Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

59 The Final Step

Here it is, the event you've all been waiting for. It's about 3,000 words.
It's also Trending on the front page of the site at #9.

I went home again and changed my clothes, took an instant shower, and put on jogging pants and nothing else. I sat on the living room couch and thought about what had happened with Inko. I didn't know what to do about it, or even if I should do anything, because I was in almost the same situation with Lois.

The difference was that I had always loved her and had never hidden that from her. I always respected her and never pushed things. I let her be in control and it was her decision to move forward with what we had between us.

As I thought about that, I went over my feelings about it at the same time. I had never detected any lies from Lois about us, so my decision to let her set the pace was the only one that made sense in our relationship. If I had forced anything, it would have cheapened what we felt for each other. It was our genuine feelings that made the relationship work and not the sex.

“Connor?” Lois asked as she stood in front of me with a look of deep concern on her face.

I had been so focused on my thoughts that I hadn't noticed her entering the house. In fact, I hadn't even slowed my perception of time down to let minutes for me last only nanoseconds for other people.

“I love you so much.” I whispered as tears came to my eyes.

“Connor.” Lois whispered and hiked up her skirt before she climbed onto my lap and straddled me. Her softness settled on my softness and her eyes were slightly wide, probably because I hadn't grown hard for her. She gave me a lingering kiss and stared into my eyes. “Tell me what happened.”

I did. I laid it all out for her. I told her about meeting with Inko to confront her about Izuku's changed plans, about how she had reacted, and about what she had asked me to do. The surprise on Lois' face was pronounced until I told her about the confrontation with Mei and Izuku. Her face changed to calculating and she nodded several times as I recounted the conversation, word for word.

“I know several people that can help Inko recover from having her mind played with like that.” Lois said. “Unfortunately, the physical part can't be dealt with in the same way.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Lois reached down and rubbed her hand on me and I sprang right up for her. “She has tasted the forbidden fruit, even if it was initially forced upon her. It will be very difficult to convince her body to not react when Izuku... and you... are around her.”

I blinked my eyes several times in one second. “Oh, damn. You mean her desire, that she has suppressed all these years since her husband left her, is unlocked.”

“Yes.” Lois whispered and started rocking her hips a little. “She will need to be... eased out... of her way of thinking.”

“What... what are you saying?” I asked and tried to not moan as Lois got a good rhythm going.

“I won't let her be first.” Lois whispered and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

I broke the kiss a minute later. “First?”

“I can't have my friend feel you inside of her without you taking me first.” Lois said.

“But... Lois, I... I thought...”

“I want you to make love to me, Connor.” Lois whispered and briefly kissed me. “For our first time together, show me how much you love me.”

“Lois...” I paused, because I wasn't sure why I was reluctant, then realized it was because the situation was being forced on her to make a choice. One she might not be fully prepared for. “...I don't want you doing this because you feel like you have to.”

Lois gave me a sexy smile. “After we make love, like I've wanted to do for years and always denied myself... I want you to fuck me.”

I throbbed for her and she moaned as it pressed against her. “Lois.”

“Love me first, Connor.” Lois said and kissed me again. “Love me.”

I floated us up into the air as we were, held her with both my arms and telekinesis, and carefully took us from the living room and into her bedroom. For some reason, I did a sweep with my x-ray vision to look for hidden cameras. I didn't see any, so I looked at the surrounding area and still didn't see any.

“What are you doing?” Lois asked.

“Checking for anyone possibly seeing or recording this.” I said and she nodded in understanding. “I don't see or detect anything.”

“Good, because this is just between us... between a man and a woman.” Lois said and pushed me back onto the bed. “Two people that love and care about each other above all others.”

“I do.” I said and pulled her down into a searing kiss and rolled over to put her on bottom.

I could have zoomed at super-speed and removed our clothing to get us both ready, and I didn't. I took my sweet time and savoured each and every second as I stripped Lois off and divested her of everything, even her bra and panties.

“Sweet Rao, the sun god.” I whispered as I saw her completely naked for the first time. “Perfection.”

“It's all for you.” Lois said with a slight blush on her face.

“I am so blessed.” I said and kissed her, her neck, her collar bone, and then devoured her breasts with light kisses and gentle caresses.

Lois moaned loudly as I did my best to let her know how much I loved being able to touch her like this. The look of desire on her face intensified as I kissed my way down her body and then she cried out and came as soon as my lips reached her most special place. That alone made me realize she had been holding herself back for a long time and I slowly and meticulously licked and kissed every part of her.

