School Story of Wandering Witches : Arche's Daily Life

Chapter 7: Lykos

Arthur and I stumbled into the classroom, both practically dragging our feet.

Without saying a word, we plopped down into our seats with a collective sigh.

I took a deep breath. Arthur did the same.

"Ugh, so tired..." he muttered, slumping in his chair.

Elaina, already seated and buried in her book, glanced up at us and gave a sympathetic look.

"You two look like you've been run over by a cart," she commented, her tone dripping with mock concern.

"Yeah, we're definitely not winning any 'Most Energetic' award today," I replied, collapsing further into my seat.

Just then, the door swung open, and Amnesia walked in, blinking in surprise at our sorry state.

"Eh? What happened to you guys?"

"You're actually tired?" Saya, who had appeared out of nowhere, chimed in with a raised eyebrow. "That's new."

"It's a long and tiring story!" I groaned dramatically, waving my hand as if I were on the verge of collapse.

Arthur nodded sagely. "Yep, definitely one for the history books."

Elaina raised an eyebrow, leaning forward with a curious glint in her eyes. "Really? Now you've got me interested."

Saya and Amnesia both leaned in, practically vibrating with curiosity.

"Alright, brace yourselves..." I began, preparing to recount the saga of our unfortunate day.

Yesterday, Arthur and I found ourselves at an old acquaintance's house. 

"So, all we have to do is look after your son, Lycaon?" I asked nonchalantly.

THWACK! Arthur smacked the back of my head with the precision of a seasoned parent. 

"Arche! Show some respect!" 

"Ow!" I yelped, rubbing the spot. "Geez, it's not like I called him 'Gramps' or something..." 

Arthur ignored me, turning to Lycaon with a deep bow. "Forgive him, sir. He was dropped on his head as a child." 

Lycaon chuckled, waving it off. "Relax, Arthur. You don't have to be so formal. And Arche? Yeah, I get it—you're still kids." 

"See? He gets it!" I said triumphantly, only to get side-eyed by Arthur. 

For context, Lycaon was practically a hero to us. Back in junior high, Arthur and I got into a... misunderstanding with some high school kids.

By misunderstanding, I mean we got our butts handed to us, and Lycaon swooped in like some action movie protagonist and saved us. 

"You helped us back then," I said earnestly, flashing a rare serious expression. "So now it's our turn to help you." 

Lycaon chuckled and ruffled both our hair. "Well, I'm glad you boys are still as enthusiastic as ever." 

We'd heard he had a son, but this was the first time we'd actually be meeting the kid. 

"Alright, Lykos," Lycaon called out. "Come introduce yourself." 

A small boy, probably around six years old, shuffled out of a room."My name is Lykos," he said brightly. 

I crouched to his level and gave him my best "cool guy" smile. "Hey there, Lykos. I'm Arche." 

"And I'm Arthur," Arthur added, kneeling beside me. "We'll be looking after you today." 

Lykos beamed. "Nice to meet you!" 

Lycaon smiled warmly and patted his son on the head. "Alright, boys. Take good care of him." 

Arthur puffed out his chest.

"Don't worry, sir! We've got this!" 

"Yeah, yeah, we'll keep him alive," I added, earning another smack from Arthur. 

Lycaon chuckled, grabbed his bag, and headed for the door. "I'll be back this evening. Be good, okay, Lykos?" 

"I'll be good, Dad!" Lykos said cheerfully, his smile practically sparkling. 

The moment the door closed, Arthur and I turned to the kid. 

"So, you must like playing, right?" Arthur asked, all smiles. 

At that moment, I thought to myself, How hard could this be? Kids are usually pretty calm, right?

Wrong. Oh, so very wrong.

Lykos was a whirlwind of chaos, a tiny hurricane in human form with the energy of nine caffeinated cats. 

"Yahoo!" he yelled, leaping from the chair to the table like some kind of hyperactive ninja.

Before we could even process what was happening, he grabbed the curtains and started swinging like Tarzan. 

Arthur and I exchanged a look. 

"This kid…" Arthur muttered. 

