SCP: "The Rise of The Administrator"

Chapter 58: Side Story #2: SCP-082 Test

Side Story #2: SCP-082 Test

The Class-D, identified as D-9942, was abruptly awoken from his sleep by the harsh clang of metal. The guard, armed and stoic, stood at the door with Dr. Langston, clipboard in hand. 

"Time to go," the guard barked.

D-9942 blinked, feeling the pit of anxiety in his stomach grow. He had heard rumors about today's test—a new one involving SCP-082, the infamous "Ferdinand the Cannibal." As they walked down the cold, sterile hallways of Site-Aleph, the Class-D couldn't help but wonder if his fate was sealed.

"So... am I cooked?" D-9942 muttered nervously, half to himself.

Dr. Langston, who had been quietly reviewing his notes, glanced up with a smirk. "Not exactly," he replied, his tone unsettlingly casual. The guard, unfazed, kept his eyes forward, leading the way.

The Class-D's pulse quickened. The fluorescent lights above buzzed, casting a sterile glow over everything as they passed several reinforced doors, each labeled with a different SCP designation. He swallowed hard, every step echoing in his ears like the toll of a distant bell.

The weight of the situation began to sink in as they turned a corner, arriving at a particularly large and heavily secured door. SCP-082's containment cell. The door was thick, reinforced with multiple layers of metal, and had a small viewing window that emitted no light from the other side.

"Here we are," the guard said as he keyed in a series of codes. A mechanical hiss followed as the airlock prepared to open. 

D-9942 felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He had heard about 082, stories whispered by other Class-Ds about his immense size and insatiable hunger. A sudden wave of fear gripped him, stronger than before. What was about to happen inside that room?

Dr. Langston finally looked up from his clipboard. "Just follow the instructions, and you might make it out of this one." His smile was thin, almost pitying.

The door clicked open, revealing the dark abyss beyond.

Inside stood SCP-082, towering and grotesque, dressed absurdly in a chef's outfit, the toque comically small atop his massive head. As D-9942 entered, 082 grinned, his sharp teeth gleaming under the dim light.

"Ah, the final ingredient has arrived," SCP-082 bellowed, looking over at Dr. Langston. "Thank you, Doctor."

The Class-D, puzzled, glanced toward the observation window. "Hold on. Wait a minute... what does that mean?"

Dr. Langston chuckled, "Remember earlier when you asked, 'So, am I cooked?' and I said, 'Not exactly'? Let me correct that... it's 'You're gonna get cooked.'"

Before D-9942 could react, SCP-082's massive cleaver came crashing down, sealing his fate with grim finality.


Test Log Report: SCP-082 Human Consumption Analysis

Date: [REDACTED]  

Subject: SCP-082 "Ferdinand the Cannibal"  

Test Objective: To observe the physiological and psychological effects of SCP-082 when consuming human flesh.  

Procedure: D-9942 was introduced into SCP-082's containment chamber. Upon SCP-082's consumption of the subject, continuous monitoring was performed to analyze any significant bodily or behavioral changes.


1. Physiological Response:  

   SCP-082 exhibited minimal physical changes post-consumption. Metabolic readings indicated no increase in energy levels or anomalous physical growth. Despite SCP-082's large size, consumption does not appear to significantly alter his biological makeup.  


2. Psychological Response:  

   SCP-082 expressed visible pleasure and satisfaction during the meal, consistently referring to D-9942 as a "delicacy." His mood became noticeably more jovial following ingestion, showcasing heightened joviality and conversational engagement with staff present during the observation period. No signs of aggression were noted, although 082 occasionally inquired about the next "meal" and joked about his "chef skills."  

3. Behavioral Changes:  

   Post-consumption, SCP-082 exhibited a temporary reduction in activity, seeming content and sedentary for approximately one hour. During this period, he displayed no hostility, simply resting and humming to himself. Afterward, his baseline personality resumed.


SCP-082 demonstrates minimal physical changes upon consuming human flesh, although his mood becomes notably more upbeat, and he engages in friendly conversation post-feeding. No signs of metabolic enhancement or anomalous energy gain were observed. Behavioral changes are temporary, with SCP-082 returning to his usual state within an hour.

Further Testing: Recommended to observe potential long-term effects of regular consumption. Possibility that the Ethic Committee will refuse my request

Report Filed by: Dr. Langston  

Security Clearance: Level 3

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