Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 15



Arc VI Chapter 15



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


Ludolf raised an eyebrow, his question directed at both of them. “You know each other?”


Aurora nodded. “Yes, we did.”


“Angelika and I happened to meet before. Anyway, more importantly. Erich, no need to dramatise so much. Angelika was late. She apologised. No need to cry over spilled milk. What happened ... happened, Erich.”


Angelika agreed. “Right. I am truly sorry. If you want, I am even willing to buy you something small in apology.”


Aurora raised her arm, her spirit high. “Sister Angelika ... Sister Angelika, can I get two hot chocolates?”


“Certainly.” Angelika smiled. “But why two?”


“One for me. One for my doll, obviously”, Aurora elaborated, her voice serious.


“...” Angelika briefly considered before accepting. “Oh, I see ... That makes sense, I guess ...”


“...” Erich sighed, yet he relented. “I guess you have a point there, Edelgart ... My apologies, Angelika, for my behaviour was rather ... unsightly, not to say unwarranted. My words might have been a bit harsh.”


Angelika smiled, ever the cheerful and forgiving spirit. Her kind hearted nature showed once again. “Apology accepted, Erich~. I know you didn't mean all what you said. At least, I hope so.” 


“...” Erich averted his eyes, his guilt painted all across his face. “Yes ... Anyway, just promise us to be more careful in the future. That's all we wish.”


“I will.” Angelika clasped her hands together, her radiant smile blinding them. “Anyway, I think that some official introductions are in order. I will tell you about myself. You tell me about yourselves. Sounds like a fair deal, right?”


“...” Erich, Ludolf, and Aurora exchanged a series of questioning looks. None of them seemed particularly convinced.


Angelika, however, didn't care, not in the slightest, undeterred by their lack of cooperativeness. Her chest swelled with pride. She was a stubborn woman, difficult to dislodge once set in her ways. Such was readily apparent. “I am Angelika, and I am pleased to meet you all! From today onwards, I am your mentor! Though young in years, you may rely on me. I am versed in the art of swordsmanship as well as in the arcane arts of magic. I will teach and guide the three of you to the best of my abilities. I promise! Now you.” Her eyes fell on Erich. He was next, and there was no escape.


Erich cleared his throat, “I am Erich von Schwert and my goal is to become an adventurer in order to restore the honour of my family.” 


“An ambitious goal.” Angelika commented.


Erich nodded. “Yes, I know. That is why I wish to be the best. That is why I expect much from you as my mentor, Angelika. I did hear that you are both a skilled adventurer and mage. I hope you will help me to improve my swordplay and magic.” 


“I will, Erich.” Angelika nodded. “Sir Hartmann told me about your and Ludolf's ... circumstances. You are a capable young boy. You are even able to use magic, which is impressive in its own right. Now on to, Ludolf.” Her gaze wandered towards the other boy.


Ludolf followed. “I am Ludolf. I am his best friend and loyal retainer. My family has served the Schwert for a long time. I continue my family’s tradition. I will follow him wherever he goes.” 


Angelika beamed. “To think that you would still find such loyalty in this time and age, a family who still remembers their oath. I am impressed. I am proud to find someone such as you amongst my students.” Her eyes turned to Aurora. “Now you, Edelgart. We have already met, but another introduction doesn't hurt, does it?” Her smile bored into her, deeper and deeper.


Aurora hugged her doll. “My name is Edelgart. And the little one in my arms is Dolly! Dolly is my bestest fwiend. Dolly is a bit shy and timid around people, so she doesn't talk much. But otherwise, she is a very sweet and gentle girl!”


“...” Angelika smiled, yet for the fraction of a moment her lips faltered, tainted by a lingering sense of ... pity. The sadness in her eyes spoke more than a thousand words. Angelika pitied her. It was obvious.


Aurora tightened her hug. “I am here because I have always dreamed of becoming an adventurer!”


This time, her words showed the opposite effect. Much to her surprise, Angelika veritably lit up, her face sparkling with unseen boundless enthusiasm. She knew this was just a turn of phrase, right?


Angelika could hardly contain her joy. “Oh, what a wonderful dream. I can relate, for sure. To become an adventurer. To see the world. To meet new people. To prove your mettle. Yes, that is the true adventurer's spirit.” 


It was only now that Aurora began to realise what she had got herself into.


His instincts hadn't failed him, after all. As it turned out, his suspicions ... were correct.


Felix leaned against the nearby wall, his eyes closed, his head lowered, his boots firmly placed on the wooden floor, still ever so slightly winded from his wild chase across the city. To her credit, Angelika was fast, certainly far faster for a noble lady of her birth than he recalled. Her Ladyship gave him quite a hard time. He nearly lost her several times, but he didn't. He maintained contact, and Angelika led him to the adventurer's guild.


Now, he was trying to blend in, at least, as inconspicuously as his attire allowed him to. His attire ... attracted the gazes of curious onlookers. The adventurers took notice of his presence. He was a noble. He didn't belong here. Thankfully, their curiosity was fleeting and their attention short lived. His onlookers quickly returned to minding their own business. He was nobody. He was no one. He wasn't here.


Felix had strained his ears, eavesdropping from afar, from outside their view. His ears caught some snippets, a few single words, a few sentences here and there. Their words confirmed his hypothesis. Erich. Ludolf. Edelgart. Angelika. Adventurers. Students. Mentor. Apparently, Her Ladyship had embarked on the path of the sword and taken on the mantle of an adventurer. What a curious choice of metier.


Angelika. Her name matched. Her Ladyship didn't even bother to change it.


Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Physique and height. Her appearance matched.


Cheerful. Positive. Naive. Her personality matched.


Felix grinned, a smirk crossing his lips, his feet on the move again. There was no doubt, the woman was Angelika. How unfortunate for her to stumble across him. Luck was truly not on her side.


Now, only a single question remained, what were they supposed to do about her? Angelika could not be suffered to live. Her mere existence represented a threat. A threat that could be impossibly ignored, but such was not his to decide. It was time to report his findings. Lord Viktor had to be informed.



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