"He's testing every law of physics," I added, watching as Lykos whooped in delight. 

Arthur took a step forward, trying to play the responsible one. "Hey, Lykos, the curtains aren't for climbing. Can you come down, please?" 

"You think that'll work?" I asked skeptically. 

As if on cue, Lykos swung higher and shouted, "I don't listen to LOSERS!" He stuck his tongue out at us like some smug villain. 

Arthur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, probably not." 

"Maybe we should just let him swing straight into the forest," I suggested under my breath. 

Arthur shot me a glare.

"That's not funny, Arche." 

Lykos, meanwhile, decided to upgrade his chaos, dropping from the curtains with a loud thud and darting around the room like a possessed hamster.

"Take this!" he yelled, knocking over a vase. 

I rushed to pick it up before it shattered.

"Is everything in this house insured?!" I asked frantically, balancing the vase in one hand while trying to stop a rogue lamp with the other. 

"Most things are," Arthur replied, completely deadpan as Lykos zipped past him, giggling maniacally and grabbing anything within reach. 

This kid. Oh, this kid. He knew he could get away with anything, and boy, was he flaunting it. 

"That brat…" I growled, my patience dangling by a thread as thin as a spider's web. 

"Why are you doing all this?!" I shouted, desperate for some shred of logic. 

Lykos turned to me with a sly smirk that screamed villain-in-the-making. "Isn't it obvious?" 

Before I could respond, he grinned like the devil himself and declared, "Because it's fun!" Then, for good measure, he stuck his tongue out and dashed away, laughing like a maniac. 

"I swear, if I had a sleeping pill right now…" I muttered, finally giving up on chasing him. 

Arthur stumbled to my side, looking just as exhausted. "Me too. Where does he store all this energy?" he panted, hands on his knees. 

Sensing that we were too tired to keep up, Lykos took it as his cue to kick a soccer ball around the living room.

With one mighty kick, he sent the ball flying into a vase, knocking it over. 

"GOAL!" he shouted, throwing his hands in the air like he'd just won the World Cup. 

I barely managed to catch the vase before it shattered.

"Arthur, can I sue this kid?!" I yelled, holding up the vase dramatically. 

Arthur shook his head, deadpan.

"I don't think suing a six-year-old is a thing. Sorry." 

"Ugh. This country needs better laws." 

Lykos, meanwhile, was too busy living out his soccer dreams to notice the chaos. "One day, I'll be the number one soccer player in Japan!" 

"Yeah? Well, one day you'll meet my lawyer!" I shot back. 

Just as I turned to put the vase somewhere safe, Lykos suddenly pulled out a water gun from somewhere. 

"Where did you even—" 


I was cut off as a jet of water hit me square in the face. 

Arthur blinked. "Uh, Arche, are you okay?" 

I wiped my dripping face and sighed.

"It's probably wiser to avoid asking questions at this point." 

Lykos doubled over laughing, pointing at me with the water gun. "You're all wet! Your stupid face is soaked!" 

Arthur, bless him, tried to step in. "Lykos, that's enou—" 


Arthur got sprayed before he could finish his sentence, now just as wet as me. 

I turned to him with a sarcastic grin. "See, Arthur? This is why you learn from my mistakes." 

"Yeah, yeah," Arthur grumbled, wiping water off his face. "Next time, I'll just let him drench you first." 

And, of course, Lykos kept laughing, proud of his reign of terror.

Lykos kept cackling like a tiny evil mastermind, clearly reveling in our misery.

"You two are so ridiculous!" he taunted, waving his water gun in triumph. 

Arthur and I retreated to the corner, heads together like strategists planning a war. 

"Arthur, we need a plan," I whispered urgently. 

Arthur furrowed his brow, deep in thought. After a moment, his face lit up. "What if we distract him?" 

"With what? A shiny object? He's not a magpie, Arthur." I rolled my eyes.

"What does a six-year-old even like? Candy? Nah, this one's immune to bribes." 

Arthur scratched his chin. "Maybe crayons? Kids like drawing, right?" 

