed for that. Something is wrong yet he cannot pinpoint the source of it.
He walked up the stairs to his room. He caught glances directed at him but he already gotten used to it over the years.
That's his room number. Clutching the straps of his bag on both sides, he went inside. Students were silent, not their usual selves. Yuki thought of what happened yesterday. They must be wary because of it.
He ignored the stares and went to his own desk. That's when he realized something. His eyes widened as he scrambled to get his phone from his bag. He immediately looked for Sho's number and walked outside in a hurry, almost bumping with a classmate. However, he was too occupied to notice or even apologize.
[ Yuki? Did something happen? ]
Sho's voice was panicked. As he was.
"Sho, I left my project at home. I have to submit it today or I will get a failing grade!"
It's due yesterday and he was given a second chance. He must pass it today at all cost!
[ Oh, a project... ] Sho muttered.
Yuki bit his lip, anxiously standing beside the classroom. "Please, can you get it? Please?"
[ Yuki, you know I can't leave you here. ]
"D-Don't worry, I'll be fine—"
[ Yuki! ]
"Sho, please! You know school's important to me. Please just grab it in my room. It's a rectangular box with miniatures inside. I have to pass it before 9:30."
[ Is it big? ]
"U-Uh, yeah."
Now that he think about it, Sho can't bring it riding his motorcycle. Besides not fitting, the contents would surely shake and get destroyed.
He groaned and squatted on the floor.
"What should I do?"
[ You, sometimes use your tiny brain. Did you forget you have a driver at home? ]
Yuki straightened.
"You're right."
Sho sighed dramatically on the other side.
[ Just focus on your class. I'll have it delivered before 9. ]
"Yes, yes! Thanks Sho, you're the best!"
[ I know. Just go back inside and listen well. ]
Yuki pressed the button with a smile on his lips. He remembered it on time! In an instant, he felt the weight of the atmosphere vanish. He had always been serious about his studies. He had a goal and it plays a huge part. Assignments, projects, exams, and rankings are on a higher level of priority to him. Without Sho's assistance to his clumsiness today, he foresees a week full of his own grumpiness.
Yuki calmed his elated self before going back inside. He resumed arranging his things, waiting for their homeroom teacher to come.
"All rise!"
Yuki rose from his seat, greeting the teacher a good morning along with his classmates. Mr. Froster shot Yuki a glance then greeted back.
Mr. Froster is a middle-aged man with white short hair. He is tall and has an imposing build that students find both charming and scary at the same time. Today, he wore his usual blue collared shirt with short sleeves and tie.
As Mr. Froster began with his roll call, Yuki silently imagined where his project currenctly is. He still have time before the second class. He trust Sho will bring it on time.
"Yukishima Hanz Del Ferrer."
Yuki raised his pale hand. "Here."
Mr. Froster eyed him again then resumed. Yuki tried to push away the strange states his home room teacher is giving him. He knew something is strange. It must be because of Simon and the commotion they caused yesterday.It's still a wonder why they haven't been summoned to the office. Not that he wants it. The last thing he wanted is to have a delinquency record and have his graduation at risk.
Not when he's close.
Thinking of Simon, he secretly glanced behind him. If he remember it right, Simon sat on the fastest seat on the back near the lockers. He expected a vacant chair and desk but he was wrong.
Yuki jumped at the sight of a tall man, sitting in a relaxed position on Simon's chair, and two intense gazes staring directly at him, as if waiting for him to see.
His seatmate turned to him when he heard Yuki's small voice.
"He's a transferee."
"That guy. He transferred yesterday. Ah, I guess you weren't here, huh?"
Yuki swallowed and looked at the man for the second time.
'He's staring!'
Confused and startled at the same time, Yuki withdraw his gaze and sat stiffly. He remembered the guy, the one who helped him from Simon. So he was a transferee? But he also remember the part when he told he's looking for someone named Yuki. He totally concluded it's not him but now that they're in the same space, he's having second thoughts.
'Who is this man anyway?'
"Elle Ralez."
"Here." Almost everyone turned their heads to that cold and deep voice. It was hard to ignore, especially for the female students. Some even squealed upon hearing it.
Yuki swallowed and looked outside the window. He didn't know why, but becoming aware of the man's presence behind him is making him overly conscious. There's also that small pounding on his chest, making him feel uncomfortable.
The class went on and Mr. Froster gave several reminders with the upcoming exam. Yuki listened as much as he could, ignoring the prickling sensation of someone staring at him.
'I hope this class ends now.'
He silently wished, rubbing his eyes tiredly.