SCP: "The Rise of The Administrator"

Chapter 63: Chapter 61: Deal ?

Chapter 61: Deal ?

Mendoza gathered the members of Omega-7 in front of him, the team forming a semi-circle around their commander. His gaze swept across them, his expression calm but firm.

"Alright, listen up," he began. "This is SCP-105, classified as Euclid. From today forward, she'll be working alongside you." He gestured to Iris, who stood confidently next to him. Some of the team exchanged curious glances, but Mendoza pressed on. "There's also a slight change in Omega-7's internal structure. Starting today, we'll be splitting into two teams."

The operators shifted slightly at this news, attention sharpening.

"The Strike Team," Mendoza continued, "will consist of four operators, SCP-8888, SCP-073, and myself as your commanding officer. The Recon Team will be made up of the remaining four operators, SCP-105 here, and it will be led by Lieutenant Kovacs."

He paused, giving the team a moment to absorb the information. "Any questions?"

One of the operators raised his hand almost immediately. Mendoza nodded at him to speak.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering," the operator said, glancing briefly at his teammates, "but we're all pretty curious about SCP-105's abilities. What exactly can she do?"

Mendoza turned to Iris and gave her a brief nod. She smiled, stepping forward slightly, hands relaxed at her sides.

"Alright," Iris began, looking directly at the team. "So, the key to my abilities lies in this camera." She pulled out a small, vintage-looking Polaroid camera and held it up for everyone to see. "This is my Polaroid One Step Express, but I will just call it SCP-105-B. Now, it might look like an ordinary camera to everyone else, but for me, it's way more than that."

The team listened intently, their curiosity growing as Iris continued.

"When I take a picture with SCP-105-B," she explained, "the photo changes from a still image to a live, real-time view of the place I've photographed. But that's not the cool part. The cool part is that I can actually reach into the photo—literally—and manipulate objects in the original location of the picture. No matter how far away the place is, I can interact with whatever is in the photo."

One of the operators blinked in surprise. "Wait, so you can actually touch and move things that are miles away, just by looking at a photo?"

Iris nodded. "Exactly. For example," she said, turning toward a parked car in the distance. She quickly snapped a photo of the vehicle, the Polaroid camera whirring softly as the image developed in her hand. She held up the freshly printed photograph for everyone to see.

Then, with a focused expression, Iris reached into the photograph. As her hand disappeared into the Polaroid, the team gasped. A large, translucent hand appeared near the parked car—seemingly coming out of thin air—and effortlessly lifted the vehicle a few inches off the ground before gently setting it back down.

The team stared, wide-eyed. Lina couldn't help but exchange a look with one of her fellow operators, both clearly impressed.

Mendoza, watching the demonstration, clapped his hands once, breaking the silence. "Alright, that's enough. You've seen what she can do. Now, I want both teams to split up and start training. Get used to working in your new groups. Strike Team, follow me. Recon Team, head out with Lieutenant Kovacs."

The group dispersed, but before leaving, Lina cast one last glance toward SCP-105. Iris met her gaze and gave a small smile. Lina returned it before joining her teammates, wondering what kind of missions lay ahead with their new addition.


After a long day of training, Omega-7 gathered in the briefing room. The atmosphere was tense as Mendoza stood in front of the projector, which illuminated a map of France on the wall behind him. He motioned for silence before beginning.

"Listen up," Mendoza started, his voice firm and commanding. "We're about to face a massive invasion of Tartarean entities. According to intelligence from the Group of Interest Order of Light, they will appear in the plains to the east of Mont Saint-Michel."

There was a murmur through the room as the operators exchanged concerned glances. One of them, sitting near the back, let out a low whistle, impressed by the scope of what they were facing.

Mendoza didn't pause. "This isn't a small deployment. We'll be coordinating with multiple forces: Resh-1, DE24-𝔑, DE8-ℨ, DE8-ℜ, DE8-𝔊, DE8-ℭ, DE8-𝔄, and more. That's in addition to over a hundred tactical teams."

He pointed to the map, indicating different spots. "The French Army has already deployed five regiments, with more on the way. The Gendastrerie has deployed its entire personnel. The Order of Light will also be on-site to aid in the defense."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavy in the room. Lina, seated at the front, raised her hand, voice hesitant. "Sir, I don't mean to sound ignorant, but what exactly are Tartarean entities?"

Mendoza looked at her for a moment before responding. "Do you know about the demons mentioned in the Bible?"

Lina nodded, swallowing nervously. "Yes, I do."

Mendoza's lips tightened into a grim line. "Well, that's exactly what these are. Demons. That's what we're up against."

There was a collective intake of breath from the operators, and Lina's heart pounded as she processed this revelation. Another operator in the back spoke up, half-jokingly, trying to lighten the mood, "So, demons, huh? Guess I won't be needing holy water, will I?"

Mendoza shot him a sharp look. "You'll need more than that. You'll need every bit of firepower we've got."

