Second World Book

Chapter 2361 - African Union, leukocyte

Funeral club headquarters, in the conference room!

“I’m going to pick up a batch of goods provided to us by the African Union in the afternoon. I personally lead the team.” Ya said, looking at Lin Mo.

“Are you worried about the white blood cells?” Lin Mo thought deeply, and it seemed that the boo world made Yaya vigilant.

No, Ya has always worried about white blood cells’ space-based laser weapons, but has always been confident in the privacy of his contact location, but the risk is also not low.

The following people used to receive supplies before, but this time several senior executives of OAU will also visit.

This kind of suspicion is not groundless. There is no wall in the world that does not leak air. No such blows have been done before, because there is no suitable big fish. The people on the GHQ side are also patient and wait for the hook.

“Well, I will accompany you. If the white blood cells attack, I will block it for you.” Lin Mo relaxed, and the others were relieved.

“Not good -!” The thrush exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the panic thrush.

Thrush said: “Our reinforcements were completely destroyed by the No. 3 white blood cell as soon as they reached the Neon Sea.”

“…What?!” Except Lin Mo and Xi Qi, everyone present was shocked, Ya’s face became dignified, and the quartet frowned.

“Is the enemy considering Mr. Lin Mo?” The quartet analyzed, and the command of GHQ was not a waiter.

“In other words, we don’t have reinforcements next. Since GHQ blatantly destroyed OAU’s reinforcements, they will also try our best to block us. They want us to break the grain!” Ya quickly analyzed the enemy’s purpose, and their burial ceremony society was facing Dilemma.

Before fighting with GHQ, weapons and ammunition were consumed very badly. They desperately needed these supplies. Moreover, so many combatants can also greatly enhance the armed forces of the funeral society, but all of this is due to the white blood cells.

“Ya, what shall we do now?” Everyone worried, listening to what Ya said, they already understood the crisis of the current situation.

“The control of the white blood cells must be snatched.” Ya Lengran decided that the sword of Damocles suspended above his head was too dangerous, and also threatened the lives of all the neon.

If they can seize control of the white blood cells, then they can gain a great voice in the funeral society, and then they can have enough chips to counter deterrence in the GHQ’s circumstance.

After the meeting ended, Yahe and the Quartet left. They needed to formulate a combat strategy to seize control of the white blood cells, but the technical work must be accomplished in one blow.

Three days later, Aya held a mobilization meeting. The goal was set at the No. 1 white blood cell control facility in the Moonose Reservoir, and let everyone remember 30 combat plans.

Compared to the past, this time there are far fewer, because Lin Mo’s force value is high, which makes the team’s fault tolerance rate extremely high. Even if someone makes a mistake, the problem is not big, as long as there is no problem at the last level, it is appropriate Can take control of No. 1 white blood cell.

After a day of preparation, the team of the funeral society came to the reservoir in secret.

In the underground facility, Boo Jie is playing with an automatic pen. Yingmanji and Gu Xunyi stand behind him from the left and the right. Compared with a few days ago, the current set is much calmer.

After Ji was persuaded to join GHQ, Hush World immediately arranged the world’s top coach to train the set. Sakura Manji was naturally extremely extreme.

It can now appear here, not to say that the training is over, but that the Boo community has foreseen that the attack of the funeral society is about to come, and it has been temporarily recruited to assist in defense.

Boo Jie and Dr. Gan Dao talked in front of the screen. In the reservoir, they set up and waited for the funeral society to get in so that they could close the network.

In the use of leukocytes to annihilate the reinforcements of the African Union, Hush and GHQ executives have always believed that the funeral society will target the leukocyte control, but it is uncertain when the attack will be launched.

“Although there are so many layouts, I don’t have much confidence in dealing with that kind of monster.” Boojie spreads his hand ╮(╯▽╰)╭, after seeing that power, he knows well, conventional methods, some Same as nothing.

“Isn’t there a full set of Sakura on your side?” Dr. Stein looked at the set, who immediately lowered his head.

“He is too young, and he has too little control over his strength. He is not very useful at the moment. He is just here to meet the world.” Hush World said helplessly.

“Soga, but don’t you worry about the loss of the collection here?”

“No, the last time they didn’t kill the set, this time it won’t.” Boo Jie said with confidence.

“Hush world, when things are impossible, destroy the control room.”

“Understood.” Boo Jie answered with a smile. After the video call ended, Boo Jie immediately arranged tasks for his subordinates. He had a hunch that the attack of the funeral society would soon arrive.

“Let’s go and prepare too!” Ji He Gu Xun turned and left.

Hush World hooked his finger, and the adjutant came to his side, bent down, and acted as a listener.

“Find an opportunity to let Han Chuan die in the hands of the funeral society.” Bo Jie said indifferently.

“Uh… Corporal Gu Xun, didn’t you join us?” The adjutant understood.

The hush world smiled coldly: “Yanman’s classmates grew too slowly, hatred is always the biggest driving force for people to grow stronger, how much to try the effect, everything is for world peace.”

“Yes!” The adjutant agreed, and immediately went to arrange.

Hush World leaned on the chair, tilted Erlang’s legs, looked at the monitor, and silently said: “Come on, I can’t wait any longer.”

Approaching the evening! Outside the heavily guarded reservoir, a heavy truck suddenly rushed out, broke through the roadblock, and the alarm sounded equally loud.

“Attack! Is it a funeral society? Ready to fight…ahhhh” The soldiers were just about to shoot, but the bullets were fired from the rear. The sudden attack caused the surrounding GHQ soldiers to lie dead.

“Send the ultimate roar!” Hush ordered.

In the underground passage, Yaya and others ran at high speed, and Qiqi easily kept up, and helped to eliminate some fish along the way.

The troops outside were feints, attracting GHQ troops, and Lin Mo was also killing the Quartet, and he cut a dam that was five or six meters thick with a sword.

“Damn, give me Stena—” Dalilu Young, who was driving the mass-produced Ultimate Roaring Mech, gave an angry roar. ..

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