Second World Book

Chapter 2377 - Dimensional drawing ability, mortality

Every Xuandong’s internal crushing is ten million times that of a black hole. The old man with a grimaces howled, and many body tissues were sucked and strangled. He never expected that Lin Mo could punch such a mysterious magical power with a punch. This is a dream. Unexpectedly.

“The Lord of Shadows, do you know that the law of darkness is the upper law of the law of shadows, you come to me, it’s the old birthday star eating arsenic, and it is too long to die!” Lin Mo smiled disdainfully, he could mobilize the endless dark matter empty door, directly It is docked in the super black hole created by himself.

As for how this super black hole is a super law, it was compressed by many broken universes, and its quality is so horrible that even he can’t measure it.

For such mass and density, it is logical that the internal pressure will cause the temperature to be extremely high, which has long exceeded the limit of the Big Bang.

However, Lin Mo used the law of dark matter and the law of light as the framework, and to maintain its existence to the greatest extent, even if it does not work, it can also act as a super bomb. In theory, it is easy to kill the main god.

Just when Lin Mo was about to kill the old ghost face, he felt his body tighten. It should be said that the soul was locked by a chain of pink chains, and he was to be dragged out.

“Good job, Your Royal Highness.” The old ghost exulted, screaming and rushed to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo resisted the drag of the law of soul. In reality, the whole person can’t move, and the light and dark main deities in the soul of the **** also derive a chain of black and white rules and collide with it.

Shadow Lord God did not enter Lin Mo’s body, but as soon as he entered, he was dumbfounded. Because it was completely different from what he had imagined, there were countless dimensional channels in front of him, ranging from white to black.

“I want the old man to stop? Stop thinking!” The old ghost snorted, his body decomposed into a dark mist, and rushed in all directions. In his opinion, as long as he occupied all the dimension channels, he won.

As soon as the law of light shines, the brightness of all stars in the Dayuan universe closest to Lin Mo has suddenly dropped, and the temperature has dropped. It has also attracted the attention of some gods, but they cannot understand what this is.

They don’t understand it, but some of the main gods who have seen it have seen the doorway, there is a main god, which mobilizes the energy of all stars, and what can be done is only two main gods, one is the main **** of Yanyang, and the other is the mystery God of light and darkness.

At this moment, the temperature of Lin Mo’s body rose sharply, and the ghost face of the dog being shut down was miserable. The endless ‘flame’ came from those dimension channels. The high temperature was scary. Even if you wanted to escape, you didn’t know where to go.

[This is not possible -] In the midst of sigh, a sigh, golden finger, cut off the energy context mobilized by the law of light, and also relieved the shadow god.

“Oh? The nobles behind are helping you again.” Lin Mo was slightly surprised, but at the most, it made the shadow **** lingering for a while.

Those flaming flames were enough, some of them turned into the power of the main god, and the other part turned into a group of ‘Linmer’, pulled out the flame swords, and began to hunt down the shadow god.

The chain of laws generated by the law of darkness collides with the lock of the law of soul, and Lin Mo’s will of the main **** is also docked with Meier.

“The man behind you is very powerful, even if you are in this seat, you will find it tricky, but I can’t understand why you are sent to be cannon fodder. Is it because you are afraid of this seat? Want you shrimps and soldiers to consume my power in the future?”

“Can you understand Zun’s strategy? As for cannon fodder, you are now in prison.” Meier no longer respects Lin Mo as “you”, in short, she has torn her face, not to mention insulting her most. Respected adults.

“Sovereign? Oh, the Lord God has always been the most top-notch existence of the Dayuan universe. There can actually be a Sovereign, this seat is really ignorant.” Lin Mo teased.

At this moment, the body of the Faxiang God banged and shattered. The four main gods completely broke Lin Mo’s defense. The endless star vines blasted out. The big head baby had a fierce look, opened the blood basin, and yelled. Not too far behind, rushed straight.

“Humph!” Lin Mo snorted coldly, and there was a crackle in his body. On the other side, Meier’s pretty face was white, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and her face was incredible.

Lin Mo’s atmosphere stepped forward, and the light and dark solidified punch came out, and the endless star-eating banyan vines exploded, which was equivalent to the explosion of thousands of stars in the universe.

The old dead wood uttered a terrible howl, which was obviously hit hard, and the big-head baby stopped subconsciously, but Yin Luo rushed to Lin Mo.

“Dead!” The third eye on the three faces of Yin’s face burst out of a divine light, but was kicked by Lin Mo’s foot, and not only that, but this foot also kicked in Yin’s Hungary mouth.

“Wow–!” Yin Luo exploded, and the Hungarian mouth collapsed into the hole, even one of the main artifacts blocked was kicked.

“This… how is it possible?” Venerable Wu Xing lost his voice. It was not like fighting between the main god, but the main **** and the upper god. They were abused.

“Now that your messengers have intervened behind the scenes, this game of play will end here!” Lin Mo’s mouth twitched slightly, and he didn’t treat the six main gods as human beings. The game should be over.

“Ahhhhhhh…” Lin Mo heard a terrible howl inside him, and then he spit out a smoky dark main **** personality, and the other five were frightened, and took a step back subconsciously.

Shadow Lord God, actually died?

Although the Lord of Shadows often has a bad breath, his strength can be regarded as a higher level among the six of them, and he still uses assassination and treachery to escape as much as a yak. ​​Among the six of them, the most capable of running is the Lord of Shadows. He was the first to get a lunch box.

Lin Mo smiled. As the God of Light and Darkness, he naturally understood the Laws of Darkness. Because of this, he let the God of Shadow enter his body, giving him an illusion of life that could take him away. The blockade is refined in the body, otherwise the other party really has to escape, and even him, he is not too sure to leave it behind.

Meier looked at Lin Mo inconceivably, and there was fear in his eyes: “How can you easily kill the Lord of Shadows?”

“Why can’t it?” Lin Mo asked with a strange expression on his face, and immediately smiled: “The information you got is outdated, and those records were done when you first became the main god, and after more than 100 million years, you should not Would you like to eat old books on the spot?”

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