I gave him a deadpan stare. "Why don't we just beat him up? That seems faster." 

Arthur sighed heavily, clearly questioning his life choices. "If he wasn't a six-year-old, I'd probably go along with that idea." 

"Fine, fine, we'll try your plan." 

Armed with a box of crayons, we approached Lykos like nervous negotiators at a peace summit. 

"Lykos!" Arthur called out, holding up the crayons like they were a sacred offering. "Let's draw something!" 

Lykos paused mid-chaos, eyeing the crayons with genuine curiosity.

"Draw?" he asked, tilting his head like an innocent puppy—an innocent puppy that had just destroyed the living room. 

Arthur and I exchanged hopeful glances. This might actually work.

"Yeah!" I chimed in, trying to sound as excited as possible. "You can draw whatever you want!" 

"Okay!" Lykos agreed, grabbing the crayons eagerly. 

For a brief, shining moment, peace seemed possible. Then Lykos, in all his boundless energy, bolted straight to the nearest wall and began scribbling like Picasso on a sugar high. 

"No, no, not on the wall!" Arthur yelped, rushing forward to stop him. 

I facepalmed. "Why didn't we see this coming?" 

Lykos turned to us with the smuggest grin, crayon still poised mid-scribble. "You didn't say where to draw." 

Arthur groaned. "I swear, this kid is going to outsmart us." 

"Outsmart? He's already winning!"

I replied.

Meanwhile, Lykos happily continued his masterpiece, now using the floor as his canvas.

"This was your idea, Arthur!" I shouted, trying to catch Lykos as he darted around with a crayon like some rogue artist. 

Arthur groaned, clearly regretting every decision that had led to this moment.

"I didn't think he'd start drawing on the walls!" 

Lykos, meanwhile, was having the time of his life, crayon in hand, gleefully adding his "art" to every surface he could reach.

"Chase me, you fools!" he taunted, dodging us with the agility of a professional athlete. 

Arthur made a desperate dive but slipped on the carpet, crashing to the floor with an impressive thud. "Ouch…" 

Lykos cackled at the sight, his eyes lighting up with mischief as he approached Arthur.

Without hesitation, he scribbled all over Arthur's face. "Hahaha! Now you look even funnier!" 

I couldn't hold it in—I burst out laughing. "Arthur, you look ridiculous!" 

Arthur sat up, glaring at me as he wiped at the crayon marks. "Thanks for the observation, Arche. Super helpful." 

Lykos was practically rolling on the floor at this point. "Arthur the stupid face! Arthur the stupid face!" he chanted gleefully. 

I couldn't resist. "Arthur the stupid face! Arthur the stupid face!" I joined in, grinning from ear to ear. 

Arthur turned to me with a look of utter betrayal. "Haha, very funny," he said flatly, glaring at both me and the pint-sized menace. 

"What? It's catchy!" I said with a shrug, still laughing. 

Arthur didn't reply. Instead, he gave me a firm shove, sending me sprawling to the floor. 

"Ouch… Bas—" Before I could finish, Lykos pounced, crayon at the ready. 

"Arche the stupid face! Arche the stupid face!" he sang, happily scribbling all over my face. 

Arthur's deadpan voice chimed in. "Arche the stupid face! Arche the stupid face!" 

I sighed in defeat, lying there on the floor as Lykos and Arthur both laughed at my expense.

"Yes, yes, I deserve this," I muttered, trying not to think about how bad my face must look right now. 

Lykos, of course, was giggling so hard he could barely stand. "You two are so stupid! This is the best day ever!" 

Arthur gave me a knowing smirk.

"Well, at least he's having fun." 

"Yeah," I replied, glaring at the still-laughing Lykos. "Too much fun." 

Lykos suddenly went silent. Arthur and I, sensing the eerie shift, turned to look at him.

He clutched his stomach dramatically and declared, "I'm hungry." 

"Huh…" Arthur and I blinked in unison, stunned by the sudden truce. 

"You're… hungry?" Arthur asked, as if trying to confirm he'd heard correctly. 

Lykos nodded solemnly. 

