School Story of Wandering Witches : Arche's Daily Life

Chapter 5: Camera

I held up my camera and snapped a picture of Arthur reading a novel.

The shutter click seemed to echo in the classroom. Arthur looked up, clearly unimpressed.

"...Arche, why are you taking pictures of me?" he asked, his face deadpan.

I spun the camera in my hand dramatically. "Hm? Oh, this? My dad gave it to me."

"Your dad?" He raised an eyebrow. "Since when is he into photography?"

"Ah, you must know by now," I said with a knowing smirk. "His hobbies change faster than the seasons."

Arthur sighed and shook his head. "Right, I forgot. What's he on now? Kite-flying? Macrame?"

"Close enough," I said. "Anyway, want to see what I've photographed so far?"

He leaned closer to the camera, curiosity piqued. "Sure. What's in there?"

"Cats, scenery, cute girls..." I listed casually.

Arthur froze. "Cute girls? Wait... you're not taking perverted pictures, are you?" His tone was accusing, and his eyes narrowed like a detective closing in on his prime suspect.

Feigning innocence, I turned my head away dramatically. "Hmph. Who else would I take photos of?"

"Arche," Arthur said, his voice dropping dangerously low. "Swear to me you're not secretly some creepy shutterbug."

I stood up and stretched leisurely, ignoring his question. "Anyway, I'm off. Later, Arthur."

"Hey, don't change the subject! Come back here!" He jumped up and followed me like a shadow, still determined to get his answer.

As we walked down the corridor, I spotted Miss Fran carrying a book. A spark of inspiration hit me. "Miss Fran! Smile for the camera!"

Without hesitation, she gave a graceful smile and even struck a subtle pose. I snapped the photo with a triumphant "Click!"

"May I see it?" she asked, walking over with genuine interest.

I showed her the photo on the camera screen.

"Oh my," she said, beaming. "You're surprisingly good at this, Arche. I had no idea you could take such charming photos."

"Well, you know me, Miss Fran," I said with a laugh. "Full of hidden talents."

"Hidden trouble is more like it," Arthur muttered from behind me, his suspicion still unwavering.

I ignored him and glanced around. "Alright, who's next? Any suggestions, Arthur?"

A woman approached us with the kind of aura that could scare off wild animals.

"Oh, great. Sheila's here," I muttered under my breath. Sheila was one of our teachers, and let's just say we didn't exactly click.

"Hey, Sheila!" I called out, waving cheerfully.

She scowled, her glare sharp enough to cut steel. "Could you at least try to address me respectfully, you little brat?"

Ignoring the insult, I raised my camera. "Since you're here, how about I take your picture?"

She crossed her arms, frowning as if I'd just asked her to climb a tree. "Why on earth would you want a picture of me?"

"Well, I already took one of Miss Fran earlier," I explained with a shrug.

"Thought I'd round things out by getting one of you too. You know, like completing the set."

Her eyebrow twitched. "We're not Pokémon, Arche! Don't you dare compare us to your weird little collection." She sighed, then added begrudgingly, "...But fine, take your picture."

Arthur, still trailing behind me, whispered, "Wow, that was easier than I expected."

I smirked. "Sheila's just being nice because she secretly loves the attention."

Sheila leaned in dangerously close, her eyes narrowing like a predator about to pounce.

"If these photos make me look bad, Arche, I'll personally ensure your life becomes a living nightmare. Got it?"

I gave a mock salute. "Aye, sir."

Raising the camera, I took a few shots. Click. Click. Click. Sheila was surprisingly photogenic—not that I'd ever admit it to her face.

When I showed her the photos, she inspected them with the intensity of a general reviewing battle plans.

Finally, she gave a grudging nod of approval. "Hmph. You're not half-bad at this."

"Why, thank you," I said with a cheeky grin. "I'll add this to my portfolio: 'Scary Teachers in the Wild.'"

Sheila's glare flared up again.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing! Gotta go! See you later!" I darted away before she could do more than raise her fist.

Arthur, of course, followed close behind, looking increasingly amused.

