Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

3. A deal

Beautiful was all my brain could use to describe the entity in front of me. A woman with long blond hair like strands of gold. Eyes a deep cyan blue that sent chills up and down my spine. Her face, a delicate sculpture that somehow combined the meaning of the words beautiful, cute and sexy. Unblemished white skin with a healthy glow to it. A soft amused smile made my heart do flips inside my chest. 


The women’s attire consisted of a neat black tux with a white shirt and a gold tie. The attire clung to her body revealing her curves which I must say were delightful. From her hips to her breasts and everything else seemed to have been delicately sculpted to represent beauty. 


Every fiber of my body wanted to worship her, to fall to my knees and kiss her feet. To strip myself naked so she could do with me what she pleased. It made me scared. Had I summoned a succubus? But that didn’t seem to be the answer. She wasn’t actively trying to seduce me. All she did was stand there with that amused smile. 


I tried hard to think of what had I brought out of the pits of hell. However nothing matched. From the books I had stolen from the vatican I knew that all demons had one demonic aspect to them no matter how much they tried to hide them, same for angels. Be it a tail, wings, horns or whatever else you should always be able to tell that a demon is indeed one from their inhuman looks if you looked hard enough. 


The woman in front of me had nothing to tell her apart from a human aside from her presence. One that felt old way too old, older than history itself. I knew from the books that the older a demon the stronger it is. The stronger a demon the more human it tends to look should it try to do so. 


My mind raced as I tried to figure out what to do. I had messed up badly and just the presence of the demon was hard enough to resist. Then it happened, it giggled softly, like wind chimes in a spring breeze, like the song of birds on a summer day and the crackling of a warm fire on a winter night. That little giggle made me feel weak on my knees. 


I knew I was completely and absolutely screwed. If just a giggle was enough to bring me to my knees then there was truly nothing I could do.     


“Aren't you a cute little thing?” Her voice washed over me driving all my anxiety and worry away like it had never been there. I knew for a fact that I shouldn’t relax but under the power of her voice I was powerless to even try and keep my guard up. 


“A little witch calling a demon. I wonder what it is that you would want from my kind?” Once again her voice washed over me forcing my lips to part against my will to answer her question. 


“Knowledge, I desire to know about magic and why is it lacking in the world” Hearing my reply the woman’s brow furrowed for a split second. 


“Ah, yes, I can answer that easily enough. Though you should know that us demons like to make deals and so nothing is given for free.” Yeah, I knew that much but seeing who stood in front of me I doubted I had anything this demon would want. 


“I doubt I have anything you would want” my mouth moved before I could try to shut up. I was completely under her spell, if she had even used one to begin with.


“Oh but you do. Though before that I believe it is good manners to introduce oneself when striking a deal don’t you think?” Once again she gave that little giggle that sent pleasant shivers all over my body. It was torturous to chase away all the indecent desires that assaulted me each time she giggled like that. 


“I believe it is also good manners to introduce oneself before asking another for their name” I wanted to cry hearing my body’s response. Here I was in front of a demon I am sure could snap me out of existence with nothing more but a blink of her gorgeous eyes and I had to get snarky.     


“Touche, well then, I guess I will go first. My name is… actually it's been a long time since I was last here and you people still remember me, how nice. In this age and time as well as in this language I believe I am called Lucifer morningstar, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


Hearing the name I knew she was telling the truth, not only that but I also knew I was fucked. There is a reason why there is the saying never strike a deal with the devil, and here she is striking one with me. Knowing there was nothing I could truly do to get out of this one I sighed. I stopped resisting the compulsion to relax. 


“I am Samantha Striker. A pleasure to meet you too” I gave her a small defeated smile. 


“Well miss striker now that you know who I am would you like to discuss the terms of our deal?” Even though she asked it like a question I knew for a fact it wasn’t. It wouldn’t stop me from trying though.  


“I am guessing it is too late for me to back out isn’t it” Lucifer just nodded with a small amused smile. 


“Fine, then could you at least tell me what it is I would be paying with?” Again it wasn’t a matter of what I would want to pay with but what I would be forced to pay with. 