He turned back to the map. "Command for this operation will be based on the FSCP-001, 'La Bastide,' a naval vessel that will be surrounded by Foundation warships and ships from the French Navy. These will provide fire support and artillery. Speaking of artillery, we'll have over twenty M777 howitzers stationed in the village of Huisnes-sur-Mer."

One of the operators let out a low whistle again, impressed by the massive deployment. Mendoza ignored the reaction, continuing his briefing.

"You'll be posted with several squads from the Order of Light along the D275 highway, between the villages of Montitier and La Rive. The main defense line will stretch from the village of La Caserne and follow the D275 until Bas Courtils."

He zoomed in on the map, highlighting the key positions. "This entire area, plus a fifty-kilometer radius around the battlefield, has already been evacuated by the French Army. There will be no civilian presence anywhere near the fighting."

Another operator raised a hand. "Orders, sir?"

Mendoza didn't hesitate. "Shoot on sight. These things aren't human, and they won't hesitate to kill anything that moves."

The room fell into a tense silence as everyone let the severity of the mission sink in. Lina's mind raced, but she forced herself to focus on Mendoza's words. She had faced anomalies before, but this... this sounded like something out of a nightmare.

Mendoza glanced at the clock on the wall before addressing the group again. "At 07:00 pm, I expect all of you to be assembled here in full gear. We'll head to the parking lot and transport ourselves to the Foundation's airfield."

As Mendoza stepped away from the projector, another operator in the back muttered, "This sounds like a war."

Mendoza paused at the door, looking back at the group. "That's because it is."

All the operators stood up from their seats in the briefing room and quickly dispersed towards their individual quarters, preparing their gear. The tension from Mendoza's briefing still hung in the air, but it was masked by the methodical preparations every member undertook. The silence of the hallways was occasionally broken by the sound of boots hitting the ground and the clink of gear being strapped on. Lina, alongside her Omega-7 teammates, moved in sync, mentally preparing for what lay ahead. The scale of this operation had everyone on edge, but it also filled them with a fiery determination.

As the operators arrived at the armory, they noticed the presence of several tactical teams. There were 9 squads—90 field agents—each preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. The room was buzzing with conversations as agents exchanged thoughts about the operation, and some lightheartedly mocked the Order of Light.

One of the operators from Omega-7 smirked as he overheard a comment from a tactical agent nearby. "You think the Order of Light is bringing swords and horses to this thing?" 

Another agent chuckled, adjusting his vest. "I bet they're praying for a miracle."

Lina, already strapped with her gear, shook her head with a grin. The playful banter helped to ease some of the tension that had built up since the briefing. After making sure all their gear was in place, the entire unit made their way back to the now-crowded briefing room. The air was thick with anticipation, the room packed with agents and operators from different units. Everyone was gearing up for what was shaping up to be one of the largest engagements they'd ever faced.

At exactly 7:00 pm, Mendoza entered the room, his presence commanding immediate silence. He called roll to ensure all members of Omega-7 were present. Other team leaders followed his lead, confirming their tactical teams were accounted for. After confirming his team, Mendoza grabbed a megaphone and faced the assembled agents.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked, his voice booming through the room.

"Yes, sir!" the agents replied in unison, but Mendoza wasn't satisfied.

"I didn't hear you!" he barked.

The response was louder this time, but still, Mendoza wasn't convinced.


This time, the agents shouted a thunderous "YES!" with smiles breaking across their faces, the excitement and nerves mixing into one loud chorus.

Mendoza grinned. "That's more like it."

With that, the entire room of agents stood and filed out into the hallway in a single, uniform line. The sound of boots echoed through the corridors of the site as they trotted towards the parking area. Along the way, they passed by scientists, guards, and other staff members who quickly stepped aside, allowing the massive group to move through unimpeded. Some saluted, while others shouted words of encouragement and luck. Lina felt her adrenaline start to spike, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't help but smile proudly as she jogged behind one of her fellow Omega-7 operatives.

Upon reaching the parking area, a line of Titus armored trucks awaited them, their doors already open. The operators began splitting off, heading towards their assigned vehicles. As Lina approached one of the trucks, she noticed Colonel Mendoza standing near the door, motioning for her to join him. She jogged over and climbed into the Titus, finding that all the other members of Omega-7 were already seated, waiting for her. She was the last to arrive.

Mendoza stepped into the Titus, and with a nod, the doors were sealed shut. The hum of radio chatter filled the interior of the truck. Lina listened as different squads and teams confirmed their readiness, their voices coming through her headset. After a few minutes, the radios fell silent, and Mendoza's voice broke through.

"Alright, to all vehicles," he said, his tone calm but resolute. "MOVE OUT."

The Titus rumbled to life, and Lina felt it lurch forward as the convoy of trucks began their journey. The atmosphere inside was tense but focused, with each operator mentally preparing themselves for what was to come. After ten minutes of driving, the Titus came to a stop. Mendoza stood up and pushed open the rear door, stepping out first. Lina followed closely behind, with the rest of Omega-7 filing out after her, forming a single line behind their commander.