"So," he asked, smirking, "who's your next victim?"

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, someone who won't threaten me if I mess up. Got any ideas?"

I scanned the area and spotted Amnesia and Avilia walking together, chatting animatedly. Perfect. 

"Amnesia! Avilia!" I called out, waving my arm like I was hailing a carriage. 

They turned toward me, Amnesia tilting her head. "Oh? Arche, what are you up to now?" 

Grinning, I raised my camera. "I just had the best idea! How about I take a picture of you two?" 

Amnesia's face lit up immediately.

"Oh! That sounds fun!" she said enthusiastically. Avilia, ever the quieter one, gave a polite nod of agreement. 

The two of them struck a pose—Amnesia with her signature cheerful smile and Avilia looking more reserved but elegant. Click! Click! 

"Alright, done!" I said, showing them the results on my camera. 

Both of them leaned in to look at the screen, their eyes widening in surprise. 

"Wow! These are amazing!" Amnesia exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. 

Avilia nodded in agreement, her expression softening into a smile.

"You're really good at this, Arche." 

I puffed out my chest dramatically.

"Of course I am! Capturing beauty is my specialty." 

Arthur, still hovering behind me like a curious watchdog, rolled his eyes. That's when inspiration struck me again. 

"Hey, Arthur!" I said, turning to him with a mischievous grin. "How about I take a picture of the three of you?" 

Arthur's face contorted in horror. "H-Huh?!" 

"Or," I added slyly, "would you prefer a picture with just you and Amnesia?" 

His face turned crimson faster than a match catching fire.

"W-What are you even saying?! Of course I'd want a picture with Amnesia and Avilia!" 

Amnesia blinked, clearly caught off guard by his outburst. "Oh, okay! Let's do it, then!" she said, clapping her hands. 

I stifled a laugh as Arthur shuffled awkwardly into position with Amnesia and Avilia.

The three of them posed together while I snapped a few shots, the awkward tension between Arthur and Amnesia almost visible through the lens. 

Afterward, I showed them the photo. "Look at that! You guys look fantastic!" 

Arthur glanced at the picture, his face still glowing red. 

I nudged his arm, lowering my voice just enough to tease him. "Bet you're thrilled to have a photo with Amnesia, huh?" 

"Shut up," he mumbled, but his red ears gave him away. 

After snapping the shot, I glanced around for my next subject. It didn't take long before I spotted Saya and Mina walking nearby. 

"Ah! There you two are!" I called out, waving enthusiastically. 

"Hm?" They turned to me, looking slightly surprised. 

I grinned and raised my camera.

"Saya! Pose!" 

Saya blinked, then immediately struck a dramatic pose, clearly knowing what was coming. "Alright! Ready!" 

I gave a thumbs-up.

"Perfect! I'll send it to Elaina later." 

At the mention of Elaina, Saya's expression softened, and she held her pose longer. "Okay, go ahead!" 

I turned to Mina, who was standing off to the side, a little unsure. "Mina, join in!" 

Before Mina could protest, Saya pulled her into the shot, and I quickly snapped the photo. 

"Good, good! You both look great!" I said, showing them the result on the camera. 

They both leaned in to get a better look, their eyes lighting up. 

"Okay! Send this to Elaina, got it?" Saya said, her voice bright. 

I nodded with a smile.

"Consider it done!" 

As I started to walk away, the thought of one last person I needed a picture of crossed my mind: Elaina. 

Arthur, still following me like an exhausted shadow, sighed loudly. 

"Nobody told you to follow me, you know," I said with a smirk. 

Arthur groaned. "You'll thank me later. Trust me, this will be worth it." 

I wasn't so sure about that, but before I could argue further, I spotted Elaina up ahead, carrying a loaf of bread in one hand. 

"Perfect!" I whispered to myself, then immediately ran toward her, completely ignoring Arthur's warnings. 

"ELAINA!" I called out, catching my breath as I approached her. 

Elaina looked up, a slight frown appearing on her face. "Huh, Arche? What's up?" 

I skidded to a stop in front of her, a little winded. "You—uh, want me to take a picture?" 