Arthur and I exchanged looks, our shared expression saying, Is this a trap? But it seemed genuine. 

"Well," I said with a shrug, "guess I'm cooking." 

I headed to the kitchen, feeling unusually confident in my culinary skills.

A short while later, I served up the meal, and we all sat down to eat. 

Lykos happily devoured the food, his earlier chaos now a distant memory.

Arthur and I could finally breathe a little, enjoying the rare moment of peace. 

"This is actually nice," Arthur said, his voice laced with relief. 

"See? My cooking's not bad, huh?" I teased, smirking. 

Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get cocky." 

After we finished eating, Arthur and I plopped down on the sofa, completely drained. 

"Huff… I'm full," I said, leaning back. 

"Same," Arthur replied, his eyes half-closed in contentment. 

We sat there in silence for a moment before a thought began to nag at me. 

"Hey, Arthur," I said, frowning. "I feel like I forgot something…" 

Arthur opened one eye lazily. "What did you forget?" 

"I dunno… something we were supposed to do…" 

Arthur repeated the words, his voice tinged with concern. "Something we were supposed to do…" 

Suddenly, it hit us both like a bolt of lightning. 

"LYKOS!" we shouted in unison, springing to our feet. 

We bolted to his room, dreading what we'd find. And there it was—a masterpiece of destruction.

Toys, crayons, pillows, and what appeared to be glue were scattered everywhere. 

The room looked like a hurricane had decided to take up residence. 

"What the hell…?!" I exclaimed, my jaw dropping. 

Arthur just stood there, staring at the carnage. "Oh…" was all he could manage. 

The room looked like a tornado had personally selected it as its favorite playground.

Toys, clothes, furniture—it was all over the place. Scribbles decorated the walls like some abstract modern art exhibit. 

Arthur stood there, facepalming so hard I thought he might leave a permanent dent in his forehead.

Meanwhile, Lykos sat in the middle of the chaos, grinning innocently as if to say, Who, me?

"Hello, Arche and Arthur," he greeted, as if he hadn't just single-handedly destroyed a room. 

Before I could respond, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen—Lycaon was calling. 

"Hmm?!" I answered quickly. "Hello, Lycaon?" 

"Ah, Arche, just wanted to let you know—I'll be home soon," he said casually, completely unaware of the catastrophe waiting for him. 

My heart sank to my stomach. "Oh, uh, okay. See you soon!" I said, trying to sound normal before hurriedly hanging up. 

I turned to Arthur, wide-eyed and panicking. "Arthur… Lycaon is coming home. Soon." 

Arthur froze, his eyes as big as saucers. "What?! Lycaon is coming home?!" 

"Yes!" I shouted, pacing like a man on the edge. 

Lykos, hearing his dad's name, tilted his head in confusion. "Why are you guys freaking out?" 

"Okay, okay, there's no time to panic!" I announced, clapping my hands like some kind of drill sergeant. "Arthur, you clean the living room!" 

Arthur nodded, rolling up his sleeves. "Got it!" 

"Lykos, you clean this room!" I ordered, pointing directly at the little menace. 

"Me?" Lykos pointed to himself, looking at me like I'd just asked him to solve world hunger. 

"Yes, you! You made this mess, you clean it!" I snapped. 

Lykos crossed his arms and pouted, his bottom lip sticking out dramatically. "But I don't wannaaaa!" 

"Ah, this damn brat!" I groaned, throwing my hands in the air. "Fine, just… stay out of my way!" 

I bolted downstairs to tackle the kitchen, while Arthur started on the living room. 

But of course, Lykos didn't stay out of the way. Oh no, that would've been too easy. 

Every five minutes, he popped up like an annoying jack-in-the-box. 

"Hey, Arthur, want me to help?" he asked, pretending to be helpful, only to knock over a stack of books Arthur had just organized. 

"Oops!" Lykos said with a grin, earning a death glare from Arthur. 

Then he appeared next to me in the kitchen, sticking his finger in the soapy water.

"What's this? Ew, gross!" He flicked bubbles everywhere. 