They trotted towards the tarmac of the Foundation's airfield, the place teeming with activity. Agents and operators were moving everywhere, vehicles were unloading equipment, and the roar of aircraft engines filled the air. Lina glanced around, noticing more convoys of Titus trucks arriving, bringing even more operators from other Foundation sites. It was an awe-inspiring display of military coordination.

Mendoza, speaking into his radio, gave the order for Omega-7 to advance. They jogged in formation towards a row of four military transport planes. As they approached, Lina saw other lines of soldiers moving towards the planes, each team preparing to board. The tension was palpable, but the operators moved with purpose.

Once on board, the Omega-7 team strapped themselves into the seats, securing their gear for the flight ahead. Lina looked around, noticing the determined expressions on the faces of the agents sitting near her. Her blood felt like it was on fire, the anticipation and excitement surging through her veins. As the seats filled up, Lina caught sight of a group of Leclerc tanks being loaded into the aircraft, their massive forms secured with heavy-duty harnesses.

The ramp of the plane slowly began to close, sealing them in. The hum of activity outside gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of the aircraft's engines growing louder. Lina checked her watch. 8:00 pm.

Suddenly, the plane jolted as it lifted off the ground, ascending into the darkening sky. She leaned her head back against the seat, her hands gripping the straps that secured her in place. The entire cabin was silent, each agent deep in their own thoughts, mentally preparing for the battle that awaited them.


At the same time, Léonard accessed the system's menu and entered the global chat, where several groups were engaged in discussions. This time, the Serpent's Hand and the Mages Academy were in a heated argument over the operational use of demonic objects.

Serpent's Hand:  

"Look, demonic artifacts offer us unparalleled power. You can't match that with any other kind of magic. You're just scared to use it."

Mages Academy:  

"Scared? No, we're just not reckless. Demonic objects always come with strings attached. There's a reason we focus on safer alternatives."

Serpent's Hand:  

"Safer means weaker. You'll never get the edge we need on the field if you keep relying on those outdated spells and constructs."

Mages Academy:  

"Outdated? At least we don't have to worry about our tools biting back or opening a portal to some hellish dimension."

Serpent's Hand:  

"Only if you don't know what you're doing. We've been managing these objects for many weeks. The risks are manageable."

Mages Academy:  

"Manageable, right until you can't manage them anymore. Your overconfidence is dangerous. The last thing we need is an incident like Vienna happening again."

Serpent's Hand:  

"Vienna was a fluke! That wasn't even our fault. You are just looking for excuses."

Mages Academy:  

"We're looking for consistency. Besides, we don't even have access to demons right now, so this argument is pointless."

Serpent's Hand:  

"Yeah, we're fresh out of demons too."

At that moment, Léonard, under the alias SCP Foundation, entered the chat.

SCP Foundation (Léonard):  

"Need demons? I've got a proposition for you both."

Both sides quickly responded, intrigued.

Serpent's Hand:  

"I'm all ears, Foundation."

Mages Academy:  

"What do you have in mind?"

SCP Foundation:  

"In exactly 64 hours, a demonic invasion will take place at Mont Saint-Michel in France. If you assist us in repelling the attack, you can take 25% of the demon corpses and capture as many live specimens as you need."

There was a brief pause before both parties replied.

Serpent's Hand:  

"25% of the bodies? Live captures? That's more than generous."

Mages Academy:  

"We'll take that deal."

Both factions agreed quickly, but the conversation was far from over as other notable groups joined in.

The Millionaire, Mr. Royer:  

"Foundation, if demons are up for grabs, count me in. I'd be willing to compensate generously for a few specimens myself."

SCP Foundation:  

"It's not for sale, Royer. This is a military operation, not a marketplace."

The Millionaire, Mr. Royer:  

"Fine, fine."

Then, another unexpected figure joined the chat.

Global Occult Coalition:  

"You guys are holding out on me, Foundation? No invitation?"

SCP Foundation:  

"Didn't think this was your style, GOC. Demons aren't usually your thing. If I remember you are more on aliens and others anomalies"

Global Occult Coalition:  

"Please, we've been waiting for something like this. Watch me roll up in my new mecha with wizards packing Glocks. This is going to be wild."

SCP Foundation:  

"Wait, you're serious?"

Global Occult Coalition:  

"Hell yes. Count us in."

At this point, another user, NPES, chimed in.


"GOC, you're insane! Mecha and wizards? Really ? I'm so freaking jealous."

Global Occult Coalition:  

"You bet. I'm bringing a few strike teams."

Order of Light:  

"Thank you all for your support in this tribulation."

Serpent's Hand:  

"Support? We're in it for the loot. But sure, you're welcome."

Mages Academy:  

"Just give us what we were promised. We're not doing charity work here."

With the deal struck, the groups prepared for battle.

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