“I see you caught on fast. I wish to take possession of your body” It took me a while to understand what she was asking. 


“My body? Just that? Not eternal servitude or my soul?” Hearing the tone of surprise and uncertainty in my voice seemed to amuse her as she laughed for a moment before shaking her head. 


“Please what would I want your servitude or soul for? I am the queen of hell. I have the entire demon race as servants of mine. Now what I want is an anchor to this world” That caught my curiosity but I knew better than to ask.    


“Alright then, what are you willing to give me in exchange then?” I felt a bit of relief losing my body was still an extremely troublesome prospect but at least the core of my being was safe for the time being. 


“Anything really. Just ask and I will tell you if I’m up for it” Said Lucifer with a small shrug of her shoulders. Really, this woman was driving me insane with every action of hers. I was tempted to just give up my body and ask for a kiss. 


“Then can you reincarnate me?” If I’m to lose my body then I could just ask for a new one. That was my best bet at least. Unfortunately it seems like it wouldn’t work. 


“No can’t do. Do you think I would be asking for your body if I could just get another one easy like that?” I raised an eyebrow hearing her answer. Lucifer morningstar, second most powerful being of all creation only below god himself, can’t get a body?


“I know what you're thinking so I will give you a freeby. This world is protected by a barrier casted by that old bastard Merlin. Said barrier uses all the magic from the world to shield it from extra planar beings like demons and angels. Because of this all magical creatures died from a lack of magic and almost all magic stopped working. I could tear down the barrier but that would cause the death of all life on earth something daddy dearest doesn’t want. Because of this I have my hands tied when it comes to interacting with this world.” 


Hearing her explanation I could put the remaining pieces of the puzzle together. She wants my body as an anchor to interact with the world from inside the barrier. The reason she is here right now is because my ritual, one that she has by now hijacked, is working as her temporary anchor. This also gives me a few clues on how I could get out of this pickle. 


“You said this world, meaning there are more worlds out there. Would it be possible then for you to reincarnate me in one of them?” As I finished speaking a shit eating grin spread across her face almost splitting it in half. 


“Yes, that would be possible indeed~” To say the amusement in her tone was creepy would be an understatement. Her eyes sparkled with uncontained mischief. 


“In that case may I ask if the Harry Potter world exists?” If I am to be reincarnated I would much rather be in a world with magic. 


“Oh? I take it you would like me to reincarnate you there?~” I had to gulp down my saliva as I felt like I was walking into a lion’s den. 


“Yes?” Hearing my answer Lucifer devolved into cackling and deafening laughter. 


“Oh yes, this will be fun to watch. Tell you what, I will send you there and make sure you will be involved in the plot. I will even give you a little gift for the entertaining chat. Say a number, any number will do.” Thinking for a moment I decided to bite the bullet and say a random number.


“Forty nine” Once a finished saying the number Lucifer’s face splitting grin appeared once again.


“Wonderful! That is such a great choice my dear. Now before I send you on your way we need to seal the deal” Saying that Lucifer extended her right hand for a hand shake with mischief dancing in her eyes. Thinking for a moment I made up my mind and took it. 


I suddenly found myself being pulled towards Lucifer by my hand and the next moment I melted in bliss. Soft, moist and sweet lips met mine as a slippery tongue invaded my mouth. No matter what anyone says the devil is a damn good kisser. I don’t know for how long she assaulted my mouth but I know for a fact I almost orgasmed a few times just from that.  


“How about next time we meet each other you drop the formality and just call me Lucy” The devil whispered in my ear sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. 


Before I could even attempt to formulate an answer the devil kissed me once again. This time however, the bliss was accompanied by extreme exhaustion as I blacked out. 

For those wondering. No lucy won't apear again, at least I don't plan to have him/her again.

Why did I use him/her? Lucy is an angel, he can take whatever form he/she/it likes. She is currently a gal because she wanted to be agal for a while, after all, she had been a him for the last millenia and wanted to spice things up. It also helps that her new body to be is female. In other words, lucy identifies as whatever the fuck she/he/it fancies at the moment XD

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