Elaina raised an eyebrow, clearly considering it. After a brief pause, she shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" She held up the bread as if it were a prop. 

I instantly went into photographer mode, snapping several shots.

"I've never taken photos this seriously before..." I muttered under my breath, adjusting the camera settings. 

After a few moments, I showed Elaina the results. She squinted at the pictures, then smiled slightly.

"Wow, these are actually really good." 

I felt a warm glow of pride.

"Really? Glad you think so!" 

"I didn't know you were such a good photographer," she teased, her eyes twinkling. 

"Hehe…" I scratched the back of my head, embarrassed but pleased by the praise. 

"Okay, now I'll take a picture of you two," Arthur said, his voice filled with determination.

I turned to him, blinking in surprise. "Us two? You mean you're going to take a picture of me and Elaina?" I asked, just to make sure I heard him right.

"Yeah," he replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Though I'm not expecting it to be as good as your photos, but I picked up a thing or two after watching you."

I couldn't help but beam. "Hey, I'm flattered! Alright, let's see if you can live up to the hype, buddy!" I said, immediately standing next to Elaina.

Elaina raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on here?"

I grinned at her. "Nothing, just letting Arthur try his hand at this whole photography thing. No pressure!"

Arthur adjusted the camera settings with the focus of a man on a mission.

"Okay, prepare yourselves," he said, his tone serious. Then, click, click, click—the shutter sounded off as he snapped a few shots.

Elaina and I posed next to each other, making sure to smile in that perfect, 'we're totally normal, not weird at all' way.

When Arthur finally finished, I grabbed the camera to see the results.

"Whoa… pretty good for an amateur," I said, impressed.

Arthur muttered, "Aren't you an amateur too...?"

I let out a chuckle and slapped him on the back. "Hey, come on, it was a compliment!"

Elaina, who had been quietly watching, looked over at the pictures.

"Hmm… they're actually not bad," she said, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Arthur might have some hidden talent in photography after all."

I grinned at her. "See? He's not completely hopeless."

Arthur, looking slightly embarrassed but trying to hide it, muttered, "Thanks, I guess."

I gave him a thumbs-up. "Okay! I'll send this to you, Elaina! Later!" With that, I dashed off faster than you could say 'awkward,' feeling the all-too-familiar nerves bubbling up inside me.

Elaina called out after me,

"Don't forget the photo, Arche!"

"Sure, sure, I'll remember!" I yelled over my shoulder, already halfway out of range.

On the way back to class, I clapped Arthur on the back, grinning.

"Thank you, Arthur! You are truly a reliable friend!"

Arthur, ever the humble hero, gave me a smirk. "I told you, right? You'll thank me later."

I chuckled, already feeling the excitement bubbling up.

"You're right, I will. I'm going to send this photo to Elaina, and then she and I are going to talk about it all night long!"

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "But how exactly are you planning to send the photo to her?"

I blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Huh?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Your phone is still a flip phone, right? You can't exactly send photos with that."

My eyes widened in horror as the truth hit me. "Wait... what?"

Arthur gave me a teasing look. "You always refuse to buy a new phone when I suggest it. You keep saying they're not important."

My brain froze, the reality slowly sinking in. "Ah… you're right…" I muttered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

I'd brought the camera to take pictures for Elaina, but I had completely forgotten that I couldn't send them to her without the proper tech.

I groaned, my face palming. "Arthur… want to come with me to buy a new phone this weekend?"

Arthur stopped in his tracks, eyes narrowing. "No way. I already told you, I'm leaving this weekend."

"Then who am I supposed to ask for help?!" I cried out, utterly distraught. "Arthur! I don't understand how phones work!"

He gave me an unimpressed look. "And try not to get tricked by the seller, will you?"

"Arthur!" I shouted after him, but he was already walking away, clearly amused by my misery. 

I stood there for a moment, completely defeated. After all the chaos, I finally accepted the truth: I was going to buy a new phone this weekend.

One that's far more advanced than my brain, that's for sure. I mean, at this point, even a toaster probably had better tech than me.

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