Sanctum of Death

Chapter 57: 57

The narrow, steep path leading up the cliff consists of a series of steps, carved directly into the granite and smoothed by centuries of erosion.

"The same people who put up the standing stones cut this path," Simon tells you. "Think of the labor involved, with only stone tools. I think the caves were sacred to them, just as the lake and the forest at Glenkildove were. Maybe they worshipped at the stones in summer and the cave in winter, or the other way around."

"Wow. Imagine knowing all this stuff. You're so smart, Simon," Daniel says mock-earnestly. Despite his light tone, he is clearly slightly exasperated at Simon's pedantic tendencies.

"D'uh?" says Simon, affecting a glassy-eyed, slack-jawed expression.

I encourage Simon to continue talking about the history of the location.

I follow Daniel's lead and turn to lighter topics of conversation.

I will remain quiet and instead silently count the number of steps, trying to estimate the height of the cliff.


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