"Lykos, I swear—" 

"Bastard!" I muttered under my breath, scrubbing furiously at a plate. 

Lykos just giggled, clearly having the time of his life watching us scramble. 

At that moment, I swore I'd never agree to babysit again.

"Arthur... can I beat this kid up...?" I asked, my voice dripping with frustration.

The thought of throwing this little whirlwind out the window was becoming more and more appealing.

Arthur gave me a sympathetic look, his own annoyance clearly visible on his face.

"Trust me, I've had that thought way too many times already," he admitted, rubbing his temples like he was trying to massage away the madness.

And of course, just as I'd finally gotten one area cleaned up, bam, Lykos would charge in and ruin it all.

It was like playing whack-a-mole with chaos. I'd fix one thing, and he'd break three more.

While I was washing the dishes, I felt a rare moment of peace. Looking around, I noticed... there was no Lykos in sight. 

"He... must be exhausted!" I grinned manically, a little too relieved. 

I began to clean the kitchen, humming happily like a person who'd just been freed from prison. 

When I peeked into Lykos' room, I saw him sound asleep on his bed. The little monster was actually taking a nap. 

Arthur, meanwhile, was in the living room, finally getting to tidy up without the constant interference of our pint-sized menace. 

After what felt like a lifetime, we had finally managed to clean up the chaos.

The last thing that needed attention was the graffiti on the wall. 

"We got this," Arthur said, rolling up his sleeves.

We both set to work, scrubbing away the little masterpieces Lykos had left behind. 

It was a struggle, but eventually, the walls were clean, and we could finally breathe without wanting to tear our hair out.

After what felt like an eternity of cleaning and tidying up, Arthur and I collapsed on the floor, panting like we'd just run a marathon.

"Very tired..." I muttered, staring at the ceiling like it held all the answers to life.

Arthur took a deep breath, eyes fixed on the ceiling. "Finally... we're done. I don't think I can move anymore."

Just as we were wallowing in our exhaustion, the sound of a phone ringing broke the silence.

I grabbed mine, seeing Lycaon's name flashing on the screen.

I reluctantly picked up the phone. "Hello...?"

"Arche, sorry, turns out I'll be home late," Lycaon said casually. "I'll be home at night."

I heard a rustling, and then, "Don't worry, I'll pay you guys."

I stared at the phone, utterly speechless.

"Okay..." I muttered, before hanging up. I let out a long, frustrated sigh. "Bastard! Damn it! Damn it!"

Arthur, who had been listening to the whole conversation, turned to me with wide eyes.

"What happened? What did he say?" he asked, sitting up slightly.

"Lycaon will be late... We cleaned up and hurried, and for what? It was all useless..." I groaned, still lying there like a lump.

Arthur let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it all..."

And then, just as we were about to give up on life, we heard the sound of little footsteps.

Lykos, freshly awake from all the commotion, appeared in the doorway with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Did I hear that Dad will be late?" he asked, his voice dripping with glee.

I gave him a tired, half-lidded look, but before I could say anything, the little terror was already running around like a tiny tornado.

Arthur and I could only lie there, defeated. "I surrender," I muttered.

Lykos, now in full chaos mode, started throwing things around and making a mess all over again.

Arthur groaned in frustration, still too tired to move.

But we weren't going to let this house get destroyed again—oh no.

After gathering every last ounce of energy we had, we reluctantly dragged ourselves to our feet.

"Alright, here we go again..." Arthur muttered, and we began the long, painful journey of trying to stop the wild hurricane that was Lykos.

"And that's the story," I said, finishing up my tale of chaos.

The three of them burst out laughing. Saya, nearly doubling over, chuckled, "Haha! You guys lost to a six-year-old kid?"

Amnesia shook his head, laughing as well. "You guys really had it rough, huh?"

Elaina joined in, her voice tinged with amusement. "No wonder you both look so tired!"

Arthur and I exchanged a look, and without needing to say a word, we silently came to a conclusion.

"Never again," we both muttered in unison.

We had learned our lesson the hard way.

Lykos? That wild, uncontainable tornado of a boy? Never again.

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