She came as I explored her tenderly and she moaned and cried out her pleasure. She didn't urge me to hurry and she didn't try to stop me from wallowing in her... and I really wallowed in her. I savoured every moment as my tongue tasted her and gave her pleasure. I didn't use my fingers this time, because the point wasn't to make her orgasm, it was to make her feel my love.

I kept going until she had another orgasm, just from the constant attention that she hadn't had in years, and her legs trembled a little. My thoughts about her having a strong orgasm fled as I moved up to hover above her. I placed my steel-hard erection over her dripping opening and rubbed it forward and back to slick it up.

Lois moaned as she felt that hardness and the intense look of anticipation on her face made her even more beautiful than she normally was.

“You are, and have always been, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” I whispered to her. “I've loved you ever since we met and I will love you until the end of time.”

Lois blushed deeply at my words and I eased myself inside of her. “OHHHH, GOD!”

I felt the little squirt of hot liquid hit my belly and didn't stop. I pushed in farther and her breath sped up. Her moans increased as I moved all the way in and then it was done.

We were joined.

I fit inside of her perfectly, which had never happened before. She was the exact size of my member and the tip rested against her cervix. I was touching her everywhere inside and she gripped me hard when she realized the same thing. The look of love on her face matched my own and we kissed passionately.

I moved myself back out until just the tip remained inside, then moved back in. It was agonizingly slow for the both of us, because our bodies wanted a lot more than what we were giving them. Our hearts and emotions also wanted more, so I didn't speed up. I kept the same slow pace and kept kissing her as we made love for the very first time.

We both knew it was forbidden, we both knew we would be ostracized if anyone knew, and we both accepted that what other people thought didn't matter. We loved each other deeply and completely and that was all we cared about. The rest of the world faded away as the two of us indulged in each other.

“C-C-Connor... god... please... do it.” Lois begged. “I can't... you're driving me insane!”

I didn't change my pace, even though we both wanted... no, needed... to give ourselves a quick release. “Love is the most horrible form of insanity, my dearest love.” I whispered. “It's one we readily accept, because without love, what would the world become?”

“Empty.” Lois responded and kissed me. “It would be empty. Empty and worthless.”

“Yes, my love. I knew you would understand.” I said and kissed her again. “I would be nothing without you. You are my one. The one above all others.” I kept moving in and out at a steady pace. “I could screw every woman on the planet and not one of them could ever come close to how much I love and desire you.”

Lois looked about to respond and then she gasped and screamed as the slowly built orgasm hit her like a freight train. “COOOONNNOOORRRR!!!”

I chose that moment to cheat a little as her body clamped down on mine and used my telekinesis to caress her nub and jerked on myself. I came and poured myself into her and that set her off again.

“AHHHHHH!” Lois screamed as her orgasm became a multiple one and her arms and legs locked around me to stop me from moving.

I held on to her and kept myself floating slightly, so she wouldn't feel my weight as she recovered from what was probably the best orgasm she had ever had in her life. The two of us laid there and held each other for several minutes until Lois unwrapped her arms and legs from me.

I pulled out and laid beside her on the bed as I stared at her. “I love you, Lois.”

“I love you, too.” Lois said as she stared right back at me. “More than a woman should.”

“It's not just me that feels like that?” I asked and she smiled. “I thought for years that it was odd to love you so much, until I realized I was trying to rationalize something that can't be rationalized.”

“I felt the same way.” Lois said and her hand caressed my chest. “I've always known you loved me and I've always tried to deny it and rationalize it away as a crush.” She said and lightly laughed. “There is an old saying about how your mother is the first woman a man will ever love.”

“For me, that was literally true.” I commented and put my hand on hers. I lifted it to my mouth and kissed it. “I've been subconsciously comparing every girl I met to you and didn't clue in to that until recently. It's why I've always found others lacking in some way. That spark... the spark we have... just isn't there with anyone else.”

“Connor...” Lois started to say.

“Don't get me wrong. There's passion to most of them and even love for another.” I said and she nodded. “It's still not the same as what I've always felt for you. They pale in comparison, even when I was trying to suppress how I felt about you.”

Lois turned onto her side to face me and her breasts moved enticingly. “You didn't want to scare me off.”

I shook my head. “Telling you how much I loved you before now would have been a mistake that I would never have recovered from. Showing you how much I loved you without your consent, would have broken me.”

Lois gave me an odd look, then she nodded. “That's what happened with Izuku and Inko. He made the mistake of not letting Inko choose for herself and forced her to accept having sex was going to be a part of their relationship.”

I nodded as well. “I imagine she's probably frantically masturbating right now to try and mitigate how turned on she was when I showed up unexpectedly.”

“Can you check?” Lois asked.

“I... should I?” I asked her.

“Please.” Lois said and I turned my head to look.

I had to combine telescopic and x-ray vision and eventually found Inko's apartment. “She's in the bathtub and... ahem... a dildo is being applied... vigorously.”

“The poor thing.” Lois whispered and turned my head to face her. “I want you to do everything you can to help her, Connor. She needs to realize the difference. She needs to know...”

“I understand.” I said and kissed her. “I'll do my best.”

“I'm glad.” Lois said and then she smiled crookedly at me. “We've made love and you've proven you really love me...”

I had to smile crookedly back. “...I think I need to prove it again.”

Lois gripped my chin with her hand and glared. “You are never torturing my body like that again.”

“Y-yes, dear.” I whispered.

Lois grinned at me and kissed me hard, then she was on top of me and her beautiful breasts bounced as she rode me hard. Her moans, and what I soon learned was her sex face, really turned me on. It was wonderful to see her finally letting herself go and she really, really liked letting go. Her little squirts as she had multiple orgasms, soaked me, and kept us well lubed up.

I thought about her advice a while ago, about not going all out with a woman right away, and my resolve to take that advice dissolved as Lois ordered me to fly her around the room and to plow into her like I was using a wheelbarrow.

I was not going to say no to her and we were soon spraying our fluids all over the room as we had sex pretty much everywhere. Once we had crossed that final line, Lois had no more qualms about how far across that line we went.

Of course, she still demanded I blow a few loads down her throat, because she was an accomplished fellatio expert. Doing it upside down near the ceiling had been a new experience for the both of us and my telekinesis really had a good workout while keeping Lois suspended and happy.

We eventually ended up back on the damp bed and I gave it a blast of heat vision to dry it. Lois made an appreciative sound and we cuddled up together. The occasional tender kiss we shared, just made the afterglow last that much longer.

“I don't know why I'm not tired.” Lois commented.

“Maybe our love is empowering you?” I asked and she chuckled. “Hey, it's always possible.”

Lois laughed and kissed me again. “It would make more sense if your sperm is giving me resilience.”

I thought about that. “You know, that actually could be possible.”

Lois sat up to look down at me. “It is a huge source of possible quirk genes.”

I nodded. “Each of those millions of swimmers has the potential.”

Lois let her hand roam across my chest and her fingertip circled one of my nipples. “Despite that potential, you are not to go to a lab and talk to them about it.”

“You're right. I'm not going to give my DNA or genetic material to a lab to play with. That's just asking for trouble.” I said and she laid back down. “That doesn't mean we can't experiment a bit.”

“Oh? What do you have in mind?” Lois asked.

“Nothing much.” I said as my hand slid down her body, between the cheeks of her ass, and my index finger touched her puckered hole.

Lois clenched up and gave me a fake glare. “Already? You're going there already?”

I chuckled. “I suppose we can save that until our wedding night.”

“E-e-excuse m-me?” Lois asked with a stuttering voice.

I zoomed away and came back instantly and had a ring box in my hand. “I've had this for a while and I know you can't wear it.” I said and opened it to show off the huge three carat diamond.

“CONNOR!” Lois yelled and covered her mouth with both hands.

“I just wanted you to know that if I was allowed to do so, I would be on my knee already.” I said and closed the box. “Until I am allowed to do that, you can keep this as proof that I meant every word I've said to you about how much I love you.”

“C-Connor... good god, Connor. Where did you get it?”

“A private investor took an interest in me.” I said without mentioning it was Maxwell Lord and that he was dead. “I'm going to use the funds to open my own agency after I get my provisional license in six months.”

Lois caught her breath.

“That's right, Lois. My own agency. It was supposed to have Izuku in it as well; but, you know what happened there.”

Lois nodded and took the little box from my hand. “Connor...”

“I'm going to make your dreams come true and I'm going to fulfill your desires.” I promised and tears came to her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Lois said and kissed me passionately.

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